She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year. (sa1) Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that. (sa2) This was easy for us. (sx3) Jane may earn more money by working hard. (sx4) She is thinner than I am. (sx5) Bright sunshine shimmers on the ocean. (sx6) Nothing is as offensive as innocence. (sx7) Why yell or worry over silly items? (sx8) Where were you while we were away? (sx9) Are your grades higher or lower than Nancy's? (sx10) He will allow a rare lie. (sx11) Will Robin wear a yellow lily? (sx12) Swing your arm as high as you can. (sx13) Before Thursday's exam, review every formula. (sx14) The museum hires musicians every evening. (sx15) A roll of wire lay near the wall. (sx16) Carl lives in a lively home. (sx17) Alimony harms a divorced man's wealth. (sx18) Aluminum silverware can often be flimsy. (sx19) She wore warm, fleecy, woolen overalls. (sx20) Alfalfa is healthy for you. (sx21) When all else fails, use force. (sx22) Those musicians harmonize marvelously. (sx23) Although always alone, we survive. (sx24) Only lawyers love millionaires. (sx25) Most young rise early every morning. (sx26) Did dad do academic bidding? (sx27) Beg that guard for one gallon of gas. (sx28) Help Greg to pick a peck of potatoes. (sx29) Get a calico cat to keep. (sx30) A good attitude is unbeatable. (sx31) It's fun to roast marshmallows on a gas burner. (sx32) Coconut cream pie makes a nice dessert. (sx33) Don't do Charlie's dirty dishes. (sx34) Help celebrate your brother's success. (sx35) Only the most accomplished artists obtain popularity. (sx36) Critical equipment needs proper maintenance. (sx37) Young people participate in athletic activities. (sx38) Barb's gold bracelet was a graduation present. (sx39) Stimulating discussions keep students' attention. (sx40) Etiquette mandates compliance with existing regulations. (sx41) Biblical scholars argue history. (sx42) Elderly people are often excluded. (sx43) Basketball can be an entertaining sport. (sx44) Addition and subtraction are learned skills. (sx45) That pickpocket was caught red-handed. (sx46) Mom strongly dislikes appetizers. (sx47) Grandmother outgrew her upbringing in petticoats. (sx48) At twilight on the twelfth day we'll have Chablis. (sx49) Catastrophic economic cutbacks neglect the poor. (sx50) Ambidextrous pickpockets accomplish more. (sx51) Her classical performance gained critical acclaim. (sx52) Even a simple vocabulary contains symbols. (sx53) The eastern coast is a place for pure pleasure and excitement. (sx54) The lack of heat compounded the tenant's grievances. (sx55) Academic aptitude guarantees your diploma. (sx56) The prowler wore a ski mask for disguise. (sx57) We experience distress and frustration obtaining our degrees. (sx58) The singer's finger had a splinter. (sx59) The legislature met to judge the state of public education. (sx60) Chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic gift. (sx61) Any contributions will be greatly appreciated. (sx62) Continental drift is a geological theory. (sx63) Regular attendance is seldom required. (sx64) Challenge each general's intelligence. (sx65) We got drenched from the uninterrupted rain. (sx66) Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases. (sx67) Upgrade your status to reflect your wealth. (sx68) Eat your raisins outdoors on the porch steps. (sx69) Did you eat yet? (sx70) Porcupines resemble sea urchins. (sx71) Spring Street is straight ahead. (sx72) Cliff's display was misplaced on the screen. (sx73) An official deadline cannot be postponed. (sx74) Fill that canteen with fresh spring water. (sx75) Gently place Jim's foam sculpture in the box. (sx76) Bagpipes and bongos are musical instruments. (sx77) Doctors prescribe drugs too freely. (sx78) Will you please describe the idiotic predicament. (sx79) It's illegal to postdate a check. (sx80) It's impossible to deal with bureaucracy. (sx81) Good service should be rewarded by big tips. (sx82) My instructions desperately need updating. (sx83) Cooperation along with understanding alleviate dispute. (sx84) Cement is measured in cubic yards. (sx85) Hispanic costumes are quite colorful. (sx86) Primitive tribes have an upbeat attitude. (sx87) Flying standby can be practical if you want to save money. (sx88) It's hard to tell an original from a forgery. (sx89) The Thinker is a famous sculpture. (sx90) The misprint provoked an immediate disclaimer. (sx91) A large household needs lots of appliances. (sx92) Cut a small corner off each edge. (sx93) Youngsters love common candy as treats. (sx94) Iguanas and alligators are tropical reptiles. (sx95) Masquerade parties tax one's imagination. (sx96) Penguins live near the icy Antarctic. (sx97) Guess the question from the answer. (sx98) Medieval society was based on hierarchies. (sx99) Project development was proceeding too slowly. (sx100) Kindergarten children decorate their classrooms for all holidays. (sx101) Special task forces rescue hostages from kidnappers. (sx102) Call an ambulance for medical assistance. (sx103) He stole a dime from a beggar. (sx104) You must explicitly delete files. (sx105) A huge tapestry hung in her hallway. (sx106) Birthday parties have cupcakes and ice cream. (sx107) His scalp was blistered from today's hot sun. (sx108) She slipped and sprained her ankle on the steep slope. (sx109) The best way to learn is to solve extra problems. (sx110) His sudden departure shocked the cast. (sx111) Tugboats are capable of hauling huge loads. (sx112) A muscular abdomen is good for your back. (sx113) The cartoon features a muskrat and a tadpole. (sx114) The emblem depicts the Acropolis all aglow. (sx115) Clasp the screw in your left hand. (sx116) The mango and the papaya are in a bowl. (sx117) Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. (sx118) The misquote was retracted with an apology. (sx119) The coyote, bobcat,and hyena are wild animals. (sx120) Trespassing is forbidden and subject to penalty. (sx121) Encyclopedias seldom present anecdotal evidence. (sx122) A screwdriver is made from vodka and orange juice. (sx123) Objects made of pewter are beautiful. (sx124) Westchester is a county in New York. (sx125) Artificial intelligence is for real. (sx126) The emperor had a mean temper. (sx127) Lots of foreign movies have subtitles. (sx128) Angora cats are furrier than Siamese. (sx129) He ate four extra eggs for breakfast. (sx130) We plan to build a new beverage plant. (sx131) Publicity and notoriety go hand in hand. (sx132) Pizzerias are convenient for a quick lunch. (sx133) December and January are nice months to spend in Miami. (sx134) Technical writers can abbreviate in bibliographies. (sx135) Scientific progress comes from the development of new techniques. (sx136) Tradition requires parental approval for under-age marriage. (sx137) The clumsy customer spilled some expensive perfume. (sx138) The bungalow was pleasantly situated near the shore. (sx139) Agricultural products are unevenly distributed. (sx140) Pledge to participate in Nevada's aquatic competition. (sx141) Which long article was opaque and needed clarification? (sx142) The sound of Jennifer's bugle scared the antelope. (sx143) The willowy woman wore a muskrat coat. (sx144) Too much curiosity can get you into trouble. (sx145) Cyclical programs will never compile. (sx146) Correct execution of my instructions is crucial. (sx147) Most precincts had a third of the votes counted. (sx148) While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times. (sx149) Vietnamese cuisine is exquisite. (sx150) The previous speaker presented ambiguous results. (sx151) Mosquitoes exist in warm, humid climates. (sx152) Scholastic aptitude is judged by standardized tests. (sx153) Orange juice tastes funny after toothpaste. (sx154) The water contained too much chlorine and stung his eyes. (sx155) Our experiment's positive outcome was unexpected. (sx156) Remove the splinter with a pair of tweezers. (sx157) The drunkard is a social outcast. (sx158) The government sought authorization of his citizenship. (sx159) As coauthors, we presented our new book to the haughty audience. (sx160) As a precaution, the outlaws bought gunpowder for their stronghold. (sx161) Her auburn hair reminded him of autumn leaves. (sx162) They remained lifelong friends and companions. (sx163) Curiosity and mediocrity seldom coexist. (sx164) The easygoing zoologist relaxed throughout the voyage. (sx165) Biologists use radioactive isotopes to study microorganisms. (sx166) Employee layoffs coincided with the company's reorganization. (sx167) Who took the kayak down the bayou? (sx168) How would you evaluate this algebraic expression? (sx169) The Mayan neoclassic scholar disappeared while surveying ancient ruins. (sx170) The diagnosis was discouraging; however, he was not overly worried. (sx171) The triumphant warrior exhibited naive heroism. (sx172) Whoever cooperates in finding Nan's cameo will be rewarded. (sx173) The haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio-visual effects. (sx174) Severe myopia contributed to Ron's inferiority complex. (sx175) Buying a thoroughbred horse requires intuition and expertise. (sx176) Does creole cooking use curry? (sx177) She encouraged her children to make their own Halloween costumes. (sx178) We could barely see the fjords through the snow flurries. (sx179) Almost all colleges are now coeducational. (sx180) Rich looked for spotted hyenas and jaguars on the safari. (sx181) Thick glue oozed out of the tube. (sx182) Why else would Danny allow others to go? (sx183) The cat's meow always hurts my ears. (sx184) Did you buy any corduroy overalls? (sx185) Would a tomboy often play outdoors? (sx186) They often go out in the evening. (sx187) Who authorized the unlimited expense account? (sx188) Destroy every file related to my audits. (sx189) Serve the coleslaw after I add the oil. (sx190) Withdraw all phony accusations at once. (sx191) Straw hats are out of fashion this year. (sx192) Why buy oil when you always use mine? (sx193) They enjoy it when I audition. (sx194) Would you allow acts of violence? (sx195) How do oysters make pearls? (sx196) Draw each graph on a new axis. (sx197) Norwegian sweaters are made of lamb's wool. (sx198) Young children should avoid exposure to contagious diseases. (sx199) Ralph controlled the stopwatch from the bleachers. (sx200) Approach your interview with statuesque composure. (sx201) How much allowance do you get? (sx202) The causeway ended abruptly at the shore. (sx203) Even I occasionally get the Monday blues! (sx204) Military personnel are expected to obey government orders. (sx205) When peeling an orange, it is hard not to spray juice. (sx206) Do you hear the sleigh bells ringing? (sx207) Rob sat by the pond and sketched the stray geese. (sx208) Michael colored the bedroom wall with crayons. (sx209) Jeff's toy go-cart never worked! (sx210) Only the best players enjoy popularity. (sx211) I gave them several choices and let them set the priorities. (sx212) The news agency hired a great journalist. (sx213) The morning dew on the spider web glistened in the sun. (sx214) The sermon emphasized the need for affirmative action. (sx215) The small boy put the worm on the hook. (sx216) How permanent are their records? (sx217) Try to recall the events in chronological order. (sx218) Nonprofit organizations have frequent fund raisers. (sx219) The most recent geological survey found seismic activity. (sx220) Cory attacked the project with extra determination. (sx221) You always come up with pathological examples. (sx222) Put the butcher block table in the garage. (sx223) How good is your endurance? (sx224) Keep the thermometer under your tongue! (sx225) Steph could barely handle the psychological trauma. (sx226) It's healthier to cook without sugar. (sx227) The viewpoint overlooked the ocean. (sx228) Are you looking for employment? (sx229) Allow leeway here, but rationalize all errors. (sx230) I honor my mom. (sx231) His failure to open the store by eight cost him his job. (sx232) Highway and freeway mean the same thing. (sx233) The paper boy bought two apples and three ices. (sx234) I itemize all accounts in my agency. (sx235) Clear pronunciation is appreciated. (sx236) The courier was a dwarf. (sx237) A doctor was in the ambulance with the patient. (sx238) Puree some fruit before preparing the skewers. (sx239) It's not easy to create illuminating examples. (sx240) The hallway opens into a huge chamber. (sx241) May I order a strawberry sundae after I eat dinner? (sx242) They all agree that the essay is barely intelligible. (sx243) Herb's birthday occurs frequently on Thanksgiving. (sx244) Does Hindu ideology honor cows? (sx245) How ancient is this subway escalator? (sx246) The cigarettes in the clay ashtray overflowed onto the oak table. (sx247) Reading in poor light gives you eyestrain. (sx248) I ate every oyster on Nora's plate. (sx249) The Boston Ballet overcame their funding shortage. (sx250) We apply auditory modeling to computer speech recognition. (sx251) The gorgeous butterfly ate a lot of nectar. (sx252) By eating yogurt, you may live longer. (sx253) Do they allow atheists in church? (sx254) My ideal morning begins with hot coffee. (sx255) The irate actor stomped away idiotically. (sx256) We are open every Monday evening. (sx257) The essay undeniably reflects our view ably. (sx258) Tornados often destroy acres of farm land. (sx259) Remember to allow identical twins to enter freely. (sx260) Do you have the yellow ointment ready? (sx261) Can the agency overthrow alien forces? (sx262) How oily do you like your salad dressing? (sx263) We saw eight tiny icicles below our roof. (sx264) The saw is broken, so chop the wood instead. (sx265) Withdraw only as much money as you need. (sx266) Draw every outer line first, then fill in the interior. (sx267) The jaw operates by using antagonistic muscles. (sx268) Do atypical farmers grow oats? (sx269) Are holiday aprons available to us? (sx270) Be careful not to plow over the flower beds. (sx271) Allow each child to have an ice pop. (sx272) The angry boy answered but didn't look up. (sx273) Cliff was soothed by the luxurious massage. (sx274) Steve wore a bright red cashmere sweater. (sx275) John's brother repainted the garage door. (sx276) The rose corsage smelled sweet. (sx277) To further his prestige, he occasionally reads the Wall Street Journal. (sx278) Alice's ability to work without supervision is noteworthy. (sx279) The oasis was a mirage. (sx280) Cory and Trish played tag with beach balls for hours. (sx281) The tooth fairy forgot to come when Roger's tooth fell out. (sx282) Planned parenthood organizations promote birth control. (sx283) Jeff thought you argued in favor of a centrifuge purchase. (sx284) Rich purchased several signed lithographs. (sx285) In every major cloverleaf, traffic sometimes gets backed up. (sx286) In the long run, it pays to buy quality clothing. (sx287) Brush fires are common in the dry underbrush of Nevada. (sx288) Weatherproof galoshes are very useful in Seattle. (sx289) This brochure is particularly informative for a prospective buyer. (sx290) The avalanche triggered a minor earthquake. (sx291) These exclusive documents must be locked up at all times. (sx292) Please take this dirty table cloth to the cleaners for me. (sx293) Should giraffes be kept in small zoos? (sx294) If Carol comes tomorrow, have her arrange for a meeting at two. (sx295) The two artists exchanged autographs. (sx296) Rock-and-roll music has a great rhythm. (sx297) I'd rather not buy these shoes than be overcharged. (sx298) Shaving cream is a popular item on Halloween. (sx299) Amoebas change shape constantly. (sx300) We like bleu cheese but Victor prefers swiss cheese. (sx301) Tofu is made from processed soybeans. (sx302) The bluejay flew over the high building. (sx303) Cheap stockings run the first time they're worn. (sx304) Cottage cheese with chives is delicious. (sx305). A chosen few will become Generals. (sx306) The meeting is now adjourned. (sx307) Shipbuilding is a most fascinating process. (sx308) The proof that you are seeking is not available in books. (sx309) The hood of the jeep was steaming in the hot sun. (sx310) My desires are simple: give me one informative paragraph on the subject. (sx311) Those answers will be straightforward if you think them through carefully first. (sx312) Drop five forms in the box before you go out. (sx313) If people were more generous, there would be no need for welfare. (sx314) Bob found more clams at the ocean's edge. (sx315) That dog chases cats mercilessly. (sx316) The cranberry bog gets very pretty in Autumn. (sx317) Please dig my potatoes up before frost. (sx318) A big goat idly ambled through the farmyard. (sx319) The nearest synagogue may not be within walking distance. (sx320) The groundhog clearly saw his shadow, but stayed out only a moment. (sx321) A leather handbag would be a suitable gift. (sx322) The fog prevented them from arriving on time. (sx323) The local drugstore was charged with illegally dispensing tranquilizers. (sx324) The full moon shone brightly that night. (sx325) Steve collects rare and novel coins. (sx326) Al received a joint appointment in the biology and the engineering departments. (sx327) Gregory and Tom chose to watch cartoons in the afternoon. (sx328) Chip postponed alimony payments until the latest possible date. (sx329) Count the number of teaspoons of soysauce that you add. (sx330) The big dog loved to chew on the old rag doll. (sx331) Todd placed top priority on getting his bike fixed. (sx332) An adult male baboon's teeth are not suitable for eating shellfish. (sx333) Often you'll get back more than you put in. (sx334) Gus saw pine trees and redwoods on his walk through Sequoia National Forest. (sx335) Rob made Hungarian goulash for dinner and gooseberry pie for desert. (sx336) Bob bandaged both wounds with the skill of a doctor. (sx337) The dark, murky lagoon wound around for miles. (sx338) Did Shawn catch that big goose without help? (sx339) Ducks have webbed feet and colorful feathers. (sx340) The high security prison was surrounded by barbed wire. (sx341) Take charge of choosing her bride's maids' gowns. (sx342) The frightened child was gently subdued by his big brother. (sx343) I know I didn't meet her early enough. (sx344) Trish saw hours and hours of movies Saturday. (sx345) The barracuda recoiled from the serpent's poisonous fangs. (sx346) The patient and the surgeon are both recuperating from the lengthy operation. (sx347) I'll have a scoop of that exotic purple and turquoise sherbet. (sx348) The preschooler couldn't verbalize her feelings about the emergency conditions. (sx349) Many wealthy tycoons splurged and bought both a yacht and a schooner. (sx350) The new suburbanites worked hard on refurbishing their older home. (sx351) According to my interpretation of the problem, two lines must be perpendicular. (sx352) A connoisseur will enjoy this shellfish dish. (sx353) A lawyer was appointed to execute her will. (sx354) Dolphins are intelligent marine mammals. (sx355) Diane may splurge and buy a turquoise necklace. (sx356) The moisture in my eyes is from eyedrops, not from tears. (sx357) George seldom watches daytime movies. (sx358) The system may break down soon, so save your files frequently. (sx359) I assume moisture will damage this ship's hull. (sx360) The speech symposium might begin Monday. (sx361) The annoying raccoons slipped into Phil's garden every night. (sx362) The cow wandered from the farmland and became lost. (sx363) Each untimely income loss coincided with the breakdown of a heating system part. (sx364) The gunman kept his victim cornered at gunpoint for three hours. (sx365) Will you please confirm government policy regarding waste removal? (sx366) The surplus shoes were sold at a discount price. (sx367) Lori's costume needed black gloves to be completely elegant. (sx368) Bob papered over the living room murals. (sx369) That noise problem grows more annoying each day. (sx370) Right now may not be the best time for business mergers. (sx371) That diagram makes sense only after much study. (sx372) A boring novel is a superb sleeping pill. (sx373) John cleans shellfish for a living. (sx374) Growing well-kept gardens is very time consuming. (sx375) Women may never become completely equal to men. (sx376) She always jokes about too much garlic in his food. (sx377) I just saw Jim near the new archeological museum. (sx378) Pam gives driving lessons on Thursdays. (sx379) Why charge money for such garbage? (sx380) We welcome many new students each year. (sx381) George is paranoid about a future gas shortage. (sx382) The carpet cleaners shampooed our oriental rug. (sx383) Please shorten this skirt for Joyce. (sx384) His shoulder felt as if it were broken. (sx385) Which church do the Smiths worship in? (sx386) The giant redwoods shimmered in the glistening sun. (sx387) Her right hand aches whenever the barometric pressure changes. (sx388) They own a big house in the remote countryside. (sx389) He picked up nine pairs of socks for each brother. (sx390) They all like long hot showers. (sx391) A young mouse scampered across the field and disappeared. (sx392) She uses both names interchangeably. (sx393) Calcium makes bones and teeth strong. (sx394) I took her word for it, but is she really going with you? (sx395) The fish began to leap frantically on the surface of the small lake. (sx396) Tim takes Sheila to see movies twice a week. (sx397) Children can consume many fruit candies in one sitting. (sx398) They assume no burglar will ever enter here. (sx399) Just drop notices in any suggestion box. (sx400) The taxicab broke down and caused a traffic jam. (sx401) We'll serve rhubarb pie after Rachel's talk. (sx402) Her wardrobe consists of only skirts and blouses. (sx403) Barb burned paper and leaves in a big bonfire. (sx404) Of course you can have another tunafish sandwich. (sx405) There was a gigantic wasp next to Irving's big top hat. (sx406) Laugh, dance, and sing if fortune smiles upon you. (sx407) I'd ride the subway, but I haven't enough change. (sx408) Eating spinach nightly increases strength miraculously. (sx409) Greg buys fresh milk each weekday morning. (sx410) Butterscotch fudge goes well with vanilla ice cream. (sx411) Gwen planted green beans in her vegetable garden. (sx412) Daphne's Swedish needlepoint scarf matched her skirt. (sx413) Irish youngsters eat fresh kippers for breakfast. (sx414) Move the garbage nearer to the large window. (sx415) A huge power outage rarely occurs. (sx416) Valley lodge yearly celebrates the first calf born. (sx417) Iris thinks this zoo has eleven Spanish zebras. (sx418) The football team coach has a watch thin as a dime. (sx419) Seamstresses attach zippers with a thimble, needle, and thread. (sx420) Those who teach values first abolish cheating. (sx421) Once you finish greasing your chain, be sure to wash thoroughly. (sx422) Smash lightbulbs and their cash value will diminish to nothing. (sx423) Top zinnias rarely have crooked stems. (sx424) Movies never have enough villains. (sx425) A moth zig-zagged along the path through Otto's garden. (sx426) Every cab needs repainting often. (sx427) A crab challenged me, but a quick stab vanquished him. (sx428) A toothpaste tube should be squeezed from the bottom. (sx429) Those who are not purists use canned vegetables when making stew. (sx430) The fifth jar contains big, juicy peaches. (sx431) Coffee is grown on steep, jungle-like slopes in temperate zones. (sx432) The overweight charmer could slip poison into anyone's tea. (sx433) Each stag surely finds a big fawn. (sx434) The rich should invest in black zircons instead of stylish shoes. (sx435) Please sing just the club theme. (sx436) They used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists. (sx437) Shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy. (sx438) That stinging vapor was caused by chloride vaporization. (sx439) The advertising verse of Plymouth Variety Store never changes. (sx440) Don't look for group valuables in a bank vault. (sx441) Suburban housewives often suffer from the gab habit. (sx442) A lone star shone in the early evening sky. (sx443) The toddler found a clamshell near the camp site. (sx444) What is this large thing by the ironing board? (sx445) Thomas thinks a larger clamp solves the problem. (sx446) First add milk to the shredded cheese. (sx447) Spherical gifts are difficult to wrap. (sx448) Ralph prepared red snapper with fresh lemon sauce for dinner. (sx449) Roy ignored the spurious data points in drawing the graph. (sx450) The thick elm forest was nearly overwhelmed by Dutch Elm Disease. (sx451) In developing film, many toxic chemicals are used. (sx452) * Next 1890 sentences are TI selected natural sentences. Everything went real smooth, the sheriff said. (si453) If you destroy confidence in banks, you do something to the economy, he said. (si454) One validated acts of school districts. (si455) Two other cases also were under advisement. (si456) Both figures would go higher in later years. (si457) This is not a program of socialized medicine. (si458) He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals. (si459) Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation. (si460) Day after day some new episode is reported. (si461) It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories. (si462) The hotel owner shrugged. (si463) The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor. (si464) Nobody really expects to evacuate. (si465) Then we'd really have someplace to go. (si466) He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss. (si467) There is definitely some ligament damage in his knee. (si468) In fact our whole defensive unit did a good job. (si469) A quick touchdown resulted. (si470) Suddenly my reflexes are gone. (si471) He played basketball there while working toward a law degree. (si472) Yet he remains the fiercest of competitors. (si473) The golfing fathers ruled in his favor. (si474) They will take a wedding trip later. (si475) So, if anybody solicits by phone, make sure you mail the dough to the above. (si476) Her position covers a number of daily tasks common to any social director. (si477) The job also covers a number of other items. (si478) The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction. (si479) Range was a vital detail. (si480) This, he added, brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances. (si481) There was no confirmation of such massive assaults from independent sources. (si482) The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles. (si483) The family requests that flowers be omitted. (si484) Both cars were slightly damaged. (si485) It was time to go up myself. (si486) "Cable confirmation", it said translated. (si487) They make gin saws and deal in parts, supplies and some used gin machinery. (si488) We must be ready for any needed sacrifice. (si489) Maybe it's taking longer to get things squared away than the bankers expected. (si490) Hiring the wife for one's company may win her tax-aided retirement income. (si491) So he hides the mayonnaise. (si492) Unfortunately, there is still little demand for broccoli and cauliflower. (si493) Bake slowly at least one-half hour longer. (si494) They either walked or were driven. (si495) They could walk, ride on a bus or be driven. (si496) Displayed as lamps, the puppets delight the children and are decorative accent. (si497) To create such a lamp, order a wired pedestal from any lamp shop. (si498) The scalloped edge is particularly appealing. (si499) There are more obvious nymphomaniacs on any private-eye series. (si500) But this doesn't detract from its merit as an interesting, if not great, film. (si501) And you think you have language problems. (si502) Very austere yet racy. (si503) Where do you put the lighter fluid, ha, ha? (si504) This excellent foreign bomb takes only six. (si505) They polished the windshield. (si506) Ideally, he knew, it should be preceded by concrete progress at lower levels. (si507) Mollusks are a case in point. (si508) This is a significant advance but its import should not be exaggerated. (si509) Adequate compensation is indispensable. (si510) This is a problem that goes considerably beyond questions of salary and tenure. (si511) It was most effective against trade unions. (si512) This is no surprising trait for a ballplayer. (si513) You're afraid to talk to a guy you idolize. (si514) Little geeing and hawing have been necessary. (si515) Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town. (si516) Confusion became chaos; each succeeding day brought new acts of violence. (si517) Higher toll rates also are helping boost revenues. (si518) That added traffic means rising streams of dimes and quarters at toll gates. (si519) Success, for many turnpikes, has come hard. (si520) Traffic frequently has failed to measure up to engineers' rosy estimates. (si521) Progress is being made, too, in improving motorists' access to many turnpikes. (si522) Under this law annual grants are given to systems in substantial amounts. (si523) Within a system, however, the autonomy of each member library is preserved. (si524) The desire and ability to read are important aspects of our cultural life. (si525) We congratulate the entire membership on its record of good legislation. (si526) The boost is helpful but inadequate. (si527) Thereupon followed a demonstration that tyranny knows no ideological confines. (si528) Wooded stream valleys in the folds of earth would be saved. (si529) His election, on the other hand, would unquestionably strengthen the regulars. (si530) He spoke briefly, sensibly, to the point and without oratorical flourishes. (si531) Further, it has its work cut out stopping anarchy where it is now garrisoned. (si532) Fools, he bayed, what do you think you are doing? (si533) He earnestly urged a cease-fire. (si534) Too many have bogged down in bickering. (si535) So we note approvingly a fresh sample of unanimity. (si536) It is one of the rare public ventures here on which nearly everyone is agreed. (si537) County officials have cooperated consistently. (si538) But that heritage is shrinking even faster. (si539) Thus there is a clearer division of authority, administrative and legislative. (si540) It helps those people who help themselves. (si541) She came back the other day to reassure me. (si542) Jokes, cartoons and cynics to the contrary, mothers-in-law make good friends. (si543) Theirs is a sacrificial life by earthly standards. (si544) But how little love we give him! (si545) The narrow fringe of sadness that ran around it only emphasized the pleasure. (si546) Would a blue feather in a man's hat make him happy all day? (si547) Never happier in my life. (si548) These programs emphasize the acceptance of biracial classrooms peacefully. (si549) You certainly can't expect the infield to do any better than it did last year. (si550) Is the mother of an autistic child at fault? (si551) We think differently. (si552) As a rule, the autistic child doesn't enjoy physical contact with others. (si553) Or certain words or rituals that child and adult go through may do the trick. (si554) Only ingenuity will uncover it. (si555) We did not accept the diagnosis at once, but gradually we are coming to. (si556) How do they turn out later? (si557) Is a relaxed home atmosphere enough to help her outgrow these traits? (si558) They seem darned proud of it. (si559) Where only one club existed before, he says, two will flourish henceforth. (si560) This is going to be a language lesson, and you can master it in a few minutes. (si561) Family loyalties and cooperative work have been unbroken for generations. (si562) Heels place emphasis on the long legged silhouette. (si563) Wine glass heels are to be found in both high and semi-heights. (si564) Stacked heels are also popular on dressy or tailored shoes. (si565) Contrast trim provides other touches of color. (si566) At the left is a pair of dressy straw pumps in a light, but crisp texture. (si567) At right is a casual style in a crushed unlined white leather. (si568) Most of us brush our teeth by hand. (si569) The bristles are soft enough to massage the gums and not scratch the enamel. (si570) "Steam baths" writes: do steam baths have any health value? (si571) "Sewing brings numbness" writes: what makes my hands numb when sewing? (si572) Teaching guides are included with each record. (si573) It motivates his behavior. (si574) He doesn't want her to look frowningly at him, or speak to him angrily. (si575) But even mother's loving attitude will not always prevent misbehavior. (si576) She can decrease the number of temptations. (si577) She can remove all knick-knacks within reach. (si578) Usually, they titter loudly after they have passed by. (si579) Too often, unless he hails them, they pass him by. (si580) Say he is a horse thief, runs an old adage. (si581) It seems that open season upon veterans' hospitalization is once more upon us. (si582) This we can sympathetically understand. (si583) This is taxation without representation. (si584) Our entire economy will have a terrific uplift. (si585) One even gave my little dog a biscuit. (si586) Maybe he will help to turn our fair city into a ghost town. (si587) Why do we need bigger and better bombs? (si588) One of the problems associated with the expressway stems from the basic idea. (si589) Bridges, tunnels and ferries are the most common methods of river crossings. (si590) Replace it with the statue of one or another of the world's famous dictators. (si591) Who wants this deed done? (si592) The gallant half-city is dying on its feet. (si593) The trial balloons are afloat. (si594) Their privations are almost beyond endurance. (si595) On these they feel they can rely. (si596) The moment of truth is the moment of crisis. (si597) New self-deceiving rags are hurriedly tossed on the too-naked bones. (si598) What explains this uni-directional paralysis? (si599) Originals are not necessarily good and adaptations are not necessarily bad. (si600) But that explanation is only partly true. (si601) But the ships are very slow now, and we don't get so many sailors any more. (si602) Melancholy obsession. (si603) They were shown how to advance against an enemy outpost atop a cleared ridge. (si604) We would lose our export markets and deny ourselves the imports we need. (si605) With this no loyal citizen can quarrel. (si606) Mercenary: term of honor? (si607) This possibility is anything but reassuring. (si608) The public is now armed with sophistication and numerous competing media. (si609) But the attack was made from an advance copy. (si610) Well, now we have two big theaters. (si611) Splendor by sorcery: it's a horror. (si612) One-upmanship is practiced by both sides in a total war. (si613) This big, flexible voice with uncommon range has been superbly disciplined. (si614) Her debut over, perhaps the earlier scenes will emerge equally fine. (si615) He injected more vitality into the score than it has revealed in many years. (si616) The storyline, in sort, is wildly unrealistic. (si617) He talked about unauthentic storylines too. (si618) He praises many individuals generously. (si619) His portrayal of an edgy head-in-the-clouds artist is virtually flawless. (si620) Not a corner has been visibly cut in this one. (si621) The master's hand has lost none of its craft. (si622) He showed puny men attacked by splendidly tyrannical machines. (si623) He may have a point in urging that decadent themes be given fewer prizes. (si624) A tiny handful never did make the concert. (si625) The works are presented chronologically. (si626) The humor of the situation can be imagined. (si627) It all takes place in the eighteenth century. (si628) His technique is ample and his musical ideas are projected beautifully. (si629) What a discussion can ensue when the title of this type of song is in question. (si630) Program note reads as follows: take hands; this urgent visage beckons us. (si631) The orchestra was obviously on its mettle and it played most responsively. (si632) He liked to nip ear lobes of unsuspecting visitors with his needle-sharp teeth. (si633) Here, he is, quite persuasively, the very embodiment of meanness and slyness. (si634) He is a man of major talent -- but a man of solitary, uncertain impulses. (si635) He was above all a friend seeker, almost pathetic in his eagerness to be liked. (si636) He enlisted a staff of loyal experts and of many zealous volunteers. (si637) This theory eventually proved inexact. (si638) The heavens refused to give up their weeping. (si639) But what has been happening recently might be described as creeping mannerism. (si640) Clever light songs were overly coy, tragic songs a little too melodramatic. (si641) Their props were two stepladders, a chair and a palm fan. (si642) The armchair traveler preserves his illusions. (si643) All are well written and are overwritten. (si644) He ignores guidebook facts. (si645) Nice, even if a trifle gaudy. (si646) Below is a specific guide, keyed to the calendar. (si647) A sailboat may have a bone in her teeth one minute and lie becalmed the next. (si648) It suffers from a lack of unity of purpose and respect for heroic leadership. (si649) The fat man has trouble buying life insurance or has to pay higher premiums. (si650) Far more frequently, overeating is the result of a psychological compulsion. (si651) Just what is meant by spirit and by matter? (si652) Surely this is a reality we all acknowledge. (si653) Yet it exists and has an objective reality which can be experienced and known. (si654) Yet the spirit which lives in community is not identical with the community. (si655) But this statement is completely unconvincing. (si656) A second point requires more extended comment. (si657) The straight line would symbolize its uniqueness, the circle its universality. (si658) His history is his alone, yet each man must recognize his own history in it. (si659) Historical existence is a created good. (si660) Death reminds man of his sin, but it reminds him also of his transience. (si661) Such a calm and assuring peace can be yours. (si662) Satellites, sputniks, rockets, balloons; what next? (si663) Look at the things we do to escape our fears and to forget our worries. (si664) Meanwhile, the enemy will capitalize on our fears, if he can. (si665) Our enemy is also threatening to devour us. (si666) Yes indeed, we too can see a warlike host of infidels encamped against us. (si667) We are all involved in them, deeply involved. (si668) Later, we shall see what happened when an emperor took this idea too literally. (si669) Neglect means spiritual paralysis or death. (si670) A helpful leaflet may be enclosed in the letter. (si671) None should ask less. (si672) Psychologically the reception should be the climax, following the sermon. (si673) This is no spectator-type experience; everyone is to be a participant. (si674) Both eventualities are possible logically, but practically they are impossible. (si675) Theocracy reconsidered. (si676) Comparable trends can be noted elsewhere. (si677) Salvation reconsidered. (si678) He is not talking in the main about probabilities, risks and danger in general. (si679) No political order or economic system is so clearly contrary to nature. (si680) Would such an act of refusal be useful? (si681) Often they are able to get in only because the area is declining economically. (si682) An octillion atoms -- now let us see where this power comes from. (si683) This is the atomic sun, the atomic nucleus. (si684) At any rate, it shows us how immaterial we are. (si685) Others were ephemeral. (si686) The anti-slavery movement took many forms. (si687) The dead spirits occupied a prominent place in every hope and in every fear. (si688) Men believed they could control nature by obeying a moral code. (si689) Propriety was synonymous with ritual observance, the mark of a true gentleman. (si690) But this esoteric doctrine was lost in the shuffle to acquire special powers. (si691) Why, said the teacher, art thou so late? (si692) He who does not love abides in death. (si693) The new birth is miraculous and mysterious. (si694) The new birth is immediate and instantaneous. (si695) Some have walked through pain and sorrow to bring you their message of hope. (si696) But from the start they had two important ingredients: sincerity and realism. (si697) The crisis later on when debts seemed about to overwhelm me. (si698) You're not living up to your own principles, she told my discouraged people. (si699) You're so preoccupied that you've let your faith grow dim. (si700) There are people who travel long distances to assure my continued existence. (si701) We have also seen the power of faith at work among us. (si702) It was muscular but it wasn't symmetrical. (si703) Oh, you'll wobble and weave quite a bit at first. (si704) Ants carry away the seeds so better be sure that there are no ant hills nearby. (si705) Pansies are gluttons. (si706) The avocado should have a give to it, as you hold it, when it is ripe. (si707) There is no dyeing or waxing or gassing needed. (si708) Avocados, however, are very rich in nutrients. (si709) However, the aircraft which we have today are tied to large, soft airfields. (si710) Nuclear rockets can destroy airfields with ease. (si711) Our first necessity, at the very outset of war, is post-attack reconnaissance. (si712) What targets have we successfully knocked out? (si713) Other interpretations present the music as an essentially intimate creation. (si714) For me it has more of both elements than the majority of its competitors. (si715) There are canoes ideal for fishing in protected waters or for camping trips. (si716) Now here is truly a marvel. (si717) State numbering laws differ from each other in many ways. (si718) Industry interest in safety goes even farther. (si719) File to a smooth finish. (si720) This tool can also be made with a lathe. (si721) This changes the formula to an equation. (si722) The total of these three volumes is the final combustion chamber volume. (si723) It's a streamlined rifle, fast and well-made. (si724) A spring trap for solid mounting and a regular hand trap are also available. (si725) Promptly at seven he would clatter out of the court with twelve in the tallyho. (si726) Then simmer fifteen minutes longer. (si727) Poach the apples in this syrup for twelve minutes, drain them, and cool. (si728) Best solution is to find an area that is predominantly sunlight or shade. (si729) Another memo for sightseers: bring your camera along to museums. (si730) A few years later the dome fell in. (si731) Do line barbecue fire bowl with heavy foil to reflect heat. (si732) Do avoid puncturing or cutting into meats to test them. (si733) If necessary to replace both halves on grill, sear cuts and allot extra time. (si734) For roasts, insert meat thermometer diagonally so it does not rest on bone. (si735) Also make sure thermometer does not touch the revolving spit or hit the coals. (si736) Have a test-run on the family first, to be sure timing and seasoning are right. (si737) Don't plan meals that are too complicated. (si738) Keep the desserts simple; fruit does nicely. (si739) Do without fancy tablecloths. (si740) In the winter, hibachi in the kitchen or grill over the logs of the fireplace. (si741) Summertime supper, outside, is a natural. (si742) Do buy all-purpose mugs or cups. (si743) Get copper or earthenware mugs that keep beer chilled or soup hot. (si744) Broil or toast as usual. (si745) For sweet-sour sauce, cook onion in oil until soft. (si746) Add remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. (si747) To prepare mustard cream, blend mustard with enough water to make a thin paste. (si748) Fold into whipped cream and add a dash of salt and sprinkling of paprika. (si749) Add a few caraway seeds, too, if you'd like. (si750) Serve in frankfurter buns or as a meat dish. (si751) Pretend ham: make criss-cross gashes on one side of skinless frankfurters. (si752) Make a paste of brown sugar and mustard and spread lightly over scored surface. (si753) Instructions for preparing clay, drying, glazing and firing are not given. (si754) Equipment: basic pottery studio equipment. (si755) Materials: ceramic modeling clay: red, white or buff. (si756) Stoneware clay for tiles. (si757) When mold has more than one design cavity, make individual paper patterns. (si758) Trim excess clay away from outer edges. (si759) Opaque cantaloupe and transparent wood brown were used. (si760) Paperweight may be personalized on back while clay is leather hard. (si761) Fill small hole in bowl with clay. (si762) Jars are assembled in bowl of butter mold. (si763) Trim excess clay from around lip of mold and set aside while assembling lid. (si764) Turn shaker upside down. (si765) Set aside to dry thoroughly. (si766) Trim away excess clay; reinforce seam with a coil of clay. (si767) Make lid for sugar bowl the same as jar lids, omitting design disk. (si768) Set aside to dry with lid on sugar bowl. (si769) Vases: make same as salt and pepper shakers, leaving off top pieces. (si770) Vases may be made into candles by filling with melted wax and a wick. (si771) A cardboard pattern cut to fit inside holder will help to prevent warping. (si772) Let all projects dry slowly for several days. (si773) Place work on a flat surface and smooth out. (si774) Thread matching yarn in tapestry needle. (si775) Do not draw yarn too tight. (si776) Ease in any extra fullness evenly around. (si777) Nor is she a wet boat. (si778) The keelson, made of two three-inch widths, is next installed. (si779) The side ones are a half-inch narrower. (si780) Again, these blocks were set in resin-saturated glass cloth and nailed. (si781) The decking is quarter-inch mahogany marine plywood. (si782) You can build this vacation cottage yourself. (si783) It is a big project, not to be taken lightly. (si784) The theory: the idea behind our design is modular units, or panelization. (si785) Don't lose the chuck key. (si786) Feed pressure is also of major importance. (si787) We have become amateur insurance experts and fine-feathered yard birds. (si788) But problems cling to pools, as any pool owner knows. (si789) We seemed to be witnessing the population explosion right in our own backyards. (si790) So rules we made, in unabashed collusion. (si791) But fenced or unfenced, no pool-side is the place for running or horseplay. (si792) A pool is no place for a shut trap. (si793) You should firmly insist that no bobby pins or hair pins be worn in the water. (si794) When shed, they leave rust marks. (si795) The filtered air benefits allergies, asthma, sinus, hay fever. (si796) The need for reupholstering, redecorating, repainting becomes more infrequent. (si797) When you're less fatigued, things just naturally look brighter. (si798) That brings its per-year cost down mighty low. (si799) The simplest kind of separate system uses a single, self-contained unit. (si800) In a new house, generous roof overhangs are a logical and effective solution. (si801) They're easier to shade there. (si802) Insulate, weatherstrip, double-glaze to the maximum. (si803) This is particularly true in site selection. (si804) Begin the examination of a site with a good map and aerial photos if possible. (si805) You need answers to four important questions. (si806) One of the most desirable features for a park are beautiful views or scenery. (si807) A site may also be attractive just through the beauty of its trees and shrubs. (si808) Topography -- topography is very important. (si809) An area sheltered from strong winds may be highly desirable for recreation use. (si810) Meanwhile, three great terrible forces were coagulating and crystallizing. (si811) Need for novelty may be a symptom of cultural fatigue and instability. (si812) Push-ups: push-ups are essential, but few have the strength for them at first. (si813) Fall slowly forward onto the hands and let the body down to rest on the floor. (si814) Push back up and repeat. (si815) Do this exercise six times each class period. (si816) This will prevent flat falls and toe injuries. (si817) Bones and cartilage transmit poorly and tend to reflect the ultrasonic signals. (si818) There, forces are more latent than in electricity, and less than in magnetism. (si819) By that, one feels that magnetic forces are as general as electrical forces. (si820) The target chart quickly and briefly tells you which additives do what. (si821) Milk production may be increased by the anti-infective properties of this drug. (si822) The drug is also incorporated in supplements. (si823) Several firms are merchandising enzyme preparation through feed manufacturers. (si824) What it does: aids in preventing foamy bloat. (si825) Caution: continuous administration is not recommended for lactating cows. (si826) Drug's chemical name: procaine penicillin. (si827) Drug's chemical name: dried rumen bacteria. (si828) What it does: stimulates rumen activity. (si829) No one material is best for all situations. (si830) Selecting bunks by economic comparison is usually an individual problem. (si831) Wider discretionary choices for customers. (si832) Less personal salesmanship. (si833) It has multiple implications and possible headaches for your marketing program. (si834) Salesmanship is still necessary, but it's a different brand of salesmanship. (si835) No manufacturer has taken the initiative in pointing out the costs involved. (si836) Computers are being used to keep branch inventories at more workable levels. (si837) Increasing tempo of new product development. (si838) Practically all forecasts mention new and exciting products on the horizon. (si839) Complexity of complete marketing planning. (si840) Every single problem touched on thus far is related to good marketing planning. (si841) Are planning and strategy development emphasized sufficiently in your company? (si842) To begin with, what is an interior designer? (si843) Thus technical efficiency is achieved at the expense of actual experience. (si844) But to continue to divorce advanced students from reality is inexcusable. (si845) This brings us to the question of accreditation of art schools in general. (si846) Is it larger or fancier than you really need? (si847) Can your insurance company aid you in reducing administrative costs? (si848) Would a camera club be useful in taking pictures pertinent to plant safety? (si849) Are you underwriting expensive team trips? (si850) Are you utilizing vending machine proceeds to help pay for your program? (si851) If you use parking attendants, can they be replaced by automatic parking gates? (si852) Aim to balance your employee benefit package. (si853) Encourage them to exercise their benefits. (si854) Use deductable insurance wherever feasible. (si855) Put a dollar-and-cents limit on benefits. (si856) Otherwise, you may be saddled with a good-size milk bill by milk drinkers. (si857) Choose carefully between contributory or non-contributory pension plans. (si858) A non-contributory plan usually won't pay off for the worker until he retires. (si859) These include: leaves of absences, illnesses, and layoffs. (si860) Latest models serve hot meals at reasonable prices, and at a profit to you. (si861) If a concessionaire runs the cafeteria, keep an eye out for quality and price. (si862) Check your cafeteria location to make sure it's convenient for most employees. (si863) The long and ever-increasing column of sportsmen is now moving into a new era. (si864) Neither are beds, thanks to air mattresses and sleeping bags. (si865) The old shop adage still holds: a good mechanic is usually a bad boss. (si866) A complete plan: we have made limited application of the parallel ladder plan. (si867) The highest rated non-supervisory engineering title is research engineer. (si868) The idea of a central tank with lines to each house is not in itself a novelty. (si869) It will accommodate firing rates as low as a half gallon an hour. (si870) The word means it won't boil away easily, nothing else. (si871) Then fill the system and add a rust inhibitor. (si872) Be careful that you keep adequate coverage, but look for places to save money. (si873) First go over the type of coverage you now have. (si874) Look for these features which may mean you can save: duplicate coverage. (si875) Does your policy have a lay-up clause? (si876) The figure five is important in insurance. (si877) This means either cars or trucks. (si878) Large injection-molded letters are also available for sign installations. (si879) The revolution now under way in materials handling makes this much easier. (si880) Before that we lumber dealers were working almost single-handed on the problem. (si881) The way is to rent a chauffeur-driven car. (si882) Any retaliatory gas attack would be airborne. (si883) He hoped they would put in somewhere way, way down in the earth. (si884) Nine of them had gone down the gangplank already. (si885) He snatched at it savagely. (si886) Another, longer strip of tinsel whipped his mouth. (si887) Is a dream simply a mental or cerebral movie? (si888) In most cases we recognize certain words, persons, animals or objects. (si889) But why is it necessary to reproduce the retinal image within the brain? (si890) It was applied with a compost shredder made from a converted manure spreader. (si891) No chemical fertilizers and poisonous insecticides and fungicides are used. (si892) There is never enough corn, peas or strawberries. (si893) New ideas for improving nutrition came with the study of soil treatment. (si894) Adults take a long time to convince and you are thwarted if you try to push. (si895) It is well liked by the children and faculty. (si896) They serve cracked wheat, oats or cornmeal. (si897) Where can we get this cereal he likes so much? (si898) Home-made sauerkraut is served once a week. (si899) Sprouted grains and seeds are used in salads and dishes such as chop suey. (si900) Milk appears twice a day. (si901) The source is known so there is no necessity to remove insecticide residues. (si902) A vigorous program existed in skiing, skating sports and overnight hiking. (si903) He peered ahead and grinned as the railroad tracks came into view again below. (si904) His work began just six days after the flood. (si905) It took a tragedy to bring things to a head. (si906) Somehow we old-timers never figured we would ever retire. (si907) We always thought we would die with our boots on. (si908) Compulsory retirement at sixty-five looms on our horizon. (si909) To put it bluntly, you are getting out-moded. (si910) This is followed by a boom in conferences. (si911) You may amaze yourself and acquire a real knack for it. (si912) Do you love to run up a hem, sew on buttons, make neat buttonholes? (si913) If you do, go to it. (si914) Then again, there's always that lovely old pastime of hooking or braiding rugs. (si915) Some make beautiful chairs, cabinets, chests, doll houses, etc.. (si916) Some women get a real thrill out of housework. (si917) We know that actors can learn to portray a wide variety of character roles. (si918) Obviously, the bridal pair has many adjustments to make to their new situation. (si919) Too many new things are happening for it to be a complete erotic fulfillment. (si920) Differences were related to social, economic, and educational backgrounds. (si921) In tradition and in poetry, the marriage bed is a place of unity and harmony. (si922) To many experts, this trend was inevitable. (si923) They consider it simply a sign of our times. (si924) While he was in custody his wife divorced him. (si925) Another put sex on a dollars-and-cents basis. (si926) Naturally no woman can ever completely monopolize the sexual initiative. (si927) Asked why, he replied primly: because that's no activity for a gentleman. (si928) But such cases were, in the past, unusual. (si929) When did women begin to assert themselves sexually? (si930) Often she fails to gain sexual satisfaction. (si931) His prescription: hot and cold compresses to increase her absorption of water. (si932) That's where device quackery can lead. (si933) Authorities say that oldsters are a prime target. (si934) Crooked, overlapping, twisted, or widely spaced teeth. (si935) Aligning all the teeth may take a year or more. (si936) Let the orthodontist decide the proper time to start treatment, he urges. (si937) Superior new material for orthodontic work is another result of research. (si938) Impressions often appear in a symbolic form and cannot be taken at face value. (si939) During one reading an image appeared of a prisoner in irons. (si940) The farmer's life must be arranged to meet the demands of crops and livestock. (si941) Livestock must be tended every day, routinely. (si942) Production may fall far below expectations. (si943) If the farm is rented, the rent must be paid. (si944) Advantages a farm provides: a wholesome and healthful environment for children. (si945) As a rule, part-time farmers hire little help. (si946) Few rural areas are protected by zoning. (si947) How much will it cost to do any necessary modernizing and redecorating? (si948) It may be hard to decide what this labor is worth, but charge something for it. (si949) As such, it was beyond politics and had no need of justification by a message. (si950) All too often our language is unduly harsh. (si951) That experience holds a lesson for us all in regard to birth control today. (si952) Historians have had two reasons for persisting so long in their investigations. (si953) First, they wanted to clarify a tantalizing, bizarre enigma. (si954) Worse, his present crew included five men who had sailed with him before. (si955) Turbulent tides rose as much as fifty feet. (si956) But he was very much like his associates in his hatred of camp routine. (si957) One of the most common of camp maladies was diarrhoea. (si958) Sometimes soldiers wrote letters while bullets were whizzing about their heads. (si959) No group of officers came in for more spirited denunciation than the doctors. (si960) The coalition was to prove inadvisable. (si961) Like a fair number of bootleggers he disliked alcohol. (si962) However, this inaugural feast did its sponsors no good whatever. (si963) The dimensions of these waves dwarf all our usual standards of measurement. (si964) A tsunami is not a single wave but a series. (si965) A sharp tremor was followed by a jerky roll. (si966) He not only knew soldiering, but mathematics, history and literature as well. (si967) Along the main thoroughfares hardly a house had not been peppered. (si968) What had been the ambassador's suite was now jagged walls of blackened brick. (si969) We flew in rickety planes so overloaded that we wondered why they didn't crash. (si970) Then off again, rushing to keep up. (si971) We send shovels, cement, nails, and corrugated iron for roofs. (si972) Then came coconuts, eggs, and rice wine. (si973) Then we were off again. (si974) But our stumping tour of the south wasn't all misery. (si975) Now a distinguished old man called on nine divinities to come and join us. (si976) Next he addressed himself to our souls. (si977) For girls, the overprotection is far more pervasive. (si978) Almost everybody in the senior class is married, students say dogmatically. (si979) Bruises and black eyes were relieved by application of raw beefsteak. (si980) A chaw of tobacco put on an open wound was both antiseptic and healing. (si981) Tetanus could be avoided by pouring warm turpentine over a wound. (si982) Rabies were cured or prevented by madstones which the pioneer wore or carried. (si983) Since a fall or blow might have caused it, a cold pack was usually first aid. (si984) Bathing the itching parts with kerosene gave relief and also killed the pests. (si985) Ant bites were eased by applying liquid bluing. (si986) For wasp stings onion juice, obtained by scraping an onion, gave quick relief. (si987) A kerosene shampoo seems a heroic treatment, but it did the job. (si988) The situation involved some political perils. (si989) And these hardy travelers are not unappreciated today. (si990) She had no way of knowing in advance whether an opportunity for murder existed. (si991) They were a vagabond lot and considered to be shady and undesirable characters. (si992) He met nobody he knew on this walk. (si993) Her study of history was persistently pursued. (si994) At different times he served as glee-club and choir leader and as organist. (si995) She served for a number of years without pay beyond her travel and maintenance. (si996) Both loved the out-of-doors, including mountain climbing and horseback riding. (si997) Yet they thrived on it. (si998) Now the school was indeed bereft. (si999) Soon the office work claimed all her time. (si1000) Oh, he'll be a plumber, came the answer. (si1001) We produce peanut oil, but to a much greater extent we eat the entire seed. (si1002) Seeds of soybean, cotton, corn, sesame, and rape yield semidrying oils. (si1003) Palm oil protects the surfaces of steel sheets before they are plated with tin. (si1004) Castor oil, made from castorbeans, has gone out of style as a medicine. (si1005) Quince seed gum is the main ingredient in wave-setting lotions. (si1006) Almonds and pistachio nuts are not so high in oil but are rich in protein. (si1007) Chestnuts are starchy. (si1008) All nut kernels are rich in protein. (si1009) The so-called vegetable ivory is the hard endosperm of the egg-sized seed. (si1010) Flaxseed poultices and mustard plasters still are used by some persons. (si1011) Beverages are made from seeds the world over. (si1012) Cereal grains have been used for centuries to prepare fermented beverages. (si1013) Beer, generally fermented from barley, is an old alcoholic beverage. (si1014) Hay and pasture are the other chief sources of livestock feed. (si1015) To keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'. (si1016) To hold 'em in a compact mass was close herdin'. (si1017) Cattle which died from them winter storms were referred to as the winter kill. (si1018) Them new to the country were referred to as pilgrims. (si1019) The cowboy called this breed of cattle magpies. (si1020) The cowboy's humorous name for a cow givin' milk was a milk pitcher. (si1021) Cows givin' no milk were knowed as strippers. (si1022) Such an animal was said to be mealynosed. (si1023) At the base of the rocky hillside, they left their horses and climbed on foot. (si1024) Nice country to meet a lion in face to face. (si1025) Careful, don't disturb her. (si1026) Even then, if she took one step forward he could catch her. (si1027) But now she sank lower to the rock. (si1028) Her tail no longer lashed. (si1029) Bring me the firecrackers. (si1030) Ain't she a beauty, though? (si1031) It was the story of the rhinoceros fight all over again. (si1032) If dark came they would lose her. (si1033) She snarled warningly. (si1034) With a whirling jump, it could get into gear. (si1035) The antithesis of the ecumenical and the local then no longer exists. (si1036) The revised procedure was acclaimed as a long-overdue reform. (si1037) The courtyard is magnificently decorated. (si1038) He has never, himself, done anything for which to be hated -- which of us has? (si1039) Northerners indulge in an extremely dangerous luxury. (si1040) Brief snips of actual events were shown: parades, dances, street scenes. (si1041) Time and space have both become cinematic. (si1042) Not surprisingly, this approach did not work. (si1043) Residential associations struggle to insulate themselves against intrusions. (si1044) It offered to surrender its right to exclusive trade, but asked an indemnity. (si1045) These men were without capital or experience. (si1046) Twenty-five, the sheik replied. (si1047) The library has open shelves even in the unbound periodical stockroom. (si1048) They understood and teased me a bit about it. (si1049) Both the conditions and the complicity are documented in considerable detail. (si1050) Northern liberals are the chief supporters of civil rights and of integration. (si1051) The social and psychological consequences of this continue to affect the area. (si1052) Whatever their faults, they are not hypocrites. (si1053) A concept of responsibility is in process of articulation and establishment. (si1054) Internal national responsibility, now a truism, need not be documented. (si1055) Can thermonuclear war be set off by accident? (si1056) Are we as safe as we should be from such a disaster? (si1057) Readiness exercises are almost continuous. (si1058) They know little about their machinery beyond mechanical details. (si1059) They inhabit a secret world centered on go codes and gold phones. (si1060) But what if somebody decides to break it? (si1061) Vital questions would be quickly answered according to a preprepared agenda. (si1062) No question ruffles him or causes him to hesitate. (si1063) Unless we send out the whole pie, their pieces mean nothing. (si1064) All three must compare notes and agree to go. (si1065) They were chasing a rain cloud. (si1066) Their gait is impossible to convey in words. (si1067) Any organism that falters or misperceives the signals or weakens is done. (si1068) Perhaps this is what gives the aborigine his odd air of dignity. (si1069) Do you always navigate like this? (si1070) Two miles northeast, then five miles southwest -- that sort of thing. (si1071) There was also a dog, a dingo dog. (si1072) They'll move around that rock all day, following the shade. (si1073) He gazed away from us as we approached. (si1074) There was also a boomerang, elaborately carved. (si1075) The tiny bodies, dropped onto a dry leaf, made a pile as big as a small apple. (si1076) The odor here was more powerful than that which surrounded the town aborigines. (si1077) The smell is sexual, but so powerfully so that a civilized nose must deny it. (si1078) Boys and men go along the riverbank or to the alcoves in the top arcade. (si1079) When he was eight he began violin lessons. (si1080) Our successors will have an easier task. (si1081) A new order is thrusting itself into being. (si1082) The system works as an impersonal mechanism. (si1083) The theme may be the formation of a shape from which other shapes evolve. (si1084) He may toss coins; he may take slips of paper from a grab bag. (si1085) Then the choreographer must arbitrate. (si1086) He must rearrange matters so that two performers do not bump into each other. (si1087) One wonders about its applicability to people. (si1088) Perhaps things were even worse then. (si1089) But a somewhat more detailed analysis of this process may be illuminating. (si1090) Solar activities could presumably bring long periods of flood or drought. (si1091) Yet we no longer feel uneasy. (si1092) What elements of our behavior are decisive? (si1093) American newspaper reviewers like to call his plays nihilistic. (si1094) They find deep pessimism in them. (si1095) He wore a brown knit sports shirt with no tie. (si1096) His talk turns to what he calls the mess, or sometimes this buzzing confusion. (si1097) One can only speak of what is in front of him, and that now is simply the mess. (si1098) This does not allow the mystery to invade us. (si1099) As she goes, she herself will be illuminated. (si1100) Then he thought me more perverse than ever. (si1101) The beatniks crave a sexual experience in which their whole being participates. (si1102) Their work mirrors the mentality of the psychopath, rootless and irresponsible. (si1103) This girl soon drops the bourgeois psychiatrist who disapproves of her life. (si1104) What obsessions had she picked up during these long nights of talk? (si1105) Everything in the final analysis reduced itself to sexual symbolism. (si1106) What one actually remembers is its greenness. (si1107) One looked down on a sea of leaves, a breaking wave of flower. (si1108) A wheel squeaked on a hub, was still, and squeaked again. (si1109) The season, between spring and summer, belongs to life in its carefree aspect. (si1110) How do we define it? (si1111) Who will say that our country is even now a homogeneous community? (si1112) Whether historically a fact or not, the legend has a certain symbolic value. (si1113) Why should this be so? (si1114) He did not, however, settle back into acquiescence with things as they were. (si1115) Each is still glorified as a national hero. (si1116) He finds it in utter misery and desolation. (si1117) As he had longed to be, he became the echo of a saga. (si1118) The record teems with romance and adventure. (si1119) His tough honesty condemns him to a solitary and difficult existence. (si1120) In either case, they do not appreciate the private detective's zeal. (si1121) His successors have adopted the opposite alternative. (si1122) They also furnish proof that, in modern war, message sending must be monitored. (si1123) Let me quote him even more fully, for his analysis is important to my theme. (si1124) But in every period it has been humanism. (si1125) And let me add, utopianism, also. (si1126) We of the liberal-led world got all set for peace and rehabilitation. (si1127) Others invoked technology and common sense. (si1128) This group is secularist and their program tends to be technological. (si1129) Should the accelerating growth of technology then warn us? (si1130) But we cannot start off with a clean slate. (si1131) No amount of ballyhoo will cover up the sordid facts. (si1132) It can project long-range goals for itself. (si1133) Individual human strength is needed to pit against an inhuman condition. (si1134) Have we not actually developed idea worship? (si1135) We scour literature for them; here we find stored the wisdom of great minds. (si1136) His name became synonymous with cold-blooded cruelty. (si1137) That doctrine has been accepted by many, but has it produced good results? (si1138) In time she presents her aristocratic husband with a coal-black child. (si1139) False ideas surfeit another sector of our life. (si1140) The stepmother, almost without exception, has been presented as a cruel ogress. (si1141) Research into several cultures has proven her position to be a mistaken one. (si1142) Most assuredly ideas are invaluable. (si1143) We would establish no censorship. (si1144) Ironically enough, in this instance such personal virtues were a luxury. (si1145) We knew that it was, as reassurance, the ironic fruit of a deeply moral nature. (si1146) Civilization is what man has made of himself. (si1147) Change involves the displacement of form. (si1148) The response of reaction is dominated by a concern for what is vanishing. (si1149) With those paintings of big constructions crashing down, he felt he could stop. (si1150) For what do the utopians labor? (si1151) You could also say that in these pamphlets is a relieving quality of maturity. (si1152) In an ideological argument, the participants tend to thump the table. (si1153) Only imcomplete, imperfect things move towards what they lack. (si1154) His problem concerns longitudes, latitudes, and angular velocities. (si1155) This is what necessitates the nonsystematic character of his astronomy. (si1156) But, considered within technical astronomy, a different pattern can be traced. (si1157) Geocentricism per se? (si1158) Cut off every building at the seventh floor. (si1159) Neither his appetites, his exacerbations, nor his despair were kin to yours. (si1160) With each song he gave verbal footnotes. (si1161) Two things contribute to his popularity. (si1162) No more startling contrast to a system of sullen satellites could be imagined. (si1163) Otherwise, the outlook could be dark indeed. (si1164) The continuing modernization of these forces is a costly but necessary process. (si1165) In the course of its inquiry, it took testimony from only seven witnesses. (si1166) We have nothing to hide under a bushel. (si1167) It takes a great deal of sophisticated thought to get the impact of this fact. (si1168) They despised foreigners. (si1169) He has also an extraordinary conscience. (si1170) Nor were his manners barbaric. (si1171) He was busy, he said, in having someone submit to a monkey-gland operation. (si1172) He brought her shawls. (si1173) It had a tiny envelope tied to its wrist. (si1174) Diversity of perception, yes; diversity of fact, yes. (si1175) To some extent predispositions are shaped by exposure to group environments. (si1176) In some measure they depend upon the structure of individual personality. (si1177) Many selections are themselves convincing contributions to this appraisal. (si1178) What shall these effects be? (si1179) What factors condition the degree of realization at various times and places? (si1180) Properly used, the present book is an excellent instrument of enlightenment. (si1181) Let us differentiate a few of these ideas. (si1182) It is the obverse of triviality, shallowness, emotional anaesthesia. (si1183) There results a study of literature freed from the tyranny of the contemporary. (si1184) His technique is genuinely masterful. (si1185) Questions came to me from all sides about my world citizenship activities. (si1186) He advised immediate hospitalization. (si1187) Maybe they will take us. (si1188) Eight field guns were captured in position. (si1189) Next best to destroying an army is to deprive it of its freedom of action. (si1190) All chance of fulfilling my destiny is over. (si1191) So of course he stayed put. (si1192) He had collared one of his generals in public. (si1193) Woe betide the interviewee if he answered vaguely. (si1194) Passing dogs were greeted with a cordial bark. (si1195) He had accordingly cultivated eccentricity to the point of second nature. (si1196) Transparent look, waxy skin -- could well be uremia. (si1197) It is awe-inspiring. (si1198) They close sometime after eight. (si1199) Let him become honest, and they discard him. (si1200) We hope that he will execute it in a manner that will entitle him to credit. (si1201) His artistic accomplishments guaranteed him entry into any social gathering. (si1202) Instead of that he was engulfed by bedlam. (si1203) The purchasers rejected the order in two letters written in vigorous terms. (si1204) But we aren't going to let you give him any. (si1205) All about him stood tombstones his own sensitive great hands had fashioned. (si1206) But they would reconsider it, they assured him, if he would rewrite it. (si1207) This doctrine was repugnant to my moral sense. (si1208) If disobeyed, the result is turmoil and chaos. (si1209) As we observe moral law and physical law they appear as being inevitable. (si1210) Their basis seems deeper than mere authority. (si1211) They are not true because scientists or prophets say they are true. (si1212) My own experience has followed simpler lines. (si1213) Religion thus becomes integrated with life. (si1214) This truth that the moral law is natural has other important corollaries. (si1215) Let us now give some thought to the soul. (si1216) Only those story tellers will remain who can imitate the style of the virtuous. (si1217) Poets, moreover, dwell on human passions. (si1218) Students' choices of ideal educational goals are not arbitrary or whimsical. (si1219) They also want money, prestige, and security. (si1220) Conservatism and traditionalism seem implied by what has just been said. (si1221) Avowed atheists or freethinkers are so rare as to be a curiosity. (si1222) The redcoats ran like rabbits. (si1223) This is nevertheless a minority view. (si1224) The tragic stage is a platform extending precariously between heaven and hell. (si1225) The wheel of social life spun around the royal or aristocratic centre. (si1226) From it, spokes of order and degree led to the outward rim of the common man. (si1227) Tragedy presumes such a configuration. (si1228) Its sphere is that of royal courts, dynastic quarrels, and vaulting ambitions. (si1229) Princes and factions clashed in the open street and died on the open scaffold. (si1230) And their chroniclers are not the dramatic poets but the prose novelists. (si1231) They were not yet prepared to accept it as irremediable. (si1232) It made no difference that most evidence points to an opposite conclusion. (si1233) But none of this could soothe the exacerbated nerves. (si1234) We often say of a person that he looks young for his age or old for his age. (si1235) Boy, you ain't fooling nobody but yourself. (si1236) We may say of some unfortunates that they were never young. (si1237) How on earth do you manage it? (si1238) Thus far the advances made have been almost entirely along functional lines. (si1239) He is forced to play for little money, and must often take another job to live. (si1240) In many of his poems, death comes by train: a strongly evocative visual image. (si1241) But it did print good verse and good fiction. (si1242) Ideas are the thruway to nowhere. (si1243) The sculptor looked at him, bugeyed and amazed, angry. (si1244) Object -- a village crossroads. (si1245) He was, thus, an early and spectacular victim. (si1246) No poetry, no airplanes, no dancers. (si1247) The trouble is that like many symbols it doesn't seem a very realistic one. (si1248) Maybe twenty, thirty, fifty. (si1249) Evidence that other sources of financing are unavailable must be provided. (si1250) Only rarely is attention given to accurate progress reports and evaluation. (si1251) Development requires a long-term approach. (si1252) Most of our aid will go to those nearing self-sufficiency. (si1253) To honor him is to honor ourselves. (si1254) My sincere wish is that he continues to add to this record he sets here today. (si1255) Origin of state automobile practices. (si1256) Forty-seven states assign or provide vehicles for employees on state business. (si1257) It does not indicate loose management, ineffective controls or poor policy. (si1258) From this, motor pool personnel develop other meaningful and related data. (si1259) Unit prices for state vehicles are invariably lower than to the general public. (si1260) In two cases, airplanes only were indicated. (si1261) Ten others made no reply. (si1262) Both have excellent integration of their fiscal tax collection year calendars. (si1263) Dances alternated with sung or spoken verses. (si1264) Ballets were used in opera from its beginning. (si1265) Twenty-nine exhibits received awards. (si1266) Thirty-five military and civilian students received laboratory training. (si1267) The shutter consists of two parts: a fast-opening part and a fast-closing part. (si1268) Resistance thermometers. (si1269) Vapor pressure method. (si1270) This has been attributed to helium film flow in the vapor pressure thermometer. (si1271) Laboratory astrophysics. (si1272) Selected bibliographies and tables of available data are now in preparation. (si1273) Atomic energy levels. (si1274) Blockade is one answer offered by experts. (si1275) Land-based radar would help with this task. (si1276) So would radar picket ships. (si1277) Solid concrete blocks, relatively heavy and dense, are used for this shelter. (si1278) Bricks are an alternative. (si1279) The shelter shown would provide almost absolute fallout protection. (si1280) The same shelter could be built into an embankment or below ground level. (si1281) Radio reception is cut down by the shielding necessary to keep out radiation. (si1282) Living in a shelter the radioactivity of fallout decays rapidly at first. (si1283) A battery-powered radio is essential. (si1284) Family rationing probably will be necessary. (si1285) Blowers should be operated periodically on a regular schedule. (si1286) A covered container such as a kitchen garbage pail might do as a toilet. (si1287) A portable electric heater is advisable for shelters in cold climates. (si1288) A flame would use up air. (si1289) One of these is the solidarity and the confidential relationship of marriage. (si1290) They should live in modest circumstances, avoiding all conspicuous consumption. (si1291) Our aim must be to learn as much as we teach. (si1292) These curves were derived by an analysis of extensive skywave measurement data. (si1293) If you are a life tenant, you deduct allowable depreciation and depletion. (si1294) He may get a tax refund. (si1295) Further research, we believe, will develop important commercial applications. (si1296) At intervals an alumni directory is issued. (si1297) Between meetings he helps the president keep track of delegated matters. (si1298) How well do faculty members govern themselves? (si1299) He can, for example, present significant university-wide issues to the senate. (si1300) Deans can form an important bridge between the president and the faculty. (si1301) More often, these offices are restricted to the gathering of empirical data. (si1302) A detailed study of this latter phenomenon was not attempted in this paper. (si1303) It was exposed to a high velocity gas jet. (si1304) If they are not ellipsoids, the conclusions will be a reasonable approximation. (si1305) This viscosity of the material in the drops is, of course, not negligible. (si1306) This is known as conformational entropy. (si1307) Indeed it is possible to separate electron paramagnetic from nuclear effects. (si1308) The better quality products in both of these lines contain phosphate builders. (si1309) Many scouring powders now also contain phosphates. (si1310) Soil redeposition is evaluated by washing clean swatches with the dirty ones. (si1311) In most cases, these soils are taken up as liquids through capillary action. (si1312) Cleaned cloth must be protected against the redeposition of dispersed soil. (si1313) The photochemical exchange in the gas phase. (si1314) There are several sources of evidence on the micrometeorite environment. (si1315) Space probes have yielded little information. (si1316) Being based on so few events, these results are of dubious validity. (si1317) To what extent such low density applies to micrometeorites is unknown. (si1318) Biological warfare is considered to be primarily a strategic weapon. (si1319) This area is highly susceptible to infection. (si1320) There are optimal humidity requirements for various agents when airborne. (si1321) This may be of overriding importance in considering military objectives. (si1322) Lousiness is a prerequisite for epidemic typhus. (si1323) It is a happy, buzzing crowd. (si1324) Quite often, honeybees form a majority on the willow catkins. (si1325) The larvae, kept warm by the queen, are full grown in about ten days. (si1326) Sometimes, although by no means always, these are indeed alkaline. (si1327) It is possible to make a few generalizations about the six giants themselves. (si1328) This birth length seems to be typical. (si1329) The lower portion provides a rating at any stage between infancy and adulthood. (si1330) No fasciculations or sensory defects were found. (si1331) Thyroid function tests yielded normal results. (si1332) X-ray films of the vertebral column showed progression of the demineralization. (si1333) Microscopically, there was emphysema, fibrosis, and vascular congestion. (si1334) Inflammatory cells were strikingly absent. (si1335) These were thought to represent regenerating fibers. (si1336) This was chiefly because of the bluish white autofluorescence from the cells. (si1337) No antigen was detectable in certain dark spherical areas in most cells. (si1338) Of particular importance is the study of the actions of drugs in this respect. (si1339) The shock therapies act likewise on the hypothalamic balance. (si1340) Marksmanship example. (si1341) Before deriving this formula, we explain what we mean by problems of this kind. (si1342) We now generalize these ideas for general binomial experiments. (si1343) Experiment without a fixed number of trials. (si1344) Toss a die until an ace appears. (si1345) Consider couples visiting an art museum. (si1346) Again, the analyticity of the two curves guarantees that such intervals exist. (si1347) The universe is a safe and permanent home. (si1348) This explains some group ends and provides a justification of their primacy. (si1349) It gives social guidance and direction and makes for programs of social action. (si1350) Religion fosters group life in various ways. (si1351) As such it acts as an anchor for the people. (si1352) These needs usually concern the reduction of guilt and some relief of tension. (si1353) Within the larger social system are the structural and functional subsystems. (si1354) Regulative norms governing subgroups and roles. (si1355) The problem of solidarity and morale again involves the concept of values. (si1356) The population can thereby replenish itself and actually grow larger. (si1357) But the information on the dynamics of population was often quite misleading. (si1358) In short, scientific sampling was introduced in place of subjective sampling. (si1359) It provides a frame for the sampling census. (si1360) But in this one section we welcomed auditors. (si1361) After that, we began to get visitors to class. (si1362) Some of these speculations may have some merit, others are somewhat ambiguous. (si1363) But within that framework he allowed for as much flexibility as possible. (si1364) Or how do we enrich our already fine marriage? (si1365) Our campus, unfortunately, owns no films. (si1366) The battery median grade-equivalent was used in data analysis in this study. (si1367) The batting average of one success out of seven increased to one out of three. (si1368) He admitted his behavior, and defended it. (si1369) We may say that his problem was diagnosed but that he refused treatment. (si1370) To use these new ways in daily life is the last step. (si1371) Roleplaying used for analysis follows these general steps leading to training. (si1372) Each form represented by the dictionary is looked up in the text-form list. (si1373) This leaves the ordering of entries variable. (si1374) Often, dominant stress simply indicates a centering of attention or emotion. (si1375) Sometimes strong stress serves to focus an important secondary relationship. (si1376) As these maladies overlap, so must the cure. (si1377) Morphophonemic rules may be thought of as joining certain points in the system. (si1378) You would drive us into shame, he declared. (si1379) There is little doubt that the students benefit from vocational education. (si1380) But briefly, the topping configuration must be examined for its inferences. (si1381) They are both trend-following methods. (si1382) How much and how many profits could a majority take out of the losses of a few? (si1383) There need be no squeamishness about admitting this. (si1384) Markets should become more competitive as consumers become more selective. (si1385) In wage negotiations, the industry bargains as a unit with a single union. (si1386) Several factors contributed to this change. (si1387) Such legislation was clarified and extended from time to time thereafter. (si1388) A clearly recognized exception is a statutory merger or consolidation. (si1389) It is not a pleasant or easy position, but one we have endeavored to maintain. (si1390) However, when labor disputes arise, its provisions come clearly into play. (si1391) Assume, for example, a situation where a farm has a packing shed and fields. (si1392) There is no dispute involving fieldwork. (si1393) The ramifications of the issue are enormous. (si1394) The elementary-school child grows gradually in his ability to work in groups. (si1395) Teacher assignment in order to desegregate. (si1396) The plaintiff in school desegregation cases. (si1397) Do they make class-biased decisions? (si1398) Does society really exist as an entity over and above the agglomeration of men? (si1399) Now that this is at odds with our meaning may be shown as follows. (si1400) He holds that goodness and badness lie in feelings of approval or disapproval. (si1401) We do not arrive at spatial images by means of the sense of touch by itself. (si1402) In what ways, then, did the patient's psychical blindness manifest itself? (si1403) Thinking the evidence insufficient to get a conviction, he later released him. (si1404) And the law virtually ignored the situation. (si1405) Receiving no answer, they set the fire. (si1406) Within a month, calls were up seventy per cent. (si1407) Yet one has to go back only some sixty years. (si1408) Surely there is nothing new about communism. (si1409) We will achieve a more vivid sense of what it is by realizing what it is not. (si1410) Resolved that the anti-slavery sentiment is becoming ripe for resolute action. (si1411) And the surface is driven back, in its very surfaceness, only by this contrast. (si1412) In most discussions of this phenomenon, the figures are substantially inflated. (si1413) How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm? (si1414) A second assistant mopped with two sponges. (si1415) Necessary retouching was put on at once. (si1416) There should be no reason to misinterpret or ignore the intent of this letter. (si1417) Personal predispositions tend to blunt the ear and, in turn, the voice as well. (si1418) The failure to keep these two usages distinct presents hazards to the reader. (si1419) This is no assignment for a frivolous girl, she assures him. (si1420) Though brief, it has a sharp dramatic edge and great poignancy. (si1421) There are many such competently anonymous performances among the earlier poems. (si1422) About dawn he got up to blow. (si1423) It had assumed the terrifying inertia of inanimate matter. (si1424) They were both very fluent. (si1425) His sinuous melody is a sort of naive transcendence of all experience. (si1426) Confabulation has come to determine structure. (si1427) Index words and electronic switches may be reserved in the following ways. (si1428) With the spring rains the flow rose rapidly due to infiltration in open sewers. (si1429) At no time were algae found in the mixed liquor. (si1430) The bacteria formed typical activated sludge floc. (si1431) Now the problem is presented piecemeal and sometimes contradictorily. (si1432) While one element is announcing progress, another is delineating its problems. (si1433) Conceivably the submarine defense problem can be solved by sufficient forces. (si1434) The world is constantly changing; what was new yesterday is obsolescent today. (si1435) But it must be remembered that the plan should not be oriented geographically. (si1436) A concurrent effort is needed to make oceanographic data useful on the spot. (si1437) These always contain metallic inclusions. (si1438) Simple elongation has been treated in detail. (si1439) A third volume remains to be published. (si1440) Other morphological, physical, and optical property values are also given. (si1441) The data are presented in lists and tables. (si1442) The compounds are divided according to composition into seven categories. (si1443) Substances: all crystalline substances and other solid-state materials. (si1444) Coverage of primary literature will follow. (si1445) In earlier years, the preservation of food was essentially related to survival. (si1446) Microorganisms are often responsible for the rapid spoilage of foods. (si1447) It will, however, inhibit the sprouting of potatoes and other root vegetables. (si1448) Chief interest in radiosterilization resides in the military services. (si1449) Meats: the radiation processing of meat has received extensive investigation. (si1450) To date, the one meat showing favorable results at sterilization doses is pork. (si1451) Poultry: results of irradiation tests with poultry have been quite successful. (si1452) Urethane foam as an insulator is also coming in for a good deal of attention. (si1453) Originally, the main types used were various compositions of polyesters. (si1454) The single curve line represents a specific formulation in a test example. (si1455) These air or gas bubbles make highly functional thermal barriers. (si1456) The mixing head moves back and forth slowly across the width of the receptacle. (si1457) A domestic automatic washer that will give equivalent results may be used. (si1458) This is especially true for knitted fabrics. (si1459) The electron optical system may be either a magnetic or electrostatic one. (si1460) Measured performance characteristics for this experimental tube will be listed. (si1461) Space charge influences will also decrease at increased voltages. (si1462) We can, however, maximize its expected value. (si1463) Manual leveling requires an appropriate display of the accelerometer outputs. (si1464) This process is especially difficult since gyro drifting is typically random. (si1465) In simpler terms, it amounts to pointing the platform in the proper direction. (si1466) The platform accelerometers must be slightly modified for this procedure. (si1467) A precision transit is set up so that it is aligned with respect to true north. (si1468) This can be done to a high degree of accuracy by existing surveying techniques. (si1469) Gyrocompass heading. (si1470) He looked lazy, spoiled, a little querulous. (si1471) She greeted her husband's colleagues with smiling politeness, offering nothing. (si1472) You don't eat enough, honey. (si1473) Husky young man, he said with mock distaste. (si1474) Is his appetite improved? (si1475) Or: does he get exercise? (si1476) It required an energy he no longer possessed to be satirical about his father. (si1477) He did not mind the useless, kindly questions. (si1478) Have you got enough blankets? (si1479) Closer still, regular barricades of barbed wire hung on timber supports. (si1480) Was it all vain labor? (si1481) It could take place tomorrow night, or it might occur months from now. (si1482) Give me your machine gun ammo. (si1483) They are also honest seekers after truth. (si1484) The other patrons were taxi drivers and art students and small shopkeepers. (si1485) The fear of punishment just didn't bother him. (si1486) These were heroes nine feet tall to him. (si1487) Poverty imposes a kind of chastity on the ambitious. (si1488) At law school, the same. (si1489) Perhaps it was right; perhaps it was just. (si1490) He merely said, any good decorator these days can make you a tasteful home. (si1491) There was typhoid and malaria. (si1492) By that time, perhaps something better can be done. (si1493) Hope to see you again. (si1494) Two gas lamps were no more than a misleading glow. (si1495) After that, violence was exultantly easy. (si1496) From childhood he had known all about knives. (si1497) He smashed it in and tumbled into darkness. (si1498) It was like finally getting into one's own nightmares to punish one's dreams. (si1499) Yet even that explosion did not mean much. (si1500) Behind him billowed a small pungent cloud of smoke. (si1501) It was not exactly panic they gave way to, but they could not just sit there. (si1502) By the look of him he wasn't that far gone. (si1503) For a moment, boy and mount hung in midair. (si1504) The blow encountered silky hair and hard bone. (si1505) They were pursuing him. (si1506) The walls bulged, the floor trembled, the windowpanes rattled. (si1507) He stared at the far morning, expecting a pendulum to swing across the horizon. (si1508) However, a boy's lively eyes might rove. (si1509) A flash illumined the trees as a crooked bolt twigged in several directions. (si1510) Fiddles screeched; a piano tinkled. (si1511) They stayed at hotels and boardinghouses, or at private homes. (si1512) He chuckled, the memory vivid. (si1513) Maybe they'll stop it now, once for all. (si1514) They're doin' it now. (si1515) The word also made him feel hate, sincere hate, for those so labeled. (si1516) Hired, hard lackeys of the warmongering capitalists. (si1517) His arm moved swiftly, violently, once, twice. (si1518) The thought came back, the one nagging at him these past four days. (si1519) Somebody'll hafta start thinkin. (si1520) He looked over at him, lying there, asleep, and he felt a wave of revulsion. (si1521) Why couldn't they have dumped him off on someone else? (si1522) Thoroughly wised up. (si1523) Knows the score with a supreme effort, he broke it off. (si1524) Maybe they already got them. (si1525) Boy, you're stirrin early, a sleepy voice said. (si1526) They'll toe the line. (si1527) See, he's already snapping it up, the dumb jerk. (si1528) Merely to satisfy the author's curiosity. (si1529) No one will even suspect that it is your work. (si1530) Who is going to stop me? (si1531) Neither better nor worse. (si1532) At home, yes, they argued. (si1533) Is it because of my slovenliness that hair grows on my face? (si1534) He trembled lest his piece should fail. (si1535) Drunkenness was no longer tolerated. (si1536) It would be well to show the populace how we deal with adulterers. (si1537) A carriage crunched by, its dim lights filtering through the gloom. (si1538) Fists pummeled him as he staggered forward. (si1539) He wondered if it wore the old anxiety, or the old, taut stoicism. (si1540) It gave the rubberized fabric a dull gleam, like metal. (si1541) The feet wore army shoes, in obvious disrepair. (si1542) Then he -- then what? (si1543) He had plunged into the dark woods beyond. (si1544) They did not know who they were or know their own worth. (si1545) In the pity for them his loneliness was gone. (si1546) It is the same ole same, tell me its name. (si1547) Y'all wanna walk -- walk, he said. (si1548) Y'all should have let me do it. (si1549) Maybe today'll be a good-news day. (si1550) Oh -- we managed, she said. (si1551) Outside, only a handful of reporters remained. (si1552) However, the litter remained, augmented by several dozen lunchroom suppers. (si1553) They offered no opinions, volunteered nothing, betrayed no emotions. (si1554) A sleepy voice answered. (si1555) He waited until they were inside the elevator and then said: now what do we do? (si1556) They had vermouth, sitting in front of a cafe. (si1557) He reached out and felt the bath towel hanging on the towel rack over the tub. (si1558) Visually, these approximated what he was feeling within himself. (si1559) Leave me your address. (si1560) The surgeon carried a cage of live pigeons. (si1561) Was it a birthday ball? (si1562) It was a grotesque hen, five or six feet tall. (si1563) Husbandry was bounded by snake-rail fences, and there were grazing cattle. (si1564) They often threw tidbits overboard. (si1565) One had to believe in final events or one was stranded in the abyss of nothing. (si1566) He drove sensual patterns off, carefully shaving his long upper lip. (si1567) He began to pack the saddlebags. (si1568) This is our singular goal. (si1569) Andrei's skilled eye sized them up. (si1570) Ice baths, electric shocks, lashings, wild dogs, testicle crushers. (si1571) He found an empty bench, opened a newspaper, and stretched his legs before him. (si1572) His captain was thin and haggard and his beautiful boots were worn and shabby. (si1573) Flies swarmed around the bowl of lentils in which he mopped thick black bread. (si1574) Suddenly she was very mysterious and dramatic. (si1575) We both had hangovers. (si1576) Brown eyes, eyebrow mustache. (si1577) Oval face without an expression in the world. (si1578) Exboyfriend meet exhusband. (si1579) He always seemed to have money in his pocket. (si1580) How about me trying to help her get her job back? (si1581) They weren't as well paid as they should have been. (si1582) For once radicalism was a recommendation. (si1583) Rector was often curious; often tempted to ask questions but he never did. (si1584) How many children do you have present today? (si1585) Your voice is delightful, he approved with a warm smile. (si1586) The jaded amorist conjured up pictures of the blasphemous rites with relish. (si1587) To be passive, to be girlishly shy was palpably absurd. (si1588) No, she would not pretend modesty, but neither must she be crudely bold. (si1589) With his club foot he might well be grateful. (si1590) Her lips, moist and parted, spoke his name. (si1591) She sprang up and went swiftly to the bedroom. (si1592) Neither acknowledged the gift. (si1593) On all sides doors were being slammed in his face. (si1594) A crude ladder ran down to a wooden floor. (si1595) Prompted by a guilty urge, he had disobeyed the order of a man he respected. (si1596) The figure in the corner belched loudly, a deep, liquid eruption. (si1597) The flat-bottomed boat swung slowly to the pull of the current. (si1598) They moved toward the skiffs with shocking eagerness, elbowing and shoving. (si1599) The third crawling man forced himself erect. (si1600) Two clotted balls the color of mucus rolled between fiery lids. (si1601) His sweet whisper came after great effort. (si1602) Intelligence jabbed at him accusingly. (si1603) He believed that brave boys didn't cry. (si1604) Nobody does, but they gave me ten last year. (si1605) "Infectious hepatitis!", he shouted heartily. (si1606) He travelled all over the world. (si1607) She smiled, and the teeth gleamed in her beautifully modeled olive face. (si1608) The name fell with lazy affectionate remembrance from her lips. (si1609) For an instant the old aunt felt something indefinable flash through her smile. (si1610) That is what childhood is, he told himself. (si1611) They've never met, you know. (si1612) That would make him mad enough if he was sober. (si1613) This kid's froze bad. (si1614) Pa don't care about the kid. (si1615) He didn't figure her at all, and if he found out a woman it'd be bad. (si1616) Heat's bad for frostbite. (si1617) He's got to thaw slow. (si1618) Lift, don't shove; lift. (si1619) His head flopped back. (si1620) Now he'll choke for sure. (si1621) She knew she was feeling afraid and inwardly laughed at herself. (si1622) There was much embracing, much exclaiming. (si1623) We came on as soon as we could. (si1624) He makes me uncomfortable. (si1625) Did he ever visit here when he was a kid? (si1626) You lucky kids, he said. (si1627) This is my hen ledger, he informed him in an absorbed way. (si1628) Have you got our keys handy? (si1629) Next, the hen was nested and all seemed well. (si1630) Her legs hung down long and thin as she sat on the high stool. (si1631) Fuss, fuss, old man. (si1632) Said you wore yourself out, cleaning all these empty rooms. (si1633) She sounded as though they already existed. (si1634) We've got plenty of time to think about that. (si1635) This coat looks like a rag heap. (si1636) In a week the hyacinths would spike out. (si1637) What possessed you to tell me a clotheshorse would be a good idea? (si1638) Lovie, you make me feel naked. (si1639) How did one join them? (si1640) Were you in love with that girl? (si1641) You've not seemed like them, but maybe you are. (si1642) Nurses' training here doesn't cost anything. (si1643) They even pay me six dollars a month. (si1644) Such optimism was completely unjustified. (si1645) Your leg muscles and back muscles feel weary. (si1646) If it ever got behind me, the beep turned to a buzz. (si1647) It was a fairly modern motel with quite a bit of electrical display in front. (si1648) It's a formality, you know. (si1649) You see, she's on a diet. (si1650) She looked at me provocatively. (si1651) Kinda like a zombie? (si1652) He spoke soothingly. (si1653) You don't hafta get nasty. (si1654) So, he understood her panic. (si1655) She blew her nose on a tissue and opened the coke bottle. (si1656) Or borrow some money from someone and go home by bus? (si1657) Where were they now? (si1658) Somewhere birds were sweetly calling, were answered. (si1659) The car door crashed shut. (si1660) Do you know where it might have gone? (si1661) Did anyone see my cab? (si1662) He thought he saw a pale face at a window. (si1663) There were other farmhouses nearby. (si1664) A foolish thought came into his head. (si1665) He remembered a story he had read as a youth. (si1666) He held his arms close to his sides and made himself as small as possible. (si1667) Oh, no, not again, he said aloud. (si1668) Be excited and don't identify yourself. (si1669) Got no business over here on a stake-out anyway. (si1670) The knifelike pain in his groin nearly brought him down again. (si1671) It moved in a silver arc toward his throat, then veered downward. (si1672) One thing, he thought, nobody knows about it yet. (si1673) He put it in his own pocket for safekeeping. (si1674) The body was heavier than he had anticipated. (si1675) It snowed continuously, but quietly, evenly. (si1676) The soft snow was deceitful underfoot. (si1677) Twice he nearly fell. (si1678) Deep enough, he decided. (si1679) He checked into a motel and drove downtown. (si1680) The sheriff's swivel chair tilted back. (si1681) She'd also remember if the groom died later. (si1682) Have they inherited some money or something? (si1683) She asked with a reportorial gleam in her eye. (si1684) Come on, let's hurry down before they lock up for the day. (si1685) It latches when you close it, so stay as long as you like. (si1686) Now don't shut this door. (si1687) Something else distracted him, yet there was no sound, only tomblike silence. (si1688) Then he heard the outer door closing. (si1689) Hey, come back, he shouted. (si1690) No, they could kill him just as easy right now. (si1691) Except for those minutes in her room, he had lost touch with her as a reality. (si1692) It was awkward: very awkward. (si1693) Someone reasonably trustworthy. (si1694) Anything to do with an ace o' spades, bad luck. (si1695) Not when she'd waited so long already. (si1696) It would have been easy to identify as opium by its odor. (si1697) So somebody else knew what would happen to her father's money if she died. (si1698) Well, then who brought it? (si1699) Take your cobbler's shop somewhere else. (si1700) Emotionally, they penetrated him not at all. (si1701) And so he walked, aimless again. (si1702) When he left, she knew she would never see him again. (si1703) You're a taxpayer, householder, landlord. (si1704) Got the upstairs guy, he bellows. (si1705) They'll tell you what's cooking. (si1706) For a man of his mass he was curiously short. (si1707) Me, he said merrily. (si1708) Those lovely whorls, he chortled. (si1709) They had come not to admire but to observe. (si1710) They're going to louse me up good. (si1711) You think somebody is going to stand up in the audience and make guilty faces? (si1712) He may try to phone us. (si1713) Here's where luck would normally step in. (si1714) Within this framework, what followed was strained, even macabre. (si1715) He drew a deep breath. (si1716) Lullaby and goodnight his voice shook. (si1717) Do you know what they think of me? (si1718) We've done our part. (si1719) They took it away, overalls or something. (si1720) Come home right away. (si1721) He drove, and the road wobbled, familiar scenes crept past on either side. (si1722) A new idea drifted in from nowhere. (si1723) They were all faded. (si1724) Worn through at the knees. (si1725) And men also used vacuum cleaners in both rooms, sucking dust up once more. (si1726) Check the overnighters out. (si1727) Anybody carrying anything that might hide a rifle? (si1728) Shrugs met that, from room clerks, from bellhops. (si1729) Nobody in his right mind punishes a quarter-century-old dereliction. (si1730) Jeopardize it now to correct so old a wrong? (si1731) Bitter, unreasoning jealousy? (si1732) He also reminded himself that he had an unusual number of possibilities. (si1733) It was not, whatever tale was told by tails. (si1734) And possessed himself -- how? (si1735) The poor, unlucky -- the telephone rang. (si1736) Brain examined for thrombosis, clot or hemorrhage. (si1737) No signs of these, no gross hemorrhage of lungs, heart, brain or stomach. (si1738) Oh, the time of death. (si1739) Probably around midnight, give or take an hour either way. (si1740) She always did before, and showed the utmost confidence in whatever we advised. (si1741) With her sharp tongue she'd have cut his pompousness to ribbons. (si1742) He went on to personal bequests, a list of names largely unknown to him. (si1743) Old people have their idiosyncrasies. (si1744) This one came a bit high at thirty thousand or more. (si1745) His salary had reached the ten thousand mark. (si1746) He would offer no theory to account for her murder. (si1747) It's still unbelievable that it was murder. (si1748) Nevertheless it's true. (si1749) Could the ambassador himself be the man on this side the prime minister feared? (si1750) One more muddleheaded play like that one and they'd be leading him away. (si1751) In the lighted interior he saw other men and women struggling into their wraps. (si1752) He could pick up another pack on his way home, if he were going home. (si1753) He said: the crazy fool, half aloud. (si1754) Only then did he decide he didn't want one. (si1755) Meanwhile, fishermen took advantage of them to pull up whoppers. (si1756) His sarcasm was followed by a stupid grin of his thick mouth and bad teeth. (si1757) Widow, nice sort of woman. (si1758) Got a heck of a buy on this, dirt cheap. (si1759) The wrinkled mouth laughed, revealing astonishingly strong, white, teeth. (si1760) Hiding out like this won't get him anything, except more trouble, or a bullet. (si1761) If she moved gracefully, she was clumsy at it. (si1762) That's your headache. (si1763) Soak up local color. (si1764) No other visitor inquired for her that evening. (si1765) We have better rooms vacant now, he babbled. (si1766) Two women, who had been chattering like parrots, were struck dumb. (si1767) The clerk's eyes flickered. (si1768) Suppose you tell me the real reason, he drawled. (si1769) There is no story, he piped tremulously. (si1770) A thick, crimson carpet muffled every footfall. (si1771) Hastily the boy switched on a ceiling light. (si1772) The room looked normal and even commonplace. (si1773) There was no hint of a violent struggle now. (si1774) The blue rug was suspiciously bright and new. (si1775) Afraid you'll lose your job if you don't keep your mouth shut? (si1776) Were you on duty here two weeks ago? (si1777) Women didn't use white face powder nowadays, he recalled. (si1778) They used pink, tan, or cream powder. (si1779) A monstrous shadow fell across the illuminated wall, distorted and indefinable. (si1780) The shadow vanished. (si1781) There was a thick, squashy crack of fist on flesh. (si1782) Rough cloth rasped his fist. (si1783) There was a grunt, curiously inarticulate, like that of an animal in pain. (si1784) On the bare floorboards a man lay face down. (si1785) The man's eyelids fluttered. (si1786) It's perhaps a mile from here where we sit. (si1787) Pretty girls among them, with blonde hair and pert faces. (si1788) Like his glossy black hair. (si1789) Oh yes, he'd talked about doing so. (si1790) No, the man was not drunk; he wondered how he got tied up with this stranger. (si1791) Why don't they tell me themselves if it bothers them? (si1792) This favorite grievance was not the landlord. (si1793) But why pay her bills? (si1794) He shrugged casually. (si1795) His eyes burned feverishly. (si1796) C'mon, he whispered; floor level's about three feet down, so don't fall. (si1797) We'll both be blowing town tomorrow so we won't be moving in on you. (si1798) His sure-sure was enthusiastic this time. (si1799) To kayo him and maybe or maybe not kill. (si1800) If we left one we'd have to wipe it for fingerprints. (si1801) Our hypothetical other bum who killed him would have turned out his pockets. (si1802) In fact, nobody saw us, cop or citizen. (si1803) It had gone like clockwork. (si1804) How safe is too safe? (si1805) Shall we flip a coin to see which of us goes first? (si1806) Self's integrity was and is and ever had been. (si1807) They went downstairs, loaded a tray lavishly. (si1808) Okay, take the tray. (si1809) That'll be plenty to eat by. (si1810) "Presently", his water brother said breathlessly. (si1811) Eternity is no time for recriminations. (si1812) You too were a stupid jackass until you poisoned me. (si1813) Afterwards you did well enough. (si1814) Mike was of legal age and presumed able to defend himself in the clinches. (si1815) Anyhow, it was high time the boy was salted. (si1816) My beloved ward, my perennial gadfly, said the whining voice. (si1817) Fuming, helpless, he watched them pass him. (si1818) He rubbed his eyes sleepily with one huge paw. (si1819) A range of bluffs hugged the horizon, the color of decaying moss. (si1820) These planets were much bigger, nearly all capable of holding an atmosphere. (si1821) But to the infuriation of scientists, for no known reason not all of them did. (si1822) Sonic, electronic, galvanic -- all blank. (si1823) Positive results start when it goes towards the hand you use to make your mark. (si1824) He wasn't likely to come down with hot chills and puzzling striped fever. (si1825) It looks like we did, when we made blastdown. (si1826) Maybe it would work the other way. (si1827) Actually, they said, he did sleep, but so shortly and fitfully that he forgot. (si1828) His body processes only slowed down enough for him to dispell fatigue poisons. (si1829) The buddies invariably took advantage of him. (si1830) Behind him, his mates stirred without waking. (si1831) You are right now, buddy. (si1832) Why pick me for your patsy? (si1833) Why accuse a shipmate of being behind this? (si1834) The tapes show that. (si1835) There's still such a thing as mental illness. (si1836) Her hum became a gurgle of surprise. (si1837) The lady's eyes, unmagnified, bugged out. (si1838) You people don't have adjustable vision. (si1839) The good man chortled appreciatively and decided the trip was worth his time. (si1840) She found herself able to sing any role and any song which struck her fancy. (si1841) When she awoke, she was the ship. (si1842) She was ready for her great adventures and the arrival of her mobile partner. (si1843) Hello, anyone at home? (si1844) The sudden solitude had lost its momentary charm and become oppressive. (si1845) The many-bodied girl lay near him. (si1846) She radiated warmth and good fellowship. (si1847) We can die, too, we can die like real people. (si1848) He remembered them well from his happy period. (si1849) A good morrow to you, my boy. (si1850) You mean a game with cards? (si1851) Soon, said the half-man. (si1852) Thus events occurred, and victims changed in appearance, and new ones arrived. (si1853) He remembered the last time he had eaten -- actual eggs from an actual pan. (si1854) People never live forever. (si1855) Her eyes were glazed as if she didn't hear or even see him. (si1856) No girl would go this far to fool a man so she could kill him. (si1857) She drank greedily, and murmured, thank you, as he lowered her head. (si1858) We'll work for our keep, the boy said eagerly. (si1859) We're not drunkards, she said. (si1860) My dress needs some work on it. (si1861) We'll pay you back if you'll let us. (si1862) We haven't slept together since we started. (si1863) You don't hate me any more? (si1864) Now there's nothin left of me. (si1865) Thirty-five they rode at a measured pace through the valley. (si1866) Then at last the darkness began to dissolve. (si1867) They neither gained nor fell back. (si1868) He rode low on the mare's neck. (si1869) A bayonet hung in a belt scabbard. (si1870) The guerrilla bivouac remained silent. (si1871) He kissed her also, and with deep tenderness. (si1872) Running around in the moonlight almost naked and slugging a man with a rock? (si1873) He might say or do something foolish. (si1874) They were tethered, army style, on stable lines. (si1875) A voice spoke near-at-hand. (si1876) There's no chance now of all of us getting away. (si1877) You'll have to try it alone. (si1878) That touched off a total stampede. (si1879) He picked up the powder canister and ran out. (si1880) Powder flame gushed beneath the wagon. (si1881) Guerrillas were racing toward him. (si1882) Some tore entirely through the whipsawed post oak. (si1883) The wagons were burning fiercely. (si1884) The mudwagon had caught fire also. (si1885) The roof of the command post began to buckle. (si1886) Anything wrong, cap'n? (si1887) There's no war on now. (si1888) His legs pumped furiously, his long black hair streamed out behind him. (si1889) Although my shot killed his horse, he rolled off the bale on top of me. (si1890) His eyes were dark, fluid, fearful, and he gave a sigh as my knife went in. (si1891) You could burn down this whole mountainside with a fire that size. (si1892) It took him a long time to compose himself. (si1893) My father ran him off here six years ago. (si1894) It might hurt you, though. (si1895) And he was handsome, despite the long thin scar that slanted across his cheek. (si1896) She seemed irritated. (si1897) You've got no business up here. (si1898) You took me by surprise. (si1899) There would still be plenty of moments of regret and sadness and guilty relief. (si1900) A warm breeze played across it, moving it like waves. (si1901) The pulsing glow of a cigarette. (si1902) When he saw me coming he turned his radio off. (si1903) When suitably lighted, what would it look like? (si1904) Meanwhile spring had passed well into summer. (si1905) They had chosen this night purposely. (si1906) Bury those uniforms so they won't be found. (si1907) After another long pause he asked, how many people know who they are? (si1908) Fat showed in loose rolls beneath the shirt. (si1909) He lived and breathed for the mining company. (si1910) Ten years ago they blew up some of our ditches. (si1911) It cost us a hundred thousand dollars and thirty days lost time to fix them. (si1912) The gunman nodded, slipping the picture into his breast pocket, saying nothing. (si1913) As she drove, she thought about her plan. (si1914) It was there that she would have to enact her renunciation, beg forgiveness. (si1915) Perhaps it was all a vividly conceived dream. (si1916) Nevertheless, she continued to move upward. (si1917) It circled her thighs, exploring with its icy tentacles. (si1918) Every movement she made seemed unnecessarily noisy. (si1919) Lips pursed mournfully, he stared down at its crazily sagging left side. (si1920) And his relatively small hands and feet gave him an almost delicate appearance. (si1921) Or maybe you just don't feel like a cigar? (si1922) What did you mean by that rattlesnake gag? (si1923) Getting the boss rattlesnake to help you? (si1924) So what's this all about? (si1925) Why single me out on this permit deal? (si1926) You do that or take you out a permit right now. (si1927) Not immediately, as the deputy demanded. (si1928) Oil-field workers were a rough-tough lot. (si1929) A rabbit punch redoubled him. (si1930) No more could he defend himself against them. (si1931) Why, he's going to kill me, he thought wildly. (si1932) Beat me to death in front of a hundred people. (si1933) Wait a little while. (si1934) In my place, you'd follow such advice as you give me? (si1935) We'll ride out as soon as we've had chuck. (si1936) They were all good men. (si1937) Lighted windows glowed jewel-bright through the downpour. (si1938) Put on his old brown corduroy coat and it was already soaked. (si1939) He was only vaguely aware of the sluicing rain. (si1940) We'll talk over at your office. (si1941) It was secured by an oversized padlock. (si1942) For the unseen, ghostlike rifleman aimed a little higher the third time. (si1943) The former scout's alibi couldn't be shaken. (si1944) Privately, he created and magnified an image of himself as a hired assassin. (si1945) The rustling problem was by no means solved. (si1946) There were no tracks of either hoofs or boots. (si1947) He moistened his lips uneasily. (si1948) Who told you to do it? (si1949) Does this make it any easier, coward? (si1950) He wanted to show the town what happened to anyone who tried to start trouble. (si1951) We're going someplace. (si1952) Where're you takin' me? (si1953) Honey, he whispered. (si1954) Like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown. (si1955) A single kick made it spring open, shuddering. (si1956) Clapping spurs to the bronc, he set off at a sharp canter, with growing alarm. (si1957) His first glimpse of the ranch house across the brushy swells told him nothing. (si1958) He had not covered a hundred yards before a gun crashed from somewhere behind. (si1959) A slug had torn half of his stirrup-guard away. (si1960) A second twitched his shirtsleeve, and he felt a brief burn on his upper arm. (si1961) Another snarled close overhead. (si1962) Each plane carried two five-hundred pound bombs. (si1963) The pilots' heads looked ridiculously small. (si1964) If the other pilots were worried, they did not show it. (si1965) Although they drew light ground fire they saw no signs of activity. (si1966) Twelve o'clock level. (si1967) The opposing aircraft continued to come on. (si1968) If any of us miss, they can pick up the pieces. (si1969) The clearly identifiable enemy continued on as if no one else were around. (si1970) Let's take 'em home. (si1971) Perfect, he thought. (si1972) The enemy did not veer. (si1973) As if drawn by a wire the enemy flew into them. (si1974) A large piece of engine cowling vanished. (si1975) Wingman, stay clear, he prayed. (si1976) He fought the panic of vertigo. (si1977) Something pulled my leg. (si1978) We were off the road, gleaming barbed wire pulling taut. (si1979) High, so it would only bounce harmlessly but loudly off the car's steel roof. (si1980) On unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash. (si1981) Two cars came over a crest, their chrome and glass flashing. (si1982) Brakes shrieked behind us. (si1983) And what eyes they were. (si1984) Eyes like hot honey, eyes that sizzled. (si1985) What's your name, anyway? (si1986) Anyway, it was evident what he had in mind. (si1987) How's it strike you, foul or fair? (si1988) Accident, murder, suicide -- take your pick. (si1989) How will we work it out? (si1990) A lot of people will roam the streets in costumes and masks, and having a ball. (si1991) Or, more rhythmically, the swarthy witches are laughing? (si1992) Should she wake him? (si1993) So if all these beers was to get me in bed, man, you just spent a lot of money. (si1994) He blew his nose expertly between his fingers. (si1995) You shall see her at dinner. (si1996) Like as if it were built of books. (si1997) She took it grudgingly, her dark eyes baleful as they met his. (si1998) She asked smolderingly. (si1999) We can get it if we dig, he said patiently. (si2000) We're lost and burning up already, she bit out tensely. (si2001) They'll roll off in another day. (si2002) In a way, he couldn't blame her. (si2003) She had jumped away from his shy touch like a cat confronted by a sidewinder. (si2004) He had left her inviolate, thinking familiarity would gentle her in time. (si2005) His blue eyes sought the shimmering sea of haze ahead. (si2006) To his puzzlement, there suddenly was no haze. (si2007) He swung up over the wheel. (si2008) The clouds bulged downward and burst suddenly into a great black funnel. (si2009) The cloudburst cut off abruptly. (si2010) At least, the wheels dug in. (si2011) His wife didn't give a sign she'd heard. (si2012) They were already swollen to bursting. (si2013) Sulphur, oil, and copra make the kind of tinder any firebug dreams of. (si2014) The lifeboats were stuck fast. (si2015) Heave on those ropes; the boat's come unstuck. (si2016) Let's hope we come to a safer place. (si2017) They were shattered. (si2018) Later, you shall know it better. (si2019) The old woman arose stiffly and led me to a clearing where a small hut stood. (si2020) Then he would realize they were really things that only he himself could think. (si2021) What outfit does she drive for? (si2022) Nowadays, we talk as though the blitz were just a short skirmish. (si2023) They don't go for bull-like muscle, as a rule. (si2024) He didn't tell her the truth he now freely admitted to himself. (si2025) The great black leopards. (si2026) They came upon cheetal deer at woodland pools. (si2027) He took his mask from his forehead and threw it, unexpectedly, across the deck. (si2028) A note of awe came into his voice. (si2029) Our boy didn't chicken out, no sir. (si2030) Whatever you tell him he will dive. (si2031) He took a big swig of his drink. (si2032) It would be a colossal shame to throw away a story like this. (si2033) Make it come off all right. (si2034) He felt a good deal less shaky. (si2035) As his feet slowed, he felt ashamed of the panic and resolved to make a stand. (si2036) He crossed the next meadow and climbed a tree where the jungle trail resumed. (si2037) He murmured to himself, with firmness: no surrender. (si2038) His superiors had also preached this, saying it was the way for eternal honor. (si2039) His comrades were all dead. (si2040) The shot reverberated in diminishing whiplashes of sound. (si2041) You came well equipped to die. (si2042) Are you a thrower of flame, marine? (si2043) Wet also were the marine's fatigues and the face had an oily film. (si2044) Before much longer the marine quieted down. (si2045) He straightened up, alert now as the buffalo hunter came closer. (si2046) Stay right here where you are, kid, he called. (si2047) The kid has no manners, boys. (si2048) Shall we teach him some? (si2049) A third shot doused the light. (si2050) He'll shoot up the town. (si2051) The entire length of the street could be raked with rifle fire from this barn. (si2052) He sized up the situation and shook his head. (si2053) He slipped outside, hugging the walls of buildings and dodging into doorways. (si2054) Can't seem to locate landmarks in this snow. (si2055) All that time rifle barrels were pointing unwaveringly at his head and body. (si2056) He strolled back to the door, whistling softly, hands still clasped behind him. (si2057) Why ain't you playin' ball? (si2058) They played crack the whip a few minutes without mishap. (si2059) Thank you, she said, dusting herself off. (si2060) Maybe some other day. (si2061) Oh, shucks, the girl said. (si2062) To his surprise his plan worked perfectly. (si2063) He was gifted with animal magnetism and a potent allure for women of any race. (si2064) Lifting her skirts, she climbed in, never relinquishing her grip on his arm. (si2065) He saw a pint-sized man with a graying spade beard and an unusually large head. (si2066) Yeah, seems so, don't it, the boy laughed, hugging her close. (si2067) We don't know this guy. (si2068) His head came up and he said it defiantly. (si2069) Come sit, he repeated, motioning to the piled hay bags, over the pig leavings. (si2070) Yeah, but what're we gonna eat? (si2071) He reached once more into the carpet bag and brought up a package of wieners. (si2072) He ripped down the cellophane carefully, and laid three dogs on the tin foil. (si2073) How come you're riding the rods, kids like you? (si2074) Now forget all this other. (si2075) You gonna give me a drink, fella? (si2076) Maybe you and me will, girlie, but these two ain't goin' nowhere. (si2077) Or the bay of female dogs in heat. (si2078) They had slapped their thighs. (si2079) He would not carry a brief case. (si2080) All the while she sat there, her sinewy arms swirled before her chest. (si2081) You're boiling milk, ain't you? (si2082) Above him slid the evasive shadow of a storm cloud. (si2083) What about a tea room, then? (si2084) She was so beautiful, so valiant, so pitiable. (si2085) Absolution for his lie? (si2086) Why lacerate the -- congregation? (si2087) He'd had no idea how unhappy his sweet peach had been. (si2088) If he ever did such a thing again she'd die of shame. (si2089) He swung in through his own wide gateway. (si2090) No temptation, no virtue? (si2091) Go change your shoes before you turn around. (si2092) He then offered his own estimate of the weather, which was unenthusiastic. (si2093) He scowled at her flowers. (si2094) My dad did it, and he lived to a great age. (si2095) Ran away on a black night with a lawful wedded man. (si2096) Left mine many a time, only she never knew it. (si2097) He gave a short hard laugh and looked at her knowingly. (si2098) But she suffered in her off-duty hours. (si2099) Then, after a while, she went to her mirror. (si2100) Just why anybody should wish to start a riot the executive officer didn't know. (si2101) He may not rise to the heights, but he can get by, and eventually be retired. (si2102) See you in about an hour. (si2103) Ahah, he thought, a lush divorcee at last. (si2104) It gave her a lewd, winking effect. (si2105) Our key salesmen are in appliances and cosmetics. (si2106) It sounded silly; why go on? (si2107) Don't forget whiskey; it's such a big seller. (si2108) She looked crestfallen, as if he had somehow disappointed the whole human race. (si2109) With any luck at all he could easily find a flowerpot. (si2110) But roulette's not my game. (si2111) He's a pinto and he photographs wonderfully. (si2112) How's your luck, honey? (si2113) Stake me, she said, and let me at those dice. (si2114) Named after the ballet. (si2115) Is there any word you would like to offer in your own defense? (si2116) He saw the dangers, not the glories of being identified as a mutineer. (si2117) There is not space to hold or force to guard any increased number of prisoners. (si2118) The instinct of discipline has been lost. (si2119) He paused, then added: "Everything on a ship is a weapon." (si2120) Another field had given him fame enough to satisfy any egotist. (si2121) Now the hope was gone. (si2122) This tragic lad had forged his own shackles. (si2123) The air smelled warmish and foul. (si2124) His black hat with its wide brim, high crown, and fur trim rode high. (si2125) One white hand poised a stick above his desk. (si2126) The guttural language from the ghetto stopped. (si2127) Some of them ignored the texts and had apparently memorized the words long ago. (si2128) His body pitched back and forth on the bench. (si2129) Does this bother you? (si2130) You had to be stupid or crazy or immortal. (si2131) She took it with her wherever she went; she chose it. (si2132) Here they did not need to be in ghettos. (si2133) All his family was dead, except for his son. (si2134) You feel him every mile further away. (si2135) Each of us had his own specialty besides. (si2136) The eye is all, inward or outward. (si2137) Why should this suddenly assail her? (si2138) Then the telephoning began. (si2139) Was it a hysterical release from the long strain of vigilance of those weeks? (si2140) It was nobody's fault. (si2141) She overplayed her hand. (si2142) Why put such a high value on being top dog? (si2143) Why are you trying to worry me? (si2144) Was she just naturally sloppy about everything but her physical appearance? (si2145) But it was a hopeful sign, he told himself. (si2146) When they got home at midnight she was tired out. (si2147) Look somewhere else. (si2148) Let's be fine superior people of great dignity, he said as if he were joking. (si2149) Then he fled, not waiting to see if she minded him or took notice of his cry. (si2150) He sank back, sighing, and was soon asleep again. (si2151) His fingers fumbled across the bandages. (si2152) He recognized his jacket and trousers. (si2153) She must have put his clothes in the closet. (si2154) He was kneeling to tie his shoelaces. (si2155) His fingers felt absurdly thick and clumsy. (si2156) Who would take over? (si2157) For a moment he felt like a thief discovered. (si2158) Her face seemed to float in an implausibly bright shaft of sunlight. (si2159) He had never felt particularly close to her. (si2160) Forget we ever knew what? (si2161) His voice seemed thick and purposeless. (si2162) Are you positive you'll be all right by yourself? (si2163) Take care of yourself then. (si2164) No, really, right as rain. (si2165) Look, sweetheart, some fool was. (si2166) A smile pulled at the lower strip of adhesive tape. (si2167) They make us conformists look good. (si2168) Upstairs, busy feet, showering like raindrops, pattered around her room. (si2169) His dark brows, which had been lowered in anger, smoothed. (si2170) How long would it be occupied? (si2171) Strength began to zip up and down his chest. (si2172) He wadded his sweat shirt into a ball and stripped down to his swimming trunks. (si2173) Aw, shut up, he said. (si2174) Shivering, he put on his clothes. (si2175) Watch it, big shot, a hoarse voice yelled back. (si2176) She was holding on to his rock with one hand. (si2177) Her cough sounded like cloth ripping. (si2178) My mother never wops me. (si2179) She spouted a mouthful of water into the air. (si2180) Part collie, part wire-haired terrier. (si2181) Naturally curly hair runs in my family. (si2182) Books are for schnooks. (si2183) Either that or a veterinarian. (si2184) She said sharks have no bones and shrimp swam backward. (si2185) Her face turned pink with pleasure and a smothered cough. (si2186) He daydreamed on the rock while she swam and splashed around. (si2187) He says he'll be here on the one-o'clock plane. (si2188) You saw them always together those years. (si2189) Now you know she could've, but she isn't that kind of girl. (si2190) She didn't even give me a chance to refuse. (si2191) But now she looked ugly. (si2192) Now maybe they'd realize that life can be tough. (si2193) He had fallen into a soft job, and now the job was gone and he was stranded. (si2194) "Virus infection nothing!", she'd scream at him. (si2195) A profession that brought me as good an income as mine wasn't to be sneezed at. (si2196) The ward was a small one, four beds, kept reserved for female alcoholics. (si2197) But if she wasn't interested, she'd just go back to the same life she'd left. (si2198) Will you tell me why? (si2199) She went on, disregarding my protests. (si2200) Just let me die in peace. (si2201) A long, long way down. (si2202) The reasons for this dive seemed foolish now. (si2203) Pretty soon a woman came along carrying a folded umbrella as a walking stick. (si2204) She saw me and sat down beside me, three feet away. (si2205) Not good looking, but self-confident and wise so that it made her attractive. (si2206) As we ate, we talked. (si2207) Yes, because you didn't run off to use that new toothbrush. (si2208) A bullet, she answered. (si2209) No return address whatsoever. (si2210) He was full of heavy family reminiscence. (si2211) The rides were tame enough -- mostly we talked. (si2212) Somebody with no vices. (si2213) And never show my face or my truck around here again. (si2214) It was as blissful and fulfilling a night as any bride ever experienced. (si2215) It's never wrong if love is real. (si2216) He'd not only told me so, he'd proved it. (si2217) No price is too high when true love is at stake. (si2218) Share bath, maybe -- but share refrigerator? (si2219) The red pills are a vitamin-and-iron compound. (si2220) This is a sleeping capsule. (si2221) You young men get to be my age, you won't take flu so lightly. (si2222) In these damp circumstances, he was an odds-on bet to develop pneumonia. (si2223) Fine, day after tomorrow, she added. (si2224) Run-down, iron-poor. (si2225) But then, redheads are often pale. (si2226) You're having a miserable time, aren't you? (si2227) Suppose what's-his-name got a sunburn? (si2228) How's your sunburn now? (si2229) When he finally did he had to duck his head quickly away as the pitch came in. (si2230) They were both walking towards each other, unhurried. (si2231) Fights sprang up and were quickly squelched. (si2232) Why the hell didn't you come out when you saw them gang up on me? (si2233) Nobody else did, either. (si2234) You don't belong in professional baseball. (si2235) Now don't tell me what a good ball player you are. (si2236) Baseball's no cinch. (si2237) His lips felt glued together. (si2238) The leagues are full of guys like that. (si2239) Why not try another club? (si2240) He needs outfielders bad. (si2241) Twenty-two or twenty-three. (si2242) Snakes are ugly, he said again. (si2243) Nobody likes snakes. (si2244) He could take the advice or leave it. (si2245) Real bright along those lines, you might say. (si2246) Weakness in leadership. (si2247) She always could sense the shag end of a woolly day. (si2248) Did you know he is advertising his ham-radio equipment for sale this weekend? (si2249) All your wishful thinking won't change that. (si2250) He had always been a messy and negligent man. (si2251) Half slyly he enjoyed seeing her stoop to lift the things. (si2252) More, he could take at leisure. (si2253) Quietly he determined to foil her. (si2254) He swung around, eyes toward the bedroom, some fifteen feet away. (si2255) Suppose he ran up the white flag altogether? (si2256) But his resolution hardly seemed to help. (si2257) You were in a hurry, weren't you? (si2258) The tale, he thought, would become less gay. (si2259) Heavy industry, slanted toward inexhaustible government coffers, attracted him. (si2260) We're here to transact business. (si2261) We've all been rich and spoiled long enough to hate the machine age. (si2262) Nobody else showed pleasure. (si2263) Hello, boss, he said, and grinned. (si2264) That worm a murderer? (si2265) His manhood had been attacked. (si2266) Joking stopped and everyone gathered around. (si2267) Needless to say, my art suffered drastically during this turbulent period. (si2268) Could it do otherwise? (si2269) Dogs did something to one's ego. (si2270) Add things as you find you need 'em. (si2271) Perhaps one bored holes in the stone with some kind of an electric gadget. (si2272) It all seemed rather hopeless. (si2273) No, he didn't know of any handyman-carpenter. (si2274) It all did look very efficient and shipshape. (si2275) One species of ambiguity tries to baffle by interweaving repetition. (si2276) Another stock vaudeville gag ran: mother is home sick in bed with the doctor. (si2277) View takes in five counties, two bedrooms. (si2278) Officials meet on rubbish. (si2279) Many shapes in bathtubs. (si2280) Samples: he walked in upon her invitation. (si2281) Not without good reason has the anatomical been called jocular journalese. (si2282) In news items a man is less often shot in the body or head than in the suburbs. (si2283) A woman met a famous author at a literary tea. (si2284) The girl nodded understandingly. (si2285) Yes, sir, she said, is that definite? (si2286) Of course, dear, she said. (si2287) Another brand of indefinite reference arises out of the use of the double verb. (si2288) Finally he asked, do you object to petting? (si2289) Ambiguity arises when the pronoun "it" carries a twofold reference. (si2290) That is only partly non-nonsense, he began. (si2291) Is it anything like cooked-over oatmeal? (si2292) Those were especially the ones that all other grownups laughed at loudest. (si2293) Just long enough to make you feel important. (si2294) Their curiosity went happily out of bounds. (si2295) Yes, ma'am, the children chorused heartily. (si2296) One could hear a very faint, ladylike sigh of relief. (si2297) As a result, he was persuaded out to dinner. (si2298) Sometimes, he coincided with my father's being at home. (si2299) My mother was beside herself with curiosity. (si2300) Very peculiar retribution indeed seems to overtake such jokers. (si2301) Whosoever violates our rooftree, the legend states, can expect maximal sorrow. (si2302) In short, and to borrow an arboreal phrase, slash timber. (si2303) Now he's bought it, said my wife contentedly. (si2304) As you can count on me to do the same. (si2305) Yes, ma'am, it sure was. (si2306) I always say you've got a wonderful husband, Miss Margaret. (si2307) May I get some more cookies, Nora? (si2308) Well, wait until you finish what you've got, Davy. (si2309) And now Nora -- don't you encourage him! (si2310) Why Nora, the very idea! (si2311) Nora, I think you imagine it. (si2312) Well, Junior, didn't he eat only one and Mr. Henry didn't even do that well. (si2313) But everybody calls you "Junior"! (si2314) Junior, what on earth's the matter with you? (si2315) Davy Mathews! It's disgusting, the way you're always eating! (si2316) Well, I guess I ought to dust out that desk anyhow. (si2317) Don't they still call you "Junior", as though you're about ten years old? (si2318) Maybe they're delivering the desk now! (si2319) This is the second year your mother's donated my fishing tackle to the bazaar. (si2320) She didn't donate anything of yours, did she? (si2321) He told me so today, coming up on the train. (si2322) When we left Washington his son Tad was ill and Mrs. Lincoln hysterical. (si2323) Keep your seats, boys, I just want to put some finishing touches on this thing. (si2324) Then may I ask where these muddy foot prints came from? (si2325) Not very well behaved, is she, to run out on a play mate? (si2326) I'm sorry but I shall have to search this house. (si2327) Oh Mother, I saw them! (si2328) And Nathan, did he see them too? (si2329) I'm going to search this house. (si2330) Now if you'll pardon me, I won't keep him waiting. (si2331) I saw your horse outside. (si2332) You're to report back to headquarters at once. (si2333) But I'm so sunburned that every move I make is agony. (si2334) May I go and get Cassandra, Momma? (si2335) Well, there are other things to do right now. (si2336) Alice, I tell you my feet are like chopped beefsteak. (si2337) I've got to bathe my feet. (si2338) Gosh, the house does look like a morgue, though. (si2339) You'd think her stomach would've got used to it, in three weeks. (si2340) Yes, yes, we'll let you know. (si2341) Not when I was a kid! (si2342) Show locations and C-ratings for all deployed subs that were in their home ports April 5. (sb01) List the cruisers in Persian Sea that have casualty reports earlier than Jarrett's oldest one. (sb02) Display posits for the hooked track with chart switches set to their default values. (sb03) What is England's estimated time of arrival at Townsville? (sb04) How many ships were in Galveston May 3rd? (sb05) Draw a chart centered around Fox using stereographic projection. (sb06) How many long tons is the average displacement of ships in Bering Strait? (sb07) What vessel wasn't downgraded on training readiness during July? (sb08) Show the same display increasing letter size to the maximum value. (sb09) Is Puffer's remaining fuel sufficient to arrive in port at the present speed? (sb10) ABERDEEN A B E R D E E N (sp001) ABOARD A B O A R D (sp002) ABOVE A B O V E (sp003) ADD A D D (sp004) AFFECT A F F E C T (sp005) AFTER A F T E R (sp006) AGAIN A G A I N (sp007) AJAX A J A X (sp008) ALASKA A L A S K A (sp009) ALERT A L E R T (sp010) ALEXANDRIA A L E X A N D R I A (sp011) ALL A L L (sp012) AN A N (sp013) ANCHORAGE A N C H O R A G E (sp014) AND A N D (sp015) ANY A N Y (sp016) ANYBODY A N Y B O D Y (sp017) APALACHICOLA A P A L A C H I C O L A (sp018) APRIL A P R I L (sp019) ARABIAN A R A B I A N (sp020) ARCTIC A R C T I C (sp021) ARE A R E (sp022) AREA A R E A (sp023) ARKANSAS A R K A N S A S (sp024) AROUND A R O U N D (sp025) ARRIVAL A R R I V A L (sp026) ARRIVE A R R I V E (sp027) ARROW A R R O W (sp028) AS A S (sp029) ASTORIA A S T O R I A (sp030) AT A T (sp031) ATLANTIC A T L A N T I C (sp032) AUGUST A U G U S T (sp033) AVAILABLE A V A I L A B L E (sp034) AVERAGE A V E R A G E (sp035) BAD B A D (sp036) BADGER B A D G E R (sp037) BAINBRIDGE B A I N B R I D G E (sp038) BANGKOK B A N G K O K (sp039) BARGE B A R G E (sp040) BASS B A S S (sp041) BAY B A Y (sp042) BE B E (sp043) BEAM B E A M (sp044) BEEN B E E N (sp045) BEFORE B E F O R E (sp046) BELOW B E L O W (sp047) BERING B E R I N G (sp048) BETTER B E T T E R (sp049) BETWEEN B E T W E E N (sp050) BIDDLE B I D D L E (sp051) BISMARK B I S M A R K (sp052) BOMBAY B O M B A Y (sp053) BOTH B O T H (sp054) BOX B O X (sp055) BRIGHT B R I G H T (sp056) BRITISH B R I T I S H (sp057) BROOKE B R O O K E (sp058) BRUNSWICK B R U N S W I C K (sp059) BUD B U D (sp060) BUMP B U M P (sp061) BY B Y (sp062) CALEDONIA C A L E D O N I A (sp063) CALIFORNIA C A L I F O R N I A (sp064) CAMDEN C A M D E N (sp065) CAMPBELL C A M P B E L L (sp066) CAN C A N (sp067) CANADA C A N A D A (sp068) CAPABILITIES C A P A B I L I T I E S (sp069) CAPABLE C A P A B L E (sp070) CAPACITIES C A P A C I T I E S (sp071) CARRIER C A R R I E R (sp072) CARRY C A R R Y (sp073) CASREP C A S R E P (sp074) CASUALTY C A S U A L T Y (sp075) CAT C A T (sp076) CATEGORIES C A T E G O R I E S (sp077) CENTER C E N T E R (sp078) CHANGE C H A N G E (sp079) CHANNEL C H A N N E L (sp080) CHART C H A R T (sp081) CHATTAHOOCHEE C H A T T A H O O C H E E (sp082) CHESHIRE C H E S H I R E (sp083) CHINA C H I N A (sp084) CHOP C H O P (sp085) CHOPPED C H O P P E D (sp086) CHOPPING C H O P P I N G (sp087) CIRCLE C I R C L E (sp088) CITRUS C I T R U S (sp089) CITY C I T Y (sp090) CLEAR C L E A R (sp091) CLEVELAND C L E V E L A N D (sp092) CLOSE C L O S E (sp093) CODAG C O D A G (sp094) CODE C O D E (sp095) COLOR C O L O R (sp096) COMPARED C O M P A R E D (sp097) CONFIDENCE C O N F I D E N C E (sp098) CONIFER C O N I F E R (sp099) CONQUEST C O N Q U E S T (sp100) CONSTANT C O N S T A N T (sp101) CONSTELLATION C O N S T E L L A T I O N (sp102) CONVENTIONAL C O N V E N T I O N A L (sp103) COOK C O O K (sp104) COPELAND C O P E L A N D (sp105) CORAL C O R A L (sp106) COULD C O U L D (sp107) COUNT C O U N T (sp108) CROVEL C R O V E L (sp109) CRUISER C R U I S E R (sp110) CRUISING C R U I S I N G (sp111) CURRENT C U R R E N T (sp112) CURRENTLY C U R R E N T L Y (sp113) DALE D A L E (sp114) DARWIN D A R W I N (sp115) DATA D A T A (sp116) DATE D A T E (sp117) DAVIDSON D A V I D S O N (sp118) DAY D A Y (sp119) DECEMBER D E C E M B E R (sp120) DECREASE D E C R E A S E (sp121) DEFAULT D E F A U L T (sp122) DEFINE D E F I N E (sp123) DEFINITION D E F I N I T I O N (sp124) DEGRADATION D E G R A D A T I O N (sp125) DEGRADE D E G R A D E (sp126) DEGREES D E G R E E S (sp127) DELETE D E L E T E (sp128) DENVER D E N V E R (sp129) DEPLOYED D E P L O Y E D (sp130) DEPLOYMENT D E P L O Y M E N T (sp131) DEPTH D E P T H (sp132) DESTINATION D E S T I N A T I O N (sp133) DID D I D (sp134) DIEGO D I E G O (sp135) DIESEL D I E S E L (sp136) DIM D I M (sp137) DISPLACEMENT D I S P L A C E M E N T (sp138) DISPLAY D I S P L A Y (sp139) DISTANCE D I S T A N C E (sp140) DIXON D I X O N (sp141) DO D O (sp142) DOES D O E S (sp143) DOWNES D O W N E S (sp144) DOWNGRADE D O W N G R A D E (sp145) DRAFT D R A F T (sp146) DRAW D R A W (sp147) DUBUQUE D U B U Q U E (sp148) DUE D U E (sp149) DURING D U R I N G (sp150) EACH E A C H (sp151) EARLIER E A R L I E R (sp152) EARLIEST E A R L I E S T (sp153) EARLY E A R L Y (sp154) EAST E A S T (sp155) EASTERN E A S T E R N (sp156) EASTPAC E A S T P A C (sp157) ECHO E C H O (sp158) ECONOMIC E C O N O M I C (sp159) EDIT E D I T (sp160) EISENHOWER E I S E N H O W E R (sp161) ELIZABETH E L I Z A B E T H (sp162) EMPLOYED E M P L O Y E D (sp163) END E N D (sp164) ENGLAND E N G L A N D (sp165) ENGLISH E N G L I S H (sp166) ENOUGH E N O U G H (sp167) ENROUTE E N R O U T E (sp168) ENTERPRISE E N T E R P R I S E (sp169) EQUIPMENT E Q U I P M E N T (sp170) EQUIPPED E Q U I P P E D (sp171) ESTEEM E S T E E M (sp172) ESTIMATED E S T I M A T E D (sp173) EVER E V E R (sp174) EVERETT E V E R E T T (sp175) EXPECTED E X P E C T E D (sp176) FANNING F A N N I N G (sp177) FAR F A R (sp178) FARTHER F A R T H E R (sp179) FARTHEST F A R T H E S T (sp180) FAST F A S T (sp181) FEBRUARY F E B R U A R Y (sp182) FEET F E E T (sp183) FIGURE F I G U R E (sp184) FIJI F I J I (sp185) FIND F I N D (sp186) FIREBUSH F I R E B U S H (sp187) FIXED F I X E D (sp188) FLASHER F L A S H E R (sp189) FLEET F L E E T (sp190) FLINT F L I N T (sp191) FOOTER F O O T E R (sp192) FOR F O R (sp193) FORMOSA F O R M O S A (sp194) FOX F O X (sp195) FRAN F R A N (sp196) FREDERICK F R E D E R I C K (sp197) FRENCH F R E N C H (sp198) FRESNO F R E S N O (sp199) FRIDAY F R I D A Y (sp200) FRIGATE F R I G A T E (sp201) FROM F R O M (sp202) FUEL F U E L (sp203) FULL F U L L (sp204) GALLONS G A L L O N S (sp205) GALVESTON G A L V E S T O N (sp206) GARCIA G A R C I A (sp207) GAS G A S (sp208) GET G E T (sp209) GIVE G I V E (sp210) GLACIER G L A C I E R (sp211) GNOMONIC G N O M O N I C (sp212) GO G O (sp213) GOING G O I N G (sp214) GONE G O N E (sp215) GREAT G R E A T (sp216) GREEN G R E E N (sp217) GRID G R I D (sp218) GRIDLEY G R I D L E Y (sp219) GRILL G R I L L (sp220) GROSS G R O S S (sp221) GROUP G R O U P (sp222) GUARDFISH G U A R D F I S H (sp223) GUITARRO G U I T A R R O (sp224) GULF G U L F (sp225) HAD H A D (sp226) HALF H A L F (sp227) HARBOR H A R B O R (sp228) HARPOON H A R P O O N (sp229) HAS H A S (sp230) HAVE H A V E (sp231) HAWKBILL H A W K B I L L (sp232) HE H E (sp233) HECTOR H E C T O R (sp234) HEPBURN H E P B U R N (sp235) HER H E R (sp236) HIGH H I G H (sp237) HIM H I M (sp238) HIS H I S (sp239) HOME H O M E (sp240) HONG H O N G (sp241) HONOLULU H O N O L U L U (sp242) HOOKED H O O K E D (sp243) HORNE H O R N E (sp244) HOUR H O U R (sp245) HOW H O W (sp246) HUNDRED H U N D R E D (sp247) ICE I C E (sp248) IDENTIFICATION I D E N T I F I C A T I O N (sp249) IF I F (sp250) IN I N (sp251) INCLUDE I N C L U D E (sp252) INCREASE I N C R E A S E (sp253) INDEPENDENCE I N D E P E N D E N C E (sp254) INDIAN I N D I A N (sp255) INDONESIA I N D O N E S I A (sp256) INFORMATION I N F O R M A T I O N (sp257) INSTALLED I N S T A L L E D (sp258) INSTEAD I N S T E A D (sp259) INSUFFICIENT I N S U F F I C I E N T (sp260) INVOLVED I N V O L V E D (sp261) INVOLVING I N V O L V I N G (sp262) IRONWOOD I R O N W O O D (sp263) IS I S (sp264) ISLANDS I S L A N D S (sp265) IT I T (sp266) JANUARY J A N U A R Y (sp267) JAPAN J A P A N (sp268) JARRETT J A R R E T T (sp269) JARVIS J A R V I S (sp270) JASON J A S O N (sp271) JULY J U L Y (sp272) JUNE J U N E (sp273) JUPITER J U P I T E R (sp274) KENNEDY K E N N E D Y (sp275) KILOMETER K I L O M E T E R (sp276) KIRK K I R K (sp277) KISKA K I S K A (sp278) KNOT K N O T (sp279) KODIAK K O D I A K (sp280) KONG K O N G (sp281) KOREA K O R E A (sp282) KOREAN K O R E A N (sp283) LAM L A M (sp284) LAMPS L A M P S (sp285) LANT L A N T (sp286) LARGE L A R G E (sp287) LAST L A S T (sp288) LAT L A T (sp289) LATITUDE L A T I T U D E (sp290) LATS L A T S (sp291) LEAST L E A S T (sp292) LEFT L E F T (sp293) LENGTH L E N G T H (sp294) LENINGRAD L E N I N G R A D (sp295) LESS L E S S (sp296) LETTER L E T T E R (sp297) LEVEL L E V E L (sp298) LINK L I N K (sp299) LIST L I S T (sp300) LOCATED L O C A T E D (sp301) LOCATION L O C A T I O N (sp302) LOCKWOOD L O C K W O O D (sp303) LON L O N (sp304) LONG L O N G (sp305) LONGITUDE L O N G I T U D E (sp306) LONS L O N S (sp307) LOW L O W (sp308) MADAGASCAR M A D A G A S C A R (sp309) MADE M A D E (sp310) MAKE M A K E (sp311) MANCHESTER M A N C H E S T E R (sp312) MANHATTAN M A N H A T T A N (sp313) MANILA M A N I L A (sp314) MANY M A N Y (sp315) MARCH M A R C H (sp316) MARS M A R S (sp317) MAX M A X (sp318) MAXIMUM M A X I M U M (sp319) MAY M A Y (sp320) MCCLUSKY M C C L U S K Y (sp321) ME M E (sp322) MEASURE M E A S U R E (sp323) MERCATOR M E R C A T O R (sp324) MERCURY M E R C U R Y (sp325) METEOR M E T E O R (sp326) METERS M E T E R S (sp327) METRIC M E T R I C (sp328) MEXICO M E X I C O (sp329) MIAMI M I A M I (sp330) MIDGETT M I D G E T T (sp331) MIDPAC M I D P A C (sp332) MIDWAY M I D W A Y (sp333) MILE M I L E (sp334) MIND M I N D (sp335) MINUTES M I N U T E S (sp336) MISHAWAKA M I S H A W A K A (sp337) MISSION M I S S I O N (sp338) MISSISSIPPI M I S S I S S I P P I (sp339) MONDAY M O N D A Y (sp340) MONGOLIA M O N G O L I A (sp341) MONTH M O N T H (sp342) MONTICELLO M O N T I C E L L O (sp343) MORE M O R E (sp344) MOST M O S T (sp345) MOZAMBIQUE M O Z A M B I Q U E (sp346) MUCH M U C H (sp347) NAME N A M E (sp348) NAPLES N A P L E S (sp349) NASHUA N A S H U A (sp350) NEAR N E A R (sp351) NEVER N E V E R (sp352) NEW N E W (sp353) NEWCASTLE N E W C A S T L E (sp354) NEWER N E W E R (sp355) NEWEST N E W E S T (sp356) NEXT N E X T (sp357) NINE N I N E (sp358) NO N O (sp359) NOME N O M E (sp360) NORTH N O R T H (sp361) NORTHERN N O R T H E R N (sp362) NOT N O T (sp363) NOVA N O V A (sp364) NOVEMBER N O V E M B E R (sp365) NOW N O W (sp366) NUCLEAR N U C L E A R (sp367) NUMBER N U M B E R (sp368) OAKLAND O A K L A N D (sp369) OCEAN O C E A N (sp370) OCTOBER O C T O B E R (sp371) OF O F (sp372) OFF O F F (sp373) OLD O L D (sp374) OLYMPIA O L Y M P I A (sp375) ON O N (sp376) ONE O N E (sp377) ONLY O N L Y (sp378) OPEN O P E N (sp379) OR O R (sp380) ORANGE O R A N G E (sp381) OVERALL O V E R A L L (sp382) OVERLAY O V E R L A Y (sp383) PACIFIC P A C I F I C (sp384) PACK P A C K (sp385) PANAMA P A N A M A (sp386) PARAMETER P A R A M E T E R (sp387) PEARL P E A R L (sp388) PEORIA P E O R I A (sp389) PERCENT P E R C E N T (sp390) PERSIAN P E R S I A N (sp391) PERSONNEL P E R S O N N E L (sp392) PHILIPPINE P H I L I P P I N E (sp393) PIGEON P I G E O N (sp394) PLUCK P L U C K (sp395) PLUNGER P L U N G E R (sp396) POLLACK P O L L A C K (sp397) POLYNESIA P O L Y N E S I A (sp398) PORT P O R T (sp399) POSIT P O S I T (sp400) POSITION P O S I T I O N (sp401) POSITS P O S I T S (sp402) POUGHKEEPSIE P O U G H K E E P S I E (sp403) POWERED P O W E R E D (sp404) PRAIRIE P R A I R I E (sp405) PRESENT P R E S E N T (sp406) PREVIOUS P R E V I O U S (sp407) PROBLEM P R O B L E M (sp408) PROJECTION P R O J E C T I O N (sp409) PROPELLED P R O P E L L E D (sp410) PROPULSION P R O P U L S I O N (sp411) PUFFER P U F F E R (sp412) PUGET P U G E T (sp413) QUARTER Q U A R T E R (sp414) QUEENFISH Q U E E N F I S H (sp415) RADAR R A D A R (sp416) RAMSEY R A M S E Y (sp417) RANGER R A N G E R (sp418) RATED R A T E D (sp419) RATHBURNE R A T H B U R N E (sp420) RATING R A T I N G (sp421) READINESS R E A D I N E S S (sp422) REASON R E A S O N (sp423) RECENT R E C E N T (sp424) RECLAIMER R E C L A I M E R (sp425) RED R E D (sp426) REDEFINE R E D E F I N E (sp427) REDISPLAY R E D I S P L A Y (sp428) REDO R E D O (sp429) REDRAW R E D R A W (sp430) REEVES R E E V E S (sp431) REMAINING R E M A I N I N G (sp432) REMARK R E M A R K (sp433) REPAIR R E P A I R (sp434) REPLACED R E P L A C E D (sp435) REPORT R E P O R T (sp436) RESET R E S E T (sp437) RESOLUTION R E S O L U T I O N (sp438) RESOLVED R E S O L V E D (sp439) RESOURCE R E S O U R C E (sp440) REVIEW R E V I E W (sp441) ROSS R O S S (sp442) SACRAMENTO S A C R A M E N T O (sp443) SAIL S A I L (sp444) SAME S A M E (sp445) SAMPLE S A M P L E (sp446) SAN S A N (sp447) SASSAFRAS S A S S A F R A S (sp448) SATURDAY S A T U R D A Y (sp449) SAVE S A V E (sp450) SCHENECTADY S C H E N E C T A D Y (sp451) SCREEN S C R E E N (sp452) SEA S E A (sp453) SEAWOLF S E A W O L F (sp454) SECURITY S E C U R I T Y (sp455) SENSOR S E N S O R (sp456) SEPTEMBER S E P T E M B E R (sp457) SET S E T (sp458) SETTING S E T T I N G (sp459) SHASTA S H A S T A (sp460) SHE S H E (sp461) SHERMAN S H E R M A N (sp462) SHIP S H I P (sp463) SHOW S H O W (sp464) SHOWN S H O W N (sp465) SIBERIAN S I B E R I A N (sp466) SIDNEY S I D N E Y (sp467) SINCE S I N C E (sp468) SINGAPORE S I N G A P O R E (sp469) SIZE S I Z E (sp470) SLOW S L O W (sp471) SMALL S M A L L (sp472) SOHO S O H O (sp473) SOLOMON S O L O M O N (sp474) SONAR S O N A R (sp475) SOON S O O N (sp476) SOUTH S O U T H (sp477) SOUTHERN S O U T H E R N (sp478) SOVIET S O V I E T (sp479) SPEED S P E E D (sp480) START S T A R T (sp481) STATES S T A T E S (sp482) STATION S T A T I O N (sp483) STATUS S T A T U S (sp484) STEAM S T E A M (sp485) STEREOGRAPHIC S T E R E O G R A P H I C (sp486) STERETT S T E R E T T (sp487) STRAIT S T R A I T (sp488) SUB S U B (sp489) SUBIC S U B I C (sp490) SUBMARINE S U B M A R I N E (sp491) SUBS S U B S (sp492) SUFFICIENT S U F F I C I E N T (sp493) SUMMARIZE S U M M A R I Z E (sp494) SUNDAY S U N D A Y (sp495) SUPPLIES S U P P L I E S (sp496) SUPPOSED S U P P O S E D (sp497) SURFACE S U R F A C E (sp498) SUSTAINED S U S T A I N E D (sp499) SWITCH S W I T C H (sp500) SWORDFISH S W O R D F I S H (sp501) SYSTEM S Y S T E M (sp502) TACKIN T A C K I N (sp503) TAIWAN T A I W A N (sp504) TAKE T A K E (sp505) TAKEN T A K E N (sp506) TASSEM T A S S E M (sp507) TEST T E S T (sp508) TEXAS T E X A S (sp509) THAILAND T H A I L A N D (sp510) THAN T H A N (sp511) THAT T H A T (sp512) THE T H E (sp513) THEIR T H E I R (sp514) THEM T H E M (sp515) THERE T H E R E (sp516) THESE T H E S E (sp517) THEY T H E Y (sp518) THIS T H I S (sp519) THOSE T H O S E (sp520) THOUSAND T H O U S A N D (sp521) THREAT T H R E A T (sp522) THURSDAY T H U R S D A Y (sp523) TICONDEROGA T I C O N D E R O G A (sp524) TIME T I M E (sp525) TO T O (sp526) TODAY T O D A Y (sp527) TOGGLE T O G G L E (sp528) TOKYO T O K Y O (sp529) TOMORROW T O M O R R O W (sp530) TONKIN T O N K I N (sp531) TONS T O N S (sp532) TOTAL T O T A L (sp533) TOWNSVILLE T O W N S V I L L E (sp534) TRACK T R A C K (sp535) TRAINING T R A I N I N G (sp536) TRIPOLI T R I P O L I (sp537) TRUE T R U E (sp538) TUESDAY T U E S D A Y (sp539) TURBINE T U R B I N E (sp540) TURN T U R N (sp541) TUSCALOOSA T U S C A L O O S A (sp542) TYPE T Y P E (sp543) UNION U N I O N (sp544) UNIT U N I T (sp545) UNTIL U N T I L (sp546) UPDATE U P D A T E (sp547) UPGRADE U P G R A D E (sp548) USE U S E (sp549) VALUE V A L U E (sp550) VANCOUVER V A N C O U V E R (sp551) VANDERGRIFT V A N D E R G R I F T (sp552) VARIOUS V A R I O U S (sp553) VESSEL V E S S E L (sp554) VICTORIA V I C T O R I A (sp555) VIEW V I E W (sp556) VIRGINIA V I R G I N I A (sp557) VISUAL V I S U A L (sp558) WABASH W A B A S H (sp559) WADSWORTH W A D S W O R T H (sp560) WAS W A S (sp561) WASP W A S P (sp562) WE W E (sp563) WEDNESDAY W E D N E S D A Y (sp564) WEEK W E E K (sp565) WELLINGTON W E L L I N G T O N (sp566) WENT W E N T (sp567) WERE W E R E (sp568) WEST W E S T (sp569) WESTERN W E S T E R N (sp570) WESTPAC W E S T P A C (sp571) WHAT W H A T (sp572) WHEN W H E N (sp573) WHERE W H E R E (sp574) WHICH W H I C H (sp575) WHIPPLE W H I P P L E (sp576) WHO W H O (sp577) WHOSE W H O S E (sp578) WHY W H Y (sp579) WICHITA W I C H I T A (sp580) WILL W I L L (sp581) WILLAMETTE W I L L A M E T T E (sp582) WINAMAC W I N A M A C (sp583) WINDOW W I N D O W (sp584) WITH W I T H (sp585) WITHIN W I T H I N (sp586) WITHOUT W I T H O U T (sp587) WORSE W O R S E (sp588) WORST W O R S T (sp589) WOULD W O U L D (sp590) YANKEE Y A N K E E (sp591) YEAR Y E A R (sp592) YELLOW Y E L L O W (sp593) YESTERDAY Y E S T E R D A Y (sp594) YET Y E T (sp595) YORK Y O R K (sp596) YORKTOWN Y O R K T O W N (sp597) ZEALAND Z E A L A N D (sp598) ZERO Z E R O (sp599) ZULU Z U L U (sp600) * 600 special training sentences from PJSENTS1 What is the Constellation's gross displacement in long tons? (sr001) Is Ranger's earliest CASREP rated worse than hers? (sr002) Show me all alerts. (sr003) Give Bainbridge's CASREPs from the last 7 months. (sr004) Show the Enterprise's home port. (sr005) Draw Texas's last 3 H.F.D.F. sensor posits. (sr006) Is England's remaining fuel insufficient to arrive in port at current speed? (sr007) List Fox's average displacement and capabilities. (sr008) Show the Gridley's track in bright orange with Horne's in dim red. (sr009) Is Reeves's fuel capacity greater than Sterett's? (sr010) What if Flasher's maximum speed were decreased by 5 knots? (sr011) What's the Guardfish's E.T.A. at Olympia? (sr012) What is Guitarro's fleet I.D.? (sr013) Display Hawkbill's track with overlay BUD-TEST. (sr014) Get Plunger's CROVEL. (sr015) Draw the Pollack's posit on 2 May and his various capabilities. (sr016) Is Puffer's position nearer to O.S.G.P. than Queenfish's location is? (sr017) Where is Seawolf's home port? (sr018) Is Swordfish's last latitude and longitude within a kilometer of PACK alert? (sr019) Summarize the Badger's ratings. (sr020) What is Brooke's fuel level and fuel capacity? (sr021) Show me Copeland's visual lat-lons using SAN-FRAN. (sr022) What's Davidson's lat and long? (sr023) Display Downes's track in bright yellow with high resolution. (sr024) Find the Fanning's percent fuel aboard and her present latitude. (sr025) Draw Hepburn's longitude with overlays PUGET-1 and GRILL. (sr026) Is Jarrett's destination the same as Lockwood's? (sr027) List Mcclusky's and Ramsey's current speed. (sr028) Is Rathburne's latest position farther from Reasoner's than from Sample's? (sr029) Is Vandergrift's max draft larger than Wadsworth's? (sr030) What if the Whipple's propulsion type was nuclear instead of steam turbine? (sr031) Get a list of Ajax's Cat-2 casualty reports for the last 8 weeks. (sr032) Is Apalachicola's radar sensor location data newer than sonar data? (sr033) Show Brunswick's problems from last week. (sr034) Is the Camden's beam and length less than Campbell's? (sr035) Give Chattahoochee's propulsion type and fuel capacity. (sr036) What is Citrus's current readiness? (sr037) Is Cleveland's distance from the Constellation more than 19 kilometers? (sr038) Display Conifer's present personnel readiness. (sr039) List Confidence's threats. (sr040) Get me Kennedy's equipment readiness. (sr041) Is Independence's beam smaller than the Eisenhower's? (sr042) Show YANKEE. (sr043) Display Mississippi's displacement in metric tons. (sr044) What is Virginia's destination? (sr045) Show Biddle's latitude and longitude on February 4, 1985. (sr046) Is Conquest's last lat-lon closer than the Constant's to BUMP alert? (sr047) Display Denver's latest position in dim green with area off. (sr048) Is Dixon's length greater than that of Ranger? (sr049) What's the Dubuque's A.S.W. mission status? (sr050) Find Esteem's various resource ratings. (sr051) Draw Firebush's last 9 positions and their sensors. (sr052) Is Flint's current speed slower than Frederick's? (sr053) Show the Fresno's track without overlay. (sr054) Show me Glacier's latest casualty report date and full location data. (sr055) What is Hector's present latitude and longitude and estimated time of arrival at Bangkok? (sr056) Is Ironwood's average speed less than 20 knots? (sr057) Show the Jarvis's casualty reports for the last 6 months. (sr058) Is Jason's training rating greater than Jupiter's? (sr059) Is Kirk's arrival hour earlier than Kiska's? (sr060) What is the Manhattan's distance from Arkansas? (sr061) Is Mars's last lat in north Atlantic Ocean? (sr062) Is Mercury's gross displacement less than that of the Bainbridge? (sr063) Display Meteor's lon using overlay BOX. (sr064) Display Midgett's A.A.W. readiness. (sr065) Is Mishawaka's remaining fuel greater than Monticello's? (sr066) What was the Nashua's position and A.S.U.W. area mission code on the 21st of August? (sr067) Is Peoria's test depth less than Pigeon's? (sr068) Is Pluck's M.O.B. area M-rating below the Yorktown's? (sr069) Which of Poughkeepsie's mission areas are M1 or higher? (sr070) Is Prairie's economic speed greater than Reclaimer's? (sr071) Draw Dale's last 4 locations in the data window. (sr072) Give Ticonderoga's and Sacramento's arrival times. (sr073) Is Sassafras's maximum draft larger than Schenectady's? (sr074) List the Shasta's overall C-rating and location. (sr075) Is Sherman's propulsion type the same as Tripoli's? (sr076) Get the supplies readiness for Enterprise. (sr077) Find the overall resource rating for Texas. (sr078) Is the Tuscaloosa's position east of Vancouver's? (sr079) Show me personnel C-code and last position date for any ship in Manila after December 3rd. (sr080) Give the equipment readiness of England on the 30th of March. (sr081) Is the Wabash's last location closer than Wasp's to ICE-NINE? (sr082) Show the training readiness of Fox. (sr083) What are Wichita's 7 worst problems? (sr084) List all ships in Sidney on 3 July. (sr085) Find the previous supplies readiness of the Gridley. (sr086) What're Willamette's capabilities? (sr087) What was Winamac's last reported latitude and longitude? (sr088) Show frigates that are C1 on training. (sr089) Don't end time window until 6 hundred hours Zulu. (sr090) Give me the personnel resource rating on the Horne. (sr091) List resource area ratings for Reeves. (sr092) What's Sterett and Midway's maximum sustained speed? (sr093) Get the speeds available for Flasher and Guardfish. (sr094) Who has the least fuel left? (sr095) Find mission area ratings for Guitarro. (sr096) Show on the data screen Constellation's track since 5 October. (sr097) Show only the visual sensor latitudes and longitudes available on Hawkbill. (sr098) What if Plunger replaced the Pollack in China Sea? (sr099) When is Puffer arriving in port? (sr100) What was Ranger's readiness June 14th? (sr101) Give me S.P.S.-48 capable cruisers at sea today. (sr102) List the carriers that were deployed on the 8th of September. (sr103) What if Queenfish increased its average cruising speed by 1 knot? (sr104) Get all C-codes for Seawolf. (sr105) Find speeds for the ships that are in Siberian Sea. (sr106) When's Swordfish due in port? (sr107) Start editing position data for Arkansas's track. (sr108) Who had the highest average C-rating during the last year? (sr109) When is Badger changing fleets? (sr110) Show areas. (sr111) Never mind the next chart display. (sr112) Give speeds of the C2 submarines. (sr113) Review CHESHIRE area alerts. (sr114) What is Bainbridge's propulsion? (sr115) List PACK-FLEET ships that are C3 on equipment. (sr116) Get me lats and lons and speeds for the subs in Gulf of Tonkin. (sr117) Find latitudes and names of vessels that are in Sea of Japan. (sr118) Give me a list of longitudes of tracks that are in the Formosa Strait. (sr119) Get a list of positions for ships in Gulf of California that went to C4 9 January. (sr120) Show all locations of tracks for U.S.N. frigates. (sr121) Give latitudes and longitudes and names of any of Eastpac's cruisers that were in the Philippine Sea on November 20th. (sr122) List the carrier's positions for April. (sr123) What is the frigate's home port? (sr124) Get me Enterprise's locations for last month. (sr125) Find latitudes and longitudes of carriers that are in the Korean Bay. (sr126) Are any ships' training ratings lower than Texas's? (sr127) Is Brooke within 23 miles of 75 degrees 16 minutes south and 90 degrees 42 minutes west? (sr128) Didn't Puffer arrive at Darwin yesterday? (sr129) Is Copeland the slowest frigate in Pacific fleet? (sr130) Why did Davidson change supplies readiness 8 May? (sr131) Is the Downes in Gulf of Thailand? (sr132) Isn't Fanning in the Yellow Sea? (sr133) Is Hepburn going to be in Alexandria Monday? (sr134) When is Jarrett expected to upgrade? (sr135) Is Lockwood closer to Leningrad than Mcclusky? (sr136) Is Ramsey within a mile of Wellington? (sr137) Where are the Rathburne and Reasoner enroute to? (sr138) Is there a cruiser in Coral Sea with harpoon? (sr139) Is the Sample equipped with TACKIN? (sr140) When's Vandergrift supposed to be in port? (sr141) Is the Wadsworth gas or diesel? (sr142) When will Whipple chop from PACK-FLEET to LANT-FLEET? (sr143) Is Ajax located in Aberdeen or Manchester? (sr144) What if she had England's capabilities? (sr145) Is the Brunswick at 1 quarter of fuel capacity or less? (sr146) Where's Camden deployed? (sr147) Does Campbell have any M2 ratings? (sr148) Is Chattahoochee powered by CODAG? (sr149) What if Citrus had the Fox's casualty reports? (sr150) Is Cleveland nearer to Conifer than Confidence? (sr151) Is Kennedy at more than 1 half her fuel capacity? (sr152) Why is the Independence reporting C5? (sr153) Is Eisenhower more than 4 kilometers from Mississippi? (sr154) Was Virginia in home port on 9 February? (sr155) Is Biddle nuclear powered? (sr156) Is the Conquest more than a kilometer from Constant? (sr157) Give tomorrow's estimated time of arrival for Denver. (sr158) Edit the Bismark Sea area threat. (sr159) List the Ross Sea alert. (sr160) Get the Solomon Sea ships that are C1. (sr161) How many in Arctic Ocean have more than 3 quarters their fuel left? (sr162) What submarines that are in the north Bering Sea have fuel capacity less than a thousand gallons? (sr163) Show the PACK area alerts. (sr164) Has Gridley's M.I.W. mission area gone to M3 before February 13th? (sr165) Show the A.S.W. rating for the Dixon. (sr166) Give max speeds for ships in Oakland. (sr167) What's the A.A.W. rating of Dubuque? (sr168) Show A.S.U.W. readiness of the Esteem 11 August. (sr169) Add a new area. (sr170) What equipment problem was CASREPed by Firebush last month? (sr171) Get M.O.B. rating codes for subs that are in Gulf of Alaska. (sr172) List sensors. (sr173) Clear the charts. (sr174) Show me the maximum speed for vessels in the Bering Strait. (sr175) How many years has Flint been employed? (sr176) Which of them has the most remaining fuel? (sr177) Show the same display increasing letter size to the max value. (sr178) What ships carry S.Q.Q.-23? (sr179) Does Frederick have both N.T.D.S. and LINK-11? (sr180) Will the Horne's Cat-3 problem be fixed by Saturday? (sr181) Draw China with SOHO. (sr182) Does Fresno have sufficient fuel to get to Newcastle? (sr183) Use bright red for track E.C.G.-zero-4-1. (sr184) Display the current speed and location of Glacier. (sr185) Use dim orange for tracks of conventional surface ships. (sr186) Show their average speeds and where they are enroute to. (sr187) Give the last date on Reeves's personnel casualty reports. (sr188) Show the economic speed for the Hector. (sr189) List the most recent date on Sterett's Cat-4 equipment CASREPs. (sr190) Won't Ironwood be upgraded on training from C2 to C3 by December 18? (sr191) Do Flasher's alerts include O.S.G.P.? (sr192) Display the maximum sustained speed of Jarvis. (sr193) Do the Guardfish's capabilities include T.F.C.C.? (sr194) Show the 6 frigates that are in Indian Ocean with the lowest fuel capacity. (sr195) What is the average cruising speed and max speed of Jason? (sr196) Display the 4 cruisers in Bass Strait with the smallest fuel capacities. (sr197) How much does including yesterday's data change that figure? (sr198) Get me the missions edited today. (sr199) What is the maximum speed and CROVEL of Jupiter? (sr200) Is TASSEM installed aboard Kirk? (sr201) Find average displacements for carriers that are in the Persian Sea. (sr202) What if steam ships were not counted? (sr203) Count the gas powered submarines in Arabian Sea. (sr204) Show the current speed and fuel capacity for this carrier. (sr205) Show gross displacement of ships that are T-LAM capable. (sr206) Give average speeds and capabilities of the subs in Mozambique Channel. (sr207) List current supplies readiness of Kiska. (sr208) What's the average overall rating code for U.S.N. vessels that are in Eastpac? (sr209) Will the Guitarro's latest problem be repaired by Thursday? (sr210) Get me the CROVEL of Manhattan 11th March. (sr211) When'll Hawkbill's last reported training problem be fixed? (sr212) Find last month's casualty reports for the Mars. (sr213) Display all overlays. (sr214) Are there any problems for Mercury that affect mission areas? (sr215) What are the open casualty reports on Meteor? (sr216) Show last week's problems from the Midgett. (sr217) Was Plunger's last update on Wednesday? (sr218) When will Mishawaka next change fleets? (sr219) What is the distance from Alexandria to Monticello? (sr220) What is the total fuel aboard Nashua? (sr221) Give the percent fuel aboard Peoria. (sr222) List Midpac's deployments during July 4th. (sr223) Draw tracks in hooked port. (sr224) How far is Pigeon from Pluck? (sr225) Show lats for hooked track with D.M.D.S. switches set to default values. (sr226) What ships in Midpac have both S.L.Q.-32 and S.P.S.-40? (sr227) What's the distance from the Yorktown to the Poughkeepsie? (sr228) What sensor is Pollack's last latitude and longitude from? (sr229) Was Prairie in Westpac yesterday? (sr230) Does Reclaimer have the greatest fuel capacity of frigates that are in the east China Sea? (sr231) What port is Dale in? (sr232) What cruisers in China Sea have LAMPS installed? (sr233) Who's closest to Ticonderoga? (sr234) How far is the Puffer's last posit from PACK alert? (sr235) Who is in west Siberian Sea? (sr236) How close is Queenfish's most recent position to 13 degrees south 60 degrees east? (sr237) Which ship in Gulf of Tonkin is nearest to Sacramento? (sr238) Total the number of the S.P.S.-48 carriers that are C4. (sr239) Which ships in Sea of Japan have a harpoon capability? (sr240) How many of Seawolf's posits are in Formosa Strait? (sr241) Center it around Gulf of California. (sr242) Does the Sassafras have the lowest fuel capacity of Philippine Sea submarines? (sr243) How near is Schenectady to him? (sr244) Swordfish's distance from the Shasta? (sr245) How old is Badger's oldest problem? (sr246) Is anybody in Homer TACKIN capable? (sr247) Which submarine has the largest displacement? (sr248) What capabilities does Sherman have? (sr249) How bad is Brooke's earliest casualty report? (sr250) Which ships in the Gulf of Thailand are S.Q.Q.-23 equipped? (sr251) What rating has Tripoli degraded to on personnel readiness? (sr252) Was Tuscaloosa in the Yellow Sea on the 18th of October? (sr253) How small is the Copeland's fuel capacity? (sr254) Get all alerts. (sr255) Set chart parameters to their default values. (sr256) Does Vancouver have the largest fuel capacity of Pacific Ocean subs? (sr257) Display the sub closest to the Wabash. (sr258) Toggle arrow switch. (sr259) Set chart parameter resolution to low. (sr260) Does Wasp have enough fuel to arrive at her destination? (sr261) Turn resolution switch on. (sr262) Find the various capabilities for diesel vessels in the Coral Sea. (sr263) Clear charts. (sr264) Give me a list of positions and C-ratings for all of Westpac's ships that were in their home ports on 10 June. (sr265) Get a list of the various C-ratings for Wichita. (sr266) Will Willamette be chopping to Atlantic fleet today? (sr267) What if the M.I.W. mission area rating of the Winamac were M4 until 7 hundred? (sr268) Show locations and M-ratings for all of Eastpac's frigates that were in their home ports on 15 September. (sr269) What is the average A.S.W. rating M-code for U.S.N. C5 cruisers that are in the Bismark Sea? (sr270) Show new definitions involving the Midway. (sr271) Display the fuel capacity and propulsion type for Constellation. (sr272) What is the fuel capacity in metric tons for Ranger? (sr273) How many feet long is Arkansas? (sr274) How soon will the Bainbridge next chop to Atlantic fleet from Pacific fleet? (sr275) Reset switches to defaults. (sr276) Give me the same information for Enterprise. (sr277) Draw track D.D.D.-9-9-2 in bright green. (sr278) What vessel in Townsville is M5 or higher on A.A.W.? (sr279) How slow would Texas have to go to get to Nome on her remaining fuel? (sr280) What time will the England arrive at his destination? (sr281) How soon can Fox get to within 83 miles of Gridley? (sr282) Show chart of Ross Sea using the true-view projection. (sr283) How long before Horne will be in Solomon Sea? (sr284) Aren't Reeves and Sterett in Everett now? (sr285) How soon can Flasher go from Bering Sea to Gulf of Alaska? (sr286) What's the name and E.T.A. at Anchorage of the ship in Bering Strait? (sr287) How early can the Guardfish be there? (sr288) What is the date and hour of arrival in port for Guitarro? (sr289) List length and beam of Hawkbill in meters and feet. (sr290) How fast could Plunger get to 6 south 17 west? (sr291) Get the CROVELS and tracks for all N.T.D.S. carriers in Indian Ocean. (sr292) Find the C-code and last location date for any frigate in Bass Strait after 14 January. (sr293) Redefine area BUMP. (sr294) Show the names and resources of ships that are in the east Persian Sea. (sr295) Give me beams and drafts of submarines in Arabian Sea. (sr296) Display tracks and speeds of ships that are in the Mozambique Channel. (sr297) Set C.E.P. and footer switches to on. (sr298) List degradations and reasons for the Pollack. (sr299) Get the names and estimated time of arrival at their destinations for subs in Eastpac. (sr300) What is the name and various ratings of the cruiser in Bass Strait? (sr301) Find all of Tuesday's and Wednesday's casualty reports for Puffer. (sr302) Is more than 1 LINK-11 carrier in port? (sr303) Show lengths and beams of vessels that are in Westpac. (sr304) Is more than 1 T.F.C.C. capable ship in port? (sr305) Give remarks and their dates for Davidson's last 5 problems. (sr306) List destinations and arrival hour at destination for all ships. (sr307) Is more than 1 quarter of the Downes's fuel left? (sr308) Show me switch settings. (sr309) What casualty reports from Friday are Category 2 or lower for ships that are in Gulf of Tonkin? (sr310) Find latitudes and longitudes and latest deployment dates for all frigates in the Atlantic Ocean. (sr311) Don't we have any TASSEM cruisers that are in China Sea. (sr312) Show alerts within the last 50 hours. (sr313) Draw on the screen the current latitude and longitude and C-codes for the Queenfish. (sr314) What was the reason for Fanning's last degradation? (sr315) Give Sunday's and Monday's CASREPs for carriers in Siberian Sea. (sr316) Get parameter settings. (sr317) List names and the positions for T-LAM submarines in Sea of Japan 12 November. (sr318) What problems are mission degrading? (sr319) Get me Thursday and Friday's updates on Seawolf. (sr320) Was today's last H.F.D.F. sensor position for Swordfish in Formosa Strait? (sr321) What are the categories for Hepburn's casualty reports? (sr322) Find location data for ships employed before last 19 April. (sr323) Show fuel levels for nuclear subs in Gulf of California. (sr324) Give C-ratings for vessels that are in the north Philippine Sea. (sr325) Show tracks for frigates. (sr326) List maximum drafts for frigates in Korean Bay. (sr327) Get me all locations for the cruisers that are in Gulf of Thailand. (sr328) Display tracks for Badger and for Brooke. (sr329) Find the M-codes for any carriers in Yellow Sea. (sr330) Show data for Copeland updated since 2 hundred hours. (sr331) Redo figures for Davidson. (sr332) Give the latitude and longitude data for the hooked port. (sr333) Draw tracks for U.S.N. ships. (sr334) List M-codes for any submarines that are in the Pacific Ocean. (sr335) What ships are located in the Coral Sea? (sr336) Get full position data for track F.F.F.-zero-8-8. (sr337) Find me the location of all subs that have gone to M1 on A.S.U.W. since 16 May. (sr338) Give me a list of all latitude and longitude data for P.L.H.-zero-zero-3. (sr339) Was Jarrett's position on Sunday in the Bismark Sea? (sr340) Display the location of Downes. (sr341) Show latitude and longitude data for all tracks. (sr342) Give remarks for Fanning. (sr343) Edit the position data for track A-4-2-1-2-8. (sr344) List location and economic speed of Hepburn with unit of measure switch set to English. (sr345) Get full latitude and longitude data for all tracks. (sr346) Toggle the great circle and the grid parameters. (sr347) Find me position data for Jarrett. (sr348) Are any of Lockwood's last 8 latitudes and longitudes in Ross Sea? (sr349) Show location of Lockwood on 11 February. (sr350) How close is the west Solomon Sea to Mcclusky? (sr351) Give the estimated time to repair for the most recent casualty report from Ramsey. (sr352) What's the E.T.R. on Mcclusky's S.L.Q.-32? (sr353) List names and resources of Arctic Ocean vessels. (sr354) What are the various resource area ratings on Rathburne? (sr355) Show a chart centered around Reasoner. (sr356) Which of these are higher than M2 in M.O.B. mission area? (sr357) Display a chart centered around the Sample using mercator projection. (sr358) Which ships that are C1 are in Bering Sea? (sr359) Draw chart centered around Vandergrift. (sr360) Get frigates that are M3 on M.I.W. and in New York. (sr361) Clear windows. (sr362) When will Wadsworth be repairing that problem with S.P.S.-40? (sr363) Show carriers in Bering Strait and their propulsion types. (sr364) Give any ships that are C2. (sr365) What is the total number of submarines in the Indian Ocean? (sr366) List U.S.N. ships that are in Bass Strait. (sr367) Get Persian Sea subs that are C3 on equipment readiness. (sr368) Show the same vessels with full latitude and longitude data for each. (sr369) Find me the ships in Arabian Sea since 18 August. (sr370) Show frigates in Mozambique Channel. (sr371) Which LAMPS capable cruisers that are in Eastpac that are M4 or lower on A.S.W. chopped to Pacific fleet after 1 March? (sr372) Give the deployments of carriers 29 December. (sr373) Are there any ships deployed in Midpac that are C4? (sr374) List deployments of submarines during March. (sr375) How many kilometers are there between Whipple and Ajax? (sr376) Get U.S.N. ships deployed in 1981. (sr377) Did any subs that are in Bombay ever go to M5 on A.A.W.? (sr378) Find the vessels that were C5 on July 27. (sr379) Count the ships in Westpac. (sr380) Show me frigates with S.P.S.-48 employed before 22nd October. (sr381) Give cruisers that are C1 that aren't deployed. (sr382) List the carriers in south Atlantic Ocean and their maximum sustained speeds. (sr383) How many ships that are harpoon capable are there at Diego Garcia? (sr384) Get submarines that are M1 on A.S.U.W.. (sr385) Find all ships that are in home port. (sr386) Count the subs that are at greater than half their fuel capacity. (sr387) Show vessels that were M2 on M.O.B. on June 9th. (sr388) Give me the ships deployed after 25th of September. (sr389) List frigates in China Sea and their destinations. (sr390) Do any cruisers that are in Siberian Sea have more fuel than her? (sr391) Get the carriers that are C2. (sr392) Find ships in home port on January 15th. (sr393) How many submarines in Gulf of Tonkin are steam propelled? (sr394) Give me a list of ships that were in Sea of Japan as of November 17th. (sr395) Get a list of the subs that are in Formosa Strait and their average displacements. (sr396) Are there vessels in Gulf of California that are C3? (sr397) Show ships that are in Philippine Sea and C4 on training. (sr398) Give me the frigates with supply problems. (sr399) List C5 cruisers that are in Galveston. (sr400) How many submarines in Korean Bay have test depths less than 1 thousand feet? (sr401) Get ships that are in Gulf of Thailand that have casualty reports dated earlier than Ramsey's oldest one. (sr402) Find the submarines that are in Yellow Sea and that are M3 on M.I.W.. (sr403) How many ships are in the Pacific fleet? (sr404) Show subs that are C1 on supplies. (sr405) How many vessels whose average cruising speeds are as fast as Rathburne's were in Honolulu 22 April? (sr406) Give the ships in north Pacific Ocean with TACKIN. (sr407) Do any frigates that are in Coral Sea have A.S.W. mission area of M4? (sr408) List all cruisers and their fleet identifications. (sr409) Get me carriers in Port Elizabeth. (sr410) What S.Q.Q.-23 ships are in the Bismark Sea? (sr411) Find submarines deployed 28 May. (sr412) How many ships with max speeds above 34 knots are in Ross Sea? (sr413) Show subs whose overall readiness is C2. (sr414) Give vessels that are C3 and aren't deployed. (sr415) List C4 ships that are in the Solomon Sea. (sr416) How many frigates have gross displacements greater than Reasoner's? (sr417) Get any cruisers that are in Arctic Ocean and that are rated M5 on A.A.W.. (sr418) Find me carriers that went to M1 on A.S.U.W. after 28 February. (sr419) Show any ships that were C5 on August 19th. (sr420) How many submarines are C1 or above? (sr421) Give ships deployed since December 16th. (sr422) List any subs that are C2 on personnel readiness. (sr423) Which of the east Bering Sea vessels are on station? (sr424) Get Pacific fleet ships that were C3 on 27 March. (sr425) Decrease letter size by one on chart of south Formosa. (sr426) Find frigates and their destinations. (sr427) Make letters size 1. (sr428) Show me the names and maximum speeds for cruisers. (sr429) What submarine is nearest Apalachicola? (sr430) Give carriers. (sr431) List ships deployed 1 August. (sr432) Get U.S.N. submarines in the Gulf of Alaska since 30 July. (sr433) What is Sample's fuel status? (sr434) Find ships in Bering Strait as of October 31. (sr435) Show subs that were deployed on the 10th June. (sr436) Give me fuel levels for vessels in Indian Ocean. (sr437) Delete Vandergrift's newest position data. (sr438) List the last 3 positions for Brunswick. (sr439) Review the Wadsworth's last 6 alerts. (sr440) Weren't there more than 50 ships that were in Pacific fleet in '82? (sr441) Display the last location of the hooked track. (sr442) Have not more than 2 frigates been in their home ports since September 6th? (sr443) Had Camden made that casualty report earlier than 8 hundred hours? (sr444) Delete any missions that were changed today. (sr445) Get the last 9 locations of Campbell. (sr446) Find capabilities that the Chattahoochee has. (sr447) What cruisers are reporting M2 on M.O.B.? (sr448) Give me a list of area alerts for Bass Strait. (sr449) Get a list of all N.T.D.S. carriers that weren't deployed in January. (sr450) Who has LINK-11 capability in the Persian Sea? (sr451) Show any T.F.C.C. ships deployed before 12th of November and that weren't in home port 7 April. (sr452) What's the latest latitude and longitude? (sr453) Give me TASSEM capable submarines that are in Arabian Sea. (sr454) What is the last report date for Whipple's equipment casualty report? (sr455) List the T-LAM capable ships. (sr456) What is the average unit readiness for the 3 fastest subs in Mozambique Channel? (sr457) Get any S.L.Q.-32 capable vessels in Eastpac 5 May and C4 on 2 February. (sr458) Find S.P.S.-40 ships. (sr459) Edit the alert involving Citrus. (sr460) Show the LAMPS capable frigates that are C5. (sr461) Redraw chart with groups and N.T.D.S. switches toggled. (sr462) Display Ajax's track with overlay BARGE. (sr463) Give any S.P.S.-48 capable cruisers that are in port today. (sr464) Draw the chart with redefined overlays. (sr465) List harpoon capable carriers in Atlantic City. (sr466) Show me chart with no speed data displayed. (sr467) Get any TACKIN capable ships that are not C1 on training. (sr468) Define the time window for the chart of northern Japan to start at present time and end at 13 hundred Zulu. (sr469) Find the S.Q.Q.-23 submarines that were located in Gulf of Tonkin on 8 August. (sr470) Redefine time window for the chart of southern Thailand to start 4 days sooner. (sr471) Are there any Category 3 problems for Cleveland? (sr472) Show the most recent deployment dates for ships. (sr473) Which subs have Category 4 CASREPs? (sr474) Redraw the chart of Korea increasing letter size to 2. (sr475) Is there an N.T.D.S. installed on Conifer? (sr476) Give last week's Category 2 casualty reports for vessels in Westpac. (sr477) What's the setting of U.O.M. switch? (sr478) List M.I.W. rating codes for all of Midpac's C2 ships that are in the Atlantic Ocean. (sr479) Has Confidence chopped to Pacific fleet yet? (sr480) Wouldn't it have taken longer with Kennedy? (sr481) How much faster is Apalachicola's current speed compared to the Brunswick's? (sr482) Make chart of British Solomon Islands again redefining overlays. (sr483) Get me destinations and estimated time of arrival at destination for LINK-11 capable frigates. (sr484) Can the Independence get to China Sea by 10 hundred hours on Tuesday? (sr485) What cruisers rated above M3 on A.S.W. will change readiness by 9 December? (sr486) Display chart of west Siberian Sea with NOVA overlay. (sr487) Draw a chart of the Gulf of Tonkin with time window started at 6 hundred hours. (sr488) Find the various fleet identifications for carriers. (sr489) Show the same chart with BUD-TEST. (sr490) On what day is Eisenhower due in Kodiak? (sr491) Redraw the chart of Formosa Strait with SAN-FRAN overlay added. (sr492) Set letter size to greatest value. (sr493) Display tracks of any ships in Gulf of California. (sr494) Redo the chart of Philippine Sea showing only latitudes and longitudes from sonar sensor. (sr495) Set color of Camden's track to dim yellow. (sr496) Show all definitions of any alerts involving the Mississippi. (sr497) Draw a chart of Canada centering it around Virginia. (sr498) Add PUGET-1 overlay. (sr499) Redo chart of the Coral Sea Islands using gnomonic projection. (sr500) Has Biddle been at sea longest of submarines that are in Pacific fleet? (sr501) Show C3 ships in the Pacific fleet. (sr502) Redraw the chart of Cook Islands with new position data included. (sr503) Give me C4 subs that were in Korean Bay on 4 March. (sr504) Redisplay the chart of Gulf of Thailand after clearing GRILL. (sr505) Display lengths and beams for vessels that are in Port Victoria. (sr506) List group names. (sr507) Show the definition of the CHESHIRE alert. (sr508) Has Conquest arrived at her destination yet? (sr509) Get the names of ships in hooked port. (sr510) Redraw chart of Fiji with the radar sensor location data deleted. (sr511) Increase letter size to 3 for chart of Yellow Sea. (sr512) Find the various fleet identifications for T.F.C.C. frigates that are in Pacific Ocean. (sr513) Show a chart of French Polynesia. (sr514) What cruisers went to C5 on supplies after 7 July? (sr515) Show me alerts in which she's involved. (sr516) Redo chart of Coral Sea toggling unit of measure parameter. (sr517) Give Friday's problems from the Denver. (sr518) List speed of carriers in east Bismark Sea. (sr519) Are there any older than those? (sr520) Make chart again in high resolution. (sr521) Display the chart of Ross Sea turning off posit display switch. (sr522) Redraw chart of Hong Kong with latitude and longitude data shown in bright orange. (sr523) Redisplay chart of the Solomon Sea adding new overlays. (sr524) Couldn't Dixon arrive in port by tomorrow? (sr525) Draw chart of Indonesia with security off. (sr526) Get the estimated arrival times for ships due in Astoria today. (sr527) Display speed of Dubuque. (sr528) When'll Esteem next be on station? (sr529) Show the number of submarines with C1 equipment. (sr530) Find the mission areas aboard Firebush that are M4. (sr531) How long would it take Flint to get from San Diego to 3 north 15 west? (sr532) Show me a chart of Arctic Ocean with ports switch turned on. (sr533) Redraw the chart of Madagascar with time window defined to start at 6 hundred. (sr534) How long will it take Frederick to get where he's going? (sr535) Show dates of personnel problems reported by Fresno in 1983. (sr536) Do we have a sub in the Bering Sea with test depth less than 5 thousand feet? (sr537) Display a chart of Gulf of Alaska with time window starting at 40 and ending at 2 hundred hours Zulu. (sr538) Redraw chart of Mongolia with the edited position data. (sr539) Draw chart of eastern Mexico using overlay YANKEE. (sr540) Redo the same chart with sail parameter on. (sr541) What is the total number of ships in Pacific fleet? (sr542) On what day could Glacier arrive in port at her average speed? (sr543) Redraw the chart of Mozambique decreasing letter size to 4. (sr544) Give the names of any subs that were in Bering Strait on 8 October. (sr545) What vessel was in Subic Bay September 1? (sr546) Show chart of New Caledonia with save toggled. (sr547) How long would it take Hector to get to Miami at 9 knots? (sr548) Display a chart of New Zealand with system switches set to their defaults. (sr549) Redraw the chart of Philippines with data screen cleared. (sr550) Will Ironwood be at Naples tomorrow? (sr551) Show the name of dim red track. (sr552) Redraw chart of Panama deleting H.F.D.F. sensor location data. (sr553) Has the Jarvis chopped to Atlantic fleet yet? (sr554) Draw chart of Indian Ocean. (sr555) How many days would it take Jason to get to her destination at her economic speed? (sr556) Total the number of vessels that are in Bass Strait. (sr557) Display the definition of the threats involving Jupiter. (sr558) Show the same chart of south Singapore defining time window to start at 7 hundred hours. (sr559) Can Kirk get to Kodiak by Monday? (sr560) Redraw projection using stereographic. (sr561) Get me the dates on equipment casualty reports for Kiska. (sr562) Show the number of ships deployed in north Persian Sea. (sr563) Set color of N-9-2-7-6-2 to bright yellow. (sr564) Redraw chart of Taiwan making the letters one size smaller. (sr565) What is the number of frigates that are in Arabian Sea without TASSEM? (sr566) Redraw chart of Soviet Union with redefined overlays. (sr567) What would it be counting only C2 cruisers? (sr568) When was he last in the Mozambique Channel? (sr569) Set all parameters to defaults. (sr570) Find any alerts in which Manhattan is involved. (sr571) Make chart of United States again with resolution set to low. (sr572) Redo the chart of U.S.A. with letters decreased by one size. (sr573) Give me a list of the various fleet identifications for T-LAM carriers. (sr574) Get a list of last month's worst problems for each Eastpac ship. (sr575) Display the definition of the Midpac alert. (sr576) Show the C3 ships in Westpac. (sr577) What's the status of Mars? (sr578) Display a chart of western China with echo switch off. (sr579) Give me C4 submarines. (sr580) Draw the chart of Atlantic Ocean with Mercury displayed in center. (sr581) List Tuesday's casualty reports for Meteor. (sr582) What were the Campbell's problems yesterday? (sr583) What is Midgett's E.T.A. at its destination? (sr584) Doesn't Chattahoochee have S.L.Q.-32? (sr585) Is Citrus's earliest CASREP later than 21 hundred? (sr586) What is the cruiser's estimated time of arrival at Tokyo? (sr587) Is the Conifer's arrival hour in Pearl Harbor after 3 hundred hours? (sr588) Why was Confidence's A.A.W. mission area changed on 5 June? (sr589) What's Kennedy's training resource readiness? (sr590) Will Independence's supplies casualty report be fixed by September 2? (sr591) Is Eisenhower's rating on overall readiness higher than that of the Mishawaka? (sr592) What is Mississippi's home port? (sr593) Why was Virginia's personnel resource rating degraded 7th January? (sr594) What is Biddle's equipment readiness now? (sr595) When was the Conquest's last reported training problem? (sr596) What's Constant's propulsion type and fuel capacity? (sr597) Is Denver's displacement greater than average for M5 A.S.U.W. ships? (sr598) Is Dixon's length less than any frigate in the China Sea? (sr599) What is Dubuque's oldest casualty report? (sr600) *1000 sentences from PJSENTS2, selected in SELTRAIN1.TXT: Is Esteem's estimated time of arrival later than 8 hundred hours Zulu? (st0001) What is Firebush's propulsion type? (st0002) Is Flint's max draft greater than the average for her fleet? (st0003) Where was Frederick's destination November 14th? (st0004) Is Fresno's average displacement larger than average for Siberian Sea subs? (st0005) What's Glacier's maximum draft? (st0006) Is the Hector's fleet identification the same as Ironwood's? (st0007) What is Jarvis's M-rating on M.O.B.? (st0008) Is Jason's maximum sustained speed slower than Jupiter's? (st0009) Is Everett the Kirk's destination? (st0010) What is Kiska's fuel capacity? (st0011) Is Manhattan's length more than 7 hundred meters? (st0012) Why was Mars's M.I.W. M-code changed on 26th of April? (st0013) What's the Mercury's average cruising speed? (st0014) Are there any gas propelled vessels that are in Gulf of Tonkin? (st0015) What is Meteor's current speed? (st0016) Are there any diesel surface vessels within 4 miles of Darwin? (st0017) What is Midgett's percent fuel? (st0018) Are there 14 ships at sea? (st0019) What was the previous supplies readiness of Monticello? (st0020) Are there 9 S.P.S.-40 frigates with max speeds not less than 15 knots? (st0021) Were there 26 cruisers at sea on 12 May? (st0022) Who has the lowest fuel capacity of nuclear surface ships in the Sea of Japan? (st0023) Are there 4 carriers with maximum speeds more than 7 knots? (st0024) Review Mishawaka's alerts. (st0025) What's the overall resource readiness of Nashua? (st0026) Is Homer the destination for any ships? (st0027) Are there 3 harpoon submarines that are in Formosa strait capable of a maximum speed of 19 knots or higher? (st0028) Turn areas off and redraw current area. (st0029) Set area on. (st0030) Don't show the chart on redraw. (st0031) Display positions for hooked track. (st0032) Turn arrow on for tracks whose position is hooked. (st0033) Why was Monticello's A.S.W. mission area downgraded on 16 February? (st0034) What is the equipment C-rating for the Peoria? (st0035) Turn off C.E.P. switch. (st0036) When will the personnel problem for Pigeon be resolved? (st0037) Turn off chart parameter. (st0038) When did the Nashua's personnel readiness rating last degrade? (st0039) Why did Peoria's A.A.W. mission area rating degrade on 11 August? (st0040) Redraw showing the last 6 locations of all carriers and all subs. (st0041) Why did Pluck change equipment readiness on 18 December? (st0042) Get the latitudes and longitudes of vessels that are in Gulf of California. (st0043) Are there 5 ships in Sidney with readiness more than C3? (st0044) What was Pigeon's training readiness on last Saturday? (st0045) Why was supplies readiness of Yorktown degraded on 13 March? (st0046) Is Leningrad the destination of any frigates? (st0047) Who has the smallest fuel capacity in the Philippine Sea? (st0048) What is the overall readiness of Poughkeepsie? (st0049) Which of the cruisers that are in Korean Bay have S.P.S.-48? (st0050) What's the personnel resource readiness on Prairie? (st0051) When was Reclaimer last in the Gulf of Thailand? (st0052) What is the equipment readiness on Pluck? (st0053) When was Dale last in port? (st0054) Are there 2 carriers in Yellow Sea with training rating more than C1? (st0055) What is the supplies resource rating on Ticonderoga? (st0056) Are there any C2 ships that are in the Pacific Ocean? (st0057) What's the overall resource rating and destination of Sacramento? (st0058) When will the personnel casualty report from the Yorktown be resolved? (st0059) Never mind the display. (st0060) Has the Sassafras changed equipment readiness? (st0061) Is Schenectady as fast as Shasta? (st0062) What is the training rating of Sherman? (st0063) Is Tripoli in the hooked port? (st0064) Did the Tuscaloosa report any problem on 10 July? (st0065) Hasn't Vancouver reported any supplies resource area problems since 15 October? (st0066) Is Wabash on station today? (st0067) What is the longest cruiser in Pacific fleet? (st0068) Clear screens. (st0069) Is Wasp within 60 kilometers of 38 south 9 west? (st0070) When did the Wichita last downgrade for A.S.U.W. mission area? (st0071) Is Willamette farther from Winamac than Midway is? (st0072) When did the Constellation last report overall resource area C3? (st0073) Is Ranger faster than Arkansas? (st0074) Didn't Bainbridge upgrade on 17 June? (st0075) When'll Enterprise next be in home port? (st0076) Is the Texas capable of a speed of 14 knots? (st0077) Are England and Fox in Wellington? (st0078) Is Gridley a harpoon carrier? (st0079) Does Horne have an M.O.B. readiness of M1? (st0080) Where is the Reeves enroute to? (st0081) Is sterett slower than Flasher? (st0082) Where is Guardfish going? (st0083) Why was Guitarro rated C4 on June 1? (st0084) Is the Hawkbill due in port before 12 hundred on next Thursday? (st0085) Hasn't Plunger CASREPed any personnel resource problems since 19 September? (st0086) Where's Pollack now? (st0087) Review alerts within the last 10 hours for the ships that are in Gulf of Alaska. (st0088) Is Queenfish going to be chopping to the Atlantic fleet soon? (st0089) When did Seawolf degrade from her previous equipment C-rating? (st0090) Has Swordfish reported any training problems? (st0091) When did Badger chop to LANT-FLEET? (st0092) Is there a ship in Coral Sea longer than 7 hundred feet? (st0093) Where was the Brooke on January 16? (st0094) Didn't Copeland downgrade on M.I.W. in November? (st0095) Is Davidson's max speed as fast as Downes's? (st0096) Which submarines in Bismark Sea have TACKIN? (st0097) What's the A.S.W. average rating code for ships that are in the Ross Sea? (st0098) What subs in east Solomon Sea went to M2 in A.A.W. since 17th April? (st0099) Which vessels that are in Arctic Ocean are S.Q.Q.-23 capable? (st0100) What is the E.T.A. at her destination of Fanning? (st0101) Which ships in Manchester have a supplies readiness rating of C5? (st0102) Did the A.S.U.W. mission area of Hepburn ever go to M3 on May 16th? (st0103) What is the estimated time of arrival in Oakland of Jarrett? (st0104) Did M.O.B. mission area of Lockwood ever go to M4 in '84? (st0105) What personnel problems has the Mcclusky reported since 1st of February? (st0106) Define a PACK area alert. (st0107) What's the M.I.W. mission area rating for Ramsey? (st0108) Which frigates that are in Bering Sea have an overall readiness that is C1? (st0109) Add BOX. (st0110) Draw Gulf of Alaska. (st0111) Has the Poughkeepsie's A.S.W. mission area rating been changed since Wednesday? (st0112) Which cruisers in Bering strait have an overall resource readiness of C2? (st0113) Has A.A.W. mission area of Rathburne gone to M5 since 23 August? (st0114) Which carriers that are in Newcastle are C3? (st0115) What supply problems has Reasoner reported? (st0116) Did the Prairie's A.S.U.W. mission area ever go to M1 after 25 December? (st0117) What is the M.O.B. M-code for Sample? (st0118) Does Vandergrift have N.T.D.S. capability? (st0119) Are there any LINK-11 capable ships in Indian Ocean? (st0120) Doesn't Wadsworth have T.F.C.C. yet? (st0121) How many Cat-2 CASREPs are there for submarines that are in Bass strait? (st0122) Are there any TASSEM ships in Persian Sea? (st0123) Show Formosa. (st0124) Redraw Japan in high resolution. (st0125) Display Thailand using true-view. (st0126) How much fuel does Whipple have remaining? (st0127) Is the average speed of Ajax greater than 18 knots? (st0128) Redraw Korea with low resolution. (st0129) Is the economic speed of Apalachicola less than that of the Brunswick? (st0130) What is the maximum speed of all subs that are in Pacific fleet? (st0131) Are any supply problems reported by Camden dated 22 March? (st0132) Is the average cruising speed for vessels in the Arabian Sea greater than Reclaimer's max speed? (st0133) Are more than 8 ships currently in home port? (st0134) Does the Campbell have 4 open Cat-3 problems? (st0135) What's the present personnel readiness for Chattahoochee? (st0136) Is the gross displacement of Citrus more than a thousand long tons? (st0137) What is the maximum speed of Cleveland? (st0138) How many nuclear surface ships are within 59 miles of Conifer? (st0139) What frigates have CASREPed equipment problems? (st0140) What are the average displacements for Mozambique Channel conventional surface vessels? (st0141) Weren't more than 6 C4 cruisers in Pacific fleet today? (st0142) Is there a problem with training for Confidence? (st0143) Edit Dale's alerts. (st0144) What is the current supplies readiness of the Kennedy? (st0145) Are there more than 4 T-LAM capable carriers that are in port? (st0146) What ships chopped from the Atlantic fleet to the Pacific fleet in July? (st0147) Redisplay chart adding SOHO. (st0148) Ticonderoga's overall readiness rating? (st0149) What Pacific fleet submarine wasn't downgraded on personnel readiness during October? (st0150) How fast is Independence? (st0151) Add an alert. (st0152) Are any of the Sacramento's positions from visual sensor? (st0153) Turn footer switch on. (st0154) Were any of Sassafras's problems reported before 27 June? (st0155) Set great circle switch to on. (st0156) What sub had the most casualty reports during the last 3 months? (st0157) Toggle the unit of measure parameter. (st0158) Are any of Schenectady's problems dated 26 September? (st0159) What speed is Eisenhower going? (st0160) Redraw it increasing letter size to 1. (st0161) What casualty reports on Mississippi are there for 25 January? (st0162) Redraw it making the letter size one smaller. (st0163) Set color for Shasta's track to dim green. (st0164) What vessel in Midpac has least remaining fuel? (st0165) Set chart switch to high. (st0166) How soon can the Sherman's latest problem be fixed? (st0167) Which ship in Westpac has the largest fuel capacity? (st0168) What frigate in north Atlantic Ocean has the slowest current speed? (st0169) Redraw chart displaying the 2 last locations for each cruiser. (st0170) Equipment rating for Virginia? (st0171) What submarines in the China Sea on 28 November will chop to Atlantic fleet by 29 April? (st0172) Is Tripoli's fuel capacity larger than Tuscaloosa's? (st0173) Edit O.S.G.P.. (st0174) Redo chart deleting the latest posit data for each carrier. (st0175) What's the present M.I.W. mission readiness of the Biddle? (st0176) Turn grid off. (st0177) What type of propulsion does Conquest have? (st0178) How soon will Constant be upgraded on training readiness? (st0179) Clear data screen. (st0180) Is there a remark on Vancouver's most recent casualty report? (st0181) Did the Denver report any supplies problem July 1? (st0182) What is the name and C-code of the carrier in Siberian Sea? (st0183) Does Dixon have any Category 3 or Category 4 problems? (st0184) Clear the overlays and display track of Dubuque. (st0185) How soon can Esteem chop to Atlantic fleet? (st0186) What CASREP did Firebush have on 27 May? (st0187) Draw the Wabash's track and current overall readiness. (st0188) Make letters one size smaller. (st0189) How soon will Flint be upgraded on A.S.W. mission readiness? (st0190) Clear chart screen. (st0191) How soon can the Frederick get to Alexandria? (st0192) Never mind. (st0193) How soon does Fresno arrive in Townsville? (st0194) Clear data screens. (st0195) What are the various ratings for Glacier? (st0196) Does Hector have any CASREPs of Category 2 or Category 3? (st0197) Show position data and the various mission codes for ships in Gulf of Tonkin before February 23. (st0198) Are there any open casualty reports for Ironwood? (st0199) Change alert for Sea of Japan. (st0200) What S.P.S.-48 capable carriers are in Solomon Sea? (st0201) How soon will Jarvis be in home port? (st0202) Define area alerts for Gulf of California. (st0203) Delete location data for Wasp's track. (st0204) Edit the Wichita's latitude and longitude data from radar sensor. (st0205) Are any of Westpac's subs rated M2 on A.A.W.? (st0206) Has Jason been downgraded yet? (st0207) How many of Eastpac's vessels were in home port on 7th August? (st0208) What submarine wasn't degraded in personnel readiness in 1985? (st0209) Whose average speeds are 11 knots or less? (st0210) How many metric tons is the average displacement of ships in Pacific fleet? (st0211) Is there no Philippine Sea sub rated M3 on A.S.U.W.? (st0212) Was there no Korean Bay vessel that was rated M4 on M.O.B. in the Gulf of Thailand December 19th? (st0213) What're the various resource area ratings for Jupiter? (st0214) Set unit of measure to metric. (st0215) Whose economic speeds are less than 17 knots? (st0216) How many kilometers is it between Kirk and Nome? (st0217) How many frigates are steam powered? (st0218) How many cruisers are there that are in Yellow Sea? (st0219) Are there any carriers within 25 miles of 2 west 18 south? (st0220) Which ship is closest to Anchorage? (st0221) Decrease the letter size by one. (st0222) How soon can Kiska chop from Pacific fleet to Atlantic fleet? (st0223) How many kilometers is New York from Bombay? (st0224) Are there any ships longer than 1 thousand feet in the north Pacific Ocean? (st0225) What gas surface ships which are in Coral Sea are S.L.Q.-32 capable? (st0226) Count all the submarines. (st0227) How many miles is it from Diego Garcia to Manhattan? (st0228) Count the ships that will arrive in Galveston by next month. (st0229) How many subs will be in Honolulu by 13 hundred hours tomorrow? (st0230) Reset the switches. (st0231) Do any vessels that are in Pacific fleet have S.P.S.-40? (st0232) Are any ships in Bismark Sea below 90 percent of their fuel capacity? (st0233) How many frigates were in Port Elizabeth during the last 48 weeks? (st0234) Which LAMPS capable cruisers are in Ross Sea? (st0235) How many days would it take Mars to get to Atlantic City at his maximum sustained speed? (st0236) Define an alert for the Formosa strait. (st0237) Which harpoon capable ships are C5? (st0238) How many submarines were in Port Victoria on the 20th of March? (st0239) Do any ships that are capable of an average cruising speed of more than 14 knots have TACKIN? (st0240) Aren't there any subs that haven't reported an equipment problem since 30 July? (st0241) How many vessels were deployed since 31 October? (st0242) Were any ships in Astoria on 9 June? (st0243) How many frigates are C1 on training? (st0244) Weren't any cruisers in Arctic Ocean in September? (st0245) Show me tracks of carriers in the Bering Sea. (st0246) How many ships in the Gulf of Alaska on 6 January have changed readiness? (st0247) Which S.Q.Q.-23 capable submarines have a supplies resource rating of more than C2? (st0248) How many ships were deployed in '86? (st0249) Are there any subs that are in Bering strait capable of a speed of 20 knots? (st0250) How many vessels are in Indian Ocean? (st0251) Do any ships that are in Bass strait have an M5 M.I.W. M-rating? (st0252) How many frigates have open casualty reports? (st0253) Are any cruisers capable of a max speed of more than 16 knots? (st0254) How many carriers have been deployed since 4 November? (st0255) Are there any ships that haven't reported a problem with training since 7 April? (st0256) How many submarines chopped to Pacific fleet from Atlantic fleet in 1984? (st0257) What 3 Persian Sea ships went to M1 on A.S.W. since 6 May? (st0258) How many subs are there in San Diego? (st0259) Were there any vessels in the Arabian Sea on 5 February? (st0260) Are there no ships that are in the Mozambique Channel? (st0261) How many frigates are currently in home port? (st0262) Were there no cruisers in Eastpac December 1? (st0263) How many carriers were deployed as of 2 August? (st0264) Do any ships in Midpac have an M2 A.A.W. mission area? (st0265) Are there more than 8 submarines that are in Westpac? (st0266) Delete missions. (st0267) How many ships are not N.T.D.S. capable? (st0268) Display the last 9 latitudes and longitudes for the Mercury. (st0269) How many subs were in Atlantic Ocean on December 7? (st0270) Are any problems reported by Meteor dated 22nd March? (st0271) Draw the last 3 positions for tracks of carriers that are LINK-11 capable. (st0272) How many vessels in China Sea have A.S.U.W. M-ratings lower than M3? (st0273) Will any T.F.C.C. capable ships be in the south Siberian Sea by Friday? (st0274) How many frigates were in Gulf of Tonkin on July 24th? (st0275) Were there more than 85 vessels at sea on 31st of October? (st0276) How many TASSEM capable carriers are in Sea of Japan? (st0277) Show the last 2 locations for tracks of carriers whose personnel readiness is C3. (st0278) How many ships are C4? (st0279) Were there more than 8 submarines employed in '82? (st0280) How many T-LAM ships have been deployed since 4 June? (st0281) Are there more than 9 subs that are in Subic Bay? (st0282) Were there more than 15 Pacific fleet vessels employed in 1983? (st0283) How many S.L.Q.-32 ships are in the Formosa strait? (st0284) Are there more than 50 frigates at sea? (st0285) Change area alert PACK. (st0286) Is there more than one S.P.S.-40 capable frigate in Gulf of California? (st0287) Redefine area alert BUMP. (st0288) How many LAMPS cruisers in Miami have reported problems with equipment? (st0289) Is there more than one S.P.S.-48 capable cruiser in port? (st0290) Review the last 6 alerts. (st0291) Are there more than 4 carriers that are in port today? (st0292) How many harpoon capable ships are there? (st0293) Was there more than one carrier in Philippine Sea on 7 September? (st0294) Which of Midpac's submarines are M4 or higher on M.O.B.? (st0295) Clear display window. (st0296) Set time window to start at the present time and end at 17 hundred hours. (st0297) Display chart with letter size increased by one. (st0298) Are there any Category 3 casualty reports for any of the ships in Korean Bay? (st0299) What is the latest deployment date for Midgett? (st0300) Is there a Gulf of Thailand ship rated M5 on M.I.W.? (st0301) Draw the track of Mishawaka. (st0302) What's the destination of Monticello? (st0303) Which of Westpac's subs are C5? (st0304) Show track of Nashua since 14 January. (st0305) What is the name of the submarine in the Yellow Sea? (st0306) Which vessels have a C1 training resource rating? (st0307) Display a new chart projection of Pacific Ocean. (st0308) Redraw the same chart with data screen cleared. (st0309) What is the destination arrival hour for Peoria? (st0310) Set the unit of measure switch to English. (st0311) Can Pigeon get to her destination by Sunday? (st0312) What's the lat and long of Pluck? (st0313) Draw tracks of ships that are in the Coral Sea. (st0314) What frigates were in west Bismark Sea on 12 November? (st0315) Clear screen. (st0316) Are Saturday's problems worse than Wednesday's for Yorktown? (st0317) Increase letter size to the max value and redraw. (st0318) How long would it take Poughkeepsie to get from Naples to Willamette's current latitude? (st0319) Define a mission. (st0320) Show the same chart with time started at 19 hundred Zulu. (st0321) Redisplay overlay BARGE turning off groups. (st0322) Reset D.M.D.S. switches to defaults. (st0323) How long is it going to take Prairie to get to where she's going? (st0324) Display a new chart projection using mercator. (st0325) Will the Reclaimer be in port by 22 hundred hours? (st0326) Set parameters to defaults. (st0327) Will Winamac's C2 supplies problem be fixed by 16 April? (st0328) Set switches to their defaults. (st0329) How long would it take Dale to get to 33 north 6 east? (st0330) What is the Midway's fuel level? (st0331) Set letter size to 2. (st0332) Draw a chart of British Solomon Islands using stereographic projection. (st0333) Is present speed of Ticonderoga greater than 11 knots? (st0334) Set the color of hooked track to bright red. (st0335) How much fuel is aboard Sacramento? (st0336) Will Sassafras chop to LANT-FLEET by 23 hundred hours on Tuesday? (st0337) Show track of the Schenectady clearing overlays. (st0338) What remarks are there on Constellation's last casualty report? (st0339) Has Shasta arrived at Kodiak yet? (st0340) Display a new chart using true-view. (st0341) Set chart switches to defaults. (st0342) When is the estimated time of arrival in home port for the Sherman? (st0343) Draw a chart of Ross Sea. (st0344) Clear display. (st0345) How long would it take Tripoli to get to Tokyo at her maximum speed? (st0346) Show me a chart of east and west Canada. (st0347) Display the name of hooked port. (st0348) How long would it take the Tuscaloosa to get to his destination at 40 knots? (st0349) What is the average of current speeds for cruisers in Solomon Sea? (st0350) What carriers are in Arctic Ocean? (st0351) Display a chart of Bering Sea with the time window from 24 hundred to 18 hundred hours Zulu. (st0352) What ships were at sea on 13 May? (st0353) What's the longitude of the sub closest to 75 north 2 east? (st0354) Which submarines are in Pearl Harbor? (st0355) Review the last alert for Vancouver. (st0356) Clear all windows. (st0357) What is Ranger's average displacement in long tons? (st0358) Is Arkansas's most recent casualty report rated worse than hers? (st0359) Find the alerts. (st0360) Show Enterprise's casualty reports from the last 8 months. (st0361) Show Texas's home port. (st0362) Draw England's last 9 sonar sensor latitudes and longitudes. (st0363) Is Fox's remaining fuel insufficient to arrive in port at the current speed? (st0364) Give Gridley's gross displacement and capabilities. (st0365) Show me Horne's track in dim orange with Reeves's in bright green. (st0366) Is sterett's fuel capacity less than the Flasher's? (st0367) What if Guardfish's average speed were decreased by 7 knots? (st0368) What is Guitarro's E.T.A. at Homer? (st0369) What's Hawkbill's fleet identification? (st0370) Display Plunger's track with the overlay NOVA. (st0371) List Pollack's overall resource readiness. (st0372) Draw Puffer's position on 15 February and her various capabilities. (st0373) Is Queenfish's location closer to ICE-NINE than Seawolf's latitude and longitude is? (st0374) Where is the Swordfish's home port? (st0375) Is Badger's last lat-lon within a mile of CHESHIRE? (st0376) Summarize Brooke's ratings. (st0377) What is Copeland's fuel level and fuel capacity? (st0378) Show Davidson's visual positions using BUD-TEst. (st0379) What is the Downes's position now? (st0380) Display Fanning's track in dim yellow with low resolution. (st0381) Get Hepburn's percent fuel aboard and its present location. (st0382) Draw Jarrett's latitude and longitude with overlays SAN-FRAN and PUGET-1. (st0383) Is Lockwood's destination the same as the McClusky's? (st0384) Find Ramsey's and Rathburne's economic speed. (st0385) Is Reasoner's latest latitude nearer to Sample's than to the Vandergrift's? (st0386) Is Wadsworth's maximum draft larger than Whipple's? (st0387) What if Ajax's propulsion type was diesel instead of CODAG? (st0388) Show Apalachicola's Cat-2 problems for the last 90 weeks. (st0389) Is Brunswick's H.F.D.F. sensor lat and lon data newer than the sonar data? (st0390) Give me Camden's CASREPs from last week. (st0391) Is Campbell's beam and length greater than Chattahoochee's? (st0392) List Citrus's propulsion type and fuel capacity. (st0393) What's the Cleveland's current readiness? (st0394) Is Conifer's distance from Wabash more than 23 kilometers? (st0395) Display Confidence's present overall readiness. (st0396) Get Kennedy's alerts. (st0397) Find the Independence's overall readiness. (st0398) Is Eisenhower's beam smaller than Mississippi's? (st0399) Show GRILL. (st0400) Display Virginia's displacement in metric tons. (st0401) What is Biddle's destination? (st0402) Show the Conquest's position 17 August of '86. (st0403) Is Constant's last location closer than Denver's to PACK alert? (st0404) Display Dixon's latest latitude and longitude in bright orange with N.T.D.S. on. (st0405) Is the Dubuque's length less than that of Wasp? (st0406) What is Esteem's A.S.W. mission status? (st0407) Show me Firebush's various resource ratings. (st0408) Draw Flint's last 5 locations and their sensors. (st0409) Is the Frederick's current speed slower than Fresno's? (st0410) Show Glacier's track without overlay. (st0411) Show Hector's earliest casualty report date and full position data. (st0412) What's the Ironwood's present location and estimated time of arrival at Olympia? (st0413) Is Jarvis's maximum sustained speed greater than 22 knots? (st0414) Give Jason's casualty reports for the last 8 months. (st0415) Is Jupiter's personnel rating less than Kirk's? (st0416) Is the Kiska's arrival hour earlier than Manhattan's? (st0417) What is Mars's distance from Wichita? (st0418) Is Mercury's last latitude and longitude in the Bering strait? (st0419) Is Meteor's average displacement greater than that of Willamette? (st0420) Display Midgett's position using overlay YANKEE. (st0421) Display Mishawaka's A.A.W. readiness. (st0422) Is the Monticello's remaining fuel less than Nashua's? (st0423) What was Peoria's location and A.S.U.W. area mission code July 1? (st0424) Is Pigeon's test depth greater than Pluck's? (st0425) Is the Yorktown's M.O.B. area M-rating below Poughkeepsie's? (st0426) Which of Prairie's mission areas are M2 or lower? (st0427) Is Reclaimer's average cruising speed less than Dale's? (st0428) Draw the Ticonderoga's last 4 latitudes and longitudes in data window. (st0429) List Sacramento's and Sassafras's arrival times. (st0430) Is Schenectady's max draft larger than the Shasta's? (st0431) Get Sherman's overall C-rating and latitude and longitude. (st0432) Is Tripoli's propulsion type the same as Tuscaloosa's? (st0433) Find me the equipment readiness for Winamac. (st0434) Show the training resource rating for the Midway. (st0435) Is Vancouver's posit south of Wabash's? (st0436) Give supplies C-code and last position date for any vessel in Bangkok after 14 December. (st0437) List the overall readiness of Constellation March 12. (st0438) Is the Wasp's last location closer than Wichita's to O.S.G.P.? (st0439) Get the personnel readiness of Ranger. (st0440) What are Willamette's 5 worst problems? (st0441) Find subs that were in Manila on the 28th July. (st0442) Show me the previous equipment readiness of Arkansas. (st0443) What are Winamac's capabilities? (st0444) What was Midway's last reported latitude and longitude? (st0445) Give vessels that are C3 on training. (st0446) Don't end the time window until 19 hundred hours. (st0447) Show the supplies resource rating on Bainbridge. (st0448) Get resource area ratings for Enterprise. (st0449) What is the Texas and the Constellation's max speed? (st0450) Find speeds available for England and Fox. (st0451) Who has the most fuel left? (st0452) Give me a list of all mission area ratings for the Gridley. (st0453) Show on data screen Ranger's track since October 13th. (st0454) Display only the radar sensor positions available on Horne. (st0455) What if the Reeves replaced sterett in Indian Ocean? (st0456) When is Flasher arriving in port? (st0457) What was Arkansas's readiness the 29th of June? (st0458) Show TACKIN capable ships at sea. (st0459) Give frigates that were deployed on 16 September. (st0460) What if Guardfish increased her maximum speed by 1 knot? (st0461) List C-codes for the Guitarro. (st0462) Get speeds for cruisers in Bass strait. (st0463) When's Hawkbill due in port? (st0464) start editing the position data for Bainbridge's track. (st0465) Who had the highest average C-rating during last year? (st0466) When is Plunger changing fleets? (st0467) Find areas. (st0468) Never mind next chart display. (st0469) Show me all speeds of C4 carriers. (st0470) Review the Yellow Sea area alerts. (st0471) What's Enterprise's propulsion? (st0472) Give the Pacific fleet ships that are C5 on equipment. (st0473) List locations and speeds for submarines that are in west Persian Sea. (st0474) Get latitudes and longitudes and names of ships in the Arabian Sea. (st0475) Find positions of tracks that are in Mozambique Channel. (st0476) Show locations for subs in Eastpac that went to C1 on 11 January. (st0477) Give me latitudes and longitudes of tracks for all U.S.N. carriers. (st0478) List the positions and names of any of Eastpac's ships that were in Midpac on 26 November. (st0479) Get the cruiser's locations for April. (st0480) What is the carrier's home port? (st0481) Find Texas's latitudes and longitudes for the last month. (st0482) Show posits of frigates that are in Westpac. (st0483) Are any frigates' personnel ratings higher than England's? (st0484) Is Pollack within 18 miles of 60 degrees 34 minutes north and 7 degrees 13 minutes east? (st0485) Didn't the Flasher arrive at Wellington yesterday? (st0486) Is the Puffer the fastest ship in Pacific fleet? (st0487) Why did Queenfish change equipment readiness 23 May? (st0488) Is Seawolf in Atlantic Ocean? (st0489) Isn't Swordfish in the China Sea? (st0490) Is Badger going to be in Galveston Monday? (st0491) When is Brooke expected to upgrade? (st0492) Is Copeland farther from Sidney than the Davidson? (st0493) Is Downes within a kilometer of Leningrad? (st0494) Where are Fanning and Hepburn enroute to? (st0495) Is there a frigate in Gulf of Tonkin with S.Q.Q.-23? (st0496) Is the Jarrett equipped with N.T.D.S.? (st0497) When's Lockwood supposed to be in port? (st0498) Is McClusky nuclear or steam? (st0499) When will Ramsey chop from Pacific fleet to Atlantic fleet? (st0500) Is Rathburne located in Wellington or Aberdeen? (st0501) What if she had Fox's capabilities? (st0502) Is Sample at 3 quarters fuel capacity or less? (st0503) Where is Vandergrift deployed? (st0504) Does Wadsworth have any M2 ratings? (st0505) Is the Whipple powered by gas turbine? (st0506) What if Ajax had Gridley's casualty reports? (st0507) Is Apalachicola closer to the Brunswick than the Camden? (st0508) Is Campbell at more than 1 quarter her fuel capacity? (st0509) Why's Chattahoochee reporting C2? (st0510) Is Citrus more than 80 kilometers from Cleveland? (st0511) Was the Conifer in home port on 26 February? (st0512) Is Confidence diesel powered? (st0513) Is Kennedy more than a mile from Independence? (st0514) List tomorrow's estimated time of arrival for Eisenhower. (st0515) Edit the Sea of Japan area alert. (st0516) Show me the Formosa strait threat. (st0517) Find Gulf of California cruisers that are C3. (st0518) How many in west Philippine Sea have more than half their fuel left? (st0519) What carriers that are in Korean Bay have fuel capacity greater than 5 thousand gallons? (st0520) Show the BUMP area threats. (st0521) Has Horne's M.I.W. mission area gone to M3 before 22 August? (st0522) Give the A.S.W. rating for Mississippi. (st0523) List maximum speeds for ships in Manchester. (st0524) What is the A.A.W. rating of the Virginia? (st0525) Get A.S.U.W. readiness of Biddle on 28 December. (st0526) Add an area. (st0527) What training problem was reported by Conquest last month? (st0528) Find me M.O.B. rating codes for all the submarines that are in Gulf of Thailand. (st0529) Show sensors. (st0530) Show the average speed for ships in Yellow Sea. (st0531) How many years has Constant been employed? (st0532) Which of them has the least remaining fuel? (st0533) Display the same chart increasing letter size to the maximum value. (st0534) What subs carry LINK-11? (st0535) Does Denver have both T.F.C.C. and TASSEM? (st0536) Will Reeves's Cat-3 casualty report be fixed by Saturday? (st0537) Draw western Coral Sea Islands with BOX. (st0538) Does Dixon have sufficient fuel to get to Oakland? (st0539) Use dim red for track E.C.G.-zero-4-1. (st0540) Display the economic speed and location of the Dubuque. (st0541) Use bright yellow for tracks of nuclear surface ships. (st0542) Give their maximum sustained speeds and where they are enroute to. (st0543) List the latest date on sterett's supplies problems. (st0544) Show the average cruising speed for Esteem. (st0545) Get me the last date on Flasher's Cat-4 equipment casualty reports. (st0546) Won't Firebush be upgraded on personnel from C4 to C5 by 29 March? (st0547) Do the Guardfish's alerts include ICE-NINE? (st0548) Display the max speed of Flint. (st0549) Do Guitarro's capabilities include T-LAM? (st0550) Show the 7 vessels that are in Pacific Ocean with the greatest fuel capacity. (st0551) What's the maximum speed and current speed of the Frederick? (st0552) Display the 3 ships in Coral Sea with the largest fuel capacities. (st0553) How much does including Monday's data change that figure? (st0554) Find missions edited today. (st0555) What is the average speed and CROVEL of Fresno? (st0556) Is S.L.Q.-32 installed aboard the Glacier? (st0557) Give me a list of gross displacements for frigates that are in Bismark Sea. (st0558) What if nuclear cruisers were not counted? (st0559) Total the steam powered carriers in Ross Sea. (st0560) Show the economic speed and fuel capacity for this cruiser. (st0561) Get a list of the average displacement of ships that are S.P.S.-40 capable. (st0562) Show me maximum sustained speeds and capabilities of submarines in south Solomon Sea. (st0563) Give current equipment readiness of the Hector. (st0564) What is the average training rating code for U.S.N. ships that are in Arctic Ocean? (st0565) Will Hawkbill's most recent CASREP be repaired by Thursday? (st0566) Show supplies readiness of Ironwood August 1. (st0567) When will the Plunger's latest CASREPed equipment problem be fixed? (st0568) Get last month's problems for Jarvis. (st0569) Display overlays. (st0570) Are there any CASREPs for Jason that affect mission areas? (st0571) What are the open casualty reports on the Jupiter? (st0572) Find last week's problems from Kirk. (st0573) Was Pollack's last update on Wednesday? (st0574) When'll Kiska next change fleets? (st0575) What's the distance from Newcastle to Manhattan? (st0576) What is the total fuel aboard the Mars? (st0577) Show percent fuel aboard Mercury. (st0578) Give me Midpac's deployments during 25 July. (st0579) Draw tracks that are in the hooked port. (st0580) How far is the Meteor from the Midgett? (st0581) Show lat-lons for hooked track with system parameters set to default values. (st0582) What frigates in Bering Sea have both LAMPS and S.P.S.-48? (st0583) What is the distance from the Mishawaka to the Monticello? (st0584) What sensor is Puffer's last latitude and longitude from? (st0585) Was Nashua in Gulf of Alaska yesterday? (st0586) Does the Peoria have lowest fuel capacity of vessels that are in Bering strait? (st0587) What port is Pigeon in? (st0588) What ships in Indian Ocean have harpoon installed? (st0589) Who's closest to the Pluck? (st0590) How far is Queenfish's last position from CHESHIRE? (st0591) Who is in Bass strait? (st0592) How close is Seawolf's last location to 52 degrees north 8 degrees east? (st0593) Which carrier in Persian Sea is farthest from the Yorktown? (st0594) Count the number of TACKIN frigates that are C1. (st0595) Which cruisers in Arabian Sea have an S.Q.Q.-23 capability? (st0596) How many of Swordfish's positions are in Mozambique Channel? (st0597) Center it around the Indian Ocean. (st0598) Does Poughkeepsie have greatest fuel capacity of all Midpac carriers? (st0599) How near is Prairie to it? (st0600) The Badger's distance from Reclaimer? (st0601) How old is Brooke's oldest casualty report? (st0602) Is anybody in Westpac N.T.D.S. capable? (st0603) Which ship has the smallest displacement? (st0604) What capabilities does Dale have? (st0605) How bad is the Copeland's most recent casualty report? (st0606) Which ships in south Atlantic Ocean are LINK-11 equipped? (st0607) What rating has Ticonderoga degraded to on overall readiness? (st0608) Was Sacramento in China Sea October 24? (st0609) How large is the Davidson's fuel capacity? (st0610) List all the alerts. (st0611) Set D.M.D.S. switches to their default values. (st0612) Does Sassafras have the largest fuel capacity of all Siberian Sea submarines? (st0613) Display the submarine closest to the Schenectady. (st0614) Toggle posit display parameter. (st0615) Set chart switch resolution to high. (st0616) Does Shasta have enough fuel to arrive at her destination? (st0617) Turn the resolution switch on. (st0618) Get the various capabilities for gas turbine ships in the Gulf of Tonkin. (st0619) Clear all charts. (st0620) Find locations and C-ratings for all of Westpac's subs that were in their home ports on the 2nd of June. (st0621) Show the various C-ratings for Sherman. (st0622) Will the Tripoli be chopping to Atlantic fleet today? (st0623) What if the M.I.W. mission area rating of Tuscaloosa were M4 until 10 hundred? (st0624) Give me latitudes and longitudes and M-ratings for all of Eastpac's vessels that were in their home ports on September 15th. (st0625) What's the average A.S.W. rating M-code for U.S.N. C2 ships that are in Sea of Japan? (st0626) Show the new definitions involving Vancouver. (st0627) Display the fuel capacity and propulsion type for Wabash. (st0628) What is the fuel capacity in tons for Wasp? (st0629) How many feet long is the Wichita? (st0630) How soon will Willamette next chop to Atlantic fleet from Pacific fleet? (st0631) Reset the switches to defaults. (st0632) List the same information for Winamac. (st0633) Draw track D.D.D.-9-9-2 in dim green. (st0634) What sub in Alexandria is M5 or lower on A.A.W.? (st0635) How slow would the Midway have to go to get to Townsville on his remaining fuel? (st0636) What time will Constellation arrive at her destination? (st0637) How soon can Ranger get to within 15 miles of Arkansas? (st0638) Show chart of the Formosa strait using mercator projection. (st0639) How long before Bainbridge will be in Gulf of California? (st0640) Aren't Enterprise and the Texas in the Philippine Sea today? (st0641) How soon can England go from Korean Bay to Gulf of Thailand? (st0642) What is the name and E.T.A. at Nome of the vessel in the Yellow Sea? (st0643) How early can Fox be there? (st0644) What's the date and hour of arrival in port for Gridley? (st0645) Get length and beam of Horne in meters and feet. (st0646) How fast could the Reeves get to 70 south 29 east? (st0647) Find CROVELS and tracks for T.F.C.C. frigates in north Pacific Ocean. (st0648) Show me the C-code and last position date for any ship in Coral Sea after the 27th of January. (st0649) Redefine area PACK. (st0650) Give the names and resources of cruisers that are in Bismark Sea. (st0651) List beams and drafts of carriers in Ross Sea. (st0652) Display the tracks and speeds of ships that are in Solomon Sea. (st0653) Set security and ports parameters to off. (st0654) Get the degradations and reasons for sterett. (st0655) Find the names and estimated time of arrival at their destinations for submarines in Arctic Ocean. (st0656) What is the name and the various ratings of the frigate in west Bering Sea? (st0657) Show all of Thursday's and Friday's casualty reports for Flasher. (st0658) Is more than one TASSEM cruiser in port? (st0659) Give me lengths and beams of all ships that are in Gulf of Alaska. (st0660) Is more than one T-LAM capable carrier in port? (st0661) List remarks and their dates for Downes's last 6 problems. (st0662) Get the destinations and arrival hour at destination for all subs. (st0663) Is more than 3 quarters of Fanning's fuel left? (st0664) Show parameter settings. (st0665) What problems from Friday are Category 4 or higher for cruisers that are in the Persian Sea? (st0666) Show lats and lons and the earliest deployment dates for vessels in Bering strait. (st0667) Don't we have any S.L.Q.-32 ships that are in Indian Ocean. (st0668) Give me alerts within the last 4 hours. (st0669) Draw on the screen the current position and C-codes for Guardfish. (st0670) What was the reason for Hepburn's latest degradation? (st0671) List Monday's and Tuesday's casualty reports for frigates in Bass strait. (st0672) Display switch settings. (st0673) Get names and latitudes for S.P.S.-40 carriers in Arabian Sea 27 November. (st0674) What CASREPs are mission degrading? (st0675) Find Tuesday and Wednesday's updates on Guitarro. (st0676) Was Monday's last H.F.D.F. sensor location for the Hawkbill in Mozambique Channel? (st0677) What are the categories for Jarrett's casualty reports? (st0678) Give me a list of latitude and longitude data for ships employed before last 23 April. (st0679) Get a list of fuel levels for all diesel vessels in Eastpac. (st0680) Show the C-ratings for ships that are in Midpac. (st0681) Show me tracks for subs. (st0682) Give max drafts for vessels in Westpac. (st0683) List longitudes for ships that are in Atlantic Ocean. (st0684) Display tracks for Plunger and for Pollack. (st0685) Get M-codes for any frigates in China Sea. (st0686) Find data for Puffer updated since 17 hundred hours. (st0687) Redo the figures for Queenfish. (st0688) Show position data for hooked port. (st0689) Draw tracks for all U.S.N. cruisers. (st0690) Give me the M-codes for any carriers that are in south Siberian Sea. (st0691) What ships are located in Gulf of Tonkin? (st0692) List full location data for track F.F.F.-zero-8-8. (st0693) Get latitude and longitude of submarines that have gone to M1 on A.S.U.W. since 30 May. (st0694) Find the position data for P.L.H.-zero-zero-3. (st0695) Was Lockwood's location on Sunday in Sea of Japan? (st0696) Show latitude and longitude of Seawolf. (st0697) Give position data for all tracks. (st0698) List the remarks for Swordfish. (st0699) Edit location data for track A-4-2-1-2-8. (st0700) Get me latitude and longitude and average cruising speed of Badger with the unit of measure switch set to metric. (st0701) Find full position data for all tracks. (st0702) Toggle sail and save switches. (st0703) Show location data for Brooke. (st0704) Are any of McClusky's last 6 positions in Formosa strait? (st0705) Give the latitude and longitude of Copeland on 1 February. (st0706) How close is Gulf of California to Davidson? (st0707) Show the estimated time to repair for the last CASREP from Downes. (st0708) What is the estimated time to repair on the Ramsey's LAMPS? (st0709) Get names and resources of Philippine Sea ships. (st0710) What are the various resource area ratings on Fanning? (st0711) Show me a chart centered around the Hepburn. (st0712) Which of these are lower than M2 in M.O.B. mission area? (st0713) Display a chart centered around Jarrett using stereographic projection. (st0714) Which subs that are C3 are in Korean Bay? (st0715) Draw chart centered around the Lockwood. (st0716) Find vessels that are M3 on M.I.W. and in Anchorage. (st0717) Review the last alert for Poughkeepsie. (st0718) When will McClusky be repairing that problem with S.P.S.-48? (st0719) Give the frigates in Yellow Sea and their propulsion types. (st0720) List any cruisers that are C4. (st0721) What's the total number of carriers in Pacific Ocean? (st0722) Get all U.S.N. ships that are in Coral Sea. (st0723) Find me the north Bismark Sea submarines that are C5 on overall readiness. (st0724) Show the same ships with full position data for each. (st0725) Show subs in Ross Sea since 5 August. (st0726) Give vessels in the Solomon Sea. (st0727) Which harpoon capable ships that are in Arctic Ocean that are M4 or higher on A.S.W. chopped to Pacific fleet after 2 December? (st0728) List deployments of frigates on 8 March. (st0729) Are there any cruisers deployed in Bering Sea that are C1? (st0730) Get deployments of carriers during July. (st0731) How many kilometers are there between Ramsey and the Rathburne? (st0732) Find me U.S.N. ships deployed in '84. (st0733) Did any submarines that are in New York ever go to M5 on A.A.W.? (st0734) Give me a list of ships that were C2 on 9 October. (st0735) Count the subs in Gulf of Alaska. (st0736) Get a list of vessels with TACKIN employed before 1 October. (st0737) Show the ships that are C3 that aren't deployed. (st0738) Give frigates in Bering strait and their max speeds. (st0739) How many cruisers that are S.Q.Q.-23 capable are there at Bombay? (st0740) List carriers that are M1 on A.S.U.W.. (st0741) Get ships that are in home port. (st0742) Total the submarines that are at less than 1 quarter of their fuel capacity. (st0743) Find me the ships that were M2 on M.O.B. on 7 June. (st0744) Show subs deployed after September 3. (st0745) Give vessels in Indian Ocean and their destinations. (st0746) Do any ships that are in Bass strait have more fuel than her? (st0747) List the frigates that are C4. (st0748) Get cruisers that were in home port on 8th of January. (st0749) How many carriers in east Persian Sea are nuclear propelled? (st0750) Find ships that were in the Arabian Sea as of November 21st. (st0751) Show me all submarines that are in Mozambique Channel and their gross displacements. (st0752) Are there ships in Eastpac that are C5? (st0753) Give subs that are in Midpac and C1 on personnel. (st0754) List vessels with supply problems. (st0755) Get C2 ships that are in Diego Garcia. (st0756) How many subs in Westpac have test depths greater than 14 hundred meters? (st0757) Find cruisers that are in Atlantic Ocean that have casualty reports dated earlier than the Rathburne's oldest one. (st0758) Show carriers that are in China Sea and M3 on M.I.W.. (st0759) How many ships are in Pacific fleet? (st0760) Give me submarines that are C3 on equipment. (st0761) How many ships whose maximum speeds are as fast as the Reasoner's were in Galveston 3rd of April? (st0762) List subs in Siberian Sea with N.T.D.S.. (st0763) Do any vessels that are in Gulf of Tonkin have A.S.W. mission area of M4? (st0764) Get the ships and their fleet identifications. (st0765) Find frigates in Honolulu. (st0766) What LINK-11 cruisers are in Sea of Japan? (st0767) Show carriers deployed 5 May. (st0768) How many ships with current speeds above 12 knots are in Formosa strait? (st0769) Give the submarines whose training readiness is C4. (st0770) List ships that are C5 and aren't deployed. (st0771) Get me C1 subs that are in Gulf of California. (st0772) How many vessels have average displacements less than Sample's? (st0773) Find any ships that are in south Philippine Sea and rated M5 on A.A.W.. (st0774) Show the frigates that went to M1 on A.S.U.W. after 2 February. (st0775) Give any cruisers that were C2 on 8 August. (st0776) How many carriers are C3 or better? (st0777) List ships deployed since 4 December. (st0778) Get any submarines that are C4 on supplies readiness. (st0779) Which of the Korean Bay ships are on station now? (st0780) Find me Pacific fleet subs that were C5 on 19 March. (st0781) Decrease letter size by one on chart of Cook Islands. (st0782) Give me a list of the vessels and their destinations. (st0783) Make letters size 3. (st0784) Get a list of names and average speeds for all ships. (st0785) What ship is nearest Reasoner? (st0786) Show the frigates. (st0787) Give cruisers deployed 16 July. (st0788) List U.S.N. carriers in Gulf of Thailand since 11 October. (st0789) What is Vandergrift's fuel status? (st0790) Get ships in the Yellow Sea as of 18 June. (st0791) Find me submarines that were deployed January 1. (st0792) Show fuel levels for ships in Pacific Ocean. (st0793) Delete Wadsworth's newest location data. (st0794) Give the last 9 locations for the Sample. (st0795) Review Whipple's last 6 alerts. (st0796) Weren't there more than 4 subs that were in Pacific fleet in 1985? (st0797) Display the last latitude and longitude of the hooked track. (st0798) Have not more than 7 vessels been in their home ports since 13 September? (st0799) Had Vandergrift made that casualty report earlier than 3 hundred hours Zulu? (st0800) Delete any missions changed today. (st0801) List the last 6 latitudes and longitudes of Wadsworth. (st0802) Get the capabilities that Whipple has. (st0803) What ships are reporting M2 on M.O.B.? (st0804) Find area alerts for Coral Sea. (st0805) Show me the T.F.C.C. frigates that weren't deployed in January. (st0806) Who has TASSEM capability in Bismark Sea? (st0807) Give any T-LAM cruisers that were deployed before November 10 and that weren't in home port 30th April. (st0808) What is the most recent posit? (st0809) List S.L.Q.-32 capable carriers that are in Ross Sea. (st0810) What's the latest report date for the Ajax's training problem? (st0811) Get S.P.S.-40 capable ships. (st0812) What is the average unit readiness for the 5 slowest submarines in west Solomon Sea? (st0813) Find any LAMPS capable ships that were in Arctic Ocean on May 11th and that were C1 on 4th of February. (st0814) Show the S.P.S.-48 subs. (st0815) Edit the alert involving Ajax. (st0816) Give me harpoon capable vessels that are C2. (st0817) Redraw chart with echo and areas switches toggled. (st0818) Display Apalachicola's track with overlay SOHO. (st0819) List any TACKIN capable ships that are in port. (st0820) Draw chart with redefined overlays. (st0821) Get S.Q.Q.-23 capable frigates in Port Elizabeth. (st0822) Show the chart with no speed data displayed. (st0823) Find any N.T.D.S. capable cruisers that are not C3 on personnel. (st0824) Define the time window for the chart of Fiji to start at present time and end at 2 hundred hours. (st0825) Show LINK-11 carriers that were located in Bering Sea on 15 August. (st0826) Redefine time window for the chart of French Polynesia to start 8 days sooner. (st0827) Are there any Category 2 problems for the Apalachicola? (st0828) Give me the last deployment dates for all ships. (st0829) Which submarines have Category 3 casualty reports? (st0830) Redraw chart of east Hong Kong increasing letter size to 4. (st0831) Is there a T.F.C.C. installed on Brunswick? (st0832) List last week's Category 4 problems for ships in Gulf of Alaska. (st0833) What is the setting of the U.O.M. parameter? (st0834) Get M.I.W. rating codes for all of Midpac's C4 subs that are in Bering strait. (st0835) Has Camden chopped to PACK-FLEET yet? (st0836) Wouldn't it have taken longer with the Campbell? (st0837) How much faster is Brunswick's economic speed compared to Camden's? (st0838) Make chart of northern Indonesia again redefining overlays. (st0839) Find the destinations and estimated time of arrival at destination for TASSEM capable vessels. (st0840) Can Chattahoochee get to Indian Ocean by 9 hundred hours on Tuesday? (st0841) What ships rated above M3 on A.S.W. will change readiness by 17 December? (st0842) Display chart of Bass strait with BARGE overlay. (st0843) Draw a chart of Persian Sea with time window started at 7 hundred hours. (st0844) Show the various fleet identifications for frigates. (st0845) Show the same chart with NOVA. (st0846) On what day is the Citrus due in Tokyo? (st0847) Redraw chart of Mozambique Channel with BUD-TEst overlay added. (st0848) Set letter size to lowest value. (st0849) Display the tracks of any cruisers in Eastpac. (st0850) Redo chart of Midpac showing only positions from visual sensor. (st0851) Set color of the Campbell's track to bright red. (st0852) Show me definitions of any alerts involving Cleveland. (st0853) Draw a chart of Madagascar centering it around Conifer. (st0854) Add the SAN-FRAN overlay. (st0855) Redo chart of Mongolia using true-view projection. (st0856) Has Confidence been at sea the longest of carriers that are in Pacific fleet? (st0857) Give C5 ships in Pacific fleet. (st0858) Redraw chart of Mexico with new position data included. (st0859) List the C1 submarines that were in Westpac on 14 March. (st0860) Redisplay chart of north Atlantic Ocean after clearing PUGET-1. (st0861) Display lengths and the beams for ships that are in Atlantic City. (st0862) Get group names. (st0863) Show the definition of PACK alert. (st0864) Has Kennedy arrived at her destination yet? (st0865) Find the names of subs in the hooked port. (st0866) Redraw chart of Mozambique with radar sensor location data deleted. (st0867) Increase letter size to 3 for chart of the China Sea. (st0868) Give me a list of the various fleet identifications for T-LAM vessels that are in Siberian Sea. (st0869) Show me a chart of New Caledonia. (st0870) What ships went to C2 on equipment after 12 July? (st0871) Get a list of alerts in which she's involved. (st0872) Redo chart of the Gulf of Tonkin toggling unit of measure switch. (st0873) Show Thursday's CASREPs from Eisenhower. (st0874) Give speed of frigates in the Sea of Japan. (st0875) Make chart again in low resolution. (st0876) Display chart of Formosa strait turning off area switch. (st0877) Redraw the chart of New Zealand with all latitude and longitude data shown in dim orange. (st0878) Redisplay chart of Gulf of California adding new overlays. (st0879) Couldn't Mississippi arrive in port by tomorrow? (st0880) Draw the chart of Philippines with arrow on. (st0881) List estimated arrival times for cruisers due in Port Victoria today. (st0882) Display speed of the Virginia. (st0883) When will Biddle next be on station? (st0884) Show the number of carriers with C3 CROVEL. (st0885) Get me mission areas aboard Conquest that are M4. (st0886) How long would it take Constant to get from Astoria to 90 south 43 west? (st0887) Show a chart of the Philippine Sea with C.E.P. parameter turned on. (st0888) Redraw chart of Panama with time window defined to start at 19 hundred Zulu. (st0889) How long will it take Denver to get where it's going? (st0890) Find the dates of supplies problems reported by Dixon in '86. (st0891) Do we have a submarine in Korean Bay with test depth greater than 5 hundred feet? (st0892) Display a chart of Gulf of Thailand with time window starting at 2 and ending at 16 hundred hours. (st0893) Redraw the chart of Singapore with edited lat and long data. (st0894) Draw chart of Taiwan using overlay GRILL. (st0895) Redo the same chart with footer switch off. (st0896) What's the total number of ships in the Pacific fleet? (st0897) On what day could Dubuque arrive in port at his maximum sustained speed? (st0898) Redraw chart of Soviet Union decreasing letter size to 2. (st0899) Show the names of any submarines in Yellow Sea on 28 October. (st0900) What sub was in San Diego 24 June? (st0901) Show the chart of southern United states with great circle toggled. (st0902) How long would it take Esteem to get to Subic Bay at 11 knots? (st0903) Display a chart of eastern U.S.A. with chart parameters set to their defaults. (st0904) Redraw chart of northern China with data screen cleared. (st0905) Will Firebush be at Miami tomorrow? (st0906) Give me the name of the bright green track. (st0907) Redraw chart of Formosa deleting sonar sensor data. (st0908) Has Flint chopped to Atlantic fleet yet? (st0909) Draw chart of north Pacific Ocean. (st0910) How many days would it take the Frederick to get to her destination at her average cruising speed? (st0911) Count the number of ships that are in Coral Sea. (st0912) Display the definition of alerts involving Fresno. (st0913) Show the same chart of Japan defining time window to start at 9 hundred hours. (st0914) Can the Glacier get to Naples by Monday? (st0915) Redraw projection using mercator. (st0916) List dates on personnel casualty reports for Hector. (st0917) Show the number of subs deployed in Bismark Sea. (st0918) Set the color of N-9-2-7-6-2 to dim yellow. (st0919) Redraw chart of Thailand making letters one size smaller. (st0920) What is the number of vessels that are in Ross Sea without S.L.Q.-32? (st0921) Redraw chart of Korea with redefined overlays. (st0922) What would it be counting only C4 ships? (st0923) When was she last in Solomon Sea? (st0924) Get any alerts in which the Ironwood is involved. (st0925) Make chart of British Solomon Islands again with resolution set to high. (st0926) Redo chart of Canada with letters decreased by one size. (st0927) Find the various fleet identifications for S.P.S.-40 frigates. (st0928) Show me last month's worst problems for each Arctic Ocean vessel. (st0929) Display the definition of south Bering Sea alert. (st0930) Get the C5 cruisers in Gulf of Alaska. (st0931) What is the status of Jarvis? (st0932) Display a chart of Coral Sea Islands with the grid switch off. (st0933) List C1 carriers. (st0934) Draw chart of Bering strait with Jason displayed in the center. (st0935) Get Sunday's casualty reports for Jupiter. (st0936) What were Chattahoochee's problems yesterday? (st0937) What's Kirk's E.T.A. at her destination? (st0938) Doesn't Citrus have LAMPS? (st0939) Is the Cleveland's most recent casualty report later than 6 hundred? (st0940) What is the sub's estimated time of arrival at Kodiak? (st0941) Is Confidence's arrival hour in Tokyo after 4 hundred hours Zulu? (st0942) Why was Kennedy's A.A.W. mission area changed on 27 September? (st0943) What is Independence's personnel resource readiness? (st0944) Will the Eisenhower's equipment problem be fixed by 23 January? (st0945) Is Mississippi's rating on training readiness lower than that of Kiska? (st0946) What's Virginia's home port? (st0947) Why was Biddle's supplies resource rating downgraded February 1? (st0948) What is the Conquest's overall readiness today? (st0949) When was Constant's last reported personnel casualty report? (st0950) What is Denver's propulsion type and fuel capacity? (st0951) Is Dixon's displacement less than average for M5 A.S.U.W. ships? (st0952) Is the Dubuque's length greater than any ship in Indian Ocean? (st0953) What's Esteem's oldest casualty report? (st0954) Is Firebush's estimated time of arrival later than 6 hundred hours? (st0955) What is Flint's propulsion type? (st0956) Is the Frederick's maximum draft less than average for her fleet? (st0957) Where was Fresno's destination on 25 November? (st0958) Is Glacier's gross displacement larger than average for Bass strait submarines? (st0959) What is the Hector's max draft? (st0960) Is Ironwood's fleet identification the same as Jarvis's? (st0961) What's Jason's M-rating on M.O.B.? (st0962) Is Jupiter's max speed slower than the Kirk's? (st0963) Is Everett Kiska's destination? (st0964) What is Manhattan's fuel capacity? (st0965) Is Mars's length more than a thousand meters? (st0966) Why was Mercury's M.I.W. M-code changed on April 22? (st0967) What is the Meteor's maximum speed? (st0968) Are there any steam propelled ships that are in Persian Sea? (st0969) What's Midgett's current speed? (st0970) Are there any gas turbine surface vessels within 60 miles of Darwin? (st0971) What is Mishawaka's percent fuel? (st0972) Are there 8 subs at sea now? (st0973) What was the previous equipment readiness of Manhattan? (st0974) Are there 9 S.P.S.-48 vessels with current speeds not greater than 7 knots? (st0975) Were there 18 ships at sea on the 18th May? (st0976) Who has the greatest fuel capacity of conventional surface ships in Arabian Sea? (st0977) Are there 3 frigates with average speeds more than 15 knots? (st0978) Review all Monticello's threats. (st0979) What is the training resource readiness of Mars? (st0980) Is Homer the destination for any cruisers? (st0981) Are there 5 harpoon carriers that are in Mozambique Channel capable of a max speed of 32 knots or higher? (st0982) Turn groups on and redraw the current area. (st0983) Set N.T.D.S. on. (st0984) Don't show chart on redraw. (st0985) Display locations for hooked track. (st0986) Turn posit display off for tracks whose longitude is hooked. (st0987) Why was Nashua's A.S.W. mission area degraded on February 23rd? (st0988) What's the supplies C-rating for Mercury? (st0989) Turn off security parameter. (st0990) When'll the training problem for Meteor be resolved? (st0991) Turn on the chart switch. (st0992) When did Peoria's overall readiness last degrade? (st0993) Why did Pigeon's A.A.W. mission area rating downgrade on 9th of August? (st0994) Redraw showing the last 8 latitudes and longitudes of carriers and submarines. (st0995) Why did Midgett change readiness on 24 December? (st0996) Find positions of all ships which are in Eastpac. (st0997) Are there 9 subs that are in Pearl Harbor with readiness more than C2? (st0998) What was Pluck's personnel readiness on last Saturday? (st0999) Why was the equipment readiness of Mishawaka downgraded on 26 March? (st1000) Is Sidney the destination of any vessels? (st1001) Who has the largest fuel capacity in Midpac? (st1002) What is the training readiness of Monticello? (st1003) Which of the ships in Westpac have TACKIN? (st1004) What is the supplies resource readiness on the Nashua? (st1005) When was Peoria last in the Atlantic Ocean? (st1006) What's the overall readiness on Yorktown? (st1007) When was Pigeon last in port? (st1008) Are there 4 frigates that are in the China Sea with personnel rating more than C3? (st1009) What is the equipment resource rating on Pluck? (st1010) Are there any C4 cruisers in west Siberian Sea? (st1011) What is the training resource rating and destination of Yorktown? (st1012) When will the supplies casualty report from the Poughkeepsie be resolved? (st1013) Never mind the new display. (st1014) Has Poughkeepsie changed overall readiness? (st1015) Is Prairie as fast as Reclaimer? (st1016) What's the personnel rating of the Dale? (st1017) Is Ticonderoga in the hooked port? (st1018) Did Sacramento report any problem on 27 July? (st1019) Hasn't Sassafras reported any equipment resource area problems since 23 October? (st1020) Is Schenectady on station? (st1021) What is the longest frigate in Pacific fleet? (st1022) Clear the screens. (st1023) Is Shasta within 6 kilometers of 13 north 40 east? (st1024) When did Sherman last downgrade for A.S.U.W. mission area? (st1025) Is Tripoli nearer to the Tuscaloosa than Vancouver is? (st1026) When did Wabash last report training resource area C5? (st1027) Is Wasp faster than Wichita? (st1028) Didn't the Willamette upgrade on 30 June? (st1029) When will Winamac next be in home port? (st1030) Is Midway capable of a speed of 35 knots? (st1031) Are Constellation and Ranger in Leningrad? (st1032) Is the Arkansas an S.Q.Q.-23 cruiser? (st1033) Does Bainbridge have an M.O.B. readiness of M1? (st1034) Where's Enterprise enroute to? (st1035) Is Texas slower than England? (st1036) Where is the Fox going? (st1037) Why was Gridley rated C1 on 30 September? (st1038) Is Horne due in port before 21 hundred on next Thursday? (st1039) Hasn't Reeves reported any supplies resource problems since 2 January? (st1040) Where is sterett today? (st1041) Review alerts within the last 48 hours for ships that are in Gulf of Thailand. (st1042) Is Guardfish going to be chopping to LANT-FLEET soon? (st1043) When did Guitarro degrade from her previous overall C-rating? (st1044) Has Hawkbill CASREPed any personnel problems? (st1045) When did the Plunger chop to Atlantic fleet? (st1046) Is there a carrier in Gulf of Tonkin longer than 1 thousand feet? (st1047) Where was Pollack on 8 November? (st1048) Didn't Puffer downgrade on M.I.W. in April? (st1049) Is Queenfish's maximum speed as fast as the Seawolf's? (st1050) Which carriers that are in Sea of Japan have N.T.D.S.? (st1051) What is the A.S.W. average rating code for ships in Formosa strait? (st1052) What submarines that are in Gulf of California went to M2 in A.A.W. since March 1? (st1053) Which ships in Philippine Sea are LINK-11 capable? (st1054) What's the E.T.A. at his destination of the Swordfish? (st1055) Which subs that are in Aberdeen have an equipment readiness rating of C2? (st1056) Did A.S.U.W. mission area of Badger ever go to M3 on 9 May? (st1057) What is the estimated time of arrival in Manchester of Brooke? (st1058) Did M.O.B. mission area of the Copeland ever go to M4 in 1981? (st1059) What training problems has Davidson reported since February 7? (st1060) Define a BUMP area alert. (st1061) What is the M.I.W. mission area rating for Downes? (st1062) Which vessels in Korean Bay have a supplies readiness that is C3? (st1063) Add YANKEE. (st1064) Draw Gulf of Thailand. (st1065) Has the Prairie's A.S.W. mission area rating been changed since Wednesday? (st1066) Which ships that are in Yellow Sea have an overall resource readiness of C4? (st1067) Has A.A.W. mission area of Fanning gone to M5 since 25th August? (st1068) Which frigates in Oakland are C5? (st1069) What supply problems has the Hepburn reported? (st1070) Did Reclaimer's A.S.U.W. mission area ever go to M1 after December 10th, 1984? (st1071) What's the M.O.B. M-code for Jarrett? (st1072) Does Lockwood have T.F.C.C. capability? (st1073) Are there any TASSEM capable cruisers that are in Pacific Ocean? (st1074) Doesn't the McClusky have T-LAM yet? (st1075) How many Cat-2 casualty reports are there for carriers in Coral Sea? (st1076) Are there any S.L.Q.-32 ships that are in west Bismark Sea? (st1077) Show me Cook Islands. (st1078) Redraw Fiji in low resolution. (st1079) Display French Polynesia using stereographic. (st1080) How much fuel does Ramsey have remaining? (st1081) Is the maximum sustained speed of Rathburne less than 23 knots? (st1082) Redraw Hong Kong with high resolution. (st1083) Is the average cruising speed of the Reasoner greater than that of Sample? (st1084) What is the average speed of submarines in the Pacific fleet? (st1085) Are any supply problems reported by Vandergrift dated 6th of March? (st1086) Is the maximum speed for ships that are in the Ross Sea less than Dale's current speed? (st1087) Are more than 5 subs currently in home port? (st1088) Does Wadsworth have 2 open Cat-3 CASREPs? (st1089) What is the present overall readiness for Whipple? (st1090) Is the average displacement of Ajax more than 8 thousand long tons? (st1091) What's the average speed of the Apalachicola? (st1092) How many diesel surface ships are within 10 miles of Brunswick? (st1093) What vessels have reported training problems? (st1094) What're the gross displacements for Solomon Sea nuclear surface vessels? (st1095) Weren't more than 90 C1 ships in Pacific fleet today? (st1096) Is there a problem with personnel for the Camden? (st1097) Edit Ticonderoga's alerts. (st1098) What is the current equipment readiness of Campbell? (st1099) Are there more than 4 S.P.S.-40 capable frigates in port now? (st1100) What cruisers chopped from the Atlantic fleet to Pacific fleet in July? (st1101) Redisplay chart adding BOX. (st1102) Sacramento's training readiness rating? (st1103) What Pacific fleet carrier wasn't degraded on supplies readiness during October? (st1104) How fast is Chattahoochee? (st1105) Add a new alert. (st1106) Are any of Sassafras's positions from visual sensor? (st1107) Turn ports switch on. (st1108) Were any of Schenectady's problems CASREPed before 9 June? (st1109) Set the sail parameter to off. (st1110) What submarine had the most casualty reports during the last 6 months? (st1111) Toggle unit of measure switch. (st1112) Are any of Shasta's problems dated 4 September? (st1113) What speed is Citrus going? (st1114) Redraw it increasing the letter size to 3. (st1115) What casualty reports on Cleveland are there for 7 January? (st1116) Redraw it making letter size one smaller. (st1117) Set color for Sherman's track to bright orange. (st1118) What sub in Bering Sea has the most remaining fuel? (st1119) Set chart switch to low. (st1120) How soon can Tripoli's earliest CASREP be fixed? (st1121) Which vessel in Gulf of Alaska has the smallest fuel capacity? (st1122) What ship in Bering strait has the fastest economic speed? (st1123) Redraw the chart displaying the 3 latest positions for each frigate. (st1124) CROVEL for Conifer? (st1125) What carriers that were in Indian Ocean 6 November will chop to Atlantic fleet by 5 April? (st1126) Is Tuscaloosa's fuel capacity larger than Vancouver's? (st1127) Edit ICE-NINE. (st1128) Redo chart deleting the latest position data for each cruiser. (st1129) What is the present M.I.W. mission readiness of Confidence? (st1130) Turn save off. (st1131) What type of propulsion does Kennedy have? (st1132) How soon will Independence be upgraded on personnel readiness? (st1133) Clear the data screen. (st1134) Is there a remark on Wabash's last casualty report? (st1135) Did Eisenhower report any equipment problem on 2 May? (st1136) What's the name and C-code of the carrier in the Bass strait? (st1137) Does Mississippi have any Category 3 or Category 4 problems? (st1138) Clear overlays and display track of Virginia. (st1139) How soon can the Biddle chop to Atlantic fleet? (st1140) What casualty report did Conquest have on 15 February? (st1141) Draw Wasp's track and current training readiness. (st1142) Make the letters one size larger. (st1143) How soon will the Constant be upgraded on A.S.W. mission readiness? (st1144) Clear the chart screen. (st1145) How soon can Denver get to Newcastle? (st1146) How soon does Dixon arrive in Alexandria? (st1147) Clear all data screens. (st1148) What are the various ratings for Dubuque? (st1149) Does the Esteem have any casualty reports of Category 2 or Category 3? (st1150) Show location data and various mission codes for ships in south Persian Sea before 17 August. (st1151) Are there any open casualty reports for Firebush? (st1152) Change the alert for Arabian Sea. (st1153) Define an alert for Mozambique Channel. (st1154) How soon will Flint be in home port? (st1155) Define area alerts for Eastpac. (st1156) Delete the latitude and longitude data for Wichita's track. (st1157) Edit Willamette's lat-lon data from H.F.D.F. sensor. (st1158) Are any of Westpac's submarines rated M2 on A.A.W.? (st1159) Has Frederick been downgraded yet? (st1160) How many of Eastpac's ships were in home port on April 1? (st1161) What ship wasn't downgraded in supplies readiness in '82? (st1162) Whose maximum sustained speeds are 28 knots or less? (st1163) How many metric tons is the average displacement of subs that are in Pacific fleet? (st1164) Is there no Midpac submarine rated M3 on A.S.U.W.? (st1165) Was there no Westpac sub that was rated M4 on M.O.B. in Atlantic Ocean 14 December? (st1166) What are the various resource area ratings for Fresno? (st1167) Set unit of measure to English. (st1168) Whose average cruising speeds are greater than 9 knots? (st1169) How many kilometers is it between Glacier and Townsville? (st1170) How many vessels are CODAG powered? (st1171) How many ships are there in China Sea? (st1172) Are there any frigates within 12 miles of 60 north 37 east? (st1173) Which vessel is the closest to Nome? (st1174) Decrease letter size by one. (st1175) How soon can Hector chop from Pacific fleet to Atlantic fleet? (st1176) How many kilometers is Anchorage from New York? (st1177) Are there any cruisers longer than 19 hundred meters that are in Siberian Sea? (st1178) What nuclear surface ships in Gulf of Tonkin are LAMPS capable? (st1179) Count the carriers. (st1180) How many miles is it from Bombay to the Ironwood? (st1181) Total the ships that will arrive in Diego Garcia by next month. (st1182) How many submarines will be in Galveston by 3 hundred hours tomorrow? (st1183) Reset switches. (st1184) Do any ships that are in Pacific fleet have S.P.S.-48? (st1185) Are any subs in Sea of Japan below 5 percent of their fuel capacity? (st1186) How many vessels were in Honolulu during the last 16 weeks? (st1187) Which harpoon capable ships are in Formosa strait? (st1188) How many days would it take Jarvis to get to Port Elizabeth at her max speed? (st1189) What TACKIN capable frigates are in the Gulf of California? (st1190) Which S.Q.Q.-23 capable cruisers are C2? (st1191) How many carriers were in Atlantic City on March 11? (st1192) Do any ships that are capable of a maximum speed of more than 18 knots have N.T.D.S.? (st1193) Aren't there any submarines that haven't reported an equipment problem since 12th July? (st1194) How many ships were deployed since October 5th? (st1195) Were any subs in Port Victoria on 14th of June? (st1196) How many vessels are C3 on personnel? (st1197) Weren't any ships in south Philippine Sea in September? (st1198) Show tracks of the frigates in Korean Bay. (st1199) How many cruisers in Gulf of Thailand on 18 January have changed readiness? (st1200) Which LINK-11 capable carriers have an equipment resource rating of more than C4? (st1201) How many ships were deployed in 1983? (st1202) Are there any submarines that are in Yellow Sea capable of a speed of 42 knots? (st1203) How many ships are in Pacific Ocean? (st1204) Do any subs that are in the Coral Sea have an M5 M.I.W. M-rating? (st1205) How many vessels have open CASREPs? (st1206) Are any ships capable of a maximum speed of more than 50 knots? (st1207) How many frigates have been deployed since 13 November? (st1208) Are there any cruisers that haven't reported a problem with training since 10 April? (st1209) How many carriers chopped to PACK-FLEET from LANT-FLEET in '84? (st1210) What 4 Bismark Sea ships went to M1 on A.S.W. since 15 May? (st1211) How many submarines are there in Astoria? (st1212) Were there any ships in Ross Sea 17 February? (st1213) Are there no subs that are in west Solomon Sea? (st1214) How many vessels are currently in home port? (st1215) Were there no ships in Arctic Ocean on 14 August? (st1216) How many frigates were deployed as of 29 December? (st1217) Do any cruisers in Bering Sea have an M2 A.A.W. mission area? (st1218) Are there more than 6 carriers that are in the Gulf of Alaska? (st1219) Delete all missions. (st1220) How many ships are not T.F.C.C. capable? (st1221) Display the last 4 locations for Jason. (st1222) How many submarines were in Bering strait on 27 March? (st1223) Are any problems reported by Jupiter dated 1 August? (st1224) Draw the last 3 latitudes and longitudes for tracks of cruisers that are TASSEM capable. (st1225) How many ships in the Indian Ocean have A.S.U.W. M-ratings higher than M3? (st1226) Will any T-LAM capable subs be in Bass strait by Friday? (st1227) How many vessels were in Persian Sea on 26 July? (st1228) Were there more than 12 ships at sea on October 25? (st1229) How many S.L.Q.-32 capable frigates are in Arabian Sea? (st1230) Show the last 2 positions for tracks of cruisers whose supplies readiness is C5. (st1231) How many cruisers are C1? (st1232) Were there more than 70 carriers employed in 1985? (st1233) How many S.P.S.-40 ships have been deployed since the 26th June? (st1234) Are there more than 8 submarines that are in San Diego? (st1235) Were there more than 29 Pacific fleet ships employed in '86? (st1236) How many LAMPS cruisers are in Mozambique Channel? (st1237) Are there more than 7 vessels at sea? (st1238) Change area alert CHESHIRE. (st1239) Is there more than one S.P.S.-48 capable ship in Eastpac? (st1240) Redefine area alert PACK. (st1241) How many harpoon ships in Subic Bay have reported problems with equipment? (st1242) Is there more than one TACKIN capable frigate in port? (st1243) Review the last 3 alerts. (st1244) Are there more than 5 frigates that are in port? (st1245) How many S.Q.Q.-23 capable cruisers are there? (st1246) Was there more than one cruiser in Midpac on September 17th? (st1247) Which of Midpac's carriers are M4 or lower on M.O.B.? (st1248) Clear the display window. (st1249) Set the time window to start at present time and end at 2 hundred hours Zulu. (st1250) Show the chart with letter size decreased by one. (st1251) Are there any Category 2 casualty reports for any of the ships in Westpac? (st1252) What is the most recent deployment date for the Kirk? (st1253) Is there an east Atlantic Ocean carrier rated M5 on M.I.W.? (st1254) Draw track of Kiska. (st1255) What is the destination of Manhattan? (st1256) Which of Westpac's submarines are C2? (st1257) Show track of the Mars since 16th of January. (st1258) What's the name of the ship in China Sea? (st1259) Which ships have a C3 personnel resource rating? (st1260) Display a new chart projection of Siberian Sea. (st1261) Redraw the same chart with the data screen cleared. (st1262) What is the destination arrival hour for Mercury? (st1263) Set unit of measure parameter to metric. (st1264) Can Meteor get to her destination by Sunday? (st1265) What is the position of Midgett? (st1266) Draw the tracks of all subs that are in Gulf of Tonkin. (st1267) What vessels were in Sea of Japan on 28 November? (st1268) Clear the screen. (st1269) Are Friday's problems worse than Tuesday's for the Mishawaka? (st1270) Increase letter size to maximum value and redraw. (st1271) How long would it take Monticello to get from Miami to Winamac's current location? (st1272) Define a new mission. (st1273) Show me the same chart with the time started at 19 hundred. (st1274) Redisplay overlay SOHO turning on echo. (st1275) Reset system parameters to defaults. (st1276) How long is it going to take Nashua to get to where she's going? (st1277) Display a new chart projection using true-view. (st1278) Will Peoria be in port by 16 hundred hours? (st1279) Set switches to defaults. (st1280) Will Midway's C4 equipment problem be fixed by 24 April? (st1281) Set the switches to their defaults. (st1282) How long would it take Pigeon to get to 11 north 90 west? (st1283) What's Constellation's fuel level? (st1284) Set letter size to 4. (st1285) Draw a chart of Indonesia using mercator projection. (st1286) Is the present speed of Pluck less than 40 knots? (st1287) Set color of hooked track to dim red. (st1288) How much fuel is aboard Yorktown? (st1289) Will the Poughkeepsie chop to Atlantic fleet by 18 hundred hours on Tuesday? (st1290) Show track of Prairie clearing overlays. (st1291) What remarks are there on Ranger's latest casualty report? (st1292) Has the Reclaimer arrived at Naples yet? (st1293) Display a new chart using gnomonic. (st1294) Set D.M.D.S. parameters to defaults. (st1295) When is the estimated time of arrival in home port for Dale? (st1296) Draw a chart of Formosa strait. (st1297) Clear the display. (st1298) How long would it take the Ticonderoga to get to Kodiak at her average speed? (st1299) Show a chart of north and south Madagascar. (st1300) Display the name of the hooked port. (st1301) How long would it take Sacramento to get to her destination at 6 knots? (st1302) What is the average of economic speeds for ships in Gulf of California? (st1303) What frigates are in the Philippine Sea? (st1304) Display a chart of Korean Bay with time window from 13 hundred Zulu to 22 hundred hours. (st1305) What cruisers were at sea 24 May? (st1306) What is the latitude and longitude of the submarine closest to 10 south 60 east? (st1307) Which carriers are in Tokyo? (st1308) Review the last alert for Sassafras. (st1309) Clear the windows. (st1310) What's Arkansas's gross displacement in long tons? (st1311) Is the Bainbridge's last casualty report rated worse than hers? (st1312) List alerts. (st1313) Give Texas's casualty reports from the last 3 months. (st1314) Show me England's home port. (st1315) Draw the Fox's last 6 sonar sensor locations. (st1316) Is Gridley's remaining fuel insufficient to arrive in port at current speed? (st1317) List Horne's average displacement and capabilities. (st1318) Show Reeves's track in bright yellow with the sterett's in dim green. (st1319) Is Flasher's fuel capacity greater than Guardfish's? (st1320) What if Guitarro's maximum sustained speed were decreased by 5 knots? (st1321) What is Hawkbill's E.T.A. at Everett? (st1322) What is the Plunger's fleet identification? (st1323) Display Pollack's track with overlay BARGE. (st1324) Get Puffer's training resource readiness. (st1325) Show Queenfish's location on 22 February and its various capabilities. (st1326) Is the Seawolf's position farther from O.S.G.P. than Swordfish's position is? (st1327) Where's Badger's home port? (st1328) Is Brooke's last location within a kilometer of PACK alert? (st1329) Summarize Copeland's ratings. (st1330) What's the Davidson's fuel level and fuel capacity? (st1331) Show Downes's radar latitudes and longitudes using NOVA. (st1332) What is Fanning's latitude and longitude today? (st1333) Display Hepburn's track in bright red with high resolution. (st1334) Find Jarrett's percent fuel aboard and her present position. (st1335) Draw the Lockwood's location with overlays BUD-TEst and SAN-FRAN. (st1336) Is McClusky's destination the same as Ramsey's? (st1337) Show me Rathburne's and Reasoner's average cruising speed. (st1338) Is the Sample's latest latitude and longitude closer to Vandergrift's than to Wadsworth's? (st1339) Is Whipple's max draft larger than Ajax's? (st1340) What if Apalachicola's propulsion type was steam turbine instead of gas? (st1341) Give the Brunswick's Cat-2 problems for the last 8 weeks. (st1342) Is Camden's H.F.D.F. sensor position data newer than visual data? (st1343) List Campbell's casualty reports from last week. (st1344) Is Chattahoochee's beam and length less than the Citrus's? (st1345) Get Cleveland's propulsion type and fuel capacity. (st1346) What is Conifer's current readiness? (st1347) Is Confidence's distance from Schenectady more than 15 kilometers? (st1348) Display the Kennedy's present supplies readiness. (st1349) Find Independence's alerts. (st1350) Show Eisenhower's overall readiness. (st1351) Is Mississippi's beam smaller than Virginia's? (st1352) Show me PUGET-1. (st1353) Display the Biddle's displacement in metric tons. (st1354) What's Conquest's destination? (st1355) Show Constant's location on 29 August of 1984. (st1356) Is Denver's last latitude and longitude closer than Dixon's to the BUMP alert? (st1357) Display Dubuque's latest posit in dim orange with areas on. (st1358) Is Esteem's length greater than that of Shasta? (st1359) What is Firebush's A.S.W. mission status? (st1360) Give the Flint's various resource ratings. (st1361) Draw Frederick's last 7 positions and their sensors. (st1362) Is Fresno's current speed slower than Glacier's? (st1363) Show Hector's track without the overlay. (st1364) Show Ironwood's most recent casualty report date and full position data. (st1365) What is Jarvis's present location and estimated time of arrival at Darwin? (st1366) Is Jason's max speed less than 40 knots? (st1367) List Jupiter's problems for the last 3 months. (st1368) Is the Kirk's overall readiness rating greater than Kiska's? (st1369) Is Manhattan's arrival hour earlier than Mars's? (st1370) What's Mercury's distance from the Sherman? (st1371) Is Meteor's last latitude and longitude in Yellow Sea? (st1372) Is Midgett's gross displacement less than that of Tripoli? (st1373) Display the Mishawaka's position using overlay GRILL. (st1374) Display Monticello's A.A.W. readiness. (st1375) Is Nashua's remaining fuel greater than Peoria's? (st1376) What was Pigeon's location and A.S.U.W. area mission code 25 December? (st1377) Is the Pluck's test depth less than Yorktown's? (st1378) Is Poughkeepsie's M.O.B. area M-rating below Prairie's? (st1379) Which of Reclaimer's mission areas are M1 or higher? (st1380) Is the Dale's maximum speed greater than Ticonderoga's? (st1381) Draw Sacramento's last 2 locations in data window. (st1382) Get me Sassafras's and Schenectady's arrival times. (st1383) Is Shasta's maximum draft larger than Sherman's? (st1384) Find Tripoli's overall C-rating and latitude and longitude. (st1385) Is Tuscaloosa's propulsion type the same as the Vancouver's? (st1386) Get the CROVEL for Tuscaloosa. (st1387) Show the personnel resource rating for Vancouver. (st1388) Is Wabash's position west of Wasp's? (st1389) Show the equipment C-code and last location date for any sub in Homer after 30 March. (st1390) Give the training readiness of Wabash 31 July. (st1391) Is Wichita's last latitude and longitude closer than Willamette's to ICE-NINE? (st1392) Get the supplies readiness of Wasp. (st1393) What are the Winamac's 2 worst CASREPs? (st1394) Get me submarines that were in Olympia on 1 January. (st1395) Find the previous overall readiness of Wichita. (st1396) What are Midway's capabilities? (st1397) What was Constellation's last reported position? (st1398) Show all the ships that are C5 on personnel. (st1399) Don't end time window until 23 hundred hours. (st1400) Give the equipment resource rating on Willamette. (st1401) List resource area ratings for Winamac. (st1402) What is Midway and Ranger's current speed? (st1403) Get speeds available for Constellation and Ranger. (st1404) Who has the least fuel remaining? (st1405) Find me the mission area ratings for Arkansas. (st1406) Show on data screen Arkansas's track since 4 October. (st1407) Show only the radar sensor positions available on the Bainbridge. (st1408) What if Enterprise replaced Texas in east Pacific Ocean? (st1409) When is England arriving in port? (st1410) What was the Bainbridge's readiness June 9? (st1411) Get the N.T.D.S. capable subs at sea now. (st1412) List vessels that were deployed on the 1st of September. (st1413) What if Fox increased her average speed by 1 knot? (st1414) Get the C-codes for Gridley. (st1415) Find me all speeds for ships in Coral Sea. (st1416) When's the Horne due in port? (st1417) start editing location data for Enterprise's track. (st1418) Who had the lowest average C-rating during last year? (st1419) When is Reeves changing fleets? (st1420) Show the areas. (st1421) Give speeds of C1 frigates. (st1422) Review the Indian Ocean area alerts. (st1423) What is the Texas's propulsion? (st1424) List Pacific fleet cruisers that are C2 on training. (st1425) Get positions and speeds for carriers that are in Bismark Sea. (st1426) Find the locations and names of ships in Ross Sea. (st1427) Show me latitudes and longitudes of tracks that are in Solomon Sea. (st1428) Give positions for submarines in the Arctic Ocean that went to C3 January 7th. (st1429) List locations of tracks for U.S.N. ships. (st1430) Get latitudes and longitudes and names of any of Eastpac's subs that were in north Bering Sea on the 19th of November. (st1431) Find the submarine's positions for April. (st1432) What's the sub's home port? (st1433) Show England's locations for last month. (st1434) Give me latitudes and longitudes of vessels that are in Gulf of Alaska. (st1435) Are any cruisers' supplies ratings lower than the Fox's? (st1436) Is sterett within 36 miles of 4 degrees 17 minutes south and 40 degrees 77 minutes west? (st1437) Didn't England arrive at Manchester yesterday? (st1438) Is Flasher the slowest vessel in PACK-FLEET? (st1439) Why did Guardfish change overall readiness 3 May? (st1440) Is Guitarro in the Bering strait? (st1441) Isn't Hawkbill in Indian Ocean? (st1442) Is Plunger going to be in Port Victoria Monday? (st1443) When is the Pollack expected to upgrade? (st1444) Is Puffer nearer to Leningrad than Queenfish? (st1445) Is Seawolf within a mile of Wellington? (st1446) Where are Swordfish and the Badger enroute to? (st1447) Is there a ship in Persian Sea with LINK-11? (st1448) Is Brooke equipped with T.F.C.C.? (st1449) When's Copeland supposed to be in port? (st1450) Is Davidson diesel or nuclear? (st1451) When'll the Downes chop from Pacific fleet to Atlantic fleet? (st1452) Is Fanning located in Aberdeen or Manchester? (st1453) What if she had Gridley's capabilities? (st1454) Is Jarrett at half fuel capacity or less? (st1455) Where is the Lockwood deployed? (st1456) Does McClusky have any M2 ratings? (st1457) Is Ramsey powered by steam turbine? (st1458) What if Rathburne had Horne's casualty reports? (st1459) Is the Reasoner farther from Sample than Vandergrift? (st1460) Is Wadsworth at more than 3 quarters her fuel capacity? (st1461) Why is Whipple reporting C4? (st1462) Is the Ajax more than 6 kilometers from Apalachicola? (st1463) Was Brunswick in home port on 5 February? (st1464) Is Camden gas powered? (st1465) Is Campbell more than a kilometer from the Chattahoochee? (st1466) Get tomorrow's estimated time of arrival for Citrus. (st1467) Edit Arabian Sea area alert. (st1468) Find Mozambique Channel alert. (st1469) Give me a list of Eastpac ships that are C5. (st1470) How many in Midpac have more than 1 quarter their fuel left? (st1471) What frigates that are in Westpac have fuel capacity less than 2 hundred gallons? (st1472) Get a list of PACK area alerts. (st1473) Has Reeves's M.I.W. mission area gone to M3 before 8 August? (st1474) Show the A.S.W. rating for Cleveland. (st1475) Give me the economic speeds for cruisers in Kodiak. (st1476) What is the A.A.W. rating of Conifer? (st1477) List A.S.U.W. readiness of Confidence 9 December. (st1478) What personnel problem was reported by the Kennedy last month? (st1479) Get M.O.B. rating codes for carriers that are in Atlantic Ocean. (st1480) Find sensors. (st1481) Show the maximum sustained speed for ships in the China Sea. (st1482) How many years has Independence been employed? (st1483) Which of them has most remaining fuel? (st1484) What submarines carry TASSEM? (st1485) Does Eisenhower have both T-LAM and S.L.Q.-32? (st1486) Will sterett's Cat-3 casualty report be fixed by Saturday? (st1487) Draw Mongolia with YANKEE. (st1488) Does the Mississippi have sufficient fuel to get to Newcastle? (st1489) Use bright green for track E.C.G.-zero-4-1. (st1490) Display the average cruising speed and latitude and longitude of Virginia. (st1491) Use dim yellow for tracks of conventional surface ships. (st1492) Show their max speeds and where they are enroute to. (st1493) Give me the earliest date on Flasher's equipment problems. (st1494) Show the maximum speed for Biddle. (st1495) List the latest date on the Guardfish's Cat-4 training casualty reports. (st1496) Won't Conquest be upgraded on supplies from C1 to C2 by 7 March? (st1497) Do Guitarro's alerts include O.S.G.P.? (st1498) Display the current speed of Constant. (st1499) Do Hawkbill's capabilities include S.P.S.-40? (st1500) Show the 3 ships that are in the north Siberian Sea with the lowest fuel capacity. (st1501) What is the average speed and economic speed of Denver? (st1502) Display the 5 subs in Gulf of Tonkin with the largest fuel capacities. (st1503) How much does including today's data change that figure? (st1504) Get all the missions edited today. (st1505) What's the maximum sustained speed and the CROVEL of Dixon? (st1506) Is LAMPS installed aboard Dubuque? (st1507) Find average displacements for vessels that are in Sea of Japan. (st1508) What if diesel ships were not counted? (st1509) Count the nuclear powered frigates in the Formosa strait. (st1510) Show me the average cruising speed and fuel capacity for this frigate. (st1511) Show gross displacement of cruisers that are S.P.S.-48 capable. (st1512) Give max speeds and capabilities of carriers in the Gulf of California. (st1513) List current overall readiness of Esteem. (st1514) What is the average personnel rating code for U.S.N. ships that are in Philippine Sea? (st1515) Will Plunger's last problem be repaired by Thursday? (st1516) Get the equipment readiness of Firebush 2 July. (st1517) When will Pollack's last reported training problem be fixed? (st1518) Find last month's problems for Flint. (st1519) Are there any casualty reports for the Frederick that affect mission areas? (st1520) What are the open casualty reports on Fresno? (st1521) Show me last week's CASREPs from Glacier. (st1522) Was Puffer's last update on Wednesday? (st1523) When will the Hector next change fleets? (st1524) What is the distance from Alexandria to Ironwood? (st1525) What's the total fuel aboard Jarvis? (st1526) Give percent fuel aboard Jason. (st1527) List Midpac's deployments during 8 October, 1986. (st1528) Draw the tracks in hooked port. (st1529) How far is Jupiter from Kirk? (st1530) Show all positions for the hooked track with chart switches set to default values. (st1531) What submarines in Korean Bay have both harpoon and TACKIN? (st1532) What is the distance from Kiska to Manhattan? (st1533) What sensor is Queenfish's last position from? (st1534) Was the Mars in Gulf of Thailand yesterday? (st1535) Does Mercury have the greatest fuel capacity of ships that are in Yellow Sea? (st1536) What Port is the Meteor in? (st1537) What subs in Pacific Ocean have S.Q.Q.-23 installed? (st1538) Who's closest to Midgett? (st1539) How far is Seawolf's last location from PACK alert? (st1540) Who is in Coral Sea? (st1541) How close is the Swordfish's latest latitude and longitude to 14 degrees south 90 degrees east? (st1542) Which cruiser in west Bismark Sea is nearest to Mishawaka? (st1543) Count the number of N.T.D.S. vessels that are C3. (st1544) Which ships in Ross Sea have a LINK-11 capability? (st1545) How many of the Badger's locations are in the Solomon Sea? (st1546) Center it around the Arctic Ocean. (st1547) Does Monticello have lowest fuel capacity of all the Bering Sea frigates? (st1548) How near is Nashua to her? (st1549) Brooke's distance from Peoria? (st1550) How old is Copeland's oldest casualty report? (st1551) Is anybody in the Gulf of Alaska T.F.C.C. capable? (st1552) Which carrier has the largest displacement? (st1553) What capabilities does Pigeon have? (st1554) How bad is Davidson's last problem? (st1555) Which cruisers in Bering strait are TASSEM equipped? (st1556) What rating has Pluck degraded to on supplies readiness? (st1557) Was the Yorktown in Indian Ocean 4 June? (st1558) How large is Downes's fuel capacity? (st1559) Get threats. (st1560) Set system switches to their default values. (st1561) Does the Poughkeepsie have the smallest fuel capacity of Bass strait carriers? (st1562) Display the ship closest to Prairie. (st1563) Toggle area switch. (st1564) Set chart switch resolution to low. (st1565) Does the Reclaimer have enough fuel to arrive at his destination? (st1566) Turn resolution parameter off. (st1567) Find the various capabilities for steam turbine ships in east Persian Sea. (st1568) Show me latitudes and longitudes and C-ratings for all of Westpac's submarines that were in their home ports on 1 February. (st1569) Give the various C-ratings for the Dale. (st1570) Will Ticonderoga be chopping to Atlantic fleet today? (st1571) What if the M.I.W. mission area rating of Sacramento were M4 until 24 hundred? (st1572) List positions and M-ratings for all of Eastpac's ships that were in their home ports 12 September. (st1573) What is the average A.S.W. rating M-code for U.S.N. C4 subs that are in the Arabian Sea? (st1574) Show new definitions involving Sassafras. (st1575) Display the fuel capacity and propulsion type for Schenectady. (st1576) What's the fuel capacity in tons for the Shasta? (st1577) How many feet long is Sherman? (st1578) How soon will Tripoli next chop to Atlantic fleet from Pacific fleet? (st1579) Reset parameters to defaults. (st1580) Get the same information for Tuscaloosa. (st1581) Draw the track D.D.D.-9-9-2 in bright orange. (st1582) What submarine in Townsville is M4 or higher on A.A.W.? (st1583) How slow would Vancouver have to go to get to Nome on her remaining fuel? (st1584) What time will Wabash arrive at her destination? (st1585) How soon can Wasp get to within 29 miles of Wichita? (st1586) Show the chart of Mozambique Channel using stereographic projection. (st1587) How long before Willamette will be in Eastpac? (st1588) Aren't the Winamac and Midway in Midpac? (st1589) How soon can Constellation go from Westpac to the Atlantic Ocean? (st1590) What is the name and E.T.A. at Anchorage of the sub in China Sea? (st1591) How early can Ranger be there? (st1592) What is the date and hour of arrival in port for Arkansas? (st1593) Find me length and beam of the Bainbridge in meters and feet. (st1594) How fast could Enterprise get to 6 north 19 west? (st1595) Show CROVELS and tracks for T-LAM vessels in Siberian Sea. (st1596) Give the C-code and last position date for any vessel in the Gulf of Tonkin after January 16. (st1597) Redefine area O.S.G.P.. (st1598) List the names and resources of ships that are in Sea of Japan. (st1599) Get beams and drafts of frigates in Formosa strait. (st1600) Display the tracks and speeds of all cruisers that are in Gulf of California. (st1601) Set arrow and C.E.P. switches to off. (st1602) Find the degradations and reasons for Texas. (st1603) Give me a list of the names and estimated time of arrival at their destinations for carriers in the Philippine Sea. (st1604) What's the name and the various ratings of the ship in Korean Bay? (st1605) Get me a list of all of Saturday's and Sunday's casualty reports for England. (st1606) Is more than one S.L.Q.-32 frigate in port? (st1607) Show lengths and the beams of ships that are in Gulf of Thailand. (st1608) Is more than one S.P.S.-40 capable cruiser in port? (st1609) Give remarks and their dates for Fanning's last 4 problems. (st1610) List the destinations and arrival hour at destination for all submarines. (st1611) Is more than half of Hepburn's fuel left? (st1612) Show switch settings. (st1613) What problems from Friday are Category 3 or lower for ships that are in the Bismark Sea? (st1614) Find me locations and the most recent deployment dates for ships in Yellow Sea. (st1615) Don't we have any LAMPS carriers that are in Pacific Ocean. (st1616) Show all alerts within the last 60 hours. (st1617) Draw on the screen the current location and C-codes for Fox. (st1618) What was the reason for Jarrett's earliest degradation? (st1619) Give Monday's and Tuesday's casualty reports for vessels in Coral Sea. (st1620) Get switch settings. (st1621) List names and latitudes and longitudes for S.P.S.-48 frigates in Ross Sea 20th November. (st1622) What casualty reports are mission degrading? (st1623) Get Sunday and Monday's updates on the Gridley. (st1624) Was today's last sonar sensor latitude and longitude for Horne in north Solomon Sea? (st1625) What're the categories for Lockwood's problems? (st1626) Find position data for cruisers employed before last April 22nd. (st1627) Show me fuel levels for gas carriers in the Arctic Ocean. (st1628) Give C-ratings for ships that are in Bering Sea. (st1629) Show tracks for the submarines. (st1630) List maximum drafts for ships in Gulf of Alaska. (st1631) Get positions for all subs that are in Bering strait. (st1632) Display the tracks for Reeves and for sterett. (st1633) Find M-codes for any vessels in Indian Ocean. (st1634) Show me data for the Flasher updated since 11 hundred hours Zulu. (st1635) Redo figures for Guardfish. (st1636) Give location data for hooked Port. (st1637) Draw the tracks for U.S.N. ships. (st1638) List M-codes for any frigates that are in Bass strait. (st1639) What cruisers are located in Persian Sea? (st1640) Get full latitude and longitude data for track F.F.F.-zero-8-8. (st1641) Find position of the carriers that have gone to M1 on A.S.U.W. since 24th of May. (st1642) Show location data for P.L.H.-zero-zero-3. (st1643) Was McClusky's latitude and longitude on Sunday in Arabian Sea? (st1644) Display the position of Guitarro. (st1645) List location data for all tracks. (st1646) Get all remarks for Hawkbill. (st1647) Edit latitude and longitude data for track A-4-2-1-2-8. (st1648) Find the posit and maximum speed of Plunger with unit of measure parameter set to English. (st1649) Show full position data for all tracks. (st1650) Toggle footer and great circle switches. (st1651) Give location data for the Pollack. (st1652) Are any of Ramsey's last 7 locations in Mozambique Channel? (st1653) List latitude and longitude of Puffer on 18 February. (st1654) How close is the Queenfish to Eastpac? (st1655) Display the estimated time to repair for the latest casualty report from Seawolf. (st1656) What is the estimated time to repair on Rathburne's harpoon? (st1657) Find names and resources of the Midpac ships. (st1658) What are the various resource area ratings on Swordfish? (st1659) Show a chart centered around Badger. (st1660) Which of these are lower than M4 in the A.S.W. mission area? (st1661) Display a chart centered around Brooke using true-view projection. (st1662) Which submarines that are C5 are in Westpac? (st1663) Draw chart centered around Copeland. (st1664) Give me a list of ships that are M3 on M.I.W. and in New York. (st1665) Which frigates are in Everett? (st1666) When'll Davidson be repairing that problem with TACKIN? (st1667) Show vessels in China Sea and their propulsion types. (st1668) Give me any ships that are C1. (st1669) What is the total number of frigates in Siberian Sea? (st1670) List the U.S.N. cruisers that are in Gulf of Tonkin. (st1671) Get Sea of Japan carriers that are C2 on overall readiness. (st1672) Show the same ships with full lat and long data for each. (st1673) Find submarines in the Formosa strait since 13 August. (st1674) Show ships in Gulf of California. (st1675) Which S.Q.Q.-23 capable subs that are in Philippine Sea that are M4 or lower on A.S.W. chopped to Pacific fleet after 10 December (st1676) Give me deployments of vessels on 15 March. (st1677) Are there any ships deployed in the Korean Bay that are C3? (st1678) List deployments of frigates during July. (st1679) How many kilometers are there between Downes and Fanning? (st1680) Get U.S.N. cruisers deployed in 1981. (st1681) Did any carriers that are in Bombay ever go to M5 on A.A.W.? (st1682) Find ships that were C4 on 17 October. (st1683) Total the submarines in the Gulf of Thailand. (st1684) Show ships with N.T.D.S. employed before 14 June. (st1685) Give subs that are C5 that aren't deployed. (st1686) List vessels in Yellow Sea and their current speeds. (st1687) How many ships that are LINK-11 capable are there at Diego Garcia? (st1688) Get me the frigates that are M1 on A.S.U.W.. (st1689) Find cruisers that are in home port. (st1690) Count the carriers that are at greater than 3 quarters their fuel capacity. (st1691) Show ships that were M2 on M.O.B. on 12 September. (st1692) Give all submarines deployed after 19 January. (st1693) List ships in the south Pacific Ocean and their destinations. (st1694) Do any subs that are in Coral Sea have more fuel than her? (st1695) Get vessels that are C1. (st1696) Find me ships that were in home port on March 1. (st1697) How many frigates in Bismark Sea are diesel propelled? (st1698) Show the cruisers that were in Ross Sea as of 23 November. (st1699) Give carriers that are in Solomon Sea and their average displacements. (st1700) Are there ships in Arctic Ocean that are C2? (st1701) List the submarines that are in west Bering Sea and C3 on overall readiness. (st1702) Get ships with supply CASREPs. (st1703) Find C4 subs that are in Galveston. (st1704) How many submarines in Gulf of Alaska have test depths less than a thousand meters? (st1705) Show me ships that are in the Bering strait that have casualty reports dated earlier than Reasoner's oldest one. (st1706) Give frigates that are in Indian Ocean and that are M3 on M.I.W.. (st1707) How many cruisers are in Pacific fleet? (st1708) List the carriers that are C5 on overall readiness. (st1709) How many ships whose average speeds are as fast as Sample's were in Honolulu April 26? (st1710) Get submarines in Bass strait with T.F.C.C.. (st1711) Do any ships that are in Persian Sea have A.S.W. mission area of M4? (st1712) Find the subs and their fleet identifications. (st1713) Give me a list of vessels in Port Elizabeth. (st1714) What TASSEM ships are in Arabian Sea? (st1715) Get a list of all frigates deployed 30 May. (st1716) How many cruisers with economic speeds above 35 knots are in the Mozambique Channel? (st1717) Show me carriers whose personnel readiness is C1. (st1718) Give ships that are C2 and aren't deployed. (st1719) List C3 submarines that are in Eastpac. (st1720) How many ships have gross displacements greater than Vandergrift's? (st1721) Get any subs that are in Midpac and rated M5 on A.A.W.. (st1722) Find vessels that went to M1 on A.S.U.W. after February 28th. (st1723) Show any ships that were C4 on 13th of August. (st1724) How many frigates are C4 or above? (st1725) Give me cruisers deployed since 22 December. (st1726) List any carriers that are C1 on equipment readiness. (st1727) Which of the Westpac ships are on station today? (st1728) Get PACK-FLEET submarines that were C2 on 28 March. (st1729) Decrease the letter size by one on chart of Mexico. (st1730) Find all cruisers and their destinations. (st1731) Make letters size 4. (st1732) Show names and maximum sustained speeds for the subs. (st1733) What carrier is nearest Hepburn? (st1734) Give a list of all vessels. (st1735) List ships deployed 29 July. (st1736) Get me U.S.N. frigates in Atlantic Ocean since 27 October. (st1737) What's the Wadsworth's fuel status? (st1738) Find cruisers in China Sea as of 23 June. (st1739) Show carriers that were deployed on 25 September. (st1740) Give fuel levels for ships in the east Siberian Sea. (st1741) Delete Whipple's newest latitude data. (st1742) List the last 2 latitudes and longitudes for Jarrett. (st1743) Review Ajax's last 8 alerts. (st1744) Weren't there more than 4 submarines in Pacific fleet in '82? (st1745) Display the last longitude of the hooked track. (st1746) Have not more than 9 ships been in their home ports since 26 January? (st1747) Had the Lockwood made that casualty report earlier than 16 hundred hours? (st1748) Delete any missions that were changed since yesterday. (st1749) Get the last 4 positions of McClusky. (st1750) Find me capabilities that Ramsey has. (st1751) What subs are reporting M2 on M.O.B.? (st1752) Show the area alerts for Gulf of Tonkin. (st1753) Give T-LAM vessels that weren't deployed in November. (st1754) Who has S.L.Q.-32 capability in Sea of Japan? (st1755) List any S.P.S.-40 ships deployed before 27 April and that weren't in home port April 1. (st1756) What is the last position? (st1757) Get all LAMPS capable frigates which are in the Formosa strait. (st1758) What is the most recent report date for Apalachicola's training casualty report? (st1759) Find S.P.S.-48 capable cruisers. (st1760) What's the average unit readiness for the 3 fastest carriers that are in Gulf of California? (st1761) Show me any harpoon capable ships that were in Philippine Sea on 30 May and that were C3 on February 21. (st1762) Give the TACKIN submarines. (st1763) Edit the threat involving Rathburne. (st1764) List S.Q.Q.-23 capable ships that are C4. (st1765) Redraw chart with grid and the groups parameters toggled. (st1766) Display Brunswick's track with overlay BOX. (st1767) Get any N.T.D.S. capable subs in port now. (st1768) Find LINK-11 capable vessels that are in Atlantic City. (st1769) Redraw the chart with no resource data displayed. (st1770) Give me a list of any T.F.C.C. capable ships not C5 on supplies. (st1771) Define the time window for the chart of Mozambique to start at present time and end at 11 hundred. (st1772) Get me a list of TASSEM frigates that were located in Korean Bay on 29th August. (st1773) Redefine the time window for the chart of New Caledonia to start 6 days sooner. (st1774) Are there any Category 4 problems for Reasoner? (st1775) Show the latest deployment dates for cruisers. (st1776) Which carriers have Category 2 casualty reports? (st1777) Redraw chart of New Zealand increasing letter size to 2. (st1778) Is there a T-LAM installed on Sample? (st1779) Give last week's Category 3 problems for ships that are in the Gulf of Thailand. (st1780) What is the setting of U.O.M. switch? (st1781) List M.I.W. rating codes for all of Midpac's C1 submarines in Yellow Sea. (st1782) Has the Vandergrift chopped to Pacific fleet yet? (st1783) Wouldn't it have taken longer with Wadsworth? (st1784) How much faster is Camden's average cruising speed compared to Campbell's? (st1785) Make chart of Philippines again redefining the overlays. (st1786) Get destinations and estimated time of arrival at destination for S.L.Q.-32 capable ships. (st1787) Can Whipple get to Pacific Ocean by 18 hundred hours on Tuesday? (st1788) What subs rated above M3 on A.S.W. will change readiness by December 2nd? (st1789) Display the chart of Coral Sea with SOHO overlay. (st1790) Draw a chart of north Bismark Sea with time window started at 5 hundred hours Zulu. (st1791) Find the various fleet identifications for the vessels. (st1792) Show me the same chart with BARGE. (st1793) On what day is Ajax due in Aberdeen? (st1794) Redraw chart of Solomon Sea with NOVA overlay added. (st1795) Set letter size to the greatest value. (st1796) Display tracks of any ships that are in Arctic Ocean. (st1797) Redo chart of Bering Sea showing only locations from visual sensor. (st1798) Set the color of Chattahoochee's track to dim red. (st1799) Show definitions of any alerts involving Apalachicola. (st1800) Draw a chart of Panama centering it around the Brunswick. (st1801) Add BUD-TEst overlay. (st1802) Redo chart of Singapore using mercator projection. (st1803) Has the Camden been at sea longest of all frigates in Pacific fleet? (st1804) Show C2 cruisers that are in Pacific fleet. (st1805) Redraw chart of Taiwan with the new location data included. (st1806) Give C3 carriers in Gulf of Alaska on 15th of March. (st1807) Redisplay chart of the Bering strait after clearing SAN-FRAN. (st1808) Display lengths and beams for ships in Port Victoria. (st1809) List all group names. (st1810) Show the definition of CHESHIRE threat. (st1811) Has the Campbell arrived at his destination yet? (st1812) Get me the names of submarines that are in hooked Port. (st1813) Redraw chart of Arctic Ocean with H.F.D.F. sensor latitude and longitude data deleted. (st1814) Increase the letter size to 3 for chart of Indian Ocean. (st1815) Find the various fleet identifications for S.P.S.-40 ships in Bass strait. (st1816) Show a chart of United states. (st1817) What subs went to C4 on training after 2 July? (st1818) Show alerts in which she's involved. (st1819) Redo chart of west Persian Sea toggling unit of measure switch. (st1820) Give Tuesday's casualty reports from Citrus. (st1821) List the speed of vessels that are in Arabian Sea. (st1822) Make the chart again in high resolution. (st1823) Display chart of the Mozambique Channel turning on N.T.D.S. parameter. (st1824) Redraw chart of south U.S.A. with lat-lon data shown in bright yellow. (st1825) Redisplay chart of Eastpac adding the new overlays. (st1826) Couldn't Cleveland arrive in port by tomorrow? (st1827) Draw chart of China with posit display on. (st1828) Get me estimated arrival times for the ships due in Astoria today. (st1829) Display speed of Conifer. (st1830) When will Confidence next be on station? (st1831) Show the number of frigates with C5 personnel. (st1832) Find mission areas aboard the Kennedy that are M4. (st1833) How long would it take Independence to get from San Diego to 8 north 13 east? (st1834) Show a chart of Midpac with security switch turned off. (st1835) Redraw chart of Formosa with the time window defined to start at 9 hundred. (st1836) How long will it take Eisenhower to get where she's going? (st1837) Show dates of equipment problems CASREPed by Mississippi in 1983. (st1838) Do we have a sub in Westpac with test depth less than 1 thousand feet? (st1839) Display a chart of the Atlantic Ocean with time window starting at 6 and ending at 7 hundred hours. (st1840) Redraw chart of Japan with edited position data. (st1841) Draw the chart of Thailand using overlay PUGET-1. (st1842) Redo the same chart with ports switch off. (st1843) What is the total number of cruisers in PACK-FLEET? (st1844) On what day could Virginia arrive in port at her max speed? (st1845) Redraw chart of Korea decreasing the letter size to 3. (st1846) Give me the names of any carriers that were in China Sea 3 October. (st1847) What submarine was in Subic Bay 5 June? (st1848) Show chart of western British Solomon Islands with sail toggled. (st1849) How long would it take Biddle to get to Miami at 15 knots? (st1850) Display a chart of Canada with D.M.D.S. switches set to their defaults. (st1851) Redraw chart of Coral Sea Islands with the data screen cleared. (st1852) Will Conquest be at Naples tomorrow? (st1853) Show the name of dim green track. (st1854) Redraw chart of southern Cook Islands deleting sonar sensor location data. (st1855) Has Constant chopped to LANT-FLEET yet? (st1856) Draw the chart of Siberian Sea. (st1857) How many days would it take Denver to get to her destination at her maximum speed? (st1858) Count the number of ships in Gulf of Tonkin. (st1859) Display the definition of alerts involving the Dixon. (st1860) Show the same chart of Fiji defining time window to start at 8 hundred hours. (st1861) Can Dubuque get to Kodiak by Monday? (st1862) Redraw projection using true-view. (st1863) Get dates on training problems for the Esteem. (st1864) Show the number of submarines that are deployed in Sea of Japan. (st1865) Set color of N-9-2-7-6-2 to bright red. (st1866) Redraw chart of French Polynesia making letters one size smaller. (st1867) What's the number of ships in the Formosa strait without LAMPS? (st1868) Redraw chart of Hong Kong with redefined overlays. (st1869) What would it be counting only C1 subs? (st1870) When was it last in Gulf of California? (st1871) Set the switches to defaults. (st1872) Find me any alerts in which Firebush is involved. (st1873) Make chart of western Indonesia again with resolution set to low. (st1874) Redo chart of Madagascar with the letters decreased by one size. (st1875) Show the various fleet identifications for all S.P.S.-48 vessels. (st1876) Give last month's worst CASREPs for each south Philippine Sea sub. (st1877) Display the definition of Korean Bay alert. (st1878) List C2 ships that are in the Gulf of Thailand. (st1879) What is the status of Flint? (st1880) Display a chart of Mongolia with save parameter on. (st1881) Get C3 frigates. (st1882) Draw chart of the Yellow Sea with Frederick displayed in center. (st1883) Find Saturday's casualty reports for Fresno. (st1884) What were Citrus's problems yesterday? (st1885) What is the Glacier's E.T.A. at her destination? (st1886) Doesn't Cleveland have harpoon? (st1887) Is Conifer's last casualty report later than 10 hundred Zulu? (st1888) What's the submarine's estimated time of arrival at Tokyo? (st1889) Is Kennedy's arrival hour in Pearl Harbor after 15 hundred hours? (st1890) Why was the Independence's A.A.W. mission area changed on 4 September? (st1891) What is Eisenhower's supplies resource readiness? (st1892) Will Mississippi's equipment casualty report be fixed by 9 January? (st1893) Is Virginia's rating on personnel readiness higher than that of Hector? (st1894) What is the Biddle's home port? (st1895) Why was Conquest's equipment resource rating degraded 6 November? (st1896) What's Constant's training readiness? (st1897) When was Denver's last reported supplies casualty report? (st1898) What is Dixon's propulsion type and fuel capacity? (st1899) Is the Dubuque's displacement greater than average for M5 A.S.U.W. cruisers? (st1900) Is Esteem's length less than any vessel in Pacific Ocean? (st1901) What is Firebush's oldest CASREP? (st1902) Is the Flint's estimated time of arrival later than 4 hundred hours? (st1903) What's Frederick's propulsion type? (st1904) Is Fresno's max draft greater than average for her fleet? (st1905) Where was Glacier's destination on 7 April? (st1906) Is the Hector's average displacement larger than average for Coral Sea carriers? (st1907) What is Ironwood's maximum draft? (st1908) Is Jarvis's fleet identification the same as Jason's? (st1909) What is the Jupiter's M-rating on M.O.B.? (st1910) Is Kirk's current speed slower than Kiska's? (st1911) Is Olympia Manhattan's destination? (st1912) What's Mars's fuel capacity? (st1913) Is the Mercury's length more than 3 thousand feet? (st1914) Why was Meteor's M.I.W. M-code changed on 6 May? (st1915) What is Midgett's average speed? (st1916) Are there any CODAG propelled ships in Bismark Sea? (st1917) What is Mishawaka's current speed? (st1918) Are there any nuclear surface vessels within 5 miles of Sidney? (st1919) What's the Monticello's percent fuel? (st1920) Are there 17 submarines at sea today? (st1921) What was the previous overall readiness of Ironwood? (st1922) Are there 2 TACKIN ships with economic speeds not less than 17 knots? (st1923) Were there 28 subs at sea on 1 May? (st1924) Who has the lowest fuel capacity of nuclear surface ships that are in Ross Sea? (st1925) Are there 9 vessels with maximum sustained speeds more than 37 knots? (st1926) Review Nashua's alerts. (st1927) What is the personnel resource readiness of Jarvis? (st1928) Is Bangkok the destination for any ships? (st1929) Are there 3 S.Q.Q.-23 frigates in the west Solomon Sea that are capable of a maximum cruising speed of 14 knots or higher? (st1930) Turn echo on and redraw current area. (st1931) Set areas off. (st1932) Don't show me chart on redraw. (st1933) Display latitudes and longitudes for hooked track. (st1934) Turn area off for tracks whose latitude and longitude is hooked. (st1935) Why was the Peoria's A.S.W. mission area downgraded on 5 February? (st1936) What is the equipment C-rating for Jason? (st1937) Turn on arrow switch. (st1938) When will training casualty report for the Jupiter be resolved? (st1939) Turn on chart switch. (st1940) When did Pigeon's supplies readiness rating last degrade? (st1941) Why did Pluck's A.A.W. mission area rating degrade on August 2? (st1942) Redraw showing the last 8 posits of cruisers and carriers. (st1943) Why did Kirk change overall readiness on 27th December? (st1944) Show all lat-lons of ships in Arctic Ocean. (st1945) Are there 4 submarines that are in Leningrad with readiness more than C4? (st1946) What was the Yorktown's overall readiness last Saturday? (st1947) Why was equipment readiness of Kiska degraded on March 8th? (st1948) Is Wellington the destination of any ships? (st1949) Who has the largest fuel capacity in Bering Sea? (st1950) What's the personnel readiness of Manhattan? (st1951) Which of the subs in the Gulf of Alaska have N.T.D.S.? (st1952) What is the equipment resource readiness on Mars? (st1953) When was Mercury last in Bering strait? (st1954) What is the training readiness on Poughkeepsie? (st1955) When was the Meteor last in port? (st1956) Are there 9 vessels that are in Indian Ocean with supplies rating more than C5? (st1957) What's the overall resource rating on Midgett? (st1958) Are there any C1 ships in Bass strait? (st1959) What is the personnel resource rating and destination of the Mishawaka? (st1960) When'll the equipment problem from the Prairie be resolved? (st1961) Has Monticello changed training readiness? (st1962) Is Nashua as fast as the Peoria? (st1963) What is the supplies rating of Pigeon? (st1964) Is Pluck in the hooked Port? (st1965) Did Yorktown report any problem on 21st of July? (st1966) Hasn't the Poughkeepsie reported any resource area problems since 12 October? (st1967) Is Prairie on station now? (st1968) What's the longest ship in Pacific fleet? (st1969) Is Reclaimer within 90 kilometers of 46 north 4 east? (st1970) When did Dale last downgrade for the A.S.U.W. mission area? (st1971) Is Ticonderoga closer to Sacramento than Sassafras is? (st1972) When did Schenectady last report personnel resource area C2? (st1973) Is the Shasta faster than Sherman? (st1974) Didn't Tripoli upgrade on 19 June? (st1975) When will Tuscaloosa next be in home port? (st1976) Is Vancouver capable of a speed of 16 knots? (st1977) Are the Wabash and Wasp in Aberdeen? (st1978) Is Wichita a LINK-11 frigate? (st1979) Does Willamette have an M.O.B. readiness of M1? (st1980) Where is Winamac enroute to? (st1981) Is the Midway slower than Constellation? (st1982) Where's Ranger going? (st1983) Why was Arkansas rated C3 on 11 September? (st1984) Is Bainbridge due in port before 7 hundred on next Thursday? (st1985) Hasn't the Enterprise reported any equipment resource problems since 18 January? (st1986) Where is Texas? (st1987) Review all alerts within the last 14 hours for cruisers that are in the Atlantic Ocean. (st1988) Is Fox going to be chopping to Atlantic fleet soon? (st1989) When did the Gridley degrade from his previous training C-rating? (st1990) Has Horne reported any supplies problems? (st1991) When did Reeves chop to Atlantic fleet? (st1992) Is there a cruiser in Persian Sea longer than 13 hundred feet? (st1993) Where was sterett on 10 November? (st1994) Didn't the Flasher downgrade on M.I.W. in April? (st1995) Is Guardfish's maximum speed as fast as Guitarro's? (st1996) Which frigates that are in Arabian Sea have T.F.C.C.? (st1997) What is the A.S.W. average rating code for cruisers in Mozambique Channel? (st1998) What carriers that are in Eastpac went to M2 in A.A.W. since 15 May? (st1999) Which ships in Midpac are TASSEM capable? (st2000) What is the E.T.A. at her destination of Hawkbill? (st2001) Which submarines that are in Oakland have an overall readiness rating of C4? (st2002) Did A.S.U.W. mission area of Plunger ever go to M3 17 February? (st2003) What's the estimated time of arrival in Newcastle of the Pollack? (st2004) Did M.O.B. mission area of Puffer ever go to M4 in '84? (st2005) What personnel problems has Queenfish CASREPed since 14 August? (st2006) Define an O.S.G.P. area threat. (st2007) What is the M.I.W. mission area rating for Seawolf? (st2008) Which ships in Westpac have an equipment readiness that is C5? (st2009) Add GRILL. (st2010) Draw west Atlantic Ocean. (st2011) Has Reclaimer's A.S.W. mission area rating been changed since Wednesday? (st2012) Which subs that are in China Sea have a training resource readiness of C1? (st2013) Has the A.A.W. mission area of the Swordfish gone to M5 since 1 June? (st2014) Which vessels in Alexandria are C2? (st2015) What supply problems has Badger reported? (st2016) Did Dale's A.S.U.W. mission area ever go to M1 after 12 December? (st2017) What is the M.O.B. M-code for Brooke? (st2018) Does Copeland have T-LAM capability? (st2019) Are there any S.L.Q.-32 capable ships that are in the Siberian Sea? (st2020) Doesn't Davidson have S.P.S.-40 yet? (st2021) How many Cat-2 casualty reports are there for frigates in Gulf of Tonkin? (st2022) Are there any LAMPS cruisers that are in Sea of Japan? (st2023) Show Mexico. (st2024) Redraw south Mozambique in high resolution. (st2025) Display New Caledonia using true-view. (st2026) How much fuel does Downes have remaining? (st2027) Is the max speed of the Fanning greater than 50 knots? (st2028) Redraw New Zealand with low resolution. (st2029) Is the maximum speed of Hepburn less than that of Jarrett? (st2030) What's the average speed of carriers in Pacific fleet? (st2031) Are any supply problems reported by Lockwood dated March 19? (st2032) Is the average speed for ships that are in the Formosa strait greater than Ticonderoga's economic speed? (st2033) Are more than 3 submarines currently in home port? (st2034) Does McClusky have 6 open Cat-3 casualty reports? (st2035) What is the present supplies readiness for Ramsey? (st2036) Is the gross displacement of Rathburne more than 5 hundred long tons? (st2037) What is the maximum sustained speed of the Reasoner? (st2038) How many nuclear surface ships are within 82 miles of Sample? (st2039) What ships have reported personnel problems? (st2040) What are average displacements for Gulf of California conventional surface vessels? (st2041) Weren't more than 8 C3 subs in Pacific fleet today? (st2042) Is there a problem with personnel for the Vandergrift? (st2043) Edit Sacramento's alerts. (st2044) What's the current overall readiness of Wadsworth? (st2045) Are there more than 9 S.P.S.-48 capable vessels in port today? (st2046) What ships chopped from Atlantic to Pacific fleet in July? (st2047) Redisplay chart adding YANKEE. (st2048) The Sassafras's personnel readiness rating? (st2049) What Siberian Sea carrier wasn't downgraded on equipment readiness during October? (st2050) How fast is Whipple? (st2051) Are any of Schenectady's positions from radar sensor? (st2052) Turn C.E.P. switch off. (st2053) Were any of Shasta's problems reported before the 3rd of June? (st2054) Set footer switch to off. (st2055) What ship had the most problems during the last 7 months? (st2056) Are any of Sherman's CASREPs dated September 30th? (st2057) What speed is the Ajax going? (st2058) Redraw it increasing letter size to 2. (st2059) What casualty reports on Apalachicola are there for 11th of January? (st2060) Set color for the Tripoli's track to dim orange. (st2061) What submarine in Korean Bay has least remaining fuel? (st2062) Set chart parameter to high. (st2063) How soon can Tuscaloosa's most recent casualty report be fixed? (st2064) Which sub in the Gulf of Thailand has the largest fuel capacity? (st2065) What vessel in Yellow Sea has the slowest average cruising speed? (st2066) Redraw chart displaying the 3 earliest posits for each ship. (st2067) Training rating for Brunswick? (st2068) What frigates that were in north Pacific Ocean on 25 November will chop to Atlantic fleet by 22 April? (st2069) Is the Vancouver's fuel capacity larger than Wabash's? (st2070) Edit CHESHIRE. (st2071) Redo chart deleting the latest position data for each frigate. (st2072) What is the present M.I.W. mission readiness of Camden? (st2073) Turn great circle on. (st2074) What type of propulsion does the Campbell have? (st2075) How soon will Chattahoochee be upgraded on supplies readiness? (st2076) Is there a remark on Wasp's latest casualty report? (st2077) Did Citrus report any training problem on 28 May? (st2078) What is the name and the C-code of the cruiser in the Coral Sea? (st2079) Does Cleveland have any Category 2 or Category 3 problems? (st2080) Clear overlays and display the track of Conifer. (st2081) How soon can Confidence chop to Atlantic fleet? (st2082) What casualty report did Kennedy have on 24 February? (st2083) Show Wichita's track and current personnel readiness. (st2084) How soon will Independence be upgraded on A.S.W. mission readiness? (st2085) How soon can Eisenhower get to Townsville? (st2086) How soon does the Mississippi arrive in Nome? (st2087) What are the various ratings for Virginia? (st2088) Does Biddle have any casualty reports of Category 2 or Category 3? (st2089) Show position data and various mission codes for cruisers in the Bismark Sea before 29 August. (st2090) Are there any open casualty reports for Conquest? (st2091) Change alert for Ross Sea. (st2092) Define an alert for Solomon Sea. (st2093) How soon will the Constant be in home port? (st2094) Define area threats for Arctic Ocean. (st2095) Delete position data for Willamette's track. (st2096) Edit Winamac's location data from H.F.D.F. sensor. (st2097) Are any of Westpac's carriers rated M2 on A.A.W.? (st2098) Has the Denver been downgraded yet? (st2099) How many of Eastpac's ships were in home port on 26 December? (st2100) What carrier wasn't degraded in equipment readiness in 1985? (st2101) Whose max speeds are 16 knots or less? (st2102) How many metric tons is the average displacement of submarines that are in Pacific fleet? (st2103) Is there no east Bering Sea ship rated M3 on A.S.U.W.? (st2104) Was there no Gulf of Alaska submarine that was rated M4 on M.O.B. in Bering strait 24 March? (st2105) What are the various resource area ratings for Dixon? (st2106) Whose maximum speeds are less than 50 knots? (st2107) How many kilometers is it between the Dubuque and Anchorage? (st2108) How many ships are gas powered? (st2109) How many subs are there in Indian Ocean? (st2110) Are there any vessels within 37 miles of 3 south 11 west? (st2111) Which sub is closest to New York? (st2112) How soon can Esteem chop from Pacific fleet to Atlantic fleet? (st2113) How many kilometers is Bombay from Diego Garcia? (st2114) Are there any ships longer than a thousand meters that are in Bass strait? (st2115) What diesel surface ships in Persian Sea are harpoon capable? (st2116) Total the frigates. (st2117) How many miles is it from Galveston to Firebush? (st2118) Count all the cruisers that will arrive in Honolulu by next month. (st2119) How many carriers will be in Port Elizabeth by 6 hundred hours Zulu tomorrow? (st2120) Reset parameters. (st2121) Do any ships that are in Pacific fleet have TACKIN? (st2122) Are any submarines in Arabian Sea below 40 percent of their fuel capacity? (st2123) How many ships were in Atlantic City during the last 75 weeks? (st2124) Which S.Q.Q.-23 capable subs are in the Mozambique Channel? (st2125) How many days would it take Flint to get to Port Victoria at her current speed? (st2126) What N.T.D.S. capable vessels are in Eastpac? (st2127) Which LINK-11 capable ships are C4? (st2128) How many frigates were in Astoria on 22 July? (st2129) Do any cruisers that are capable of an average speed of more than 8 knots have T.F.C.C.? (st2130) Aren't there any carriers that haven't CASREPed a training problem since July 1? (st2131) How many ships were deployed since 29 October? (st2132) Were any submarines in San Diego on June 27? (st2133) How many ships are C5 on supplies? (st2134) Weren't any subs in Darwin in September? (st2135) Show tracks of the vessels in Westpac. (st2136) How many ships that were in the Atlantic Ocean on the 4th of January have changed readiness? (st2137) Which TASSEM capable frigates have an overall resource rating of more than C1? (st2138) How many cruisers were deployed in '86? (st2139) Are there any carriers that are in China Sea capable of a speed of 18 knots? (st2140) How many ships are in the east Siberian Sea? (st2141) Do any submarines that are in Gulf of Tonkin have an M5 M.I.W. M-rating? (st2142) How many ships have open casualty reports? (st2143) Are any subs capable of an economic speed of more than 19 knots? (st2144) How many vessels have been deployed since November 18th? (st2145) Are there any ships that haven't reported a problem with personnel since the 23rd of April? (st2146) How many frigates chopped to Pacific fleet from Atlantic fleet in 1981? (st2147) What 3 Sea of Japan cruisers went to M1 on A.S.W. since 30 May? (st2148) How many carriers are there in Subic Bay? (st2149) Were there any ships in Formosa strait on 21 February? (st2150) Are there no submarines that are in Gulf of California? (st2151) How many ships are currently in home port? (st2152) Were there no subs in the Philippine Sea on 5 August? (st2153) How many vessels were deployed as of 2 December? (st2154) Do any ships in Korean Bay have an M2 A.A.W. mission area? (st2155) Are there more than 8 frigates that are in Gulf of Thailand? (st2156) How many cruisers are not T-LAM capable? (st2157) Display the last 4 latitudes and longitudes for Frederick. (st2158) How many carriers were in the Yellow Sea on 9 March? (st2159) Are any problems reported by Fresno dated 6 July? (st2160) Draw the last 4 lats and lons for tracks of vessels that are S.L.Q.-32 capable. (st2161) How many ships in Pacific Ocean have A.S.U.W. M-ratings lower than M3? (st2162) Will any S.P.S.-40 capable submarines be in Everett by Friday? (st2163) How many ships were in north Bismark Sea on 7 October? (st2164) Were there more than 23 subs at sea on 6 June? (st2165) How many LAMPS capable vessels are in Ross Sea? (st2166) Show me the last 5 latitudes for tracks of subs whose equipment readiness is C2. (st2167) How many ships are C3? (st2168) Were there more than 2 frigates employed in '82? (st2169) How many S.P.S.-48 cruisers have been deployed since August 1? (st2170) Are there more than 8 carriers that are in Miami? (st2171) Were there more than 13 PACK-FLEET ships employed in 1983? (st2172) How many harpoon submarines are in Solomon Sea? (st2173) Are there more than 60 ships at sea? (st2174) Change area alert BUMP. (st2175) Is there more than one TACKIN capable vessel in the Arctic Ocean? (st2176) Redefine area alert ICE-NINE. (st2177) How many S.Q.Q.-23 subs in Naples have reported problems with training? (st2178) Is there more than one N.T.D.S. capable ship in port? (st2179) Review the last 9 alerts. (st2180) Are there more than 7 vessels that are in port now? (st2181) How many LINK-11 capable ships are there? (st2182) Was there more than one frigate in Bering Sea on 3 September? (st2183) Which of Midpac's frigates are M4 or higher on M.O.B.? (st2184) Set time window to start at present time and end at 5 hundred hours. (st2185) Are there any Category 4 problems for any of the cruisers in the Gulf of Alaska? (st2186) What's the last deployment date for Glacier? (st2187) Is there a Bering strait cruiser rated M5 on M.I.W.? (st2188) Draw track of Hector. (st2189) What is the destination of Ironwood? (st2190) Which of Westpac's carriers are C4? (st2191) Show the track of Jarvis since January 2. (st2192) What is the name of the carrier in the Indian Ocean? (st2193) Which ships have a C5 supplies resource rating? (st2194) Display a new chart projection of Bass strait. (st2195) What's the destination arrival hour for Jason? (st2196) Set unit of measure switch to English. (st2197) Can Jupiter get to his destination by Sunday? (st2198) What is the latitude and longitude of Kirk? (st2199) Draw the tracks of submarines that are in west Persian Sea. (st2200) What ships were in Arabian Sea on the 9th of November? (st2201) Are Wednesday's CASREPs worse than Monday's for Kiska? (st2202) Increase letter size to max value and redraw. (st2203) How long would it take Manhattan to get from Kodiak to the Midway's current position? (st2204) Show the same chart with time started at 21 hundred. (st2205) Redisplay overlay BOX turning on grid. (st2206) Reset chart switches to defaults. (st2207) How long is it going to take Mars to get to where she's going? (st2208) Display a new chart projection using stereographic. (st2209) Will Mercury be in port by 8 hundred hours? (st2210) Will the Constellation's C1 equipment problem be fixed by April 25th? (st2211) Set parameters to their defaults. (st2212) How long would it take Meteor to get to 34 south 9 west? (st2213) What is Ranger's fuel level? (st2214) Set letter size to 3. (st2215) Draw a chart of eastern Philippines using the stereographic projection. (st2216) Is present speed of Midgett greater than 10 knots? (st2217) Set color of hooked track to bright green. (st2218) How much fuel is aboard the Mishawaka? (st2219) Will Monticello chop to Atlantic fleet by 6 hundred hours Zulu Tuesday? (st2220) Show track of Nashua clearing overlays. (st2221) What remarks are there on the Arkansas's most recent casualty report? (st2222) Has Peoria arrived at Tokyo yet? (st2223) Display a new chart using mercator projection. (st2224) Set system switches to defaults. (st2225) When is the estimated time of arrival in home port for Pigeon? (st2226) Draw a chart of Mozambique Channel. (st2227) How long would it take Pluck to get to Pearl Harbor at her maximum sustained speed? (st2228) Show a chart of north and south Panama. (st2229) How long would it take Yorktown to get to its destination at 18 knots? (st2230) What's the average of economic speeds for subs in Eastpac? (st2231) What vessels are in Midpac? (st2232) Display a chart of Westpac with time window from 15 hundred to 17 hundred hours. (st2233) What ships were at sea on 10th of May? (st2234) What is the location of the ship closest to 54 north 7 east? (st2235)