Time | MWF 10:30am-11:50am |
Location | Wean 5409 |
Instructor | Manuel Blum [mblum@cs | Wean 4113 | 8-3742] office hours: after each class, until there are no more questions |
Secretary | Phyllis Pomerantz [plp@cs | Wean 4610 | 8-7897] |
TA | Ryan Williams [ryanw@cs | Wean 8203 | 8-3562] office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3pm-4pm; or email for appointment |
Textbook | |
Web page | http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15750-s03/www/ |
News group | cmu.cs.class.cs750 |
Other references |
You are encouraged to work in groups of two or (preferably) three people. Each group should turn in a single write-up. Homework grading is likely to be randomized: instead of grading all problems on an assignment, only one or two randomly chosen problems will be graded, and your total score on the assignment will be equal to the score on the chosen problem(s) times the number of problems solved.
Please note:
Homework | Avg. | Std.Dev. |
1 | 28.4 | 1.6 |
2 | 28.5 | 2.3 |
3 | 26.8 | 7.3 |
4 | 18 | 1.7 |
5 | 27.5 | 4.3 |
6 | 27.4 | 4 |
No. | Date | Topics | Readings | Homework |
1 | 01/13 M | Intro, Strassen's Alg | [Kozen 1] | |
2 | 01/15 W | Topological Sort | [Kozen 2] | |
3 | 01/17 F | Min Spanning Trees | [Kozen 2.1, 2.2] | |
4 | 01/20 M | Matroids | [Kozen 3] | |
5 | 01/22 W | More Matroids | [Kozen 3] | |
6 | 01/24 F | Even More Matroids | [Kozen 3] | HW1 out |
7 | 01/27 M | Shortest Paths | [Kozen 5, 6, 7] | |
8 | 01/29 W | Binomial Heaps | [Kozen 8.1] | |
9 | 01/31 F | Amortized Analysis of Binomial Heaps | [Kozen 8.2], Sleator's notes | HW1 due, HW2 out |
10 | 02/03 M | " " | [Kozen 8.3] | |
11 | 02/05 W | Fibonacci Heaps | [Kozen 9] | |
12 | 02/07 F | Eager Meld in O(1), More Fibonacci | [Kozen 9] | HW2 due, HW3 out |
13 | 02/10 M | Even More Fibonacci | [Kozen 9] | |
14 | 02/13 W | Union-Find 1 | [Kozen 10] | |
15 | 02/14 F | Union-Find 2 | " | HW3 due, HW4 out |
16 | 02/17 M | More on Union-Find | [Kozen 11] | |
17 | 02/19 W | Still More on Union-Find | " | |
18 | 02/21 F | Oh-God-Not-Again! Union-Find | " | |
19 | 02/24 M | Splay Trees | [Kozen 12] | |
20 | 02/26 W | More Splay Trees | [Kozen 12] | Last year's midterm + solutions |
21 | 02/28 F | First midterm exam | ||
22 | 03/03 M | Treaps | [Kozen 13] | |
03/05 W | More Treaps | [Kozen 13] | ||
03/07 F | ----------------- (midterm break) | |||
23 | 03/10 M | Planar Graphs | [Kozen 14] | |
24 | 03/12 W | Planarity Testing | [Hopcroft & Tarjan's paper] | |
25 | 03/14 F | Planar Separator Theorem | [Kozen 15] | |
26 | 03/17 M | Planar Separator Theorem 2 | [Kozen 15] | HW5 out |
27 | 03/19 W | ?? | [Kozen 27] | |
28 | 03/21 F | ?? | [Kozen 28] | |
03/24 M | ----------------- (spring break) | |||
03/26 W | ----------------- (spring break) | |||
03/28 F | ----------------- (spring break) | |||
29 | 03/31 M | Randomized Algorithms -- Karger's Min Cut | [Motwani and Raghavan 1.1-1.2, 10.2] | HW5 due |
30 | 04/02 W | Rand. Algs. for 2-SAT and 3-SAT | [Motwani and Raghavan 6.1] | |
31 | 04/04 F | Second midterm exam | ||
32 | 04/07 M | Random Walks-- 1, 2, and 3 dimensions | ||
33 | 04/09 W | More Examples with Randomness | - | |
34 | 04/11 F | ----------------- (spring carnival) | - | |
35 | 04/14 M | Random Walks on Undirected Graphs | ||
36 | 04/16 W | Cover Times for Random Walks | HW6 out | |
04/18 F | Commute Times | |||
37 | 04/21 M | Random lecture on Random Walks | ||
38 | 04/23 W | Class cancelled due to Sudafed | HW6 due | |
39 | 04/25 F | ?? | ||
40 | 04/28 M | Review for final | ||
41 | 04/30 W | The probabilistic method | ||
42 | 05/02 F | Dominating sets, randomly or greedily | ||
05/09 | Final exam (8:30am-11:30am) |
last update: Jan 9, 2002 | "maintained" by Ryan Williams (ryanw@cs.cmu.edu) |