CS 15-212: Fundamental Structures of Computer Science II

CS 15-212 is the second semester of the Fundamental Structures of Computer Science sequence at Carnegie Mellon University. The goal of the course is to teach high level programming techniques, with an emphasis on abstraction and reasoning about programs. For more information, consult the course syllabus.

This is the home page for the section of 15-212 that is taught using the Standard ML programming language.

What's New?

Class material

Course information

Bulletin Boards

Teaching Staff


John Lafferty Frank Pfenning
Email lafferty@cs.cmu.edu fp@cs
Office WeH 4622, x8-6791 WeH 8127, x8-6343
Office Hours Mon 11:00-12:00 Thu 1:30-2:30

Teaching Assistants

Philip Wickline Doug Fearing Adam Megacz Mark Plesko
Email philipw@cs.cmu.edu fearing+@andrew.cmu.edu megacz@usa.net mp5f+@andrew.cmu.edu
Office DH 4306, x8-1449 WeH 3130 WeH 3130 WeH 3130
Office Hours Wed 10:30am Thu 7:00pm Mon 4:30pm Tue 1:30pm

Course Secretary

Barbara Sandling
Email sandling@cs.cmu.edu
Office WeH 3204, x8-8860

[ home | schedule | language | assignments | handouts | recitations ]

Frank Pfenning