Homework 4

16-311: Introduction to Robotics

Professor Howie Choset

Learning Objectives

P1. Wavefront Planning (6 points) - Individual

For the sample environment in the figure below, draw the resulting path from the wavefront planner (in the continuous domain, ie. not with pixels) for the mobile robot using the L1 metric. Remember to take into account the configuration space of the robot.

Print out (or recreate with a computer) multiple copies of the figure, and submit the following:

Figure for P1.

P2. Bug Algorithm (10 points) - Individual

For the configuration space generated from the previous problem, implement either the Bug1 or Bug2 planner to trace a path from start to goal.

P3. Distance (9 points) - Individual

List the distances between X and a and X and b in the image below using L1 distance, L2 distance, and the 8-connected distance (the number of cells way in an 8-connected grid).

Figure for P3.

L1. Lab 4: Self-Balancing Robot (75 points) - Group

To receive any credit on the lab, you must complete the feedback form here: Form.

Upon completing the form, you will receive a passphrase. Please submit in your PDF.


Collect your answers in a PDF. Upload it to Gradescope.

Failure to follow instructions on this homework will result in an automatic zero.