P0: The Vertigo Effect by Jackson Davis


Both sequences were taken with a Canon 40D and a 70-200 mm lens. In the first sequence I advanced the camera towards the subject and in the second I advanced the subject towards the camera (on a tripod).

Sequence 1

These were taken in my backyard, without using a tripod.
And here is the animated sequence:

Sequence 2

These were taken in my alley by my house because I figured it would give a better "vertigo" effect. I put the camera on a tripod and advanced the chair towards the camera.
And here is the animated sequence:

Bells & Whistles Implemented

I created the animated gifs as well as moving the subject towards the camera (in sequence #2)


The hardest part of this assignment was making sure the images aligned properly. In the first sequence, the movement of my hand between individual images is obvious. In the second sequence, even though I had a tripod, you can see the movement of chair is not smooth because it doesnt follow a straight path and I couldnt perfectly align the viewfinder with the chair the same way for each frame. To do this well, one defnitely needs a real dolly to move either the camera or the subject to keep the transition smooth.