12:00 Wed 19 Jun 1996, WeH 7220 ----------------------------------------------------- Title: Causal Ordering and Causal Discovery Speaker: Marek J. Druzdzel Department of Information Science and Intelligent Systems Program University of Pittsburgh Abstract: In this talk, I will briefly review the mechanism-based view of causality (Simon 1953; Iwasaki and Simon 1986; Druzdzel and Simon 1993) and the link between causal ordering and directed probabilistic graphs, such as Bayesian belief networks. I will apply this view to the study of assumptions underlying the conditional independence search approach to causal discovery from observation (Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines; Pearl and Verma). (A close relative of this work is known as learning Bayesian belief networks from data.) I will propose a deterministic definition of independence and show a link between the work in econometrics on the problem of identifiability and the causal discovery work, discussing the assumptions made in the latter and their identifying strength. I will also sketch the search-based causal discovery algorithms in terms of discovery of structure in structural equation models. --- (This is joint work with Herb Simon.)