Abandoned mineral extraction lands in Pennsylvania constitute a significant public liability -- more than 250,000 acres of abandoned surface mines, 2,400 miles of streams polluted with mine drainage, over 7,000 orphaned and abandoned oil and gas wells, widespread subsidence problems, numerous hazardous mine openings, mine fires, abandoned structures and affected water supplies -- representing as much as one third of the total problem nationally. The estimated price tag for correcting Pennsylvania s problem is $15 billion [Reclaim PA Homepage]

Tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, of abandoned mines exist today in the United States. Not even the Bureau of Mines knows the exact number, because federal recording of mining claims was not required until 1976. The number is likely significant since at least 10,000 occur on National Parks Service property alone. [Bat Conservation Journall]

Accidents in PA in Coal Mines

34 other mines around the state that are located next to abandoned, water-filled mines. [ Salon.com ]

US has 500 billion tons of coal that is currently accessable. - more energy than triple the earths known crude oil reserves.
Coal accounts for 55% of US electrical production [Coal Mine Tour]

There is an estimated 700 Trillion Short Tons of Coal Reserves in the world [Resource Report ]

Adjacent Mines must legally come no closer to each other than 200 feet [ABCNews ]

The Saxman Mine was first dug in 1877. [Saxman Mine]