15-463 (Fall 2012) Computational Photography Project 2

Hybrid Images

Dong Bae Jun (djun@andrew.cmu.edu)

1. Overview

In this project, a hybrid image which looks different based on the viewer distance has been created by combining two images, one with low-pass and one with high-pass. The low-pass image is to be shown for a distant viewer, and the high-pass image is for a close viewer. The frequency analysis has been conducted based on the log magnitude of the Fourier Transform. Besides, Gaussian and Laplacian pyramids have been implemented to explain the perception process of a hybrid image.

2. Approach

A simple approach has been used to create low-pass and high-pass images. A low-pass image is made by applying a Gaussian filter, and a high-pass image is made by applying a Gaussian filter and substracting the result from the original image. The freqeuncy cut-off has been determined by varying sigma value for a Gaussian filter. The filter size of (6 * sigma - 1) is used. The most plausible sigma value has been found from several experiments, and an average coefficient has been used to smoothly mix two different images.

3. Results

Bridge and Train (Favorite Result)

The images have been carefully chosen. The train image which doesn't have much detail would be used for low-pass, and the bridge image which has detailed outlines would be used for high-pass. As frequency cut-off, the sigma value of 4 has been selected for low-pass while the sigma value of 15 has been selected for high-pass. The average coefficient of 0.8 has been used to normalize the high-pass image. The train body has been aligned to the bridge. The FFT results show how the filters have affected the frequency domain of images.

Airplane and Dragonfly

As frequency cut-off, the sigma value of 2 has been selected for low-pass while the sigma value of 20 has been selected for high-pass. The average coefficient of 0.7 has been used to normalize the high-pass image. The images have been aligned in respect to the wings of airplane and dragonfly. The FFT results show how the filters have affected the frequency domain of images.

Cotton Candy and Air Balloon (Failure Case)

The hybrid image of this case hasn't worked well. The final frequency cut-off is 2 for low-pass and 30 for high-pass. The main problem here is that the air-balloon details are quite visible at a distant resolution. Lowering the average coefficient to 0.2 to reduce the effect of high-pass has helped a little bit, but the hybrid image is still not effective. Also, the big frequency difference in the image backgrounds has made the process harder.

4. Bells and Whistles

Gaussian and Laplacian Pyramids

Gaussian and Laplacian pyramids have been created to show the components of the hybrid image with 'train and bridge'. The left column represents the Gaussian pyramid that has lower resolution as going down, and the right column represents the Laplacian pyramid which is obtained by substracting two adjacent images in the Gaussian pyramid. Notice that the train becomes more sensible as the resolution gets lower in the Gaussian pyramid while the bridge details fade away in the Laplacian pyramid.