areas/ 1 B AI Software Packages areas/agents/ 2 B Agent Architectures areas/agents/animals/ 3 B ANIMALS: Computer simulations of animal behavior (Toby Tyrrell) 1108 KB areas/agents/aop/ 4 B AGENT0 Interpreter: Agent-Oriented Programming 63 KB; Version: 25-OCT-91 areas/agents/viewgen/ 5 B ViewGen: Viewpoint Generator 1286 KB areas/alife/ 6 B Artificial Life and Complex Adaptive Systems areas/alife/doc/ 7 B Documentation about Artificial Life areas/alife/doc/bib/ 8 B Artificial Life Bibliography 411 KB areas/alife/doc/edu/ 9 B Syllabi and Bibliographies for Artificial Life courses 66 KB areas/alife/doc/notes/ 10 B Artificial Life Notes 16 KB areas/alife/mail/ 11 B Mail archives for the ALIFE Digest areas/alife/systems/ 12 B Artificial Life Packages areas/alife/systems/3dlife/ 13 B 3d Life: Three-Dimensional Cellular Automata 127 KB; Version: 1.0 (1-MAY-93) areas/alife/systems/autogen/ 14 B Autogen: Simulation of self-organizing molecules. 1419 KB; Version: 0.1 (24-SEP-93) areas/alife/systems/biomrf/ 15 B BIOMURFFS: Simulated evolution system. 36 KB; Version: 12-MAY-88 areas/alife/systems/biosim/ 16 B BIOSIM: Biologically-Oriented Neural Network Simulator 1879 KB; Version: 8-DEC-93 areas/alife/systems/bugs/ 17 B BUGS: Better to Use Genetic Systems 89 KB; Version: 17-SEP-92 areas/alife/systems/bugs_dos/ 18 B BUGS: Critters hunt bacteria. 53 KB; Version: 0.6 (2-MAY-89) areas/alife/systems/bugworld/ 19 B BUGWORLD: Bug ecology, with predators. 16 KB; Version: 9-AUG-93 areas/alife/systems/darwin/ 20 B Darwin: An Evolutionary System. 3 KB; Version: 10-JUN-87 areas/alife/systems/echo/ 21 B Echo: Model of agent interactions 843 KB; Version: 1.0 (23-MAR-94) areas/alife/systems/evo/ 22 B Evo: Human Evolution Demonstration Program 98 KB; Version: August 1987 areas/alife/systems/evolutn4/ 23 B Evolution: Simulation of adaptation. 34 KB; Version: 4.0 (29-JUL-89) areas/alife/systems/genesis/ 24 B GENESIS: GEneral NEural SImulation System 1907 KB; Version: GENESIS 1.4.1 (August 1993); RALLPACKS 1.1 (July 1992) areas/alife/systems/lee/ 25 B LEE: Latent Energy Environments 256 KB; Version: 1.1 (23-FEB-94) areas/alife/systems/life/ 26 B Implementations of Conway's Game of Life areas/alife/systems/life/aaalife/ 27 B AAALife: Fast implementation of Conway's Game of Life for PCs. 40 KB; Version: 1.0 (13-JUL-89) areas/alife/systems/life/dionne/ 28 B Life in VMS Fortran for VT100 terminals. 4 KB; Version: 12-MAY-94 areas/alife/systems/life/dr_life/ 29 B DR Life: Implementation of Conway's Game of Life for PCs. 29 KB; Version: 1.0 (12-FEB-92) areas/alife/systems/life/hatch/ 30 B Implementation of Conway's Game of Life for Sun. 10 KB; Version: 15-JUN-92 areas/alife/systems/life/hensel/ 31 B PCLIFE: Implementation of Conway's Game of Life for the PC. 239 KB; Version: 1.06 (1-MAY-94) areas/alife/systems/life/lifepas/ 32 B Conway's Game of Life in Pascal for the PC. 59 KB; Version: 13-MAY-94 areas/alife/systems/life/life_3d/ 33 B Life3D: Three-dimensional implementation of Life for the Amiga. 48 KB; Version: 1.2 (2-MAY-87) areas/alife/systems/life/moraes/ 34 B Xlife: X-Windows Implementation of Conway's Game of Life 14 KB; Version: 4-AUG-89 areas/alife/systems/life/olsson/ 35 B Conway's Game of Life for the IBM PC 67 KB; Version: 26-NOV-90 areas/alife/systems/life/reilly/ 36 B Conway's Game of Life for Windows 3.0. 347 KB; Version: 28-MAY-91 areas/alife/systems/life/rokicki/ 37 B Conway's Game of Life for the Amiga 45 KB areas/alife/systems/life/rupley/ 38 B Conway's Game of Life for VT100 using curses/termcap. 20 KB; Version: 6-FEB-90 areas/alife/systems/life/xlife/ 39 B XLIFE: Conway's Game of Life for X Windows 219 KB; Version: 3.0 (10-JUL-91) areas/alife/systems/lsys/ 40 B Lsys: Grow lifelike plants using simple rules. 87 KB; Version: (21-MAR-91) areas/alife/systems/nugs/ 41 B Nugs: Graphic simulation of Darwinian evolution. 98 KB; Version: 1.0 (5-OCT-93) areas/alife/systems/pfg/ 42 B PFG: Plant and Fractal Generator 165 KB; Version: 3.0 areas/alife/systems/polywrld/ 43 B Polyworld: Artificial Life Ecological Simulator 1590 KB; Version: Rev19 (28-AUG-92) areas/alife/systems/psoup/ 44 B PSOUP: Primordial Soup 32 KB; Version: 1.0 (19-APR-92) areas/alife/systems/tierra/ 45 B Tierra: Evolution of digital organisms 1018 KB; Version: 4.0 (16-MAR-94) areas/alife/systems/vamv/ 46 B VAMV: Video Alpha Mosaic Virus 32 KB; Version: 1.0 (31-MAY-90) areas/alife/systems/xantfarm/ 47 B An X Windows ant farm. 10 KB; Version: 16-OCT-91 areas/anneal/ 48 B Simulated Annealing areas/anneal/asa/ 49 B ASA: Adaptive Simulated Annealing 2930 KB; Version: 3.12 (29-APR-94) areas/blackbrd/ 50 B Blackboard Architectures areas/blackbrd/gbb/ 51 B GBB: UMass blackboard system 710 KB; Version: 1.20 (15-SEP-88) areas/blackbrd/gest/ 52 B GEST: Generic Expert System Tool 883 KB; Version: 8-JUL-93 areas/bookcode/ 53 B Machine readable parts of various AI textbooks. areas/bookcode/knight/ 54 B Code from Rich and Knight's AI book. 36 KB; Version: 3-DEC-92 areas/bookcode/winston/ 55 B Code from Winston's AI book. 217 KB; Version: 1.1.1 (23-APR-93) areas/ca/ 56 B Cellular Automata areas/ca/faq/ 57 B Cellular Automata FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About Cellular Automata 478 KB areas/ca/mail/ 58 B Mail archives for the CA mailing list 1224 KB; Version: Issues 0-109 areas/ca/systems/ 59 B Cellular Automata Packages areas/ca/systems/cam/ 60 B CAM: Cellular Automata Simulator 69 KB; Version: 29-SEP-93 areas/ca/systems/cdm/ 61 B CDM: Interpreter for a cellular automata programming language. 427 KB; Version: 5-FEB-91 areas/ca/systems/cellsim/ 62 B Cellsim: Cellular automata simulator. 267 KB; Version: 2.5 (9-APR-90) areas/ca/systems/cinc/ 63 B Cinc: The NeXT Creatures Simulator 197 KB; Version: 24-NOV-92 areas/ca/systems/dtr/ 64 B DTR: Simple Systems Exhibiting Self-Directed Replication 1136 KB; Version: March 1993 areas/ca/systems/hodge/ 65 B Hodge: C implementation of Gerhard and Schuster's hodge-podge machine. 880 KB; Version: 0.98j (23-MAR-93) areas/ca/systems/wautom/ 66 B Wautom: Cellular automata simulator for PCs. 389 KB; Version: 1.0 (28-NOV-93) areas/ca/systems/wirewrld/ 67 B WireWorld: Cellular Automaton 50 KB; Version: 2.1 (18-FEB-93) areas/classics/ 68 B Classical AI Programs areas/classics/eliza/ 69 B Implementations of Eliza areas/classics/eliza/azile/ 70 B AZILE: The evil version of Eliza 79 KB; Version: 2.5 (4-AUG-92) areas/classics/eliza/basic/ 71 B Implementations of Eliza in BASIC 44 KB areas/classics/eliza/bender/ 72 B Eliza for the Macintosh 99 KB; Version: 2.5 (4-AUG-92) areas/classics/eliza/bg/ 73 B Eliza in Lisp 37 KB; Version: 20-MAR-91 areas/classics/eliza/dbase/ 74 B Eliza in dBase III 70 KB areas/classics/eliza/emacs/ 75 B DOCTOR: Implementations of Eliza in Emacs Lisp 51 KB areas/classics/eliza/honey/ 76 B Honey: Eliza in Lisp 24 KB; Version: 12-DEC-86 areas/classics/eliza/mac/ 77 B Eliza for the Macintosh 70 KB areas/classics/eliza/pascal/ 78 B Eliza in Pascal 52 KB areas/classics/eliza/pc/ 79 B Implementation of Eliza for PCs 140 KB; Version: 1.1 areas/classics/eliza/prolog/ 80 B Prolog implementation of Eliza 16 KB; Version: 10-APR-92 areas/classics/eliza/splotch/ 81 B Splotch: Eliza-like program implemented in C. 117 KB; Version: 1.0 beta (17-JUL-92) areas/classics/parry/ 82 B PARRY: Paranoia mental hospital patient. 383 KB areas/classics/racter/ 83 B CLAUDE: Shareware Clone of Racter 91 KB; Version: 1.10 areas/classics/shrdlu/ 84 B SHRDLU: Classical natural language understanding program. 171 KB; Version: 13-DEC-89 areas/constrnt/ 85 B Constraint Processing areas/constrnt/bib/ 86 B Bibliographies of work in Constraint Logic Programming areas/constrnt/bib/clp/ 87 B Bibliography of work in Constraint Logic Programming 14 KB areas/constrnt/bib/clpbib/ 88 B Bibliography of work in Constraint Logic Programming 258 KB; Version: 2 areas/constrnt/bib/satisf/ 89 B Constraint Propagation and Satisfaction References 6 KB areas/constrnt/bib/sched/ 90 B Constraint-Based Scheduling Bibliography 26 KB areas/constrnt/faq/ 91 B Constraint FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) posting for comp.constraints 62 KB areas/constrnt/systems/ 92 B Constraint Processing Packages areas/constrnt/systems/cooldraw/ 93 B CoolDraw: Constraint-based drawing system 82 KB; Version: 5-APR-93 areas/constrnt/systems/csplib/ 94 B CSPLIB: Routines for solving binary constraint satisfaction problems. 50 KB; Version: 29-APR-94 areas/constrnt/systems/d_blue/ 95 B DeltaBlue: Incremental dataflow constraint solver. 148 KB; Version: 9-FEB-94 areas/constrnt/systems/mlt_grnt/ 96 B Mult-Garnet: User interface toolkit with multi-way constraints. 218 KB; Version: 2.2 areas/constrnt/systems/skyblue/ 97 B SkyBlue: Extension of DeltaBlue constraint solver. 210 KB areas/constrnt/systems/thinglab/ 98 B ThingLabII: Constraint-based user interfaces 1077 KB; Version: v2 (20-MAY-90) areas/dai/ 99 B Distributed AI areas/discover/ 100 B Machine Discovery and Data-Mining areas/discover/doc/ 101 B Documentation about Machine Discovery and Data-Mining areas/discover/doc/bib/ 102 B Bibliography of machine discovery and data-mining references. 36 KB areas/discover/doc/survey/ 103 B Survey of data-mining. 245 KB areas/doc/ 104 B Documentation and other AI-related notes. areas/doc/aiexpert/ 105 B AI Expert: Source code from AI Expert Magazine 1722 KB; Version: June 1986 through February 1991 areas/doc/aigen/ 106 B AI Genealogy 198 KB areas/doc/ai_tutor/ 107 B Artificial Intelligence Tutorial 123 KB; Version: 8-APR-91 areas/doc/bib/ 108 B Miscellaneous AI-related Bibliographies 7597 KB areas/doc/ddj/ 109 B DDJ: AI Source code from Dr. Dobb's Journal 434 KB areas/doc/schedule/ 110 B Scheduling for Factory Processes 38 KB; Version: 20-JAN-94 areas/edu/ 111 B Educational Tools areas/edu/pail/ 112 B PAIL: Portable AI Lab 5234 KB; Version: 2.4.3 (8-NOV-93); 2.4.2 (30-JUL-93); Mac (2-FEB-94) areas/edu/sim/ 113 B SIM: Software Similarity Tester 143 KB; Version: 2.7 areas/expert/ 114 B Expert Systems and Production Systems areas/expert/bench/ 115 B Expert Systems Benchmarks areas/expert/bench/bench/ 116 B Expert Systems Benchmarks 365 KB areas/expert/bench/expbench/ 117 B Expert System Benchmarking 63 KB; Version: 28-DEC-87 areas/expert/faq/ 118 B Expert Systems FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) posting for 56 KB areas/expert/systems/ 119 B Expert System Shells areas/expert/systems/babylon/ 120 B BABYLON: Development environment for expert systems. 3132 KB; Version: 2.3 (22-JUN-94); 2.2 (24-APR-92) areas/expert/systems/clips/ 121 B CLIPS: C Language Integrated Production System areas/expert/systems/clips/contrib/ 122 B User-contributed CLIPS code. areas/expert/systems/clips/contrib/clipsdll/ 123 B CLIPSDLL: Creates a CLIPS dynamic link library for MsWindows. 97 KB; Version: 22-FEB-93 areas/expert/systems/clips/contrib/examples/ 124 B Examples of user-defined CLIPS functions 6 KB areas/expert/systems/clips/contrib/programs/ 125 B Example CLIPS programs 158 KB areas/expert/systems/clips/doc/ 126 B CLIPS documentation files. areas/expert/systems/clips/doc/abstract/ 127 B CLIPS application abstracts booklet 139 KB areas/expert/systems/clips/doc/bib/ 128 B Bibliography of CLIPS books, papers, and articles. 15 KB; Version: 26-MAY-94 areas/expert/systems/clips/doc/manuals/ 129 B CLIPS Manuals in Macintosh RTF and PostScript formats. 4789 KB; Version: 5.1 (23-FEB-93); 6.0 (28-MAY-93) areas/expert/systems/clips/doc/notes/ 130 B Various notes about CLIPS 12 KB areas/expert/systems/clips/dyna/ 131 B DYNACLIPS: DYNAamic CLIPS Utilities 159 KB; Version: 3.0 (22-APR-94); 2.0 (14-MAR-94) areas/expert/systems/clips/fzclips/ 132 B FuzzyCLIPS: Fuzzy Logic Extensions for CLIPS 9167 KB; Version: 6.02 (31-MAY-94) areas/expert/systems/clips/patches/ 133 B Bug fixes for version 6.0 of CLIPS. 217 KB areas/expert/systems/clips/sybase/ 134 B Sybase interface for CLIPS 31 KB areas/expert/systems/clips/v4_3/ 135 B CLIPS: C Language Integrated Production System 2202 KB; Version: 4.3 (13-JUN-89) areas/expert/systems/clips/v4_3/dos/ 136 B CLIPS: CLIPS 4.3 for DOS 1679 KB; Version: 4.3 (13-JUN-89) areas/expert/systems/clips/v4_3/unix/ 137 B CLIPS: CLIPS 4.3 for Unix. 523 KB; Version: 4.3 (13-JUN-89) areas/expert/systems/clips/v5_0/ 138 B CLIPS: C Language Integrated Production System 2113 KB; Version: 5.0 areas/expert/systems/clips/v5_0/mac/ 139 B CLIPS: CLIPS 5.0 for Macintosh 2113 KB; Version: 5.0 areas/expert/systems/clips/v5_1/ 140 B CLIPS: C Language Integrated Production System 3123 KB; Version: 5.1 areas/expert/systems/clips/v5_1/msdos/ 141 B CLIPS: CLIPS 5.1 for IBM PCs. 1915 KB; Version: 5.1 areas/expert/systems/clips/v5_1/unix/ 142 B CLIPS: CLIPS 5.1 for Unix, including C source. 1204 KB; Version: 5.1 areas/expert/systems/clips/v6_0/ 143 B CLIPS: C Language Integrated Production System 13056 KB; Version: 6.0 areas/expert/systems/clips/v6_0/dos/ 144 B CLIPS: CLIPS 6.0 for DOS. 3436 KB; Version: 6.0 areas/expert/systems/clips/v6_0/mac/ 145 B CLIPS: CLIPS 6.0 for Macintosh. 2488 KB; Version: 6.0 areas/expert/systems/clips/v6_0/unix/ 146 B CLIPS: CLIPS 6.0 for Unix. 7131 KB; Version: 6.0 (31-AUG-93) areas/expert/systems/es/ 147 B ES: A Public Domain Expert System 396 KB; Version: 1.0 (October 1990) areas/expert/systems/esfm/ 148 B ESFM: Prolog Expert System for Forestry Management 6 KB; Version: 3-MAR-88 areas/expert/systems/esie/ 149 B ESIE and Logic-Line: Expert System Shell and AI Retrieval/Correlation Tool. 233 KB; Version: ESIE 1.1 (6-DEC-86) areas/expert/systems/expert/ 150 B Expert: An expert system written in ADA. 12 KB; Version: 1.0 (3-DEC-85) areas/expert/systems/frulekit/ 151 B FRulekit: Frame-based RETE production system. 329 KB; Version: 25-AUG-93 areas/expert/systems/hugin/ 152 B HUGIN Expert System: Demo versions for Solaris, Sun4, and Windows 2303 KB; Version: 19-JAN-94 areas/expert/systems/les/ 153 B LES: Learning Expert System 3584 KB areas/expert/systems/mike/ 154 B MIKE: Free and portable expert system teaching system. 1221 KB; Version: 2.03 (1-APR-91), 2.50 areas/expert/systems/ops5/ 155 B OPS5: RETE-based expert system shell. 211 KB areas/expert/systems/ops5/ops5_fj/ 156 B OPS5 From Japan: OPS5 for MS-DOS in Pascal and for KCL. 136 KB areas/expert/systems/salvini/ 157 B PROTEST: Prolog Expert System Building Tool 47 KB; Version: 1-FEB-89 areas/faq/ 158 B AI FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) postings for 405 KB areas/fuzzy/ 159 B Fuzzy Logic areas/fuzzy/com/ 160 B Commercial Fuzzy Logic Products and Companies areas/fuzzy/com/aptronix/ 161 B Information from Aptronix 23 KB areas/fuzzy/com/fril/ 162 B Information from FRIL, a Fuzzy Logic version of Prolog 11 KB areas/fuzzy/com/iis/ 163 B Information from IIS 28 KB areas/fuzzy/com/togai/ 164 B Information from Togai InfraLogic 2142 KB areas/fuzzy/doc/ 165 B Documentation and Bibliographies about Fuzzy Logic areas/fuzzy/doc/bib/ 166 B Fuzzy Logic Bibliographies 51 KB areas/fuzzy/doc/elkan/ 167 B Information about and responses to the Elkan controversy. 163 KB areas/fuzzy/doc/intro/ 168 B Introductions and Tutorials for Fuzzy Logic. 71 KB areas/fuzzy/doc/notes/ 169 B Notes related to Fuzzy Logic. areas/fuzzy/doc/notes/appnotes/ 170 B Application Notes from Aptronix. 494 KB areas/fuzzy/doc/notes/assocs/ 171 B Fuzzy Logic Associations 10 KB areas/fuzzy/doc/notes/bench/ 172 B Fuzzy Logic Benchmark Foils 14 KB areas/fuzzy/doc/notes/brub/ 173 B Brubaker's Huntington Technical Brief 67 KB areas/fuzzy/doc/notes/fledkit/ 174 B How to get Motorola's Fuzzy Logic Education Kit 3 KB areas/fuzzy/doc/whos_who/ 175 B Who's Who in Fuzzy Logic 99 KB; Version: 940613 areas/fuzzy/faq/ 176 B Fuzzy Logic FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) posting for 77 KB areas/fuzzy/mail/ 177 B Information about Fuzzy Logic mail servers. 10 KB areas/fuzzy/systems/ 178 B Fuzzy Logic Packages areas/fuzzy/systems/anfis/ 179 B ANFIS: Adaptive-Network-based Fuzzy Inference System 54 KB; Version: 10-SEP-93 areas/fuzzy/systems/artmap/ 180 B Fuzzy ARTMAP 251 KB areas/fuzzy/systems/class/ 181 B Liliane Peters' Fuzzy Class 7 KB; Version: 2.1 (9-JUN-93) areas/fuzzy/systems/cncl/ 182 B CNCL: C++ Classes for Fuzzy Logic 1678 KB; Version: 0.19 (8-FEB-94) areas/fuzzy/systems/demoshel/ 183 B DemoShell: Demo version of TILShell+ 914 KB; Version: 2.0.0 areas/fuzzy/systems/fcmdemo3/ 184 B FCM Demo: Demo version of Fuzzy Control Manager 115 KB; Version: 11-30-92 areas/fuzzy/systems/fide/ 185 B FIDE Demo: Fuzzy Inference Development Environment 2179 KB; Version: 2.0 Demo (27-JAN-94) areas/fuzzy/systems/fismat/ 186 B FISMAT: Fuzzy Inference Systems toolbox for MATLAB 177 KB; Version: 25-OCT-93 areas/fuzzy/systems/flie/ 187 B FLIE, C-FLIE and FUN: Fuzzy Logic Inference Engine 737 KB; Version: 21-AUG-93 areas/fuzzy/systems/flipc/ 188 B FLIPC Demo: Fuzzy Logic Inverted Pendulum Control Simulation 85 KB; Version: 30-MAR-94 areas/fuzzy/systems/funegen/ 189 B FuNeGen: Fuzzy neural system 656 KB; Version: 1.0 (5-JUL-94) areas/fuzzy/systems/fuzzdemo/ 190 B FuzzDemo: MATLAB demo of parameterizing membership functions and learning in fuzzy inference systems. 7 KB; Version: 1-SEP-93 areas/fuzzy/systems/fuzzyfan/ 191 B Fuzzy Fan Controller 167 KB; Version: 8-OCT-93 areas/fuzzy/systems/fuzzytec/ 192 B fuzzyTECH: Demo of a Fuzzy Shell 147 KB; Version: 26-SEP-91 areas/fuzzy/systems/gaf/ 193 B GAF: Adaptive fuzzy logic using Genetic Algorithms 149 KB; Version: 1.10b (26-JAN-94) areas/fuzzy/systems/ifr/ 194 B IFR_Fuzzy: Fuzzy control toolbox for MATLAB. 45 KB; Version: 7-MAR-94 areas/fuzzy/systems/infer3/ 195 B INFER: General Purpose Fuzzy Inference Library 18 KB; Version: 3.0 areas/fuzzy/systems/nefcon/ 196 B NEFCON: InterViews-based graphical simulation environment for Neural Fuzzy Controllers 288 KB; Version: 1.0 (16-JUN-94) areas/fuzzy/systems/orr/ 197 B Doug Orr's Fuzzy C++ Classes 14 KB; Version: 8-SEP-93 areas/fuzzy/systems/pendemo/ 198 B Simulation of a Fuzzy Inverted Pendulum Controller 220 KB; Version: 15-OCT-92 areas/fuzzy/systems/rice/ 199 B RICE: Fuzzy/MV-logic C/C++ inference engine 791 KB; Version: 4.02a (21-OCT-93) areas/fuzzy/systems/til2msg/ 200 B TIL2MSG: Converts Fuzzy-C Compiler or TILGen messages 10 KB; Version: 12-JUN-93 areas/fuzzy/systems/tracker/ 201 B Target tracking by a fuzzy expert system 172 KB; Version: 26-OCT-92 areas/fuzzy/systems/xfuzzy/ 202 B XFUZZY: A Simulation Environment for Fuzzy Logic Control Systems 378 KB; Version: 1.1 (23-MAR-94) areas/games/ 203 B Game Playing areas/games/chess/ 204 B Chess areas/games/chess/font/ 205 B Chess Font for TeX 101 KB; Version: 1.1 (30-NOV-90, 21-SEP-91) areas/games/chess/gnuchess/ 206 B GNU Chess 2922 KB; Version: 4.0pl70 areas/games/chess/san/ 207 B SAN Kit: Implemented Standards for Chess Move Notation 104 KB; Version: 17-MAY-94 areas/games/chess/shamko/ 208 B Shamkovich Benchmark of a typical chess article 9 KB areas/games/chess/test/ 209 B 6000 position chess test suite 297 KB areas/games/doc/ 210 B Documentation about Game Playing, including Bibliographies 21 KB areas/games/metagame/ 211 B METAGAME: Game-playing workbench 1113 KB; Version: 3a areas/games/x_word/ 212 B Crossword 645 KB; Version: 1.0 areas/genetic/ 213 B Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming areas/genetic/ga/ 214 B Genetic Algorithms areas/genetic/ga/doc/ 215 B Documentation about Genetic Algorithms areas/genetic/ga/doc/bib/ 216 B Genetic Algorithms Bibliographies areas/genetic/ga/doc/bib/alander/ 217 B Evolutionary Computation Bibliography 434 KB areas/genetic/ga/doc/bib/app/ 218 B Evolutionary Computation bibliography, sorted by application domain 111 KB areas/genetic/ga/doc/bib/cogann/ 219 B Schaffer's COGANN Bibliography 84 KB areas/genetic/ga/doc/bib/ec/ 220 B Evolutionary Computation Bibliography 119 KB; Version: 19-OCT-93 areas/genetic/ga/doc/bib/foga/ 221 B Genetic Algorithms Bibliography 40 KB areas/genetic/ga/doc/bib/ga_list/ 222 B Genetic Algorithms Bibliography 2 KB areas/genetic/ga/doc/bib/illigal/ 223 B Genetic Algorithms Bibliography 152 KB areas/genetic/ga/doc/bib/ruhland/ 224 B Bibliography of Applications of Genetic Algorithms to Neural Networks 32 KB; Version: 8-JUN-94 areas/genetic/ga/doc/intro/ 225 B Introductions to Genetic Algorithms areas/genetic/ga/doc/intro/overview/ 226 B Beginners Guide to GAs 136 KB areas/genetic/ga/doc/intro/survey/ 227 B Survey paper on genetic algorithm programming environments 430 KB areas/genetic/ga/doc/notes/ 228 B Notes about Genetic Algorithms areas/genetic/ga/doc/notes/softsurv/ 229 B GA Software Survey 32 KB; Version: 13-APR-93 areas/genetic/ga/faq/ 230 B Genetic Algorithms FAQ: Hitch-Hiker's Guide to Evolutionary Computation 1066 KB; Version: 2.2 (20-JUN-94) areas/genetic/ga/mail/ 231 B Mail archives for the GA-List mailing list. 1077 KB; Version: v1 through v8n19 areas/genetic/ga/systems/ 232 B Genetic Algorithms Software Packages areas/genetic/ga/systems/cfsc/ 233 B CFS-C: Domain Independent Subroutines for Implementing Classifier Systems in Arbitrary, User-Defined Environments 969 KB; Version: 1.98j (8-NOV-93), 1.02j (20-SEP-91) areas/genetic/ga/systems/dgenesis/ 234 B DGENESIS: Distributed GA 121 KB; Version: 1.0 (27-APR-94) areas/genetic/ga/systems/em/ 235 B EM: Evolution Machine 1865 KB; Version: 2.2 (23-AUG-93) areas/genetic/ga/systems/gac/ 236 B GAC: Simple GA in C 16 KB; Version: 9106.12 areas/genetic/ga/systems/gacc/ 237 B GACC: Genetic Aided Cascade-Correlation 16 KB; Version: 15-MAR-93 areas/genetic/ga/systems/gaga/ 238 B GAGA: A Genetic Algorithm for General Application 16 KB; Version: 9b (25-AUG-88) areas/genetic/ga/systems/gags/ 239 B GAGS: Genetic algorithm application generator and C++ class library 160 KB; Version: 0.91 (27-JUN-94) areas/genetic/ga/systems/gal/ 240 B GAL: Simple GA in Lisp 56 KB; Version: 9106.12 areas/genetic/ga/systems/game/ 241 B GAME: Genetic Algorithms Manipulation Environment 213 KB; Version: 2.1 areas/genetic/ga/systems/gannet/ 242 B GANNET: Genetic Algorithm / Neural NETwork 191 KB; Version: 0.91 (5-SEP-90, 8-SEP-92) areas/genetic/ga/systems/gaw/ 243 B GAW: Genetic Algorithm Workbench 170 KB; Version: 1.10 (29-JUN-92) areas/genetic/ga/systems/ga_ucsd/ 244 B GAucsd: Genetic Algorithm Software Package 117 KB; Version: 1.4 (7-JUL-92) areas/genetic/ga/systems/geco/ 245 B GECO: Genetic Evolution through Combination of Objects areas/genetic/ga/systems/geco/v10/ 246 B GECO: Genetic Evolution through Combination of Objects 195 KB; Version: 1.0 (16-NOV-92) areas/genetic/ga/systems/geco/v20/ 247 B GECO: Genetic Evolution through Combination of Objects 1706 KB; Version: 2.0 (29-NOV-93) areas/genetic/ga/systems/genalg/ 248 B GENALG: Genetic Algorithm package written in Pascal 35 KB; Version: 3 (21-JUL-90) areas/genetic/ga/systems/genesis/ 249 B GENESIS: GENEtic Search Implementation System 50 KB; Version: 5.0 (October 1990) areas/genetic/ga/systems/genesys/ 250 B GENEsYs: Experimental GA based on GENESIS 678 KB; Version: 1.0 (3-JUL-92) areas/genetic/ga/systems/genet/ 251 B GenET: Domain-independent generic GA software package 226 KB; Version: 1.00 (20-SEP-93) areas/genetic/ga/systems/genie/ 252 B Genie: GA-based modeling/forecasting system 729 KB; Version: 19-JAN-94 areas/genetic/ga/systems/genitor/ 253 B GENITOR: Modular GA package with floating-point support. 330 KB areas/genetic/ga/systems/giga/ 254 B GIGA: Gene Invariant Genetic Algorithm 295 KB; Version: 22-JAN-93 areas/genetic/ga/systems/libga/ 255 B LibGA: Library of GA routines written in C. 32 KB; Version: 1.00 (23-JUL-93) areas/genetic/ga/systems/lice/ 256 B LICE: Parameter optimization program based on evolution strategies 120 KB; Version: 1.01 (23-JUN-94) areas/genetic/ga/systems/messy_ga/ 257 B mGA: C and Common Lisp implementations of a messy GA 179 KB; Version: 1.0 areas/genetic/ga/systems/michal/ 258 B GENOCOP, Genetic-2, and Genetic-2N: GA numeric optimization packages areas/genetic/ga/systems/michal/genetc2/ 259 B Genetic-2: Optimization package for the linear transportation problem 10 KB; Version: GENETIC2 4.3 (26-JAN-89, 17-AUG-92) areas/genetic/ga/systems/michal/genetc2n/ 260 B Genetic-2N: Optimization package for the nonlinear transportation problem 13 KB; Version: GENETIC2N 4.3 (26-JAN-89, 16-AUG-92) areas/genetic/ga/systems/michal/genocop/ 261 B GENOCOP: GEnetic algorithm for Numerical Optimization for COnstrained Problems 49 KB; Version: GENOCOP 1.0 (10-OCT-92), 2.0 (1-FEB-93) areas/genetic/ga/systems/paragene/ 262 B PARAGENESIS: Parallel version of Grefenstette's GENESIS program 80 KB; Version: 8-DEC-92 areas/genetic/ga/systems/paratsp/ 263 B ParaTSP: Parallel GA with Simulated Annealing to solve TSP's 221 KB; Version: 1.0 (6-JUN-94) areas/genetic/ga/systems/pga/ 264 B PGA: Parallel Genetic Algorithms Testbed 93 KB; Version: 2.5 (4-OCT-93) areas/genetic/ga/systems/scs/ 265 B SCS: C port of Goldberg's Simple Classifier System 14 KB; Version: 19-AUG-93 areas/genetic/ga/systems/scsc/ 266 B SCS-C: C port of Goldberg's Simple Classifier System 211 KB; Version: 0.99j areas/genetic/ga/systems/ses/ 267 B SES: Simple Evolution Strategy 20 KB; Version: 1.0 (28-JUN-94) areas/genetic/ga/systems/sga/ 268 B SGA: Ports and extensions of Goldberg's "Simple Genetic Algorithm" areas/genetic/ga/systems/sga/sga_c/ 269 B SGA-C: C port and extension of Goldberg's Simple Genetic Algorithm 173 KB; Version: 1.1 shar (6-NOV-92) 1.1 tar (11-AUG-93, 2-MAR-94) areas/genetic/ga/systems/sga/sga_cube/ 270 B SGA-Cube: Goldberg's SGA modified for nCUBE 2 hypercube parallel computer 177 KB; Version: shar 6-NOV-92; tar 5-AUG-93, 2-MAR-94 areas/genetic/ga/systems/sga/sga_f/ 271 B SGA-F: Goldberg's Simple Genetic Algorithm (enhanced) in FORTRAN-77. 18 KB; Version: 1.0 (24-NOV-93) areas/genetic/ga/systems/sga/sga_p/ 272 B SGA-P: Goldberg's Simple Genetic Algorithm Pascal 4 KB; Version: 3-DEC-93 areas/genetic/ga/systems/tolkien/ 273 B TOLKIEN: C++ Class Library for GA and Classifier System Applications 715 KB areas/genetic/ga/test/ 274 B Genetic Algorithms Benchmarks and Test Problems areas/genetic/ga/test/ga_bench/ 275 B GAbench: Genetic Algorithms Benchmarks and Test Problems 113 KB areas/genetic/ga/test/sac/ 276 B SAC94 Suite: Collection of Multiple Knapsack Problems 27 KB; Version: 13-JUL-93 areas/genetic/ga/test/tsp/ 277 B TSPLIB: Library of Traveling Salesman and Related Problem Instances 1502 KB; Version: 1.2 (1-AUG-92) areas/genetic/gp/ 278 B Genetic Programming areas/genetic/gp/bib/ 279 B Bibliography of Genetic Programming 24 KB areas/genetic/gp/faq/ 280 B Genetic Programming FAQ 45 KB areas/genetic/gp/systems/ 281 B Genetic Programming Software Packages areas/genetic/gp/systems/abs/ 282 B GPX/Abstractica: A Karl Sims Genetic Art Workalike 838 KB; Version: 22-MAR-93 areas/genetic/gp/systems/cerebrum/ 283 B CEREBRUM: Framework for the Genetic Programming of Neural Networks 12 KB; Version: 12-APR-93 areas/genetic/gp/systems/doodle/ 284 B Doodle Garden: Screen saver based on Genetic Programming 119 KB; Version: 8-DEC-93 areas/genetic/gp/systems/evoplane/ 285 B EvolvePlanes: Evolving 3d Models of Jet Aircraft 34 KB areas/genetic/gp/systems/geppetto/ 286 B Geppetto: C Library for Writing Genetic Programming Applications 414 KB; Version: 2.0 (10-MAR-94); 1.2 (3-SEP-93) areas/genetic/gp/systems/gpcpp/ 287 B GPC++: Genetic Programming in C++ 372 KB; Version: 0.40 (19-JUN-94); 0.30 (16-NOV-93) areas/genetic/gp/systems/gpeist/ 288 B GPEIST: GP System in Smalltalk 487 KB; Version: 3 (13-MAY-94) areas/genetic/gp/systems/gpgraphs/ 289 B GP-Graphs: Script for graphing the info in geppetto log files. 9 KB; Version: 18-MAY-94 areas/genetic/gp/systems/gpquick/ 290 B GPQUICK: Simple GP system implemented in C++ 69 KB; Version: 2.1 (15-MAR-94) areas/genetic/gp/systems/gpsteps/ 291 B GPSTEPS: Genetic Programming SmallTalk Easy Prototyping System 3099 KB; Version: 12-APR-94 areas/genetic/gp/systems/gp_pl/ 292 B Genetic Programming in Prolog 14 KB; Version: 5-JUL-93 areas/genetic/gp/systems/imogenes/ 293 B Imogenes: GP System 538 KB; Version: 17-FEB-94 areas/genetic/gp/systems/koza/ 294 B KOZA: Genetic Programming Paradigm 80 KB; Version: 4-MAR-93 areas/genetic/gp/systems/litlflet/ 295 B LITLFLET: Genetic Programming Program 125 KB; Version: 26-MAY-94 areas/genetic/gp/systems/sgpc/ 296 B SGPC: Simple Genetic Programming in C 97 KB; Version: 1.1 (19-AUG-93) areas/icot/ 297 B IFS: ICOT Free Software areas/icot/apps/ 298 B ICOT: Applications programs of parallel logic programming 9738 KB areas/icot/kbms_clp/ 299 B ICOT: Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Base and Constraint Logic Programming Software 23075 KB areas/icot/manuals/ 300 B ICOT: Manuals and textbooks on the languages and OS areas/icot/manuals/esp/ 301 B ICOT: ESP manuals and textbooks 955 KB areas/icot/manuals/kl1/ 302 B ICOT: KL1 manuals and textbooks 497 KB areas/icot/manuals/pimos/ 303 B ICOT: PIMOS manuals and textbooks 1564 KB areas/icot/newsltr/ 304 B ICOT: IFS Newsletter 45 KB areas/icot/nlp/ 305 B ICOT: Natural Language Analysis and Generation 10299 KB areas/icot/reasonng/ 306 B ICOT: Systems for problem solvers and theorem provers 3328 KB areas/icot/symbolic/ 307 B ICOT: Symbolic Processing Software 10239 KB areas/kr/ 308 B Knowledge Representation areas/kr/doc/ 309 B Knowledge Representation Information Files 11 KB areas/kr/systems/ 310 B Knowledge Representation Software Packages areas/kr/systems/colab/ 311 B COLAB: Knowledge Representation and Compilation Laboratory 2093 KB areas/kr/systems/frames/ 312 B Frame Systems areas/kr/systems/frames/doc/ 313 B Documentation about Frame Systems 18 KB areas/kr/systems/frames/framewrk/ 314 B FrameWork: Generic Frame System 74 KB; Version: 2.1 (18-MAR-93) areas/kr/systems/frames/frl/ 315 B FRL: Frame Representation Language 181 KB areas/kr/systems/frames/frobs/ 316 B FROBS: Object-oriented frame language for Common Lisp 273 KB; Version: 1.2 (2-AUG-88) areas/kr/systems/frames/kr/ 317 B KR: Kernel Knowledge Representation System 5 KB areas/kr/systems/frames/parmenid/ 318 B Parmenides: Frame-based knowledge representation system. 691 KB; Version: 1.5 (22-APR-91) areas/kr/systems/kl_one/ 319 B KL-ONE Family of Knowledge Representation Systems areas/kr/systems/kl_one/back/ 320 B BACK: Berlin Advanced Computational Knowledge Representation System 386 KB; Version: 5.2 (September 1993) areas/kr/systems/kl_one/cec/ 321 B CEC: Conditional Equational Completion 474 KB; Version: 1.9 (16-SEP-91) areas/kr/systems/kl_one/dp/ 322 B DP: Solving Propositional Satisfiability Problems 34 KB; Version: 02.1 (1-JUL-93) areas/kr/systems/kl_one/motel/ 323 B MOTEL: Modal KL-ONE 227 KB; Version: 10-AUG-93 areas/kr/systems/knowbel/ 324 B KNOWBEL: Telos temporal/sorted logic system 484 KB; Version: KNOWBEL (26-JUN-91); MANUAL (6-FEB-92) areas/kr/systems/ontic/ 325 B ONTIC: Sequent Based High Level Proof System 680 KB; Version: 11.5 areas/kr/systems/rhet/ 326 B RHETORICAL: Rochester Knowledge Tools Distribution areas/kr/systems/rhet/cl_lib/ 327 B CL-LIB: Common Lisp Library 697 KB; Version: 3.89 (26-MAY-94) areas/kr/systems/rhet/doc/ 328 B Papers and other RHET documentation. 928 KB areas/kr/systems/rhet/rhet/ 329 B RHETORICAL: RHET Knowledge Representation System 829 KB; Version: 21.30 (31-MAY-94) areas/kr/systems/rhet/rprs/ 330 B RPRS: Plan Recognition/System Demo 89 KB; Version: 3.3 (13-MAY-93) areas/kr/systems/rhet/time/ 331 B TimeLogic and Tempos: Time reasoning system. 70 KB; Version: Tempos 3.12, TimeLogic 5.1 areas/kr/systems/sneps/ 332 B SNePS: Semantic Network Processing System 1321 KB; Version: 2.1 rel 1-400 areas/kr/systems/uranus/ 333 B URANUS: Logic-Based Knowledge Representation Language 185 KB; Version: V-19.8 (13-OCT-93) areas/learning/ 334 B Machine Learning areas/learning/bib/ 335 B Machine Learning Bibliographies 158 KB areas/learning/database/ 336 B Machine Learning Databases areas/learning/database/uci_mldb/ 337 B UCI Repository of Machine Learning Databases and Domain Theories 7679 KB; Version: 2-JUN-94 areas/learning/mail/ 338 B Machine Learning Mailing List Archives areas/learning/mail/ml_list/ 339 B ML-List: Archives of the Machine Learning List 970 KB; Version: v1-v6n12 areas/learning/systems/ 340 B Machine Learning Software Packages areas/learning/systems/accel/ 341 B ACCEL: Abduction 50 KB; Version: 5-JUN092 areas/learning/systems/classweb/ 342 B CLASSWEB: Classit and Cobweb 178 KB; Version: 2-FEB-90 areas/learning/systems/focl/ 343 B FOCL: Expert System Shell and Machine Learning Program 3711 KB; Version: 2.1 (21-APR-94) areas/learning/systems/foil/ 344 B FOIL: Produces Horn clauses from data expressed as relations. areas/learning/systems/foil/foil2/ 345 B FOIL2: Produces Horn clauses from data expressed as relations. 127 KB; Version: 2.1 areas/learning/systems/foil/foil4/ 346 B FOIL4: Produces Horn clauses from data expressed as relations. 150 KB; Version: 4.1 (10-MAY-93) areas/learning/systems/foil/foil5/ 347 B FOIL5: Produces Horn clauses from data expressed as relations. 183 KB areas/learning/systems/foil/foil6/ 348 B FOIL6: Produces Horn clauses from data expressed as relations. 132 KB areas/learning/systems/golem/ 349 B GOLEM: Inductive learning algorithm 89 KB; Version: August 1992 (22-JUL-93) areas/learning/systems/index/ 350 B INDEX: Experimental inductive data engineering system. 21 KB; Version: 1-FEB-94 areas/learning/systems/learn_pl/ 351 B Machine Learning Algorithms Implemented in Prolog areas/learning/systems/learn_pl/aq1/ 352 B AQ-Prolog: Reimplementation of Michalski's AQ for attribute vectors 33 KB; Version: 14-JAN-94 areas/learning/systems/learn_pl/arch1/ 353 B ARCH1: Winston's incremental learning procedure. 71 KB; Version: 14-JAN-94 areas/learning/systems/learn_pl/arch2/ 354 B ARCH2: Winston's incremental learning procedure. 16 KB; Version: 14-JAN-94 areas/learning/systems/learn_pl/attdsc/ 355 B ATTDSC: Bratko's simple algorithm for attributional descriptions. 13 KB; Version: 14-JAN-94 areas/learning/systems/learn_pl/cobweb/ 356 B COBWEB: Gennari, Langley, and Fisher's incremental concept formation algorithm. 47 KB; Version: 14-JAN-94 areas/learning/systems/learn_pl/discr/ 357 B DISCR: Generation of discriminants from derivation trees. 8 KB; Version: 14-JAN-94 areas/learning/systems/learn_pl/ebg/ 358 B EBG: Explanation Based Generalization 17 KB; Version: 14-JAN-94 areas/learning/systems/learn_pl/idt/ 359 B IDT: Torgos ID3-like system based on the gain-ratio measure 21 KB; Version: 9-FEB-94 areas/learning/systems/learn_pl/invers/ 360 B INVERS: Two versions of the two main operators for inverse resolution. 40 KB; Version: 14-JAN-94 areas/learning/systems/learn_pl/logic/ 361 B Logic procedures that are useful for learning 16 KB; Version: 14-JAN-94 areas/learning/systems/learn_pl/multagnt/ 362 B MULTAGNT: Brazdil's Simulation of a tutoring setting between two agents 34 KB; Version: 14-JAN-94 areas/learning/systems/learn_pl/vs/ 363 B Version Spaces 18 KB; Version: 14-JAN-94 areas/learning/systems/miles/ 364 B MILES: Flexible environment for tests with ILP methods. 258 KB; Version: January 1994 areas/learning/systems/mobal/ 365 B MOBAL: Knowledge Acquisition and Machine Learning System 5410 KB; Version: 3.0b areas/learning/systems/occam/ 366 B Occam: Learning program that combines EBL and SBL 71 KB; Version: 12-NOV-91 areas/learning/systems/pebls/ 367 B PEBLS: Parallel Exemplar-Based Learning System 211 KB; Version: 2.1 areas/learning/systems/rwm/ 368 B RWM: Refinement With Macros 28 KB; Version: 17-NOV-92 areas/learning/systems/utexas/ 369 B Raymond Mooney's Machine Learning Collection areas/learning/systems/utexas/code/ 370 B ML-Code: Lisp Code for Assignments in Mooney's Machine Learning Course 77 KB areas/learning/systems/utexas/course/ 371 B ML-Course: Homework Assignments in Mooney's Machine Learning Course 44 KB areas/learning/systems/utexas/neither/ 372 B NEITHER: NEITHER Theory Refinement System 134 KB areas/learning/systems/utexas/papers/ 373 B Publications of the UT-Austin Machine Learning Research Group 2756 KB areas/learning/systems/utexas/progs/ 374 B ML-Progs: More "Research-Level" Implementations of Learning Algorithms 293 KB areas/misc/ 375 B Miscellaneous Unclassified AI Packages areas/misc/faq/ 376 B Miscellaneous Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) postings areas/misc/faq/lit_prog/ 377 B Literate Programming FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) posting for the comp.programming.literate newsgroup 45 KB; Version: 1.1.2 areas/misc/faq/oop/ 378 B OOP FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) posting for the comp.object newsgroup 490 KB; Version: 1.0.5 (13-DEC-93) areas/misc/qwertz/ 379 B QWERTZ Toolbox: AI Routines for Standard ML 150 KB; Version: 25-MAR-94 areas/misc/symbmath/ 380 B SymbMath: Symbolic Calculator with Learning 441 KB; Version: 3.1a areas/music/ 381 B Music areas/music/clm/ 382 B CLM: Common Lisp Music 871 KB; Version: 22-JUN-94 areas/music/cm/ 383 B CM: Common Music 820 KB; Version: 11-MAY-94 areas/music/cmn/ 384 B CMN: Common Music Notation 463 KB; Version: 10-MAY-94 areas/neural/ 385 B Neural Networks, Connectionist Systems, and Neural Systems areas/neural/bench/ 386 B Neural Networks Benchmarks areas/neural/bench/cmu/ 387 B Bench: CMU Neural Networks Benchmark Collection 645 KB areas/neural/bench/parse/ 388 B Parse: Functions for parsing data files in the CMU Learning Benchmark 21 KB; Version: 1.0.4 (20-FEB-94) areas/neural/bench/tesauro/ 389 B Tesauro: Backgammon move-selection evaluation function for benchmarking 3 KB areas/neural/cns/ 390 B CNS: Neural Networks Materials from the Central Neural Systems BBS 6160 KB areas/neural/doc/ 391 B Neural Networks Documentation areas/neural/doc/bib/ 392 B Neural Networks Bibliographies 94 KB areas/neural/doc/notes/ 393 B Neural Networks Notes 77 KB areas/neural/edu/ 394 B Educational Materials for Teaching/Learning Neural Networks areas/neural/edu/15_882a/ 395 B 15-882A: CMU's Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks 152 KB; Version: Fall 1993 areas/neural/faq/ 396 B Neural Nets FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) postings for newsgroup 337 KB areas/neural/mail/ 397 B Mail archives for Neural Networks mailing lists. areas/neural/mail/connect/ 398 B Mail archives for the Connectionists mailing list. 6194 KB; Version: 1988-1994n05 areas/neural/mail/neuron/ 399 B Mail archives for the Neuron Digest mailing list. 4260 KB; Version: v1 -- v13n34 areas/neural/systems/ 400 B Neural Networks, Connectionist Systems, and Neural Systems areas/neural/systems/animator/ 401 B HYPERPLANE ANIMATOR: Graphical display of backpropagation training data and weights 650 KB; Version: 1.01 (10-OCT-93) areas/neural/systems/anncam/ 402 B ANNCAM: Content-Addressable Memory Neural Network Simulator 10 KB; Version: 03-JAN-91 areas/neural/systems/ansil/ 403 B ANSIL: Advanced Network Simulator in Lisp 300 KB; Version: 2.02 areas/neural/systems/art/ 404 B ART: Implementations of ART-1 and ART-2 Neural Networks areas/neural/systems/art/art1/ 405 B ART-1: Simulation of ART-1 Neural Networks 8 KB; Version: ART-1 (18-MAY-91) areas/neural/systems/art/art2/ 406 B ART-2: Simulation of ART-2 Neural Networks 64 KB; Version: 2-JUL-92 areas/neural/systems/art/next/ 407 B Implementation of ART-2 Neural Networks for NeXTStep 525 KB; Version: 1.1 (12-AUG-93) areas/neural/systems/atree/ 408 B ALN: Atree Adaptive Logic Network Simulation Package 1526 KB; Version: 2.7 (IBM PC), 2.0 (UNIX) areas/neural/systems/backprop/ 409 B BACKPROP: Backpropagation Simulators 34 KB; Version: 17-SEP-90 areas/neural/systems/bam/ 410 B BAM: Bidirectional Associative Memory Simulation 60 KB; Version: 13-MAY-90 areas/neural/systems/blue/ 411 B Blue: Backpropagation and Conjugate Gradient programs in Fortran 37 KB; Version: 21-JUN-93 areas/neural/systems/bp/ 412 B BP: BackProp simulator for the PC 459 KB; Version: 1.4 (21-DEC-92) areas/neural/systems/bpnn/ 413 B BPNN: BackPropagation Neural Network Engine 49 KB; Version: 1.33u (19-NOV-92) areas/neural/systems/bps/ 414 B BPS: Backpropagation Simulation Package 265 KB; Version: 1.00 (14-JUN-90), 2.10 (25-JUL-91, DOS only) areas/neural/systems/brain/ 415 B THE BRAIN: Neural Network (Backpropagation) Simulator for MSDOS 81 KB; Version: 1.2 (21-MAR-94) areas/neural/systems/cascor/ 416 B CASCOR: Lisp and C implementations of Cascade Correlation 403 KB; Version: C 1.1 (31-MAY-94); Lisp 1.0 () areas/neural/systems/cmac/ 417 B CMAC: Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller 23 KB; Version: 15-SEP-93 areas/neural/systems/cog/ 418 B COG: Cognitron Simulation Program 11 KB; Version: 24-JUL-91 areas/neural/systems/condela/ 419 B CONDELA III: Neural Network Definition Language 154 KB; Version: 1.05 Beta (November 1991) areas/neural/systems/dartnet/ 420 B DartNet: Neural Network Simulator with a nice graphical interface. 125 KB areas/neural/systems/datarep/ 421 B DATAREP: Representing Data in Neural Nets 162 KB; Version: 22-FEB-90 areas/neural/systems/et/ 422 B ET: Perceptron Simulator 55 KB; Version: 31-AUG-89 areas/neural/systems/flight/ 423 B Flight: A neural network that learns to fly. 628 KB; Version: 29-MAR-94 areas/neural/systems/gatordem/ 424 B Propagator: Demo version of a backpropagation neural network simulator 518 KB; Version: 18-OCT-93 areas/neural/systems/gradsim/ 425 B GRADSIM: Connectionist Network Optimization Package 192 KB; Version: 2.0 (8-OCT-90) areas/neural/systems/hopfield/ 426 B Hopfield: Traveling Salesman Problem 44 KB; Version: 13-JUL-90 areas/neural/systems/ics/ 427 B ICS: Hopfield Networks and Backpropagation 81 KB; Version: 172-1 (15-FEB-90) areas/neural/systems/mactivat/ 428 B Mactivation 185 KB; Version: 3.3 areas/neural/systems/matrix/ 429 B Matrix: C++ Matrix class with backpropagation example 578 KB; Version: 1-APR-94 areas/neural/systems/mbp/ 430 B MBP: Matrix Backpropagation Package 287 KB; Version: 1.1 (23-NOV-93) areas/neural/systems/mume/ 431 B MUME: Multi-Module Neural Computing Environment 2920 KB; Version: 0.5 areas/neural/systems/nasanets/ 432 B NASA NETS: Backpropagation Neural Networks System 323 KB; Version: 2.0 (7-JUN-90) areas/neural/systems/neocog/ 433 B NeoCognitron: Neural Network Simulator 84 KB; Version: 1.0 (16-JUN-92) areas/neural/systems/nerves/ 434 B NERVES: Nervous System Construction Kit 556 KB; Version: 2.0 (9-APR-91) areas/neural/systems/netstuff/ 435 B Netstuff: From 'A Practical Guide to Neural Networks' 206 KB; Version: 27-FEB-91 areas/neural/systems/neudl/ 436 B NeuDL: Neural-Network Description Language 190 KB; Version: 0.21 (17-JUN-94) areas/neural/systems/neural/ 437 B SLUG: Backpropagation neural network for Windows 3.1 730 KB; Version: 2.2 (16-APR-94); 1.0 (8-JUN-93) areas/neural/systems/neuronc/ 438 B NeuronC: Biophysically-Based Compartmental Simulator 1089 KB; Version: 7-JUL-94 areas/neural/systems/nevprop/ 439 B NevProp: General purpose backpropagation in C. 248 KB; Version: 1.16 (13-JUL-93) areas/neural/systems/newton/ 440 B Newton: Demonstrations of backpropagation neural networks. 7 KB; Version: 12-NOV-90 areas/neural/systems/nn/ 441 B NN: Backpropagation and Perceptrons 43 KB; Version: 30-MAR-93 areas/neural/systems/nndt/ 442 B NNDT: A Neural Network Tool for Windows 734 KB; Version: 0.98b areas/neural/systems/nnetdraw/ 443 B NNETDRAW: Short Course on Neural Networks 107 KB; Version: 13-MAR-91 areas/neural/systems/nns/ 444 B NNS: Neural Network Simulator with 256 Neurons 31 KB; Version: 29-MAY-89 areas/neural/systems/nnutl/ 445 B NNUTL: C source library/tutorial for neural networks 508 KB; Version: 1.01 (2-AUG-93) areas/neural/systems/percept/ 446 B PERCEPT: Implementation of a perceptron 8 KB; Version: 6-NOV-90 areas/neural/systems/planet/ 447 B PlaNet: Neural network simulator. 1080 KB; Version: 5.7 (25-JUN-91) areas/neural/systems/qprop/ 448 B Quickprop: Backpropagation variation in Lisp, Scheme, and C 55 KB; Version: Quickprop (19-DEC-91); Backprop (6-MAR-89) areas/neural/systems/rcc/ 449 B RCC: Recurrent Cascade-Correlation Learning Algorithm in Lisp and C 68 KB; Version: Lisp 1.0 (10-OCT-91); C 2.0 (7-OCT-91) areas/neural/systems/rcs/ 450 B RCS: Rochester Connectionist Simulator 4550 KB; Version: 4.2 (13-JUN-90) areas/neural/systems/rns/ 451 B RNS: Recurrent Network Simulator 1315 KB; Version: 1.6b (5-MAR-94) areas/neural/systems/sciam/ 452 B SCIAM: Neural network simulator kernel 6 KB; Version: 30-SEP-92 areas/neural/systems/simul/ 453 B NN-Simulator: Flexible and User-Friendly Neural Network Simulator 43 KB; Version: 26-JUN-93 areas/neural/systems/snns/ 454 B SNNS: Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator 9989 KB; Version: SNNS 3.1; Nessus 2.1; SNNS2C 2.1 areas/neural/systems/som_lvq/ 455 B LVQ_PAK and SOM_PAK: Classification of data using self-organizing memory networks. 1547 KB; Version: LVQ_PAK 2.1 (9-OCT-91); SOM_PAK 1.2 (2-NOV-92) areas/neural/systems/suzy/ 456 B SUZY: Neural Network Classifier System for PCs 151 KB; Version: 1.0 (11-OCT-93) areas/neural/systems/tcs/ 457 B TCS: Tasmanian Connectionist Simulator 975 KB; Version: 4-AUG-93 areas/neural/systems/thnet/ 458 B THNET: THinkNet connectionist software 275 KB; Version: 1.1 September 1988 (12-MAR-93) areas/neural/systems/tooldiag/ 459 B ToolDiag: Feature selection software for improving classifiers. 134 KB; Version: 1.4.1 (3-DEC-93) areas/neural/systems/topmap/ 460 B TOPMAP: Kohonen topology preserving maps in Pascal 20 KB; Version: 22-SEP-87 areas/neural/systems/utexas/ 461 B Neural network code from the University of Texas. areas/neural/systems/utexas/discern/ 462 B DISCERN: Script-processing system 994 KB; Version: 7-MAY-93 areas/neural/systems/utexas/fgrep/ 463 B FGREP: Distributed representations for words in the case-role assignment task. 176 KB; Version: 3-OCT-91 areas/neural/systems/utexas/fm_2d/ 464 B FM_2D: 2-d feature mapping for 2-d input vectors 15 KB; Version: 3-OCT-91 areas/neural/systems/utexas/fm_nd/ 465 B FM_ND: 2-d feature mapping for n-d input vectors 18 KB; Version: 3-OCT-91 areas/neural/systems/utexas/lex/ 466 B DISLEX: A double feature map model of the lexicon 62 KB; Version: 3-OCT-91 areas/neural/systems/utexas/lissom/ 467 B LISSOM: Simulations of visuo-cortical development. 491 KB areas/neural/systems/utexas/papers/ 468 B Neural network code from the University of Texas. 3364 KB areas/neural/systems/winnn/ 469 B WinNN: Windows Neural Networks 547 KB; Version: 0.9.3 (18-MAY-94) areas/neural/systems/xerion/ 470 B XERION: Neural network simulator 1628 KB; Version: 3.1.147 areas/neural/systems/xpp/ 471 B XPP: Analysis and Simulation of Dynamic and Probabilistic Phenomena 527 KB; Version: 1.61 (11-OCT-93) areas/neural/util/ 472 B Neural Networks Utilities areas/neural/util/netpic/ 473 B NETPIC: Neural network weight diagram macros for LaTeX 4 KB; Version: 1.0 (15-FEB-91) areas/nlp/ 474 B Natural Language Processing (NLU, NLG, Parsing, Morphology, Machine Translation ...) areas/nlp/bookcode/ 475 B Machine readable parts of various NLP textbooks. areas/nlp/bookcode/allen/ 476 B Code from James Allen's "Natural Language Understanding" areas/nlp/bookcode/allen/nlu_e1/ 477 B Code from Allen's "Natural Language Understanding", 1st edition 39 KB areas/nlp/bookcode/allen/nlu_e2/ 478 B Code from Allen's "Natural Language Understanding", 2st edition 60 KB areas/nlp/bookcode/nlp_pp/ 479 B Code from Covington's "NLP for Prolog Programmers" 28 KB; Version: 2-AUG-93 areas/nlp/corpora/ 480 B Natural Language Corpora and Dictionaries areas/nlp/corpora/advising/ 481 B Advising Corpora 229 KB; Version: 9-JUN-93 areas/nlp/corpora/dicts/ 482 B Natural Language Dictionaries areas/nlp/corpora/dicts/doc/ 483 B Information about Natural Language Dictionaries 54 KB areas/nlp/corpora/dicts/edictj/ 484 B EDICT: Japanese/English Dictionary 1067 KB; Version: V94-001 (27-JAN-94) areas/nlp/corpora/dicts/lifscdic/ 485 B LIFSCIDIC: Japanese/English Life Science Dictionary 294 KB areas/nlp/corpora/dicts/misc/ 486 B Miscellaneous Dictionaries 2836 KB areas/nlp/corpora/dicts/sigurd/ 487 B Sigurd: American Language Standardized Dictionary 3864 KB areas/nlp/corpora/dicts/spanish/ 488 B Spanish Lexicon 535 KB; Version: 8-NOV-93 areas/nlp/corpora/dicts/stolfi/ 489 B Stolfi: DEC SRC Collection of Public Domain Wordlists 1284 KB; Version: DEC-SRC-92-04-05 areas/nlp/corpora/dicts/words/ 490 B English Lexicon 945 KB; Version: 6-SEP-91 areas/nlp/corpora/doc/ 491 B Information about Natural Language Corpora 12 KB areas/nlp/corpora/jmorph/ 492 B Japanese morphological dictionary and search program. 1211 KB areas/nlp/corpora/keiras/ 493 B LEX: Tagged English Lexicon, with program 105 KB; Version: 23-FEB-93 areas/nlp/corpora/names/ 494 B Name Corpus: List of Male, Female, and Pet names 1943 KB; Version: 1.3 (29-MAR-94) areas/nlp/corpora/ota/ 495 B OTA: Wordlists by Subject 5497 KB; Version: 13-JUL-92 areas/nlp/corpora/pron/ 496 B Pronunciation Corpus 71 KB areas/nlp/corpora/roget/ 497 B Roget Thesaurus 1113 KB; Version: 1911 areas/nlp/corpora/wordnet/ 498 B Information about WordNet 15 KB; Version: 1.4 areas/nlp/discours/ 499 B Discourse Structure areas/nlp/discours/drt/ 500 B DRT: Discourse Representation Theory 126 KB areas/nlp/doc/ 501 B Information about Natural Language Processing areas/nlp/doc/bib/ 502 B Natural Language Processing Bibliographies areas/nlp/doc/bib/anaphora/ 503 B Bibliography of Pronominal Anaphora Resolution 6 KB areas/nlp/doc/bib/csli/ 504 B CSLI: CSLI's Natural Language Processing Bibliography 166 KB; Version: 1.0 (20-JUL-92) areas/nlp/doc/bib/robust/ 505 B Bibliography of Robust Parsing of Natural Language 4 KB areas/nlp/doc/bib/systemic/ 506 B Bibliography of Work on Systemic Grammars 5 KB areas/nlp/doc/notes/ 507 B Information about Natural Language Processing 195 KB areas/nlp/doc/soft_reg/ 508 B Lists of Natural Language Processing Programs areas/nlp/doc/soft_reg/nlsr/ 509 B NLSR: Natural Language Software Registry 315 KB; Version: 2.1 (1-MAR-93) areas/nlp/doc/soft_reg/schulze/ 510 B German-Language List of Natural Language Processing Programs 209 KB; Version: 26. Oktober 1993 areas/nlp/faq/ 511 B NLP FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) postings for 93 KB areas/nlp/fonts/ 512 B Fonts for Natural Language Processing 1646 KB areas/nlp/misc/ 513 B Miscellaneous Natural Language Processing Software areas/nlp/misc/alvey/ 514 B ANLT: Information about the Alvey NL Tools 973 KB; Version: 4 areas/nlp/misc/babbler/ 515 B BABBLER: Simple Markov chain language acquisition-and-use 29 KB; Version: 18-DEC-92 areas/nlp/misc/cg/ 516 B Conceptual Graph Tools 158 KB; Version: 13-AUG-92 areas/nlp/misc/conc/ 517 B CONC: Program for producing concordances of texts. 406 KB; Version: 1.71 areas/nlp/misc/foggy/ 518 B Foggy: Pseudotext Generator 46 KB; Version: 2-APR-92 areas/nlp/misc/gramtsy/ 519 B GRAMTSY: GRAMmatical Transformational SYstem 1093 KB; Version: 4.1.1 (27-FEB-91) areas/nlp/misc/hum/ 520 B HUM: Concordance and textual analysis package 52 KB; Version: 14-DEC-92 areas/nlp/misc/itp/ 521 B ITP: Interlinear Text Processor 940 KB; Version: 1.1c (11-SEP-91) areas/nlp/misc/ldbdemo/ 522 B LDB: Demo version of the Linguistic DataBase program 311 KB areas/nlp/misc/lq_text/ 523 B LQ-Text: Text Retrieval Package 598 KB; Version: 1.10 areas/nlp/misc/maclex/ 524 B MacLex: Create and Maintain a Lexicon 490 KB; Version: 8-FEB-93 areas/nlp/misc/rook/ 525 B ROOK: Grammar writing 388 KB areas/nlp/misc/sh/ 526 B SHOEBOX: Database program for linguists. 298 KB; Version: 1.2a (31-OCT-91) areas/nlp/misc/synoname/ 527 B SYNONAME: Matches different versions of personal names 336 KB areas/nlp/misc/verbal/ 528 B Verbalist: Demonstration of inflectional forms of English verbs 682 KB; Version: 2.0 (11-JUN-93); 1.1 (3-NOV-92) areas/nlp/misc/wlist/ 529 B WLIST: Language-independent word frequency and word length counter 47 KB; Version: 1.1 (Oct 1993) areas/nlp/misc/wordsurv/ 530 B WORDSURV: Analyzing word lists collected in a language survey. 101 KB; Version: 2.4 (8-MAY-92) areas/nlp/morph/ 531 B Morphology areas/nlp/morph/fonol/ 532 B FONOL: Phonological Programming Language 540 KB; Version: 4.2.1 (18-DEC-91) areas/nlp/morph/map/ 533 B MAP: Cambridge/Edinburgh Morphological Analyzer and Dictionary System 353 KB; Version: 3.1 (August 1992) areas/nlp/morph/morfogen/ 534 B MORFOGEN: A Morphology Grammar Builder and Dictionary Interface Tool 122 KB; Version: 7-OCT-91 areas/nlp/morph/pc_kimmo/ 535 B PC Kimmo: Two-Level Processor for Morphological Analysis areas/nlp/morph/pc_kimmo/englex/ 536 B Englex: Morphological parsing lexicon of English for use with PC-KIMMO 436 KB; Version: 1.0 (26-NOV-91; 20-JAN-92) areas/nlp/morph/pc_kimmo/kgen/ 537 B KGEN: Rule compiler for PC-Kimmo 124 KB; Version: 0.3 (30-APR-91) areas/nlp/morph/pc_kimmo/ktext/ 538 B KTEXT: Text Processor for Producing Morphological Parses 502 KB; Version: 1.0.3 (18-FEB-92) areas/nlp/morph/pc_kimmo/pckimmo/ 539 B PC Kimmo: Two-Level Processor for Morphological Analysis 796 KB; Version: 1.0.8 (18-FEB-92) areas/nlp/morph/pc_kimmo/turklex/ 540 B TurkLex: PC-Kimmo specification for Turkish 225 KB areas/nlp/morph/tulip/ 541 B TULIP: A two level phonological formalism. 31 KB; Version: 8-MAR-93 areas/nlp/mt/ 542 B Machine Translation areas/nlp/mt/cognate/ 543 B COGNATE: Identifies related words in bilingual texts. 27 KB; Version: 9-DEC-91 areas/nlp/mt/mtran/ 544 B MTRAN: Machine Translation Program 1048 KB; Version: 1.2 (25-NOV-91) areas/nlp/nlg/ 545 B Natural Language Generation areas/nlp/nlg/bib/ 546 B Natural Language Generation Bibliographies areas/nlp/nlg/bib/dale/ 547 B Robert Dale's Natural Language Generation Bibliographies 325 KB; Version: 2.01 a4 (14-MAR-93) areas/nlp/nlg/bib/explain/ 548 B Menzies' bibliography of 'explanations' 7 KB; Version: 6-MAY-94 areas/nlp/nlg/bib/mk/ 549 B Mark Kantrowitz's Natural Language Generation Bibliography 715 KB; Version: 5-JUL-94 areas/nlp/nlg/fuf/ 550 B FUF and SURGE: NLG system based on Functional Unification Grammar 1793 KB; Version: FUF 5.3 (24-APR-94); SURGE 1.2 (21-DEC-93) areas/nlp/nli/ 551 B Natural Language Interfaces areas/nlp/nli/interbas/ 552 B InterBASE: Demo system for constructing natural language database interfaces 2157 KB areas/nlp/nlu/ 553 B Natural Language Understanding areas/nlp/nlu/icu/ 554 B ICU: Miniature NLU programs from Schank and Riesbeck 24 KB; Version: 13-JUL-93 areas/nlp/nlu/mcdypar/ 555 B McDypar: Scheme and Common Lisp implementations of Dyer's McDypar 30 KB; Version: 21-FEB-92 areas/nlp/parsing/ 556 B Parsing areas/nlp/parsing/av/ 557 B AV Parser: Unification-based parser. 239 KB; Version: 20p2 areas/nlp/parsing/flex/ 558 B FLEX: Fast Lexical Analyzer Generator 373 KB; Version: 2.4.3 areas/nlp/parsing/gb/ 559 B Gibberish: Prolog Government-binding parser. 19 KB; Version: 21-AUG-93 areas/nlp/parsing/hdrug/ 560 B Hdrug: Environment for developing logic grammars for natural languages 374 KB; Version: alfa (14-JUN-94) areas/nlp/parsing/lhip/ 561 B LHIP: Left-Head-Corner Island Parser Compiler 53 KB; Version: 1.1 areas/nlp/parsing/linger/ 562 B LINGER: Language INdependent Grammatical Error Reporter 79 KB; Version: 1.1 (4-SEP-92) areas/nlp/parsing/link/ 563 B Link Parser: Fast and efficient English parser 485 KB; Version: 27-MAY-92 areas/nlp/parsing/montague/ 564 B Montague: Montague Parser 25 KB areas/nlp/parsing/pleuk/ 565 B PLEUK: Grammar Development System 1358 KB; Version: Pleuk 1.0; HPSG-PL 1.2.2 (12-MAY-92) areas/nlp/parsing/pnla/ 566 B PNLA: Prolog and DCG programs from "Prolog and Natural Language Analysis" 14 KB areas/nlp/parsing/proof/ 567 B Proof: Left-Associative Natural Language Parser 1675 KB; Version: 0.2 (28-SEP-91) areas/nlp/parsing/regex/ 568 B RegEx: Translates regular expressions to DFAs 19 KB; Version: 17-MAY-93 areas/nlp/parsing/sax/ 569 B SAX: Syntactic Analyzing Program 89 KB areas/nlp/parsing/taggers/ 570 B Part of Speech Taggers areas/nlp/parsing/taggers/brill/ 571 B Brill: Trainable Part of Speech Tagger 1751 KB; Version: 1.13 (21-JUN-94) areas/nlp/parsing/taggers/xerox/ 572 B Xerox Part of Speech Tagger 4415 KB; Version: 1.2 (23-MAR-94) areas/nlp/parsing/tom/ 573 B Tom: C implementation of the Tomita parsing algorithm 15 KB; Version: 23-MAY-93 areas/planning/ 574 B Planning and Plan Recognition areas/planning/systems/ 575 B Planning and Plan Recognition Systems areas/planning/systems/3plan/ 576 B 3plan: SNLP, TOCL, and TOPI planners 55 KB; Version: 23-FEB-93 areas/planning/systems/abtweak/ 577 B ABTWEAK: Nonlinear planning with abstraction 886 KB; Version: v93 (19-APR-93) areas/planning/systems/build/ 578 B BUILD: A blocks-world planner 182 KB; Version: 5-DEC-88 areas/planning/systems/buridan/ 579 B BURIDAN: Extension of SNLP that models probabilistic conditional outcomes. 47 KB; Version: 22-OCT-93 areas/planning/systems/idm/ 580 B IDM: STRIPS-like planning 133 KB; Version: 13-AUG-92 areas/planning/systems/nonlin/ 581 B NONLIN: Hierarchical, non-linear planner. 135 KB; Version: 1.2 (5-FEB-92) areas/planning/systems/prodigy/ 582 B Prodigy: Integrated Planning and Learning System areas/planning/systems/prodigy/static/ 583 B STATIC: Static Analyzer for Prodigy 1054 KB; Version: 2.0 areas/planning/systems/prodigy/version2/ 584 B Prodigy: Integrated Planning and Learning System 1528 KB; Version: 2.11 (2-OCT-90) areas/planning/systems/prodigy/version4/ 585 B Prodigy: Integrated Planning and Learning System 701 KB; Version: 4.0 (1-FEB-94) areas/planning/systems/snlp/ 586 B SNLP: Domain-Independent Systematic Nonlinear Planner. 25 KB; Version: 9-NOV-92 areas/planning/systems/soar/ 587 B Soar: Integrated Agent Architecture areas/planning/systems/soar/neomycin/ 588 B NeoMycin: Medical expert implemented in Soar 124 KB areas/planning/systems/soar/soar5/ 589 B Soar: Integrated Agent Architecture 8139 KB; Version: Soar 5.2.2; TAQL 3.1.4; CParaOPS5 5.4; SoarX 5.4 areas/planning/systems/soar/soar6/ 590 B Soar: Integrated Agent Architecture 12927 KB; Version: Soar 6.2.1 (13-JUN-94); SDE 0.7 (23-JUN-94); MacSoar 6.1.0 (3-NOV-93); IntelSoar 6.1.0 (9-NOV-93); Dismal 0.94b (17-JUN-94) areas/planning/systems/spa/ 591 B SPA: Systematic Plan Adaptor 66 KB; Version: 4-NOV-92 areas/planning/systems/ucpop/ 592 B UCPOP: Partial Order Planner 420 KB; Version: 2.0 (5-OCT-93); 1.00a (10-NOV-92) areas/reasonng/ 593 B Reasoning areas/reasonng/analogy/ 594 B Analogical Reasoning areas/reasonng/analogy/sme/ 595 B SME: Structure-Mapping Engine 177 KB; Version: 2e (21-JAN-92) areas/reasonng/atp/ 596 B Theorem Proving and Automated Reasoning areas/reasonng/atp/doc/ 597 B Documentation about Theorem Proving and Automated Reasoning 10 KB areas/reasonng/atp/problems/ 598 B Problem Libraries for Theorem Proving and Automated Reasoning areas/reasonng/atp/problems/atp/ 599 B ATP Problem Library 522 KB areas/reasonng/atp/problems/tptp/ 600 B TPTP: Problem Library for Automated Theorem Proving Systems 1745 KB; Version: 1.1.1 (8-JUL-94) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/ 601 B Theorem Proving and Automated Reasoning Systems areas/reasonng/atp/systems/coq/ 602 B Coq: Calculus of Inductive Constructions 3686 KB; Version: Unix 5.8.3 (6-DEC-93); Mac 5.8.2 (8-JUL-93) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/dtp/ 603 B DTP: General theorem prover with domain-independent control of inference. 512 KB; Version: 2.4 (24-JUN-94) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/elf/ 604 B Elf: LF Logical Framework 784 KB; Version: 0.4 (1-JUL-93) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/frapps/ 605 B FRAPPS: Framework for Resolution-based Automated Proof Procedures 349 KB; Version: 2.0 (27-JUN-92) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/ft/ 606 B FT: Theorem Prover for Intuitionistic Predicate Logic 69 KB; Version: C 1.23 (27-JAN-92); Prolog 1.0 (29-MAR-89) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/hiper/ 607 B HIPER: Term rewriting E-completion system 96 KB; Version: 1.0 (28-FEB-92) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/isabelle/ 608 B Isabelle: Automated generic theorem prover 2212 KB; Version: Isabelle 93 (16-DEC-93); Elle 2.4 (6-MAY-94); LCF 1.5 (25-AUG-92) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/keim/ 609 B KEIM: Tools for Building Theorem Provers 1319 KB; Version: 1.1 (10-OCT-93) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/mkrp/ 610 B MKRP: Markgraf Karl Refutation Procedure 2862 KB; Version: 21-DEC-92 areas/reasonng/atp/systems/mvl/ 611 B MVL: Multi-Valued Logic 247 KB; Version: 19-AUG-93 areas/reasonng/atp/systems/nqthm/ 612 B NQTHM: The Boyer-Moore theorem prover. 3524 KB; Version: 1992 (January 1994) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/nuprl/ 613 B Nuprl: Proof Development System 3111 KB; Version: 3.2 (26-MAY-94) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/otter/ 614 B Otter: Resolution-based theorem prover. 3171 KB; Version: 3.0.2 (17-JUN-94); 3.0.1 (PC, 21-FEB-94); 3.0.0 (24-JAN-94); 2.2 (July 1991) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/plaisted/ 615 B Plaisted: Theorem Prover in Prolog 21 KB; Version: October 1988 areas/reasonng/atp/systems/qu_pl/ 616 B Qu-Prolog and Ergo: Prototyping of Interactive Theorem Provers 2106 KB; Version: Qu-Prolog 3.2 (7-DEC-93); Ergo 4.0 (9-DEC-93) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/rrl/ 617 B RRL: Rewrite Rule Laboratory 929 KB; Version: RRL (24-JUL-92); SUTRA 1.0 (30-MAR-90); Herky (5-MAY-93); Franz RRL (28-MAY-89) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/setheo/ 618 B SETHEO: SEquential THEOrem prover 431 KB; Version: 3.0 (26-APR-93) areas/reasonng/atp/systems/thm/ 619 B THM: Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover 371 KB; Version: November 1987 areas/reasonng/atp/systems/xpnet/ 620 B XPNet: X Proof Net 506 KB; Version: 10-SEP-93 areas/reasonng/case_bsd/ 621 B Case-Based Reasoning areas/reasonng/case_bsd/protos/ 622 B CL-Protos: Knowledge Acquisition for Heuristic Classification Tasks 503 KB; Version: 15-FEB-90 areas/reasonng/case_bsd/riesbeck/ 623 B ICBR: Code from "Inside Case-Based Reasoning" 19 KB; Version: 19-MAR-91 areas/reasonng/chem/ 624 B Chemical Reasoning areas/reasonng/chem/congen/ 625 B DENDRAL and CONGEN: Molecular Structure Elucidation in Organic Chemistry 2056 KB areas/reasonng/defeasbl/ 626 B Defeasible Reasoning areas/reasonng/defeasbl/belief/ 627 B BELIEF: Implementation of Paris and Vencovska's model of belief 38 KB; Version: 18-MAR-94 areas/reasonng/defeasbl/dprolog/ 628 B DPROLOG: Prolog extension for Defeasible Reasoning 27 KB areas/reasonng/defeasbl/nathan/ 629 B NATHAN (Spec13): Argues defeasibly in first-order logic. 198 KB; Version: 19-FEB-94 areas/reasonng/medical/ 630 B Medical Reasoning areas/reasonng/medical/tmycin/ 631 B TMYCIN: Medical Reasoning System 66 KB; Version: 5-JAN-90 areas/reasonng/meta/ 632 B Meta Reasoning areas/reasonng/meta/multagnt/ 633 B MULTAGNT: Prolog simulation of multi-agent tutoring. 9 KB; Version: 21-AUG-93 areas/reasonng/probabl/ 634 B Probabilistic Reasoning areas/reasonng/probabl/bayes/ 635 B BAYES: Tree-structured Bayesian belief network 13 KB; Version: 11-MAR-91 areas/reasonng/probabl/belief/ 636 B BELIEF: Graphical Belief Function Models and Graphical Probabilistic Models 415 KB; Version: 1.2 (6-MAR-92) areas/reasonng/probabl/doc/ 637 B Documentation related to Probabilistic Reasoning 4 KB areas/reasonng/probabl/ideal/ 638 B IDEAL: Information about the IDEAL testbed for influence diagrams and Bayesian networks 2 KB areas/reasonng/probabl/rcstat/ 639 B RCSTAT: Produces probability intervals from raw data using the Kyburg/Pollock method. 39 KB; Version: 9-DEC-92 areas/reasonng/qualittv/ 640 B Qualitative Reasoning areas/reasonng/qualittv/qpe/ 641 B QPE: Qualitative Process Engine 1050 KB; Version: 2.6 (20-FEB-90) areas/reasonng/qualittv/qsim/ 642 B QSIM: A Tool for Modeling and Simulation with Incomplete Knowledge 3790 KB; Version: 2.0 areas/reasonng/temporal/ 643 B Temporal Reasoning areas/reasonng/temporal/hic/ 644 B HIC: Hierarchical Interval Constraint Temporal Reasoning System 21 KB; Version: 3-NOV-92 areas/reasonng/temporal/tg/ 645 B TimeGraph II (TG-II): Reasoning about Qualitative Temporal Information 54 KB; Version: 1.0 (30-MAR-94) areas/reasonng/temporal/zeno/ 646 B ZENO: Temporal Planning with Continuous Change 140 KB; Version: 4-NOV-94 areas/reasonng/tms/ 647 B Truth Maintenance areas/reasonng/tms/bps/ 648 B BPS: Code from "Building Problem Solvers" 1443 KB; Version: 102493 areas/reasonng/tms/slg/ 649 B SLG: Goal-Oriented Deductive Query Processing and Non-Monotonic Reasoning 63 KB; Version: 4-NOV-93 areas/reasonng/tms/tutorial/ 650 B Truth Maintenance Tutorial Code 80 KB; Version: 2-OCT-91 areas/reasonng/toolset/ 651 B Toolset: OSU LAIR Generic Task Toolset 716 KB; Version: Fafner release 1.1-DoD areas/robotics/ 652 B Robotics areas/robotics/doc/ 653 B Robotics Documentation Files areas/robotics/doc/bib/ 654 B Robotics Bibliographies 0 KB areas/robotics/doc/notes/ 655 B Robotics Documentation Files 122 KB areas/robotics/faq/ 656 B Robotics FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) postings for comp.robotics 473 KB areas/robotics/systems/ 657 B Robotics Software Packages areas/robotics/systems/hyperbot/ 658 B HYPERBOT: Programmer's interface for robotics sensors and effectors. 9 KB; Version: 14-JUN-92 areas/robotics/systems/pcrobots/ 659 B PC Robots: Graphical, Multilanguage Crobots Game 276 KB; Version: 1.3 (1-NOV-92) areas/robotics/systems/stiquito/ 660 B Stiquito: Information about nitinol-propelled hexapod robots 2701 KB areas/search/ 661 B Search areas/search/aisearch/ 662 B AI Search: AI C++ Search Class Library 263 KB; Version: 6-JAN-94 areas/speech/ 663 B Speech Recognition and Synthesis areas/speech/archive/ 664 B Archive of articles from the comp.speech newsgroup 2750 KB areas/speech/database/ 665 B Speech-related databases areas/speech/database/britpron/ 666 B BritPron: Pronunciation dictionary 596 KB; Version: 0.11 (8-JUN-94) areas/speech/database/homofonz/ 667 B HOMOPHONES: List of homophones in General American English 10 KB; Version: 1.01 (17-MAY-94) areas/speech/database/hvd/ 668 B hVd Database: Spoken vowels in context. 3648 KB areas/speech/database/pb/ 669 B Peterson Barney: Vowel formant frequency database 16 KB; Version: 5-JAN-93 areas/speech/doc/ 670 B Speech Recognition and Synthesis Documentation Files areas/speech/doc/bib/ 671 B Speech Recognition and Synthesis Bibliography 435 KB areas/speech/doc/notes/ 672 B Speech Recognition and Synthesis Information Files 7874 KB areas/speech/faq/ 673 B Speech FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) postings for comp.speech 176 KB areas/speech/systems/ 674 B Speech Recognition and Synthesis Software areas/speech/systems/afsp/ 675 B AFsp: Audio File I/O Routines 278 KB; Version: V1R2 (24-FEB-94) areas/speech/systems/celp/ 676 B CELP: FS-1016 Code Excited Linear Prediction coder 2269 KB; Version: 3.2a (3-AUG-93) areas/speech/systems/cookbook/ 677 B Cookbook: Speech processing functions in C. 374 KB; Version: 01-JUL-94 areas/speech/systems/eng2phon/ 678 B English to Phoneme Translation 13 KB; Version: 15-APR-85 areas/speech/systems/fview/ 679 B Fview: Speech trajectory analysis and display 4365 KB; Version: 1.2 (1-JUL-94) areas/speech/systems/g7xx/ 680 B G711_G721_G723: CCITT ulaw and ADPCM compression coders. 14 KB; Version: 31-AUG-92 areas/speech/systems/gsm/ 681 B GSM: Implementation of the 13 kbps GSM speech coding standard. 59 KB; Version: 1.0.4 (10-MAY-94) areas/speech/systems/hmm/ 682 B HMM: Hidden Markov Model software for automatic speech recognition. 17 KB; Version: 1.0 (31-MAY-94) areas/speech/systems/klatt/ 683 B Klatt: A Klatt-style speech synthesizer implemented in C. 202 KB; Version: 3.0.4 (9-MAY-94) areas/speech/systems/kplot/ 684 B KPlot: Simple graphical editor for Klatt parameter files. 88 KB; Version: 1.00 (12-JUN-94) areas/speech/systems/ldcelp/ 685 B LD-CELP: Implementation of the Low-Delay Code Excited Linear Prediction Speech Coding Standard 32 KB; Version: 13-AUG-93 areas/speech/systems/lotec/ 686 B LOTEC: Simple Speech Recognition System 519 KB; Version: 23-MAY-94 areas/speech/systems/lpc/ 687 B LPC-10: Implementation of DoD LPC-10 2400 bps Voice Coder 573 KB; Version: 1.0 (October 1993) areas/speech/systems/netaudio/ 688 B NetAudio: Audio protocol for networks 1136 KB; Version: 1.2 areas/speech/systems/ogitools/ 689 B OGI Speech Tools: Speech data manipulation tools 2900 KB; Version: 1.0 (20-OCT-93) areas/speech/systems/pcm2alaw/ 690 B PCM to A-law: Convert from linear or u-law PCM to and from A-law PCM 3 KB; Version: 14-JUN-93 areas/speech/systems/pc_conv/ 691 B PC Convolution Demo: Graphic illustration of the convolution operation 116 KB; Version: 4.8.1 areas/speech/systems/pt/ 692 B Pitch Tracker: Pitch extractor and pitch period marking program 402 KB; Version: 1.0 (16-JUN-94) areas/speech/systems/rasta/ 693 B Rasta: The RASTA-PLP front end for speech recognition 117 KB; Version: 21-OCT-92 areas/speech/systems/recnet/ 694 B RECNET: Connectionist speech recognition system using recurrent nets. 605 KB; Version: 1.3 (12-JUL-93) areas/speech/systems/rplay/ 695 B RPLAY: Sound package with network audio 137 KB; Version: 3.1.0 areas/speech/systems/rsynth/ 696 B RSYNTH: Complete speech synthesis system for UNIX 155 KB; Version: 1.0 (25-FEB-94) areas/speech/systems/shorten/ 697 B Shorten: A lossless compressor for waveform files 41 KB; Version: 1.13 (11-APR-94) areas/speech/systems/sox/ 698 B SOX: Converts between various audio formats 285 KB; Version: 10 areas/speech/systems/spasm/ 699 B SPASM: Perry Cook's Singing Voice Synthesizer 2212 KB; Version: 2.106 areas/speech/systems/spctools/ 700 B SPC Toolbox: Signal Processing and Communications 3274 KB; Version: 2.00 (6-JUL-94) areas/speech/systems/speak/ 701 B SPEAK: Text to speech via phoneme concatenation. 111 KB; Version: 30-NOV-90 areas/speech/systems/textnorm/ 702 B TEXTNORM: A very simple text normalization package. 41 KB; Version: 26-NOV-93 areas/testbeds/ 703 B Testbeds, Simulators, and Micro-Worlds for Planning, Agents, and Robotics areas/testbeds/arsmagna/ 704 B ARS MAGNA: Abstract Robot Simulator 741 KB; Version: 1.0 (27-JAN-93) areas/testbeds/eden/ 705 B Eden: Poplog-based AI Microworld 994 KB; Version: 1.0 (29-NOV-92); 2.0 (21-AUG-93) areas/testbeds/erratic/ 706 B Erratic: Mobile Robot Simulator and Controller 629 KB; Version: 2a (29-JUN-94); 1 (19-JAN-94) areas/testbeds/mice/ 707 B MICE: Michigan Intelligent Coordination Experiment testbed 511 KB; Version: MICE 2.0 (18-OCT-92); MacMICE 3.0 (1-APR-94) areas/testbeds/rsim/ 708 B RSIM: Robot Arm Simulator 190 KB; Version: 22-JUL-92 areas/testbeds/simderel/ 709 B Simderella: Robot Simulator 1959 KB; Version: 2.0.1 (17-MAR-94) areas/testbeds/tilewrld/ 710 B TILEWORLD: Planning testbed and simulator 1684 KB; Version: New (25-NOV-91); Old (30-AUG-91) areas/testbeds/trckwrld/ 711 B TRUCKWORLD: Testbed for AI Planning Programs 626 KB; Version: Truckworld 2.0 (26-AUG-93) areas/vision/ 712 B Computer Vision areas/vision/doc/ 713 B Computer Vision Documentation 70 KB areas/vision/obvius/ 714 B OBVIUS: Object-Based Vision and Image Understanding System 8336 KB; Version: 3.0.3 (30-MAY-94) lang/ 715 A AI Programming Languages lang/lisp/ 716 A CMU Common Lisp Repository lang/lisp/bookcode/ 717 A Machine readable parts of various Lisp books lang/lisp/bookcode/dst/ 718 A Code from David S. Touretzky's book 302 KB lang/lisp/bookcode/norvig/ 719 A NORVIG: Code from Peter Norvig's Lisp book 149 KB lang/lisp/bookcode/winston/ 720 A WINSTON: Source code from Winston's Lisp book, 3rd edition 122 KB lang/lisp/code/ 721 A Lisp code for benchmarking, research, education, and fun lang/lisp/code/bench/ 722 A Lisp Benchmarking Suites lang/lisp/code/bench/acuff/ 723 A Acuff's Lisp Benchmarking Suite 194 KB lang/lisp/code/bench/fateman/ 724 A Fateman's Discussion of Fast Floating-Point in Common Lisp 93 KB lang/lisp/code/bench/gabriel/ 725 A Gabriel's Lisp Benchmarking Suite 62 KB lang/lisp/code/codewalk/ 726 A Codewalking: Lisp code that grovels over arbitrary Lisp code lang/lisp/code/codewalk/mapforms/ 727 A Mapforms: Moon's code walker 33 KB; Version: April 1983 lang/lisp/code/codewalk/walk/ 728 A Xerox Code Walker: Lisp code that grovels over arbitrary Lisp code 96 KB; Version: 1990 lang/lisp/code/csp/ 729 A Prosser's hybrid algorithms for the Constraint Satisfaction Problem 32 KB lang/lisp/code/db/ 730 A Database programs implemented in Lisp. lang/lisp/code/db/edb/ 731 A EDB: A database program written in Emacs Lisp for GNU Emacs. 678 KB; Version: 1.18 lang/lisp/code/ext/ 732 A Lisp Code Extensions: Collection of miscellaneous Lisp code. lang/lisp/code/ext/alerts/ 733 A ALERTS: A convenient debugging status indicator 3 KB lang/lisp/code/ext/autoload/ 734 A AUTOLOAD: Loads function definition from file upon function call 1 KB lang/lisp/code/ext/complete/ 735 A COMPLETION: Code for completing a string against a dictionary. 5 KB; Version: 10/08/92 12:15:19 lang/lisp/code/ext/copy_obj/ 736 A Copy Objects: Code for copying CLOS/PCL objects 6 KB; Version: 09/18/92 14:33:57 lang/lisp/code/ext/enum/ 737 A ENUMS: C-style ENUMs for Lisp 1 KB lang/lisp/code/ext/errors/ 738 A WITHOUT-ERRORS: Catches all error signals in a running program 2 KB lang/lisp/code/ext/init/ 739 A Initializations: Like the initializations features of Lisp machines. 4 KB; Version: March 1991 lang/lisp/code/ext/library/ 740 A Library of miscellaneous small extensions to Common Lisp 28 KB; Version: 2/15/93 lang/lisp/code/ext/lp/ 741 A Logical Pathnames: Portable logical pathnames implementation 25 KB; Version: Tue Apr 9 19:17:01 1991 lang/lisp/code/ext/memoize/ 742 A MEMOIZE: The Automatic Memoization Facility 129 KB; Version: 1.0 lang/lisp/code/ext/packages/ 743 A Code related to Lisp PACKAGE definitions 4 KB lang/lisp/code/ext/resource/ 744 A RESOURCES: Portable implementation of resources. 4 KB; Version: February 1992 lang/lisp/code/ext/save_obj/ 745 A SAVE-OBJECT: Saves ASCII representations of Lisp objects to a file. 559 KB; Version: 9X2 (10-JUN-94) lang/lisp/code/ext/screamer/ 746 A SCREAMER: Adds backtracking and constraint satisfaction to Common Lisp. 407 KB; Version: 3.12 lang/lisp/code/ext/tables/ 747 A DEFTABLE: Unifies interface to Common Lisp's table-like data structures. 5 KB; Version: 1992 lang/lisp/code/ext/trees/ 748 A TREES: Lisp data structures, including Binary Search Trees, Priority Queues, and Red-Black Trees 50 KB; Version: 1.0 beta, 12/26/1992 lang/lisp/code/ext/types/ 749 A Type Simplifier: A simple type simplifier 3 KB; Version: 19-NOV-93 22:07:56 lang/lisp/code/ext/wood/ 750 A WOOD: William's Object Oriented Database 290 KB; Version: 0.6 lang/lisp/code/fun/ 751 A Some random fun programs written in Lisp, including Life and sunrise/sunset calculations. 50 KB lang/lisp/code/ilu/ 752 A ILU: Xerox PARC Inter-Language Unification 2113 KB; Version: 1.6.4 (18-JUN-94) lang/lisp/code/impdep/ 753 A Collections of Implementation-Dependent Lisp Code lang/lisp/code/impdep/explorer/ 754 A TI Explorer Lisp Code 6985 KB lang/lisp/code/impdep/mcl2/ 755 A Code that runs only in Macintosh Common Lisp. 6827 KB lang/lisp/code/impdep/medley/ 756 A Code that runs only under Xerox Medley. 2645 KB lang/lisp/code/impdep/symbolic/ 757 A Code that runs only on Symbolics Lisp Machines. 253 KB lang/lisp/code/io/ 758 A IO: Lisp code dealing with input and output routines. lang/lisp/code/io/cbrk/ 759 A CBREAK: Turns CBREAK mode on and off to allow Lisp to read the input character by character. 1 KB lang/lisp/code/io/dates/ 760 A Date Formatter: Lisp code for formatting dates and times nicely. 5 KB lang/lisp/code/io/fast_io/ 761 A Fast_IO: Code and discussion of fast file IO in Lisp. 4 KB lang/lisp/code/io/plisp/ 762 A PLISP: Lisp-to-PostScript compiler. 103 KB; Version: 1987 lang/lisp/code/io/query/ 763 A QUERY: Lisp code for querying the user. 15 KB lang/lisp/code/io/rpc/ 764 A RPC: Common Lisp implementation of SUN RPC. 78 KB lang/lisp/code/io/sockets/ 765 A SOCKETS: Using UNIX sockets from Lisp. 50 KB lang/lisp/code/io/tl/ 766 A TL: Support for Top-Level interaction loops in Lisp. 34 KB lang/lisp/code/io/xp/ 767 A XP: XP Common Lisp pretty printer 69 KB lang/lisp/code/iter/ 768 A ITER: Macro packages for iteration in Common Lisp. lang/lisp/code/iter/for/ 769 A FOR: A Common Lisp implementation of the Interlisp FOR Macro. 5 KB; Version: 7-JAN-88 lang/lisp/code/iter/iterate/ 770 A Iterate: An iteration macro for Lisp. 193 KB; Version: 1.2, 7/26/91 lang/lisp/code/iter/loop/ 771 A LOOP: A variety of Loop macros. lang/lisp/code/iter/loop/cmu/ 772 A CMU LOOP: CMU Implementation of ANSI Loop Macro 38 KB; Version: 1.8 5/24/91 19:37:33 wlott, with bug fixes by mkant lang/lisp/code/iter/loop/mit/ 773 A MIT LOOP: The original MIT Loop macro implementation. 112 KB lang/lisp/code/iter/loop/sloop/ 774 A SLOOP: William Schelter's SLOOP iteration facility. 14 KB lang/lisp/code/iter/loop/symbolix/ 775 A Symbolics ANSI LOOP: Symbolics update of the MIT LOOP for ANSI conformance. 30 KB lang/lisp/code/iter/loop/yloop/ 776 A YLOOP: Portable implementation of the Yale LOOP macro. 22 KB lang/lisp/code/iter/series/ 777 A SERIES: Common Lisp looping macro package 99 KB; Version: November 26, 1991 lang/lisp/code/match/ 778 A Pattern matching code, unifiers, regular expression matchers. lang/lisp/code/match/matcher/ 779 A Matcher: Regular expression style pattern matcher. 15 KB; Version: 21-JAN-91 lang/lisp/code/match/miranda/ 780 A Select Match 13 KB lang/lisp/code/match/nregex/ 781 A NREGEX: Lisp-based regular expression parser. 20 KB; Version: 4/8/92 lang/lisp/code/match/regexp/ 782 A RegExp: Lisp interface to a C regular expression search package. 13 KB lang/lisp/code/match/unifier/ 783 A Unifier: Interlisp and Common Lisp unification code. 4 KB; Version: 1-AUG-88 lang/lisp/code/match/unify/ 784 A UNIFY: Portable recursive and iterative unification implementations. 7 KB; Version: 15-OCT-90 lang/lisp/code/math/ 785 A Math Library: Lisp code for various mathematical functions. lang/lisp/code/math/bell/ 786 A Bell's number: Lisp code for a function thar return's Bell's number. 2 KB lang/lisp/code/math/clasp/ 787 A CLASP and CLIP: Common Lisp Analytical Statistics Package 2995 KB; Version: CLASP 1.3.2 (4-FEB-94); CLIP 1.4 (4-FEB-94) lang/lisp/code/math/clmath/ 788 A CLMath: Common Lisp library of mathematical functions. 58 KB; Version: 1989 lang/lisp/code/math/hist/ 789 A HIST: Simple histogram facility using Format strings for output. 5 KB; Version: 28-JUN-90 lang/lisp/code/math/isqrt/ 790 A ISQRT: Code for efficient calculation of integer square roots. 43 KB lang/lisp/code/math/matrix/ 791 A Matrix: Matrix routines for Common Lisp. 8 KB; Version: 21-OCT-93 lang/lisp/code/math/maxima/ 792 A MAXIMA: Information about MAXIMA for Common Lisp 4 KB; Version: 4-155, 13-DEC-89 lang/lisp/code/math/mma/ 793 A MockMma: Mathematica-style parser written in Common Lisp. 268 KB; Version: 1.5, 19 Nov 1992 lang/lisp/code/math/quine/ 794 A QUINE: Quine Tree algorithm for satisfiability 64 KB; Version: 1-DEC-92 lang/lisp/code/math/random/ 795 A Pseudo-random number generator implemented in Common Lisp. 8 KB; Version: 17-MAY-93 lang/lisp/code/math/sapa/ 796 A SAPA: Library of Lisp functions for spectral analysis and statistics 146 KB; Version: 1.0 (21-JUL-93) lang/lisp/code/math/simplex/ 797 A SIMPLEX: Common Lisp implementation of the Simplex algorithm. 28 KB; Version: 22-APR-92 lang/lisp/code/parsing/ 798 A Collection of Lisp code for parsing. lang/lisp/code/parsing/lalr/ 799 A LALR: A LALR(1) parser-generator for Lisp. 20 KB lang/lisp/code/parsing/taylor/ 800 A Taylor: A Lisp lexer implemented in C. 13 KB; Version: 1-MAR-94 lang/lisp/code/parsing/time/ 801 A PARSE-TIME: Parsing routines for time and date strings. 6 KB; Version: 1.3 91/07/26 11:35:16 lang/lisp/code/parsing/tree_fmt/ 802 A PNODE and GNODE: Formatting of Parse Trees for Display 96 KB lang/lisp/code/parsing/zebu/ 803 A ZEBU: Zebu parser generator for Common Lisp 243 KB; Version: 2.9 lang/lisp/code/search/ 804 A Lisp code for searching. lang/lisp/code/search/minimax/ 805 A MINIMAX: Lisp code for alpha beta minimax search. 13 KB lang/lisp/code/search/queues/ 806 A Queue Search: Queue-based implementation of generic search. 9 KB; Version: 7-AUG-90 lang/lisp/code/syntax/ 807 A Code related to changing or translating to/from Lisp syntax. lang/lisp/code/syntax/cgol/ 808 A CGOL: Algol-like language that compiles into Common Lisp. 101 KB; Version: 1 lang/lisp/code/syntax/fontstrp/ 809 A Font Stripper: Strips Symbolics font information from a text file. 2 KB; Version: 7/24/87 lang/lisp/code/syntax/glisp/ 810 A GLISP: Alternate syntaxes for Common Lisp 113 KB; Version: 1.2 lang/lisp/code/syntax/haskell/ 811 A HASKELL: Yake Haskell system. 685 KB; Version: 2.05 lang/lisp/code/syntax/infix/ 812 A INFIX: Infix reader macro for Common Lisp. 75 KB; Version: 14-OCT-93 lang/lisp/code/syntax/measures/ 813 A MEASURES: Handles engineering numbers and measures in Lisp. 96 KB; Version: 2.0 lang/lisp/code/syntax/name_spc/ 814 A One Name Space (ONS): Provides for a single Lisp name space for functions and variables 7 KB lang/lisp/code/syntax/parcil/ 815 A PARCIL: A Parser for C syntax In Lisp 12 KB; Version: 0.1a lang/lisp/code/syntax/trans/ 816 A Code for translating one Lisp syntax to another. lang/lisp/code/syntax/trans/franz/ 817 A Translisp: Code for translating Franz Lisp to Common Lisp. 78 KB; Version: 20-JAN-87 17:22:52 lang/lisp/code/syntax/trans/ilisp/ 818 A LTRAN: Code for translating Interlisp to Common Lisp. 37 KB; Version: 9-JAN-92 lang/lisp/code/testing/ 819 A Lisp programs for testing Lisp programs. lang/lisp/code/testing/cover/ 820 A COVER: Common Lisp test case coverage determination tool 14 KB; Version: 15-SEP-91 lang/lisp/code/testing/rt/ 821 A RT: Common Lisp regression tester 6 KB; Version: 19-DEC-90 lang/lisp/code/tools/ 822 A Lisp Utilities: Collection of miscellaneous Lisp tools. lang/lisp/code/tools/defsys/ 823 A Defsystem: MAKE for Common Lisp 57 KB lang/lisp/code/tools/defsys/laubsch/ 824 A DEFSYS: A Portable System Definition Facility for Common Lisp 24 KB; Version: 5.0, 11-AUG-92 lang/lisp/code/tools/defsys/mkant/ 825 A DEFSYSTEM: Portable and flexible system definition facility for Common Lisp 33 KB; Version: 2.5 8-JAN-92 lang/lisp/code/tools/lint/ 826 A LINT: Lint for Common Lisp. 15 KB; Version: 6/13/89 11:26:40 lang/lisp/code/tools/metering/ 827 A Metering: Portable Code Profiling Tool 62 KB; Version: v2.1 (25-JAN-94) lang/lisp/code/tools/psgraph/ 828 A PSGRAPH: PostScript DAG Grapher 25 KB; Version: Jan-92 lang/lisp/code/tools/sequel/ 829 A SEQUEL: For generating type-secure and efficient Lisp programs. 4295 KB; Version: 7.0 (1-FEB-94) lang/lisp/code/tools/src_cmp/ 830 A Programs for comparing versions of source code. lang/lisp/code/tools/src_cmp/ilisp/ 831 A COMPARE: InterLisp Source Comparison Tool 17 KB; Version: 15-APR-88 lang/lisp/code/tools/src_cmp/mkant/ 832 A Source Compare (SC): A 'diff' program for Common Lisp 55 KB; Version: 24-JAN-91 lang/lisp/code/tools/step/ 833 A Step: Stepper/Debugger for Common Lisp 22 KB; Version: 12-JUN-94 lang/lisp/code/tools/user_man/ 834 A User Manual: Automatical User Manual Creation 29 KB; Version: 5-JAN-93 lang/lisp/code/tools/xref/ 835 A XREF: Static analysis cross-referencing tool for Common Lisp. 29 KB; Version: 27-FEB-91 lang/lisp/doc/ 836 A Documentation, including standards and proposals lang/lisp/doc/bib/ 837 A Bibliography: BibTeX bibliographies of work in Common Lisp 0 KB lang/lisp/doc/history/ 838 A History: Files related to the history of the Lisp programming language. 216 KB lang/lisp/doc/intro/ 839 A Introductions and Tutorials for Lisp and CLOS 45 KB lang/lisp/doc/notes/ 840 A Lisp Notes: Summaries and interesting notes about Lisp-related stuff. 90 KB lang/lisp/doc/standard/ 841 A Lisp Standards: Lisp standards documents and test suites lang/lisp/doc/standard/ansi/ 842 A dpANSI CL: Draft ANSI Standard for Common Lisp 4843 KB lang/lisp/doc/standard/ansi/clos/ 843 A CLOS SPEC: Common Lisp Object System Specification 152 KB; Version: 15-JUN-88 draft lang/lisp/doc/standard/ansi/mop/ 844 A MOP: Specification for the CLOS Metaobject Protocol 559 KB lang/lisp/doc/standard/iso/ 845 A ISO: Draft Standard for ISO Lisp 514 KB lang/lisp/doc/standard/tests/ 846 A CL-Testsuite: Tests Common Lisp (CLtL1) implementations. 396 KB lang/lisp/faq/ 847 A Lisp and CLOS FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) postings for comp.lang.lisp and comp.lang.clos newsgroups 352 KB lang/lisp/gui/ 848 A Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) for Lisp and other graphics code. lang/lisp/gui/clim/ 849 A CLIM Library: Common Lisp Interface Manager code and documentation library lang/lisp/gui/clim/clib/ 850 A CLIB: CLIM Interface Builder 880 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_1/ 851 A CLIM-1: Contributed code that runs under CLIM 1.0 lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_1/browsers/ 852 A Inspectors, browers, and managers for CLIM 1.0 65 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_1/examples/ 853 A Examples of how to do various things in CLIM 1.0 9 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_1/icon_etc/ 854 A Icons, Mice, and Cursors in CLIM 1.0 12 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_1/menus/ 855 A Various implementations of menus in CLIM 1.0 28 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_1/misc/ 856 A Miscellaneous extensions to CLIM 1.0 55 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_1/patches/ 857 A Implementation-independent patches for CLIM 1.0 7 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_1/printing/ 858 A Printing and PostScript-related code for CLIM 1.0 33 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_1/testing/ 859 A Code for testing CLIM 1.0 code 2 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_1/toys/ 860 A Toy (small) example applications for CLIM 1.0 106 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_2/ 861 A CLIM-2: Contributed code that runs under CLIM 2.0 lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_2/browsers/ 862 A Inspectors, graphers, browsers, and managers for CLIM 2.0 9 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_2/examples/ 863 A Examples of how to do various things in CLIM 2.0 17 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_2/luv93tut/ 864 A CLIM 2.0 tutorials from the LUV-93 conference 86 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_2/menus/ 865 A Various implementations of menus for CLIM 2.0 6 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_2/misc/ 866 A Miscellaneous extensions to CLIM 2.0 3 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/clim_2/patches/ 867 A Implementation-independent patches for CLIM 2.0 0 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/general/ 868 A Contributed code that runs under both CLIM 1.0 and 2.0 lang/lisp/gui/clim/general/scigraph/ 869 A SciGraph: BBN's Scientific Graphing Package 157 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/impl_dep/ 870 A Platform-specific CLIM code and patches lang/lisp/gui/clim/impl_dep/allegro/ 871 A CLIM Implementation-Dependent Code for Allegro CL 0 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/impl_dep/lispworx/ 872 A CLIM Implementation-Dependent Code for Harlequin Lispworks 0 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/impl_dep/lucid/ 873 A CLIM Implementation-Dependent Code for Lucid CL 0 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/impl_dep/mcl/ 874 A CLIM Implementation-Dependent Code for MCL 823 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/impl_dep/symbolix/ 875 A CLIM Implementation-Dependent Code for Symbolics Genera 530 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/mail/ 876 A Archives of the CLIM mailing list, 721 KB lang/lisp/gui/clim/papers/ 877 A CLIM Papers and Specifications: Papers about CLIM and its add-ons. 1370 KB lang/lisp/gui/clm/ 878 A CLM, GINA, and IB: Common Lisp Motif, Generic INteractive Application, and Interface Builder 1854 KB; Version: 2.2, 11-NOV-92 lang/lisp/gui/clue/ 879 A CLUE and CLIO: Common Lisp User-Interface Environment and Common Lisp Interactive Objects 1697 KB; Version: 7-1 (24-JAN-90), 7-20 (31-JUL-90) lang/lisp/gui/clx/ 880 A CLX: Common Lisp X binding 1022 KB; Version: R6 (17-APR-94); R5.02 (3-SEP-92) lang/lisp/gui/cw/ 881 A Common Windows: Information about Allegro Common Windows 0 KB lang/lisp/gui/ew/ 882 A EW: Express Windows 1169 KB; Version: Original (2-APR-90); Goodwill (30-AUG-91) lang/lisp/gui/garnet/ 883 A GARNET: One of the biggest and best GUIs for Lisp. 4774 KB; Version: 2.2 (15-OCT-93) lang/lisp/gui/graphers/ 884 A Graphers: Simple grapher that runs in most of the GUIs 43 KB; Version: 11-MAR-91 lang/lisp/gui/lispview/ 885 A LispView: A GUI that doesn't use CLX. 3921 KB; Version: 1.1 (8-NOV-91); Fixes 13-JAN-92 lang/lisp/gui/lispwork/ 886 A Information about Lispworks Toolkit 0 KB lang/lisp/gui/lsp2wish/ 887 A LISP2WISH: Simple demo of synchronous communication between Lisp and Tcl/Tk 5 KB; Version: 6 (13-JUL-94) lang/lisp/gui/picasso/ 888 A Picasso: Graphical User Interface Development System 3423 KB; Version: 2.0 (12-MAR-93); 2.1 (sort of 8-JUN-93) lang/lisp/gui/winterp/ 889 A WINTERP: Widget INTERPreter 6775 KB; Version: 2.02 (14-JUN-94) lang/lisp/gui/xit/ 890 A XIT: X User Interface Toolkit 1826 KB; Version: 5.9.4 (21-JUL-93) lang/lisp/gui/xwin/ 891 A XWIN: Simple X windows for text output from LISP 4 KB; Version: 30-DEC-91 lang/lisp/gui/yy/ 892 A YY: Network oriented window toolkit for Common Lisp. 1885 KB; Version: 1.3a (19-MAR-91), 1.5a3 (5-NOV-92) lang/lisp/impl/ 893 A Free/Shareware Common Lisp implementations lang/lisp/impl/allegro/ 894 A Allegro CL: Information about Allegro Common Lisp. 127 KB; Version: 4.1 lang/lisp/impl/alsp/ 895 A Lisp-like data structures for ADA 113 KB; Version: 1.0 (17-MAR-86) lang/lisp/impl/awk/ 896 A AWK Lisp: Lisp implemented in AWK 26 KB; Version: 23-JUL-90 lang/lisp/impl/bbn/ 897 A BBN: BBN Butterfly Common Lisp and BBN Butterfly Scheme 19100 KB; Version: 2.00 (6-APR-90); 4-FEB-93 lang/lisp/impl/clicc/ 898 A CLiCC: Common Lisp to C Compiler 7349 KB; Version: 0.6.4 (23-JUN-94); 0.6.2 (3-JAN-94); 0.6.1 (30-JUL-93) lang/lisp/impl/clisp/ 899 A CLISP: Common Lisp implementation from Germany 45381 KB; Version: 1993-11-08 lang/lisp/impl/cmucl/ 900 A CMU CL: CMU Common Lisp 79529 KB; Version: 17e (11-MAR-94); 17c (19-SEP-93) lang/lisp/impl/ecolisp/ 901 A ECoLisp: Compiles Lisp into C 4780 KB; Version: 0.12 (3-JUL-94); 0.11 (29-JUN-94); 0.10 (22-NOV-93) lang/lisp/impl/elisp/ 902 A ELISP: GNU Emacs Lisp manual 1497 KB; Version: 6-DEC-93 lang/lisp/impl/el_cl/ 903 A CL.EL: Common Lisp compatibility package for GNU-Emacs Lisp 133 KB; Version: 3.0 (7-FEB-93) lang/lisp/impl/gcl/ 904 A GCL: GNU Common Lisp 1400 KB; Version: 1.0 (10-MAY-94) lang/lisp/impl/kamin/ 905 A Kamin: Tim Budd's C++ Implementation of the Kamin Interpreters 711 KB; Version: 11-SEP-91 lang/lisp/impl/kcl/ 906 A KCL: Kyoto Common Lisp 9663 KB; Version: KCL (10-JUN-87); AKCL 1-615 (28-APR-92) lang/lisp/impl/lily/ 907 A LILY: C++ Class Library for writing Lisp-style C++ code 59 KB; Version: 0.1 (November 1993) lang/lisp/impl/mcl/ 908 A MCL: Information about Macintosh Common Lisp 124 KB; Version: 2.0 lang/lisp/impl/pearl/ 909 A Pearl: Information about Pearl Lisp 4 KB lang/lisp/impl/powerlsp/ 910 A PowerLisp: Shareware Common Lisp for the Macintosh 1484 KB; Version: 1.10 () ; 1.01 (6-SEP-93) lang/lisp/impl/reflisp/ 911 A RefLisp: Reference-counting Lisp Interpreter 812 KB; Version: 2.67 (27-FEB-93) lang/lisp/impl/starlisp/ 912 A STARSIM: Thinking Machines' *Lisp Simulator 1392 KB; Version: F19.0 lang/lisp/impl/starlisp/tutorial/ 913 A StarLisp Tutorial: Tutorial for CM5 *Lisp 102 KB; Version: 23-JAN-94 lang/lisp/impl/wcl/ 914 A WCL: Wade's CL, a shared library implementation of Common Lisp 35257 KB; Version: 2.2 (15-JUL-94); 2.14 lang/lisp/impl/xlisp/ 915 A XLISP: XLISP programming language 4673 KB; Version: 2.1e3; 2.1g bc (bytecode version) lang/lisp/impl/xlspstat/ 916 A XLISP-Stat: Statistical version of XLISP 7425 KB; Version: 2.1 R3.37 beta (23-JUN-94); 2.1 R2 lang/lisp/mail/ 917 A Mail archives for the list. 18 KB lang/lisp/oop/ 918 A OOP: Code related to object-oriented programming. lang/lisp/oop/clos/ 919 A CLOS: Code related to the Common Lisp Object System lang/lisp/oop/clos/closette/ 920 A CLOSETTE: Implements subset of CLOS with a metaobject protocol. 25 KB; Version: 1.0 (10-FEB-91) lang/lisp/oop/clos/code/ 921 A CLOS Code Library: User contributed CLOS code. 32 KB lang/lisp/oop/clos/kee/ 922 A KEE CLOS: Subset of CLOS implemented in IntelliCorp's KEE system. 33 KB; Version: October 11, 1990 lang/lisp/oop/clos/pcl/ 923 A PCL: Portable implementation of CLOS. 785 KB; Version: JUL-92-1d, 16-SEP-92-f lang/lisp/oop/non_clos/ 924 A Object-oriented programming systems not related to CLOS. lang/lisp/oop/non_clos/cool/ 925 A COOL: Implementation of HP's CommonObjects on top of the PCL metaclass kernel. 160 KB; Version: 10-MAY-87 lang/lisp/oop/non_clos/corbit/ 926 A CORBIT and BOOPS: Object-oriented extension of Common Lisp based on a prototype (classless) model of OOP. 185 KB; Version: 21-JAN-93 lang/lisp/oop/non_clos/mcs/ 927 A MCS: Meta Class System, a portable object-oriented extension to Common Lisp. 723 KB; Version: 1.3.1 (13-MAY-91); 1.4.1 (16-NOV-92) lang/lisp/txt/ 928 A Online Lisp-related tech reports and papers. lang/lisp/txt/gabriel/ 929 A Article by Richard P. Gabriel on Lisp. 68 KB lang/lisp/txt/garbage/ 930 A Papers about garbage collection, persistence, and memory hierarchy implementation. 3357 KB lang/lisp/txt/style/ 931 A Lisp Style Guides 32 KB lang/lisp/util/ 932 A Utilities for programming in Lisp. lang/lisp/util/emacs/ 933 A Emacs-related utilities for programming in Lisp. lang/lisp/util/emacs/cl_shell/ 934 A CL Shell: Running Common Lisp as an Emacs subprocess. 83 KB; Version: 18-OCT-93 lang/lisp/util/emacs/edebug/ 935 A Edebug: Source level debugger for Emacs Lisp. 235 KB; Version: 3.4 (23-MAR-94) lang/lisp/util/emacs/franz/ 936 A ELI: Franz's Emacs-Lisp interface 266 KB; Version: 2.0.11 lang/lisp/util/emacs/ilisp/ 937 A ILISP: Powerful dialect independent GNU-Emacs/Lisp interface. 326 KB; Version: 5.5 (2-SEP-93) lang/lisp/util/emacs/refcard/ 938 A Reference card for Allegro CL and Franz's Emacs interface. 36 KB; Version: 1.0 (9-APR-92) lang/lisp/util/sgml/ 939 A SGML2Lisp: SGML output formatting tool 7 KB lang/lisp/util/tags/ 940 A Lisp TAGS: Creates a tagfile from Lisp source for use with vi 5 KB; Version: 1.5, 22-APR-93 lang/lisp/util/tex/ 941 A CLtL2-TeX: TeX style macros for formatting Lisp code. 71 KB; Version: 20-May-93 lang/lisp/util/vgrind/ 942 A VGRIND: VGrind/TGrind entries for Common Lisp. 2 KB; Version: 16-DEC-93 lang/others/ 943 B Other programming languages of interest to AI folks, including Standard ML, Dylan, and Lisp dialects besides Scheme and Common Lisp. lang/others/dylan/ 944 B Dylan: Apple's new Object-Oriented Dynamic Language. lang/others/dylan/code/ 945 B Library of Dylan code. lang/others/dylan/code/bnf/ 946 B YACC version of the BNF grammar for Dylan from Design Note 22. 3 KB; Version: 7-FEB-94 lang/others/dylan/code/manual/ 947 B Code examples from the Dylan manual 28 KB lang/others/dylan/doc/ 948 B Documentation and papers about Dylan lang/others/dylan/doc/design/ 949 B Design Notes for Dylan 847 KB lang/others/dylan/doc/manual/ 950 B DIRM: Dyland Interim Reference Manual 298 KB lang/others/dylan/doc/poetry/ 951 B Dylan Thomas's poem 1 KB lang/others/dylan/doc/semantic/ 952 B Dylan's Semantics: Incomplete denotational semantics of Dylan 46 KB; Version: 12-MAY-93 lang/others/dylan/faq/ 953 B Dylan FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Dylan 34 KB lang/others/dylan/impl/ 954 B Free implementations of Dylan lang/others/dylan/impl/gwydion/ 955 B Gwydion: Information about the CMU Gwydion compiler 11 KB lang/others/dylan/impl/marlais/ 956 B Marlais: Interpreter for a Dylan-like language. 1826 KB; Version: 0.4 (13-JUL-94) lang/others/dylan/impl/mindy/ 957 B Mindy: Mindy Is Not Dylan Yet 359 KB; Version: 1.0 (30-JUN-94) lang/others/dylan/impl/thomas/ 958 B Thomas: Compiler for a Dylan-like language. 1318 KB; Version: 1.1 (25-SEP-92) lang/others/dylan/impl/thomas/mac/ 959 B Thomas on top of MacGambit 2.0 459 KB; Version: 1.1 (25-SEP-92) lang/others/dylan/impl/thomas/sparc/ 960 B Sparc patches for Thomas. 9 KB; Version: 21-JAN-93 lang/others/dylan/mail/ 961 B Dylan Mail: Mail archives for the INFO-DYLAN mailing list. 356 KB lang/others/eulisp/ 962 B EuLisp: EuLisp language implementations. lang/others/eulisp/eu2c/ 963 B Apply/Eu2C: EuLisp->C compiler 1968 KB; Version: 94-02 (9-FEB-94) lang/others/eulisp/feel/ 964 B FEEL: Initial implementation of the EuLisp language. 11723 KB; Version: Feel 0.90 (23-NOV-93); Defn 0.99 (31-JUL-93); Comp 0.89 (31-JUL-93) lang/others/eulisp/feel/telos/ 965 B Telos: Implementation of the EuLisp Object System 295 KB; Version: Telos 3.1 (17-DEC-93); Telosis 1.00f (7-SEP-93) lang/others/franzlsp/ 966 B Free implementations of Franz Lisp. lang/others/franzlsp/op38_93b/ 967 B Public domain version of Franz Lisp. 1081 KB; Version: Opus 38.93b lang/others/franzlsp/op38_bs/ 968 B Public domain version of Franz Lisp. 1055 KB; Version: Opus 38.92 (Barry Schein, 24-JUL-87) lang/others/franzlsp/op38_jd/ 969 B 386/486 port Franz Lisp. 1551 KB; Version: Opus 38.92 (Jeff Dalton, 16-MAR-94) lang/others/franzlsp/op38_ucd/ 970 B Public domain version of Franz Lisp. 1015 KB; Version: Opus 38.92 (UC Davis, 20-DEC-89) lang/others/franzlsp/pclisp/ 971 B PCLisp: Franz Lisp interpreter for IBM PCs 282 KB; Version: 3.00 (1-FEB-90) lang/others/kalypso/ 972 B Kalypso: A portable Unix Lisp interpreter. 166 KB; Version: 1.0 (15-AUG-89) lang/others/ml/ 973 B Free implementations of the Standard ML language lang/others/ml/caml_lt/ 974 B Caml Light: Small, portable implementation of the ML language 4947 KB; Version: 0.6 (1-SEP-93) lang/others/ml/sml_nj/ 975 B Standard ML of New Jersey: Free implementation of the Standard ML language. 17532 KB; Version: SML-NJ 0.93 (16-FEB-93) lang/prolog/ 976 A CMU Prolog Repository lang/prolog/bookcode/ 977 A Machine readable parts of various Prolog books lang/prolog/bookcode/aitp/ 978 A AITP: Code from Shoham's book, "AI Techniques in Prolog". 43 KB; Version: 22-JAN-93 lang/prolog/bookcode/aop/ 979 A AOP: Code from Sterling's book "The Art of Prolog" 64 KB lang/prolog/bookcode/ppid/ 980 A PPID: Code from Covington's book, "Prolog Programming in Depth". 331 KB; Version: 24-MAY-88 lang/prolog/bookcode/tutor/ 981 A TUTOR: Jocelyn Paine's Logic Programming Tutor 451 KB lang/prolog/code/ 982 A Prolog code for benchmarking, research, education, and fun lang/prolog/code/bench/ 983 A Prolog Benchmarking Suites 206 KB lang/prolog/code/debug/ 984 A Prolog programs for debugging Prolog programs. lang/prolog/code/debug/protest/ 985 A PROTEST: PROlog TESTer 11 KB; Version: 28-OCT-88 lang/prolog/code/debug/shapiro/ 986 A SHAPIRO: Shapiro's Prolog debugger. 11 KB; Version: 3-OCT-88 lang/prolog/code/demo/ 987 A Demonstration packages from various Prolog implementations lang/prolog/code/demo/esl/ 988 A Demo Prolog programs from Expert Systems Ltd. (ESL), Oxford. 42 KB; Version: 6-MAY-92 lang/prolog/code/demo/sics/ 989 A SICStus: Demonstration Prolog programs from Sicstus Prolog. 488 KB lang/prolog/code/ext/ 990 A Collection of miscellaneous Prolog code/extensions. lang/prolog/code/ext/atn/ 991 A ATN: Prolog transition net interpreter. 5 KB; Version: 11-JAN-91 lang/prolog/code/ext/cugini/ 992 A CUGINI Extensions: NBS/ICST Prolog Utility Library 33 KB; Version: 30-JUL-88 lang/prolog/code/ext/dlists/ 993 A DLISTS: Prolog doubly-linked list package. 3 KB; Version: 6-DEC-87 (3-NOV-87) lang/prolog/code/ext/id/ 994 A Prolog Iterative Deepening Interpreter 2 KB; Version: 11-JUL-88 lang/prolog/code/ext/interval/ 995 A INTERVALS: Prolog sets-as-interval predicates 7 KB; Version: 21-DEC-87 lang/prolog/code/ext/jorge/ 996 A Prolog list-handling predicates. 2 KB; Version: 21-DEC-87 lang/prolog/code/ext/length/ 997 A Bounded-length version of the list-length predicate 2 KB; Version: 21-AUG-93 (26-FEB-91) lang/prolog/code/ext/trees/ 998 A Prolog 2-3 Trees Package 12 KB; Version: 21-AUG-91 lang/prolog/code/ext/vaucher/ 999 A Jean Vaucher's implementation of structures in Prolog. 6 KB; Version: 15-AUG-89 lang/prolog/code/fun/ 1000 A Some random fun programs written in Prolog lang/prolog/code/fun/life/ 1001 A Conway's Game of Life implemented in Prolog 5 KB; Version: 8-MAR-94 lang/prolog/code/fun/mastermd/ 1002 A Prolog program that plays the Mastermind code-breaking game. 4 KB; Version: 21-AUG-83 lang/prolog/code/fun/prolib/ 1003 A PROLIB: Prolog programs by Carl Bredlau 9 KB; Version: 7-NOV-85 lang/prolog/code/fun/rubik/ 1004 A RUBIK: Prolog solution to Rubik's Cube by AMZI! 128 KB lang/prolog/code/fun/ttt/ 1005 A TIC-TAC-TOE: A Prolog implementation of Noughts and Crosses 4 KB; Version: FEB-91 lang/prolog/code/io/ 1006 A IO: Prolog code dealing with input and output routines. lang/prolog/code/io/pl2sql/ 1007 A PL2SQL: Prolog to SQL interface 149 KB; Version: 1.1 (21-DEC-92) lang/prolog/code/io/turtle/ 1008 A Prolog turtle graphics. 8 KB; Version: 12-DEC-87 (25-MAR-87) lang/prolog/code/io/vt100/ 1009 A VT100 VT52: Prolog cursor-addressing predicates. 1 KB; Version: 21-DEC-87 lang/prolog/code/library/ 1010 A Prolog Library: A collection of Prolog programs from the defunct Prolog-Hackers mailing list. 485 KB; Version: 21-AUG-90 lang/prolog/code/math/ 1011 A Math Library: Prolog code for various mathematical functions. lang/prolog/code/math/algebra/ 1012 A Algebra: Computer algebra system implemented in Prolog 41 KB; Version: 1.0 (12-APR-87) lang/prolog/code/math/graph/ 1013 A Prolog graph-handling routines 9 KB; Version: 12-JAN-91 lang/prolog/code/math/interval/ 1014 A II: Integer arithmetic constraint system using interval arithmetic. 23 KB; Version: 1.5 (23-FEB-93) lang/prolog/code/meta/ 1015 A Meta-circular interpreter for Prolog 3 KB; Version: 2-MAR-84 lang/prolog/code/misc/ 1016 A Miscellaneous uncategorized Prolog Code 4 KB lang/prolog/code/parsing/ 1017 A Collection of Prolog code for parsing. lang/prolog/code/parsing/ale/ 1018 A ALE: Attribute Logic Engine 225 KB; Version: 13-JAN-93 (beta) lang/prolog/code/parsing/draw/ 1019 A DRAW: Draws parse trees. 10 KB lang/prolog/code/parsing/grexpand/ 1020 A GREXPAND: Jocelyn Paine's Prolog grammar-rule translator 9 KB; Version: 6-DEC-87 lang/prolog/code/parsing/gulp/ 1021 A GULP: Graph Unification and Logic Programming 93 KB lang/prolog/code/parsing/lp/ 1022 A LP: Parser for Prolog written in C. 157 KB; Version: 31-MAR-94 lang/prolog/code/syntax/ 1023 A Code related to changing or translating to/from Prolog syntax. lang/prolog/code/syntax/asn/ 1024 A ASN: Prolog abstract syntax notation translator. 20 KB; Version: 14-NOV-89 (17-JUL-89) lang/prolog/code/syntax/compiler/ 1025 A GRIPS Compiler: Grips/Prolog demonstration mini-compiler. 14 KB; Version: 11-JAN-91 lang/prolog/code/syntax/dctg/ 1026 A DCTG: Prolog definite clause translation grammar translator. 4 KB; Version: 21-JUL-90 lang/prolog/code/syntax/grips/ 1027 A GRIPS Translator: GRIPS -- A functional language in Prolog 20 KB; Version: 11-JAN-91 lang/prolog/code/testing/ 1028 A Prolog programs for testing Prolog programs. lang/prolog/code/testing/autotest/ 1029 A AUTOTEST: Prolog predicate auto-tester 7 KB; Version: 20-FEB-88 lang/prolog/code/testing/optest/ 1030 A OPTEST: Prolog operator tests 3 KB; Version: 3-OCT-88 lang/prolog/code/tools/ 1031 A Prolog Utilities: Collection of miscellaneous Prolog tools. lang/prolog/code/tools/caslog/ 1032 A CASLOG: Complexity Analysis System for LOGic 428 KB; Version: 1.0 alpha (20-DEC-92) lang/prolog/code/tools/consult/ 1033 A Prolog Consultant: Prolog programming consultant 8 KB; Version: 1.00 (20-MAR-88) lang/prolog/code/tools/crossref/ 1034 A STATIC CALLS: Prolog static call cross-referencing analyzer. 3 KB; Version: 30-JUL-88 lang/prolog/code/tools/dcg/ 1035 A EDCG: Extended DCG notation for Prolog 20 KB; Version: JUL-91 lang/prolog/code/tools/edinbrgh/ 1036 A EDINBURGH TOOLS: Edinburgh DEC-10 Prolog utility library. 316 KB; Version: 6-JUL-88 lang/prolog/code/tools/prom/ 1037 A PROM: Prolog "make" tool for building large systems 152 KB; Version: 1.0 (22-APR-92); 1.1a (13-OCT-93) lang/prolog/code/tools/ptn/ 1038 A PTN: Parse Tree Notation 91 KB; Version: 25-MAY-94 lang/prolog/code/tools/split/ 1039 A SPLIT: Prolog file separator. 5 KB; Version: 21-DEC-87 lang/prolog/doc/ 1040 A Documentation, including standards, introductions, bibliographies lang/prolog/doc/bib/ 1041 A Bibliographies of work in Prolog lang/prolog/doc/bib/iandc/ 1042 A IANDC: Bibliography of journal "Information and Computation" 171 KB; Version: 1.31 (05-JAN-94) lang/prolog/doc/bib/lics/ 1043 A LICS: Bibliography for the annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science 188 KB; Version: 3.00 (5-AUG-93) lang/prolog/doc/bib/lp/ 1044 A LP: Logic Programming Bibliographies 276 KB; Version: patchlevel 14 (30-JUN-94) lang/prolog/doc/bib/oolog/ 1045 A OOLOG: Bibliography of work on integrating object-oriented and logic programming. 443 KB; Version: 27-MAR-93 lang/prolog/doc/bib/prolog/ 1046 A General bibliographies of work on Prolog 135 KB lang/prolog/doc/bib/tacs/ 1047 A TACS: Bibliographies of the International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software 185 KB; Version: 1.0 (12-JUN-92) lang/prolog/doc/com/ 1048 A Documentation and information from vendors 42 KB lang/prolog/doc/intro/ 1049 A Introductions to Prolog: Edinburgh (DEC-10) Prolog User's Manual 303 KB lang/prolog/doc/notes/ 1050 A Prolog Notes: Summaries and interesting notes about Prolog stuff. 16 KB lang/prolog/doc/pl_1000/ 1051 A Prolog 1000: The Prolog 1000 database of real Prolog applications 185 KB; Version: v1 lang/prolog/doc/standard/ 1052 A Prolog Standards Documents 1193 KB lang/prolog/doc/survey/ 1053 A Survey papers related to logic programming. 853 KB lang/prolog/faq/ 1054 A Prolog FAQ Postings: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) postings for comp.lang.prolog and comp.object.logic newsgroups 220 KB lang/prolog/gui/ 1055 A Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) for Prolog lang/prolog/gui/pi/ 1056 A PI and Ytoolkit: Prolog interfaces to X-Windows 448 KB; Version: PI -- 1.2 (16-SEP-93); YToolkit (25-May-93) lang/prolog/gui/protcl/ 1057 A ProTcl: Prolog interface to Tcl/Tk. 2234 KB; Version: 1.0 (21-SEP-93) lang/prolog/gui/xpce/ 1058 A XPCE: Information about the XPCE object-oriented X-windows interface toolkit. 7820 KB; Version: 4.6.6 lang/prolog/gui/xpce/linux/ 1059 A Demo version of XPCE/SWI-Prolog for Linux 3563 KB; Version: 4.6.6 lang/prolog/gui/xwip/ 1060 A XWIP: X-Windows Interface for PROLOG. 1049 KB; Version: 0.6.2 (6-APR-93) lang/prolog/impl/ 1061 A Free/Shareware Prolog implementations lang/prolog/impl/clp/ 1062 A Constraint Logic Programming implementations lang/prolog/impl/clp/clp_fd/ 1063 A clp(FD): Prolog and Constraints over Finite Domains and Booleans 259 KB; Version: 2.1 (8-JUN-94) lang/prolog/impl/clp/cup/ 1064 A cu-Prolog III: Constraint Logic Programming Language cu-Prolog 1200 KB lang/prolog/impl/clp/cup/icot/ 1065 A cu-Prolog III: Original ICOT version 169 KB; Version: CUP 3.1 (22-SEP-93); JPSG 1.3 (6-JUN-92) lang/prolog/impl/clp/cup/jpsg/ 1066 A JPSG: Japanese Phrase Structure Grammar parser in CUP 8 KB; Version: 1.3 (2-JUL-93) lang/prolog/impl/clp/cup/mac/ 1067 A MacCUP: Macintosh version of cu-Prolog III 428 KB; Version: MacCup 080c (7-SEP-93) lang/prolog/impl/clp/cup/msdos/ 1068 A DJCup: MS-DOS version of cu-Prolog III 281 KB; Version: DJCup 3.80d (7-SEP-93) lang/prolog/impl/clp/cup/unix/ 1069 A cu-Prolog III: Extended UNIX version 314 KB; Version: CUP extended version 3.80d (27-AUG-93) lang/prolog/impl/fp_lp/ 1070 A Implementations of Functional/Logic Programming Languages lang/prolog/impl/fp_lp/alf/ 1071 A ALF: Algebraic Logic Functional programming language 1114 KB; Version: 23-JUN-92 (ALF preprocessor 0.7.3, FlatALF Compiler 2.13, A-WAM Bytecode Interpreter 0.5.9) lang/prolog/impl/fp_lp/aspect/ 1072 A ASpecT: A functional logic programming language. 1782 KB lang/prolog/impl/fp_lp/eql/ 1073 A EqL: General purpose language combining functional and logic programming 199 KB; Version: 1.0 (May 1987) lang/prolog/impl/fp_lp/fp/ 1074 A FP: A C implementation of John Backus' "FP" language. 19 KB; Version: 5-JAN-1990 lang/prolog/impl/fp_lp/life/ 1075 A Wild_LIFE: Implementation of LIFE, a programming language that integrates functional programming, logic programming, and object-oriented programming. 2780 KB; Version: 1.0 (18-MAR-94); 0.91 (11-FEB-93) lang/prolog/impl/lp/ 1076 A Logic programming language implementations other than Prolog. lang/prolog/impl/lp/coral/ 1077 A CORAL: Deductive database/logic programming language. 25243 KB; Version: 1.1 (2-FEB-94) lang/prolog/impl/lp/lolli/ 1078 A Lolli: An interpreter for linear logic programming. 2150 KB; Version: 7.01 (1-DEC-92) lang/prolog/impl/other/ 1079 A Other logic-related languages of interest. lang/prolog/impl/other/goedel/ 1080 A Goedel: Prolog-like language with improved declarative semantics. 5416 KB; Version: 1.4 (16-MAY-94); 1.3.27 (24-JAN-94) lang/prolog/impl/other/ho_unif/ 1081 A HO_UNIF: Higher Order E-Unification 1883 KB; Version: 26-AUG-93 lang/prolog/impl/other/prosit/ 1082 A PROSIT: Programming in SItuation Theory 469 KB; Version: 0.3 (10-AUG-91) lang/prolog/impl/other/sel2/ 1083 A SEL2: Declarative set-processing language that generates WAM code 728 KB; Version: 2 lang/prolog/impl/parallel/ 1084 A Free/Shareware Parallel Prolog implementations lang/prolog/impl/parallel/akl/ 1085 A AKL: Andorra Kernel Language, a concurrent constraint programming language. 1610 KB; Version: 0.9 (9-NOV-93) lang/prolog/impl/parallel/bebop/ 1086 A BeBOP, bp, and pnp: Parallel Object-Oriented Logic Programming 224 KB; Version: 1.0 (13-SEP-93) lang/prolog/impl/parallel/fcp/ 1087 A FCP: Flat Concurrent Prolog 10 KB; Version: 16-MAY-84 lang/prolog/impl/parallel/ncl/ 1088 A NCL: Net-Clause Language 63 KB; Version: 2.0 (1-JUL-93) lang/prolog/impl/parallel/pcn/ 1089 A PCN: Program Composition Notation 2096 KB; Version: 2.0 (2-FEB-93) lang/prolog/impl/parallel/rolog/ 1090 A ROLOG: Parallel Prolog compiler with a reduce-OR process model. 324 KB; Version: 1.0 (28-NOV-89) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/ 1091 A Free/Shareware Prolog implementations lang/prolog/impl/prolog/adapdpro/ 1092 A ADA PD Prolog: Slow Prolog for MS-DOS systems. 328 KB; Version: 1.91 (28-MAY-86) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/aquarius/ 1093 A Aquarius Prolog: Information about Aquarius Prolog, a free (with license) high-performance portable implementation of Prolog. 812 KB lang/prolog/impl/prolog/beta_pl/ 1094 A Beta Prolog: Fast and portable Prolog emulator and compiler. 257 KB; Version: 1.1 (11-MAR-94) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/bin_pl/ 1095 A BinProlog: Fast, small, and portable Prolog compiler. lang/prolog/impl/prolog/bin_pl/bp/ 1096 A BinProlog: Fast, small, and portable Prolog compiler. 1997 KB; Version: 2.20 (7-JAN-94) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/bin_pl/mbp/ 1097 A MultiBinProlog: Linda-style Parallel extension to BinProlog 212 KB; Version: 2.00 (10-JUN-93) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/bin_pl/tcl/ 1098 A Tcl/Tk: X-Windows Toolkits 1221 KB; Version: TCL 7.3, TK 3.6 lang/prolog/impl/prolog/eclipse/ 1099 A ECLiPSe: ECRC Logic Programming System 2248 KB; Version: 3.4 lang/prolog/impl/prolog/elp/ 1100 A eLP: Ergo Lambda Prolog 1410 KB; Version: 0.15 (12-FEB-90) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/eslpdpro/ 1101 A ESL Prolog-2 (PD Version): Good performance public domain (limited) version of a Prolog for MS-DOS systems. 298 KB; Version: 2.30 (30-JAN-91) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/frolic/ 1102 A FROLIC: Prolog implemented in Common Lisp and integrated with the FROBS knowledge representation system 138 KB; Version: 19-AUG-93 lang/prolog/impl/prolog/icp/ 1103 A ICP: IC-Prolog ][, a multi-threaded Prolog implementation suitable for distributed applications. 5793 KB; Version: ICP 0.96 (28-SEP-93); Parlog 1.5.9 (29-SEP-93) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/icp/lo/ 1104 A LO: Logic and Objects 157 KB lang/prolog/impl/prolog/jbprolog/ 1105 A JB-Prolog: Fast Prolog Demo System for the Macintosh 1282 KB; Version: 2.1.2 (24-JAN-94) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/lmprolog/ 1106 A LM-Prolog: Prolog implemented in ZetaLisp for Lisp Machines. 232 KB; Version: 4-JAN-90 lang/prolog/impl/prolog/lp/ 1107 A LP: Lambda Prolog 166 KB; Version: 2.7 (10-NOV-88) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/mac_pl/ 1108 A MacProlog: Demonstration version of LPA MacProlog. 532 KB; Version: 3.0 lang/prolog/impl/prolog/op/ 1109 A Open Prolog: Prolog interpreter for the Apple Macintosh 906 KB; Version: 1.0.2d0 lang/prolog/impl/prolog/pdprolog/ 1110 A A.D.A. PD Prolog: A slow Prolog for MS-DOS systems. 330 KB; Version: 1.90 (5-MAY-86) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/pm/ 1111 A Prolog/Mali: Compiler for higher-order Lambda Prolog 3618 KB; Version: 1.8 (5-NOV-93) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/ppicl/ 1112 A FJ PPiCL: Portable Prolog in Common Lisp from Japan 6 KB; Version: 2.0 (21-NOV-88) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/prolog2r/ 1113 A PrologIIR: Un interpreteur de Prolog. 557 KB; Version: 16-DEC-90 lang/prolog/impl/prolog/prolog68/ 1114 A Prolog68: WAM-based Prolog for Atari ST and TT computers. 114 KB; Version: 0.93 lang/prolog/impl/prolog/sbprolog/ 1115 A SB-Prolog: Stony Brook Prolog 3525 KB; Version: 2.5, 3.0, 3.1 lang/prolog/impl/prolog/schelog/ 1116 A Schelog: Embedding of Prolog in Scheme 19 KB; Version: 2 (18-FEB-93) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/scm_pl/ 1117 A Prolog implemented in Scheme, with interval arithmetic. 36 KB; Version: 1.2 (12-JUN-92) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/sicstus/ 1118 A SICStus: Information about SICStus Prolog for Unix. 0 KB; Version: 2.1 lang/prolog/impl/prolog/swi_pl/ 1119 A SWI Prolog: Fairly complete Edinburgh-style Prolog. 2345 KB; Version: 1.9 (5-JUN-94); 1.8.7 (31-JAN-93) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/tricia/ 1120 A Tricia Prolog: Edinburgh-style Prolog for Macintosh (and UNIX). 466 KB; Version: 0.9.5 d29 (20-OCT-93) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/unsw_pl/ 1121 A UNSW Prolog: Prolog for the Amiga 334 KB; Version: 4.2 lang/prolog/impl/prolog/wamcc/ 1122 A WAMCC: WAM-based Prolog to C compiler 192 KB; Version: 2.1 (8-JUN-94) lang/prolog/impl/prolog/xsb/ 1123 A XSB Prolog: Prolog extended with OLDT (tabling) and Hilog terms. 900 KB; Version: 1.3 (14-SEP-93) lang/prolog/impl/wam/ 1124 A WAM: WAM emulators and tracers. lang/prolog/impl/wam/luther/ 1125 A Luther: Luther-based WAM tracer. 312 KB lang/prolog/impl/wam/wam_int/ 1126 A WAM-Int: WAM interpreter 42 KB; Version: 1.1 (19-SEP-89) lang/prolog/oop/ 1127 A OOP: Code related to object-oriented programming in Prolog. lang/prolog/oop/ol/ 1128 A OL(P): Object Layer for Prolog 59 KB; Version: 1.1 (23-JUN-93) lang/prolog/oop/poem/ 1129 A POEM: Prolog Object-Oriented Embedded Manager 10 KB; Version: 10-SEP-88 lang/prolog/txt/ 1130 A Online Prolog-related tech reports and papers. lang/prolog/txt/proc/ 1131 A Machine readable forms of conference proceedings 15042 KB lang/prolog/util/ 1132 A Utilities for programming in Prolog. lang/prolog/util/latex2pl/ 1133 A Literate Prolog: LaTeX macros for including Prolog code in documents. 13 KB; Version: 24-FEB-93 lang/prolog/util/ptags/ 1134 A PTAGS: Creates a tags file from Prolog sources 10 KB; Version: 5-MAR-89 lang/scheme/ 1135 A CMU Scheme Repository lang/scheme/bookcode/ 1136 A Machine readable parts of various Scheme books lang/scheme/bookcode/aibook/ 1137 A AIbook: Code from Kreutzer and McKenzie's AI book. 246 KB lang/scheme/bookcode/eopl/ 1138 A EOPL: Code from Friedman, Wand, and Haynes' book "Essentials of Programming Languages". 171 KB lang/scheme/bookcode/sap/ 1139 A SAP: Code from Springer and Friedman's book "Scheme and the Art of Programming" 30 KB lang/scheme/bookcode/sicp/ 1140 A SICP: Code from Abelson and Sussman's book "Structure and the Interpretation of Computer Programs" 30 KB lang/scheme/bookcode/ssics/ 1141 A SSICS: Code from Harvey and Wright's book "Simply Scheme" 25 KB lang/scheme/code/ 1142 A Scheme code for benchmarking, research, education, and fun lang/scheme/code/bench/ 1143 A Scheme Benchmarking Suites lang/scheme/code/bench/gabriel/ 1144 A Gabriel Benchmarks: Scheme version of the Gabriel Lisp benchmarks 19 KB; Version: 9-FEB-88 lang/scheme/code/csp/ 1145 A Constraint: Port of Steele's Constraint System 17 KB lang/scheme/code/debug/ 1146 A Scheme programs for debugging Scheme programs. lang/scheme/code/debug/psd/ 1147 A PSD: Portable Scheme Debugger 329 KB; Version: 1.3 (4-MAY-94) lang/scheme/code/debug/sclint/ 1148 A SCLINT: A lint-like program for Scheme. 20 KB; Version: 0.9 (8-MAR-93) lang/scheme/code/debug/xscheme/ 1149 A XScheme: Graphical Scheme debugger 224 KB; Version: 0.2 lang/scheme/code/eval/ 1150 A Scheme code related to partial evaluation, metacircular evaluation, compilation, and so on. lang/scheme/code/eval/blond/ 1151 A BLOND: Non-reflective simulator of a reflective tower. 46 KB; Version: 6-OCT-88 lang/scheme/code/eval/compil/ 1152 A COMPIL: A small, optimizing Scheme compiler. 11 KB lang/scheme/code/eval/cpst/ 1153 A CPST: Left-to-right call-by-value CPS transformation 4 KB; Version: 21-JUN-94 lang/scheme/code/eval/lambda/ 1154 A Lambda: Interprete de lambda-calcul 25 KB lang/scheme/code/eval/log_scm/ 1155 A LogScheme: Metacircular evaluator for a logical extension of Scheme. 21 KB lang/scheme/code/eval/pass2/ 1156 A Pass2: Second pass of the Scheme 313 compiler 9 KB; Version: 17-APR-91 lang/scheme/code/eval/peval/ 1157 A PEVAL: A toy partial evaluator 21 KB; Version: 15-MAY-88 lang/scheme/code/eval/plscm/ 1158 A PLScheme: Virtual machine and compiler for Scheme. 31 KB; Version: 8-DEC-88 lang/scheme/code/eval/semant/ 1159 A SEMANT: Scheme semantics 31 KB; Version: January 1987 lang/scheme/code/ext/ 1160 A Scheme Code Extensions: Collections of miscellaneous Scheme code. lang/scheme/code/ext/arrays/ 1161 A Multidimensional arrays in Scheme lang/scheme/code/ext/arrays/arrays/ 1162 A Alan Bawden's multidimensional arrays for Scheme 11 KB; Version: 21-FEB-93 lang/scheme/code/ext/arrays/grid/ 1163 A Grids: A simple implementation of multidimensional arrays. 1 KB; Version: 20-MAR-93 lang/scheme/code/ext/avl/ 1164 A AVL: AVL trees and tries. 10 KB; Version: AVL trees 1.1 (27-OCT-93); AVL tries 1.1 (4-DEC-93) lang/scheme/code/ext/function/ 1165 A Extensions related to functions 4 KB lang/scheme/code/ext/hash/ 1166 A General Table: Hash table implementation for Scheme 5 KB; Version: 21-APR-94 lang/scheme/code/ext/lattices/ 1167 A Lattices: Jim Miller's Conform package. 18 KB lang/scheme/code/ext/lists/ 1168 A Code for manipulating lists of various kinds. lang/scheme/code/ext/lists/prop/ 1169 A Prop: Simple implementation of property lists. 2 KB lang/scheme/code/ext/lists/proplist/ 1170 A Proplist: Hash-table implementation of property lists. 3 KB lang/scheme/code/ext/lists/sort/ 1171 A Portable and efficient destructive and non-destructive sorts. 9 KB; Version: 11-JUN-91 lang/scheme/code/ext/resource/ 1172 A Resources: Implementation of resources (weak pools) for Scheme. 8 KB lang/scheme/code/ext/sets/ 1173 A Code for implementing sets of integers. 7 KB; Version: 1.00 (10-SEP-92) lang/scheme/code/ext/strings/ 1174 A Scheme code for manipulating strings and characters. lang/scheme/code/ext/strings/char_set/ 1175 A Character Sets: Implementation of character sets in Scheme. 7 KB; Version: 26-MAY-93 lang/scheme/code/ext/strings/conc_str/ 1176 A Conc-String: Strings for efficient concatenation. 5 KB; Version: 1.8 (22-SEP-92) lang/scheme/code/ext/strings/read_str/ 1177 A Portable implementation of READ-STRING for Scheme. 2 KB lang/scheme/code/ext/strings/str_ops/ 1178 A Collection of miscellaneous procedures that operate on strings. 44 KB; Version: 1.2 (21-OCT-93) lang/scheme/code/ext/strings/substr/ 1179 A Substring matching code. 3 KB; Version: 6-AUG-91 lang/scheme/code/ext/strings/unpack/ 1180 A Unpack integers from a string. 2 KB; Version: 03 (21-MAY-93) lang/scheme/code/ext/structs/ 1181 A Implementation of Structures for Scheme. lang/scheme/code/ext/structs/defstr/ 1182 A DEFSTR: Implementation of Structures for Scheme. 6 KB; Version: 10-NOV-87 lang/scheme/code/ext/structs/records/ 1183 A Records: DEFSTRUCT-like structures for Scheme. 5 KB; Version: 01-SEP-89 lang/scheme/code/ext/threads/ 1184 A PCALL: Scheme code to emulate FUTURE and PCALL. 17 KB; Version: 1.1 (15-JAN-92) lang/scheme/code/ext/trees/ 1185 A Code for various types of tree structures. 8 KB lang/scheme/code/ext/types/ 1186 A Code related to Types. lang/scheme/code/ext/types/polytype/ 1187 A PolyType: A toy type inferencer for Scheme. 9 KB; Version: 16-MAY-88 lang/scheme/code/ext/types/soft_scm/ 1188 A Soft Scheme: Practical soft type system for Scheme. 179 KB; Version: 0.08 (11-JAN-94) lang/scheme/code/fun/ 1189 A Some random fun programs written in Scheme, including Adventure, calendar calculations, Micro ELI and Micro SAM. 66 KB lang/scheme/code/io/ 1190 A IO: Scheme code dealing with input and output routines. lang/scheme/code/io/adobe/ 1191 A Adobe: Portable 2d gray-scale graphics package for Scheme. 10 KB; Version: 1.0.1 (22-MAR-93) lang/scheme/code/io/chez_syb/ 1192 A ChezSybase: A Chez Scheme interface to the Sybase database. 18 KB; Version: 1.0 (25-MAY-94) lang/scheme/code/io/format/ 1193 A Scheme implementation of Common Lisp's FORMAT. 22 KB; Version: 2.2 lang/scheme/code/io/pathname/ 1194 A Scheme code for manipulating pathnames (filenames). 15 KB lang/scheme/code/io/polyclip/ 1195 A PolyClip: Scheme implementation of the Sutherland-Hodgmann polygon clipping algorithm. 6 KB; Version: 22-MAR-90 lang/scheme/code/io/pp/ 1196 A PP: Pretty printer for Scheme 12 KB lang/scheme/code/io/sockets/ 1197 A NetGlue: Implementation of TCP and UDP sockets for Scheme->C. 6 KB; Version: 13-MAY-91 lang/scheme/code/library/ 1198 A Libraries of Scheme Code. lang/scheme/code/library/bevan/ 1199 A Miscellaneous collection of Scheme code from Stephen Bevan. 39 KB; Version: 26-JAN-92 lang/scheme/code/library/cl2scm/ 1200 A CL2Scheme: Library of Common Lisp functions for Scheme 19 KB lang/scheme/code/library/slib/ 1201 A SLIB: Standard Scheme Library 1138 KB; Version: 2a1 (27-APR-94) lang/scheme/code/match/ 1202 A Scheme code for pattern matching. lang/scheme/code/match/match/ 1203 A Match: Pattern Matching and Data Definition facility for Scheme 88 KB; Version: 1.07 (28-FEB-94) lang/scheme/code/match/matchcmp/ 1204 A MatchComp: Pattern-match compiler for non-linear second-order patterns. 6 KB; Version: 2.13 (22-JUL-90) lang/scheme/code/match/patmat/ 1205 A PATMAT: A toy pattern matcher. 5 KB lang/scheme/code/match/p_case/ 1206 A PATTERN-CASE: Implementation of simple pattern matching. 2 KB lang/scheme/code/math/ 1207 A Math Library: Scheme code for various mathematical functions. lang/scheme/code/math/fib/ 1208 A Fib: Four different implementations of Fibonacci. 2 KB lang/scheme/code/math/jacal/ 1209 A JACAL: Symbolic math system written in Scheme. 160 KB; Version: 1a4 (24-DEC-93) lang/scheme/code/math/matrix/ 1210 A Matrix: Scheme procedures for matrix manipulation 79 KB; Version: 0.5 (12-MAR-93) lang/scheme/code/math/misc/ 1211 A Math Library: Miscellaneous mathematical Scheme code 2 KB lang/scheme/code/math/primes/ 1212 A Primes: Simple sieve-based generator of prime numbers. 1 KB lang/scheme/code/math/random/ 1213 A Random number generator 2 KB; Version: 2 lang/scheme/code/math/satisfy/ 1214 A SATISFY: Simple program to solve satisfiability. 6 KB lang/scheme/code/modules/ 1215 A MODULES: Implementation of Bracha and Lindstrom's modules. 5 KB; Version: 13-AUG-93 lang/scheme/code/parsing/ 1216 A Collection of Scheme code for parsing. lang/scheme/code/parsing/cgram/ 1217 A CGRAM: Grammar/Parser for ANSI C in Scheme. 19 KB lang/scheme/code/parsing/earley/ 1218 A Earley: Earley parser implemented in Scheme. 8 KB lang/scheme/code/parsing/lalr/ 1219 A LALR: LALR parser generator for Scheme. 58 KB; Version: 0.9 (24-MAY-93) lang/scheme/code/parsing/pratt/ 1220 A Pratt parser implemented in Scheme. 7 KB; Version: 2-FEB-90 lang/scheme/code/parsing/taurus/ 1221 A Taurus: A recursive descent parser generator for Scheme. 71 KB; Version: 1.0 (29-OCT-92) lang/scheme/code/parsing/wand/ 1222 A Exploring aspects of combinator-based LL parser development. 21 KB lang/scheme/code/parsing/zebu/ 1223 A Zebu: A LALR(1) parser generator for Scheme. 31 KB; Version: 0.9 lang/scheme/code/sps/ 1224 A SPS: Semantic Prototyping System 55 KB; Version: 1.6.01 (25-MAR-93) lang/scheme/code/syntax/ 1225 A Code related to changing or translating to/from Scheme syntax. lang/scheme/code/syntax/bob/ 1226 A Bob: Jim Miller's algolesque syntax for Dylan implemented in Scheme. 22 KB; Version: 2-MAR-93 lang/scheme/code/syntax/extend/ 1227 A EXTEND-SYNTAX: Macro for extending the syntax of Scheme. 10 KB; Version: 17-APR-91 lang/scheme/code/tools/ 1228 A Scheme Utilities: Collection of miscellaneous Scheme tools. lang/scheme/code/tools/bawk/ 1229 A BAWK: Scheme version of AWK 6 KB; Version: 26-MAY-93 lang/scheme/code/tools/mawk/ 1230 A MAWK: Minimal version of AWK 9 KB; Version: 4-DEC-93 lang/scheme/doc/ 1231 A Documentation, including standards and proposals lang/scheme/doc/bib/ 1232 A Bibliographies related to Scheme. 293 KB lang/scheme/doc/intro/ 1233 A Introductions, tutorials, and quick reference guides for Scheme. 81 KB lang/scheme/doc/macros/ 1234 A Proposals and implementations for macros in Scheme. lang/scheme/doc/macros/cr/ 1235 A CR Macros: Implementation for macros in Scheme. 14 KB lang/scheme/doc/macros/popl/ 1236 A Lexically-scoped macros: POPL-91 paper and LP-93 re-exposition. 41 KB lang/scheme/doc/macros/r4rs/ 1237 A R4RS Macros: Three implementations of the R4RS macro proposal. 70 KB lang/scheme/doc/macros/r4rs/dumesnil/ 1238 A Dumesnil: Dumesnil's implementation of R4RS Macros 12 KB; Version: 1.0 (27-DEC-93) lang/scheme/doc/macros/r4rs/simple/ 1239 A Simple Macros: Rees's implementation of the R4RS macro proposal. 18 KB; Version: 13-JUN-93 lang/scheme/doc/macros/r4rs/syntax/ 1240 A R4RS Macros: Hieb and Dybvig's reference implementation of the R4RS macro proposal. 40 KB; Version: 1-FEB-91 lang/scheme/doc/macros/sc/ 1241 A Syntax-Case Macros: Proposals and implementations for macros based on syntax-case. 149 KB; Version: 2.1 (18-JUN-92) lang/scheme/doc/macros/synclo/ 1242 A Syntactic-Closure Macros: Proposal for macros based on syntactic closures. 74 KB; Version: 9-NOV-91 lang/scheme/doc/macros/willc/ 1243 A Explicit-Renaming Based Macros: Proposals and implementations for macros in Scheme. 42 KB; Version: Implementation 13-APR-93; Papers 21-FEB-92 lang/scheme/doc/notes/ 1244 A Summaries and interesting notes about Scheme-related stuff. 100 KB lang/scheme/doc/standard/ 1245 A Scheme standards documents and test suites lang/scheme/doc/standard/dylan/ 1246 A Dylan Compatibility: Discussion of Dylan/Scheme compatibility 6 KB lang/scheme/doc/standard/p1178/ 1247 A IEEE P1178: IEEE Standard for the Scheme Programming Language 2 KB lang/scheme/doc/standard/rnrs/ 1248 A RnRS: Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme lang/scheme/doc/standard/rnrs/june92/ 1249 A June92: Report of the June 1992 meeting of the RnRS authors 42 KB lang/scheme/doc/standard/rnrs/proposal/ 1250 A RnRS Proposals: Proposals for R5RS 55 KB lang/scheme/doc/standard/rnrs/r3rs/ 1251 A R3RS: Revised$^3$ Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme 288 KB lang/scheme/doc/standard/rnrs/r4rs/ 1252 A R4RS: Revised$^4$ Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme 485 KB lang/scheme/doc/standard/tests/ 1253 A Tests Scheme implementations for adherence to the standard. 27 KB lang/scheme/edu/ 1254 A Educational Materials for Teaching/Learning Scheme lang/scheme/edu/6001/ 1255 A 6.001: Materials from MIT's course "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" lang/scheme/edu/6001/dbase/ 1256 A 6.001: MIT Scheme Problem Set Database 608 KB; Version: 1.0 (11-APR-90) lang/scheme/edu/6001/fall83/ 1257 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 89 KB; Version: Fall 1983 lang/scheme/edu/6001/fall84/ 1258 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 78 KB; Version: Fall 1984 lang/scheme/edu/6001/fall85/ 1259 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 73 KB; Version: Fall 1985 lang/scheme/edu/6001/fall86/ 1260 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 102 KB; Version: Fall 1986 lang/scheme/edu/6001/fall87/ 1261 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 108 KB; Version: Fall 1987 lang/scheme/edu/6001/fall88/ 1262 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 183 KB; Version: Fall 1988 lang/scheme/edu/6001/fall89/ 1263 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 286 KB; Version: Fall 1989 lang/scheme/edu/6001/fall90/ 1264 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 138 KB; Version: Fall 1990 lang/scheme/edu/6001/fall91/ 1265 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 279 KB; Version: Fall 1991 lang/scheme/edu/6001/fall92/ 1266 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 3639 KB; Version: Fall 1992 lang/scheme/edu/6001/fall93/ 1267 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 812 KB; Version: Fall 1993 lang/scheme/edu/6001/spring84/ 1268 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 72 KB; Version: Spring 1984 lang/scheme/edu/6001/spring85/ 1269 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 95 KB; Version: Spring 1985 lang/scheme/edu/6001/spring86/ 1270 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 105 KB; Version: Spring 1986 lang/scheme/edu/6001/spring87/ 1271 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 93 KB; Version: Spring 1987 lang/scheme/edu/6001/spring88/ 1272 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 46 KB; Version: Spring 1988 lang/scheme/edu/6001/spring89/ 1273 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 116 KB; Version: Spring 1989 lang/scheme/edu/6001/spring90/ 1274 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 47 KB; Version: Spring 1990 lang/scheme/edu/6001/spring91/ 1275 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 75 KB; Version: Spring 1991 lang/scheme/edu/6001/spring92/ 1276 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 267 KB; Version: Spring 1992 lang/scheme/edu/6001/spring93/ 1277 A 6.001: MIT course on "Structure and Interpr. of Computer Programs" 268 KB; Version: Spring 1993 lang/scheme/edu/gac/ 1278 A Materials for teaching w/SICP from Gustavus Adolphus College. 530 KB lang/scheme/edu/plangs/ 1279 A PLANGS: Principles of Programming Languages 101 KB; Version: 18-NOV-93 lang/scheme/edu/tut/ 1280 A TUT: Source code from a Scheme-based algorithms class at Tampere University of Technology. 22 KB lang/scheme/faq/ 1281 A Scheme FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) posting for comp.lang.scheme newsgroup 87 KB lang/scheme/gui/ 1282 A Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) for Scheme and other graphics code. lang/scheme/gui/ezd/ 1283 A EZD: Interactive structured graphics in Scheme->C 997 KB; Version: 1-JUL-91 lang/scheme/gui/scix/ 1284 A SCIX: Scheme interface to the X Window System 242 KB; Version: 0.97 (16-JUL-90) lang/scheme/impl/ 1285 A Free/Shareware Scheme implementations lang/scheme/impl/apple2gs/ 1286 A Scheme implementations for the Apple IIGS 704 KB lang/scheme/impl/bigloo/ 1287 A Bigloo: A Scheme to C compiler and interpreter 10467 KB; Version: Bigloo 1.6c (9-JUN-94); Camloo 0.2 (9-JUN-94) lang/scheme/impl/elk/ 1288 A Elk: Extension Language Kit interpreter for Scheme 1620 KB; Version: 2.2 (9-FEB-94) lang/scheme/impl/fools/ 1289 A Fools' Lisp: Small R4RS Scheme interpreter 89 KB; Version: 1.3.2 (16-OCT-91) lang/scheme/impl/gambit/ 1290 A Gambit Scheme: An optimizing Scheme compiler. 2862 KB; Version: 2.0 (5-FEB-93) lang/scheme/impl/help/ 1291 A HELP: A lazy Scheme interpreter 348 KB; Version: 1.4 (12-JAN-93) lang/scheme/impl/iswym/ 1292 A ISWYM: Scheme dialect with control operators run and fcontrol. 16 KB; Version: December 1992 (20-JAN-93) lang/scheme/impl/lib_scm/ 1293 A libscheme: C library implementing R4RS Scheme. 199 KB; Version: 0.3 (17-MAY-94) lang/scheme/impl/mit_scm/ 1294 A MIT Scheme: Portable and fast implementation of Scheme. lang/scheme/impl/mit_scm/schematk/ 1295 A Schematik: MIT Scheme for the NeXT 11763 KB; Version: Schematik; MIT Scheme 7.1.3 lang/scheme/impl/mit_scm/scoops/ 1296 A Version of SCOOPS modified to work with MIT Scheme. 30 KB; Version: 7.0 lang/scheme/impl/mit_scm/sicp/ 1297 A SICP: SICP compatibility package for MIT Scheme. 10 KB lang/scheme/impl/mit_scm/v61/ 1298 A MIT Scheme: Portable and fast implementation of Scheme. 1328 KB; Version: 6.1.2 lang/scheme/impl/mit_scm/v72/ 1299 A MIT Scheme: Portable and fast implementation of Scheme. 32078 KB; Version: 7.2 lang/scheme/impl/mit_scm/v73/ 1300 A MIT Scheme: Portable and fast implementation of Scheme. 83046 KB; Version: 7.3 (17-DEC-93) lang/scheme/impl/oaklisp/ 1301 A Oaklisp: Object-Oriented Scheme. 12169 KB lang/scheme/impl/pcscheme/ 1302 A PC Scheme: Scheme implementation for IBM PCs lang/scheme/impl/pcscheme/cwh/ 1303 A PC Scheme extensions: Extensions to PC Scheme by Carl W. Hoffman 60 KB; Version: 10-SEP-90 lang/scheme/impl/pcscheme/geneva/ 1304 A PCS/Geneva: Reimplementation of PC Scheme by Univ. of Geneva. 3934 KB; Version: 4.02PL1 (11-JAN-94) lang/scheme/impl/pcscheme/pcs/ 1305 A PC Scheme: Scheme implementation for IBM PCs 1713 KB; Version: 3.03 lang/scheme/impl/pixie/ 1306 A Pixie Scheme: R3RS-compatible Scheme for the Macintosh 540 KB; Version: May, 1990 lang/scheme/impl/pseudo/ 1307 A Pseudo Scheme: Scheme implemented on top of Common Lisp. 480 KB; Version: 2.9 (20-MAY-93) lang/scheme/impl/rabbit/ 1308 A Rabbit Scheme: Old Scheme implementation in InterLisp 149 KB; Version: 12-FEB-92; Byte Compiler (17-JUN-94) lang/scheme/impl/s88/ 1309 A S88: Scheme for 8088 (PC) 97 KB; Version: Beta 28 lang/scheme/impl/scheme2c/ 1310 A Scheme->C: Scheme implementation that compiles Scheme into C. 1605 KB; Version: 15-MAR-93 lang/scheme/impl/scheme48/ 1311 A Scheme48: Portable and efficient implementation of Scheme. 669 KB; Version: 0.36 (22-MAR-94) lang/scheme/impl/scheme84/ 1312 A Scheme84: Scheme that runs in Franz Lisp 44 KB; Version: 0.6 (29-OCT-87) lang/scheme/impl/scheme88/ 1313 A Scheme88: Scheme84 ported to Common Lisp. 65 KB; Version: 0.4 (28-JUL-91) lang/scheme/impl/scm/ 1314 A SCM: Portable implementation of a R4RS Scheme in C. lang/scheme/impl/scm/config/ 1315 A SCM CONFIG: Uses GNU autoconf to build SCM for Unix 87 KB; Version: 4e1 lang/scheme/impl/scm/hobbit/ 1316 A Hobbit: Compiler for SCM code. 126 KB; Version: 3 lang/scheme/impl/scm/macscm/ 1317 A MacSCM: Macintosh support library for the scm Scheme interpreter 29 KB; Version: 1.0 (April 1994) lang/scheme/impl/scm/scm/ 1318 A SCM: Portable implementation of a R4RS Scheme in C. 385 KB; Version: 4e1 lang/scheme/impl/scm/smg_scm/ 1319 A SMG SCM: Adds VMS SMG screen management routines to SCM. 561 KB; Version: 2a1 (17-MAY-93) lang/scheme/impl/scm/turtlegr/ 1320 A TURTLSCM: Turtle graphics package for SCM on MSDOS/X11. 205 KB lang/scheme/impl/scm/wb/ 1321 A WB: Database package which may be used with SCM. 87 KB; Version: 1a2 lang/scheme/impl/scm/xscm/ 1322 A XSCM: X windows support library for the SCM Scheme interpreter 47 KB; Version: 1.05 (15-AUG-92) lang/scheme/impl/similix/ 1323 A Similix: Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator for a Subset of Scheme. 181 KB; Version: 5.0 (May 1993) lang/scheme/impl/siod/ 1324 A SIOD: Scheme in One Day 450 KB; Version: 3.0 (12-MAR-94) lang/scheme/impl/stk/ 1325 A STk: R4RS Scheme with access to the Tk graphics package. 2621 KB; Version: 2.1 (12-JUN-94); 2.0 (4-JAN-94) lang/scheme/impl/t/ 1326 A T: Scheme-like language developed at Yale 13518 KB; Version: 3.1 (22-NOV-91) lang/scheme/impl/umb_scm/ 1327 A UMB Scheme: Portable Scheme from UMass/Boston. 355 KB; Version: 2.12 (4-NOV-93) lang/scheme/impl/vscm/ 1328 A VSCM: Portable R4RS Scheme implementation. 320 KB; Version: V0r3 (13-APR-94) lang/scheme/impl/xscheme/ 1329 A XScheme: R3RS Scheme with object-oriented programming 410 KB; Version: 0.28 (16-SEP-91) lang/scheme/mail/ 1330 A Archives of the Scheme mailing list. 1564 KB lang/scheme/oop/ 1331 A OOP: Code related to object-oriented programming. lang/scheme/oop/meroon/ 1332 A Meroon and Meroonet: Small and efficient OOP for Scheme. 545 KB; Version: Meroon v3 (4-JUN-94); Meroonet (19-MAR-93) lang/scheme/oop/methods/ 1333 A Methods: Tiny object-oriented programming system for Scheme. 22 KB; Version: 30-Jun-89 lang/scheme/oop/minioop/ 1334 A MINIOOP: Minimal object support for Scheme 5 KB lang/scheme/oop/mos/ 1335 A MOS: Macroless Object System for Scheme 6 KB; Version: 10-FEB-94 lang/scheme/oop/scoops/ 1336 A SCOOPS: Scheme Object Oriented Programming System 13 KB; Version: 20-MAY-87 lang/scheme/oop/sos/ 1337 A SOS: Scheme Object System 146 KB; Version: 7-OCT-93 lang/scheme/oop/tinyclos/ 1338 A TinyCLOS: Subset of CLOS in Scheme, with metaobject protocol. 19 KB; Version: 1.2 (2-DEC-92) lang/scheme/oop/yasos/ 1339 A YASOS: Yet Another Scheme Object System 39 KB; Version: 2-SEP-92 lang/scheme/txt/ 1340 A Online Scheme-related tech reports and papers. 5537 KB lang/scheme/util/ 1341 A Utilities for programming in Scheme. lang/scheme/util/editors/ 1342 A Editor packages for editing/running Scheme code 96 KB lang/scheme/util/lisp2tex/ 1343 A Lisp2TeX: For inserting Scheme/Lisp code in TeX files. 435 KB; Version: 4-FEB-94 lang/scheme/util/scm_tex/ 1344 A SchemeTeX: Simple support for literate programming in Scheme. 11 KB; Version: 1.3 (30-JUN-88) lang/scheme/util/slatex/ 1345 A SLaTeX: Lets you to include Scheme/Lisp code `as is' in LaTeX/TeX. 124 KB; Version: 2.2 (20-JAN-94) lang/scheme/util/sweb/ 1346 A SchemeWEB: Generate Lisp and LaTeX code from the same source file. 9 KB; Version: 2.0 (25-FEB-94) lang/st/ 1347 A Smalltalk Repository lang/st/faq/ 1348 A Smalltalk FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) posting for comp.lang.smalltalk newsgroup 31 KB lang/st/impl/ 1349 A Free/Shareware Smalltalk implementations lang/st/impl/gnu/ 1350 A GNU Smalltalk: GNU's implementation of Smalltalk 845 KB; Version: Unix 1.1.1 (15-SEP-91); DOS 1.1.1 (12-SEP-93) lang/st/impl/little/ 1351 A Little Smalltalk: Tim Budd's version of Smalltalk 893 KB; Version: Little ST v3 (7-APR-89); StdWin 0.9.6 (7-JUN-91) util/ 1352 A Compression/Archiving Software util/9660_u/ 1353 A 9660_u: ISO-9660 CD-ROM Utilities 7 KB; Version: 1.1 util/arc/ 1354 A ARC: Archiving and Compression Program 542 KB util/arj/ 1355 A ARJ: Archiving and Compression Program 512 KB util/bbedit/ 1356 A BBEdit: Text editor for the Macintosh 775 KB; Version: BBEdit Lite 2.32; BBEdit Demo 2.5 util/dms/ 1357 A DMS: Compression and Archiving Program 41 KB util/flip/ 1358 A FLIP: Does newlines conversions between UNIX and MS-DOS 67 KB; Version: 1.0a (09-JUL-89) util/gnutar/ 1359 A GNU Tar: Archiving Program 1007 KB; Version: 1.11.2 util/gzip/ 1360 A GZIP: Compression Program 5219 KB; Version: 1.2.4 util/lha/ 1361 A LHA: Compression and Archiving Program 273 KB util/mac/ 1362 A Macintosh Archiving and Compression Programs 2328 KB util/pak/ 1363 A Archiving and Compression Programs 103 KB util/patch/ 1364 A Patch: Larry Wall's Patch Program 73 KB; Version: 2.1 util/shar/ 1365 A SHAR: Shell Archiving Program 249 KB util/techinfo/ 1366 A texinfo 533 KB; Version: 3.1 util/uu/ 1367 A UUENCODE and UUDECODE: ASCII to Binary and vice versa 410 KB util/zip/ 1368 A ZIP: Compression and Archiving Program 1497 KB util/zoo/ 1369 A ZOO: Compression and Archiving Program 267 KB