[0] How to Subscribe to a Mailing List

To be added or deleted to any of the mailing lists described in this
post, send mail to the -request version of the list except where
otherwise noted. This sends mail to the list maintainer, instead of
annoying the membership of the entire mailing list. To subscribe to
one of the BITNET listserv forums, send mail there which contains a
line of the form
	SUB <forum-name> <your-full-name>
as the first and only line in the body of the message. To unsubscribe
to a ListServ list, send 
	UNSUB <forum-name>
	SIGNOFF <forum-name>

For Lisp-related mailing lists, see part 4 of the FAQ for the
newsgroup comp.lang.lisp.

The LISTSERV home page is located at the URL
It includes a list of the top 40 listserv lists (the Linguist list is
#20 with 5800 members, and SCHOLAR is #29 with 3984 members), and
lists of listserv lists organized alphabetically and by category.
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