15-740 Fall '95
Course Schedule

Warning: This schedule will change as the term progresses. Keep checking here for an updated version.

The complete schedule is available in GIF form. Here are the simple version of the schedule and the referenced papers in postscript form:

Date Topic Reading Homework 09/19 Introduction & Overview H&P Ch. 1 #1 Out 09/21 MIPS/DLX programming H&P Ch. 2 09/26 Instruction set comparison H&P App. D 09/28 Pipelined Implementation H&P Ch. 3 #1 Due, #2 Out 10/03 Advanced Pipelining H&P Ch. 4 10/05 Instr. level parallelism H&P Ch. 4 10/10 Case study H&P App. C, Smith94 10/12 Computer Arithmetic H&P App. A #2 Due, #3 Out 10/17 Cache Memory H&P Ch. 5 10/19 Virtual Memory H&P Ch. 5 10/24 Input/Output & Storage H&P Ch. 6 10/26 Network mechanism H&P Ch. 7 #3 Due, #4 Out 10/31 Network Protocols Comer Ch 1--10 11/02 Parallel computing overview Trew 11/07 Interconnection networks H&P Ch. 7 11/09 Message routing Leighton, Dally #4 Due, #5 Out 11/14 Data Parallel programming Leiserson 11/23 Thanksgiving vacation 11/28 Shared memory machines P&H Ch. 8 #5 Due, #6 Out 11/30 Cache protocol verification Blumofe 12/07 Message passing machines Sunderam #6 Due 12/11 Final Exam

The Following are the referenced papers which are not available in postscript form: