15-495 Spring '02
Project Milestone Reports

No Title

Milestone #1 Due: Thursday, March 28, 9:00am
Milestone #2 Due: Thursday, April 11, 9:00am

For each of the two milestones, please write up a brief (i.e. roughly one page) report of your progress so far in your project. Your report should include the following information:

Major Changes:
Have there been any major changes in the goals or implementation of your project since your project proposal? If so, please describe these changes and what brought them about.
What You Have Accomplished So Far:
Describe exactly what your group has accomplished so far. If you have any results so far, please post them to your web page, and point us to them. (You do not need to include your results in this writeup provided that they are available on your web page.)
Meeting Your Milestone:
Did you meet the milestone which you described in your original project proposal? If not, then please explain why.
Have there been any major surprises so far in your project? If they were bad surprises, how have you managed to work around them?
Revised Schedule:
Describe what each member of your group is going to accomplish between now and April 25th to successfully complete your project. If you are stuck on anything, please let us know. (In fact, if you are stuck, please send us email immediately rather than waiting for us to read this report.)
Resources Needed:
Do you have all of the resources (e.g., software, data sets, simulators, etc.) that you need to complete your project? If not, then please explain how and when you will acquire these resources.

Please hand in a hardcopy version of your reports, and also put electronic versions of the reports (preferably in html) on your project web page.

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