Inference and learning in models of complex stochastic systems Daphne Koller Stanford University Consider a real-world dynamic system such as a complex physical device whose state changes over time, or a robot interacting with a complex environment. Such systems involve many relevant variables, exhibit unpredictable dynamics, and involve variables that we can never observe. Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) can be used to provide compact models of such systems. I will discuss how to perform inference in these models and how to learn them from data. The main technical difficulty is that most algorithms involve the use of a belief state --- a probability distribution over the state of the process at a given point in time. Unfortunately, most real-world systems are too complex to allow a belief state to be represented exactly. In the talk, I will discuss an approximate inference algorithm that exploits the hierarchical structure of real-world domains to allow efficient inference even for large complex systems. I will present a theoretical analysis that allows us to bound the error resulting from our approximation. Empirical results show that our algorithm achieves orders of magnitude faster inference with only a tiny degradation in accuracy. We can extend these techniques to apply to hybrid systems -- ones involving both discrete and continuous variables. I will present some results for the hybrid algorithm on a complex diagnosis task. The inference algorithm also forms the key subroutine within algorithms that learn models directly from data, allowing dramatic speedups in learning. These techniques allow us to apply probabilistic modeling to complex dynamic systems. Joint work with: Xavier Boyen, Uri Lerner, and Ron Parr.