15463p3 - Face Morphing and Modeling

Jason Zaman



The goal of this assignment was to take images of two people (our own and the person after us) and make an animation to morph from one to the other. We had to compute 60 frames for a two second animation. A series of corresponding control points on both faces were defined and then the morph would take in a fraction from zero to one and calculate that frame in the sequence. A linear combination of the meshes for the faces was taken and then both faces were morphed to that geometry and then blended.

Face Morph

Full sized frames can be found here

Mean Face

Next we were supposed to take images and control points from everyone in the class and then calculate the mean face. Once we have the mean face we can morph other faces to the mean face and the vice versa.

The average face calculated from the whole class.

My face warped to the average geometry.