Bovik's Mail--misc/barbers

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Re: LIFE OR DEATH POST MUST READ         Sep 101 Madelaine Dusseau <>
Hairdresser Recommendations              Sep 97 Raluca Budiu <>
misc/barbers                             May 97 Daniel Jackson <>
Re: Recommendations for Good Hair Stylis Mar 93 jkr@IUS5.IUS.CS.CMU.EDU
cimini haircut                           Jul 92 David Greene <>
haircut recommendation                   Jul 92 David Greene <>
Hair Cut Recommendation                  Oct 91 Clay Bridges <>
Highly recommended barber in Oakland     Oct 91 Kiumarse.Zamanian@TIGRIS.EDRC.CMU.EDU
[Arthur McNair] Inexpensive Haircuts     Sep 91 Harry_Bovik@K.GP.CS.CMU.EDU
[Viktor Grinberg] Inexpensive Haircut    Sep 91 Harry_Bovik@K.GP.CS.CMU.EDU
[Robert Beck] Inexpensive Haircuts       Sep 91 Harry_Bovik@K.GP.CS.CMU.EDU
Electric Shaver Recommendations          Jun 91 Ingemar.Hulthage@ISL1.RI.CMU.EDU
Hair Stylist Reccommendation, ShadySide  Feb 91 Craig.Marcus@NEEK.FAC.CS.CMU.EDU
Info regarding Inexpensive Haircuts      Jan 91 Arthur.E.McNair@SPEECH2.CS.CMU.EDU
Barber                                   Jul 89 William.Welch@A.GP.CS.CMU.EDU
haircuts                                 May 89 Richard.Volpe@IUS1.CS.CMU.EDU
barber                                   Nov 85 Randy.Pausch@A.SEI.CMU.EDU
barber shop                              Mar 83 Seshashayee Murthy <Murthy@CMU-CS-C>
Re: Old fashioned haircut??              Jul 81 David Klahr at CMU-10A
Re: Old fashioned haircut??              Jul 81 Steven Elkind at CMU-10A

Harry Q. Bovik