Computational Photography Project 4: Stitching Photo Mosaics / Tour Into the Picture

David Wang, Fall 2010


The first goal of the project was to recover a homography between two quadrilaterals or lists of points and warp one to the other. To verify that this is done correctly, I rectified several images, which can be seen below. Photos taken several years ago.





Mosaic Stitching

The next goal of the project was to define pairs of correspondence points between images and stitch them into a single mosaic. The results can be seen below. Photos are from a previous trip to China.

Automatic Mosaic Stitching

Defining correspondence points by hand is time-consuming, so I implemented an automatic method of doing so.

The first step is to compute interest points by using the Harris algorithm, like so.

The second step is to filter out a lot of the points, which I did by simply taking the set of strongest interest points.

The next step is to match the points together using a feature matching algorithm.

As can be seen, there are still outliers, so RANSAC is performed to find a set of inliers, like so.

Then, they can be stitched together into a whole mosaic, as seen below. Photos are from China and Colorado.

A failure case can be seen below. The reason for this is that the images were shot with a wide angle lens with significant pincushion distortion.

Tour into the Picture

The goal of this project was to be able to generate novel viewpoints of a room from a single photograph. The assumptions about the photograph of the room are that the camera was parallel to the back wall, and there is a single vanishing point in the photograph. The first step is to define the walls and vanishing point, extract the textures from the photograph, and warp them into a rectangular shape, as can be seen below.

Using this, we can map the textures onto a 3D model and generate different viewpoints, like so.

The box.

Novel viewpoints!

Another example image and novel viewpoints.

And one more.