Computational Photography – Project 3

Face Morphing

Hugh Cover – October 2011


The Morph

·        Corresponding points are found in both the start and finish images, which are in this case two people’s faces

·        The average structure is found by taking the mean of the two sets of points, a Delaunay triangulation is found using these points

·        For each frame of the morph an intermediate set of points is found by taking a weighted average of the two original sets of points, the weights depend on the frame

·        An affine transform is found for each triangle in the intermediate points to both the start and end sets of points

·        Each pixel in the intermediate image is transformed to both the start and end images, this will return non-integer values so interpolation is used

·        The interpolated pixel values are used to make a warped version of the start and end images

·        The two warped images are combined using a weighted average with the same weights as above


Morphing from 19_hugh to 20_minjae

This gif has only 10 frames. The full 61 frames can be found here.


The Mean Face

·        Corresponding points are found in the images from the faces of the whole class

·        The average structure is found by taking the mean of all the sets of points, a Delaunay triangulation is found using these points

·        Each face is warped to the mean structure using the method described above for two faces

·        All the warped images are averaged to give the mean face



My Mean Face

My face warped to the mean geometry


Bells and Whistles

Mean Face with Identity

To give the mean face an identity I took the average of the mean face image and my face warped to the mean geometry

Meaning My Face

To touch up my face I first warped the mean face image to my geometry then took the average of my face and the warped mean face.


The mean face warped to my geometry



The original image of my face and after averaging with the warped mean face