15-463 Assignment 3

By Jitu Das (cdas)

Greenland Scenery

Original Removed 100 vertical seams Removed 100 horizontal seams
Result: Worked perfectly! No visible distortion! Worked perfectly! No visible dsitortion!

Statue of Liberty

Original Removed 200 vertical seams Removed 200 horizontal seams
Result: Worked perfectly! No visible distortion! Worked poorly. The statue appears warped because it's not possible to shrink by 200px without distorting. Another bad effect is the distortion of the sky next to the statue in an inverted V shape. This is due to the seams trying to avoid the statue but also affecting the sky.

Diablo 3

Original Removed 240 vertical seams Removed 100 horizontal seams
Result: Worked mostly well! The hood in the top center is a bit warped but the rest of the image retained the important features. Worked well! No visible distortion!

Tokyo Crosswalk

Original Removed 200 vertical seams Removed 100 horizontal seams
Result: Worked somewhat. Some of the features like the buses and the lines on the right side are warped. The building near the top center is also distorted. Worked a bit better than the vertical carving. The crosswalk is no longer straight but the buses aren't warped.

Fermat's Last Theorem (handwritten)

Original Removed 200 vertical seams Removed 150 horizontal seams
Result: In both images, seam carving very neatly got rid of whitespace between lines and characters and made it appear as if the letters and lines were written closer together by hand. None of the characters were distorted.