From!!!!!uunet!mcsun!uknet!!!jensting Fri Aug 27 14:34:15 EDT 1993 Article: 12011 of Xref: comp.dsp:7181 comp.lsi:3093 sci.electronics:63244 sci.image.processing:4140 Newsgroups: uk.announce,,comp.dsp,comp.lsi,sci.electronics,sci.image.processing Path:!!!!!uunet!mcsun!uknet!!!jensting From: (Jens Tingleff) Subject: ISCAS'94 CALL FOR PAPER Message-ID: <> Followup-To: poster Keywords: Conference, Circuits and Systems Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Elec. Eng. Imperial College, London Date: Fri, 27 Aug 93 15:59:49 BST Lines: 49 [Just posting this for the organisers, don't blame me!] IEEE ISCAS'94 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 30th May - 2nd June 1994, London, England CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline for submission: 1 October 1993 ISCAS '94 will take place in the New Connaught Rooms conveniently located in the Covent Garden area in London's West End. From here it's easy to walk to lots of cafes, bars, restaurants, theatres, shops, hotels and historic sites. ACCOMMODATION High quality but inexpensive hotel accommodation within easy walking distance of the conference venue has been reserved for delegates. TECHNICAL PROGRAMME All the topics normally associated with ISCAS will be addressed by talks and posters as well as by keynote speakers, "birds-of-a-feather" meetings and a plenary session. Paper presentations will be grouped into eight 'tracks' - Communications and Visual Signal Processing, Linear Circuits and Systems, Analogue Signal Processing, Digital Signal Processing, VLSI, Computer-Aided Design, Neural Systems and Nonlinear Circuits and Systems. INFORMATIONS TO AUTHORS Authors are invited to submit SIX (6) copies of an EXTENDED SUMMARY (at least 2000 words) of their paper to Professor J.I. SEWELL, Dept. of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8LT, UK to arrive by 1 October 1993. Your work should be clearly described, its significance explained, novel features identified and references given to prior work. Author name(s), address, telephone/fax/telex numbers and email address should be on a separate sheet which will be removed during the review to ensure anonymity. Authors should indicate the technical track (see under Technical Programme) under which the paper should be reviewed, and the preferred presentation format - lecture or poster. Enquiries Robert Spence, EEE Dept., Imperial College, Exhibition Rd, London SW7 2BT Fax: +(44) 71 823 8125, email: