Bovik's Mail--misc/services

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about mailboxes etc on south craig       Jul 89 dmb@SEI.CMU.EDU
Florist recommendation: Alex's Flowers   Jul 88 John Kochmar <kochmar@SEI.CMU.EDU>
Housekeeping Service                     Jul 86 CMCSP3.SLM@PS1.CS.CMU.EDU
bamboo and rice paper                    Jun 86 Ramesh Harjani <harjani@faraday.ECE.CMU.EDU>
recorded books                           Mar 86 Joseph.Ginder@SPICE.CS.CMU.EDU
Books On Tape                            Feb 86 Joseph.Ginder@SPICE.CS.CMU.EDU
Watch & Jewelry Repair                   Jul 85 Kai-Fu.Lee@CMU-CS-SPEECH2.ARPA
ballpoint ink spot removal               Dec 83 Thomas Rodeheffer@CMU-CS-A (C410TR30)
down cleaners                            Mar 83 David Garlan at CMU-CS-A
Re: dry cleaner?                         Jan 83 Rick Gumpertz at CMU-CS-A
Dry Cleaners                             Jan 83 Philip L. Lehman <Philip.Lehman at CMU-CS-A>
dry cleaner                              Jan 83 Lee Brownston at CMU-CS-A
Re: dry cleaner?                         Jan 83 Craig Everhart at CMU-CS-A
Re: dry cleaner?                         Jan 83 Marc.Donner@CMU-CS-VLSI
Re: dry cleaner?                         Jan 83 Carl.Ebeling@CMU-CS-VLSI
Re: dry cleaner?                         Jan 83 Roy Taylor at CMU-CS-A
cleaners                                 Jan 83 Steve.Miller@CMU-RI-ISL

Harry Q. Bovik