Face Morphing

15-463: Computational Photography
Ming Han Teh


The requirements for this project can be found on the course website.


For each image, I added 8 set of extra points (the 4 corners and 4 midpoints of the edges). Then, I calculated the mean of the points of image 1 and image 2 and used this to generate the delaunay triangles (matlab: delaunay). I used inverse warpping.
For affineCompute, I used the bayercentric coordinate method.



All the frames are here.

Animation of the Morph

Slow animation of 1 frame per second (~61 seconds)

Mean Face

I used 22 images (excluded 20_minjaele [has 44 points] and 05_alex [no points]). For the mean face, I averaged out the points and computed the delaunay triangles as before. For the dissolve, I added all the warpped images and divide by the total number of images. Here are the mean_class_points.txt (added 8 more points as discussed earlier).

Average Face Warped Into My Geometry

My Face Warped into Average Geometry