15-463: Project 4 - Morph

Krystyna Genser, 10.15.2012


For this assignment, I used a triangle mesh and affine transformations to morph from one face to another. As part of a classwide project I morphed my own face into another designated student's face. I also calculated a mean student face, and my own face morphed to the mean face shape.

Morph video

At first, I forgot to account for the difference between pixel space and the triangle space. This was the result, and I think it's quite artful.

not a succesful morph

I used 59 points instead of just 43 to ensure a smoother morph.

succesful morph

Mean Face

Despite an effort for consistent labeling, I believe that some of the odd geometry that appears below is due to slight differences in the placement of the points, as well as only using a limited number of students.

Class mean based on 14 faces.

The mean face warped to my face shape.

My own face morphed to the mean shape.