The first four animated gifs listed here correspond to morphs of myself with the person right after me in queue. Refer to the table below to see how the warp and dissolve fractions vary (a sigmoid is an S-shaped curve that begins with a slow climb, transits to a fast one in the middle and ends with a slow climb).
Note: All animated GIFs here have been produced using 26 frames. The actual set of 61 frames for the class video has been stored in the 'proj3/www' directory in the required format (all interpolations are linear)
Image | Warp fraction type | Dissolve fraction type |
1 | Linear | Linear |
2 | Linear | Sigmoid |
3 | Sigmoid | Linear |
4 | Sigmoid | Sigmoid |
The mean face obtained after computation of mean point set, warping to mean and averaging the pixel values is as follows:
The following image shows a morph of my face to a version of the mean face warped to correspond to my face (i.e. the end frame corresponds to the mean face warped to my geometry). The image next to that shows a morph of the mean face to a version of my face warped to correspond to the average geometry.
For comparison, the next two images show how my face changes when my face is warped to correspond to the average geometry, and the two images after that show how the mean face changes when warped onto my geometry:
I think I may have been smiling more than most, and my head is slightly tilted to one side: this is somewhat reflected in the behavior of the mean face.
To produce the following animation, I essentially computed the mean face of all male subjects, and warped my face into the male mean geometry. The morphed animation itself has been produced as earlier.
The change may seem subtle but observe how toward the end, my jawline tends to become more squarish.