15-463: Project 0: Vertigo Shot

Student: Kristin Siu (kasiu)

Pictures First!

Sequence I: Library Sequence

The first sequence I used was a row deep within the bowels of one of the campus libraries. I was very surprised at the nice colors of all of the books. I tried to keep focus on the small stepping stool at the end of the row. Here are the original images:

And here is an animated composition (done in Photoshop):

Sequence II: Save Meeeeee!

The second sequence of pictures I took was of some stuffed animals, one "rescuing" the other from an untimely fall into the trash bin. The goal was to make it look like the mouse was being rescued. I also wanted to attempt taking a shot from a slightly more complicated angle than before. Here are the originals:

And here is the animated composition:

Disclaimer: No stuffed animals were harmed in the making of this clip.

Additional Information

Camera Information

I borrowed a camera from a friend for this assignment (hopefully at a later date, I may have my own). The camera was a Canon PowerShot SD550 with a 3x optical zooooooom. Other specifications include focal length of 7.7 - 23.1 mm f/2.8-4.9... although I'm not too sure what that last bit means, to be honest.


One of the most difficult parts of the assignment was keeping the shots aligned. The first sequence was much easier than the second. I shot the rescue sequence while hanging over the edge of a bed, so it was hard to keep the camera steady (but it was a fun challenge).

Lighting also presented some amount of trouble. The scenes were indoors, so I resorted to using the camera's auto-flash feature, although the lighting quality is a bit poor. The light is horribly inconsistent throughout the scenes and I'm not sure how to go about fixing this.

On an unrelated note, it appears that I am poor at keeping a steady hand while taking photographs.