Luis Ballesteros

15-463 S10

Project 2

I implemented 2 similar but seperate miniature making algorithms. One does a horizontal or vertical dof region, the other does a circular dof region. I found that each one had its own uses, and one wasn't always better.

I am putting results of the 2 algorithms next to eachother so you can see the difference.

Another thing I found was that there are a lot of variables to tweak. How big do you make the dof region? where do you put it? How fast do you get blurrier? How blurry do you let it get? I used one set of configurations for every image, but please note that different configurations would have to be used for every image to achieve the maximal effect.

The way I have it configured, the dof focus is like a black hole, since the level of blurriness is exponential as you move away. This makes certain shots with the circular filter look really cool, like the elephant and flagpole pictures.

The last two pictures were taken with my camera during the Pittsburgh snowstorm. They make the snow look like that fake powder for miniatures after the filter is applied.

Line region Circular region