DILDOES FOR SALE HERE..... A young man had just begun working at a new job in an adult novelty store. After the first week, the manager told him, "I'll be out for awhile. Since you understand the job, I'll go ahead and leave you in charge while I'm gone." After the first 20 minutes a middle aged brunette walked in and asked, "How much are your white dildoes? The young man replied, "The white dildo is $20." The woman looked around a bit more and asked, "How much are your black dildoes?" The young man replied, "White dildoes are $20, black dildoes are $20." So the woman told him, "Well, since I've never had a black one before, I'll take the black dildo." After another 20 minutes passed a middle aged black woman walked in and asked, "How much are your black dildoes?" The young man replied, "The black dildo is $20." The woman looked around some more and asked, "How much are your white dildoes?" The young man replied, "Black dildoes are $20, white dildoes are $20." The woman thought a minute and said, "Well, since I've never had a white one before, I'll take the white dildo." After yet another 20 minutes had passed, a young blonde walked in and asked, "How much are your white dildoes?" The young man replied, "The white dildo is $20." The woman looked around a bit more and asked, "How much are your black dildoes?" The young man replied, "White dildoes are $20, black dildoes are $20." So the young blonde thought to herself and suddenly got a puzzled look on her face. She asked, "Hey, how much is that plaid dildo on the shelf behind you?" The young man told her, "Oh, that's a VERY special dildo. It costs$165." The blonde thinks about it for a second and said, "$165, that's pretty expensive, but I've never had a plaid one before." After she left, the manager walked in and asked, "How did it go while I was gone?" The young man said, "Well, I sold a white dildo for $20, a black dildo for $20, and I got $165 for your thermos."