Project 5: Single-View Reconstruction

Original Images (Downsized)

Here are my source images, all of box-like indoor scenes. The first image is mrhappy's The board room, from Flickr.

Click here to see full-size images

Vanishing Point Selection

Using the provided starter code, I picked out the corners of the back plane as well as the vanishing point.

3-D Box Reconstruction

Here is a look at the 3-D boxes obtained from texturing the appropriate-sized quads with the rectified segments.

Focal length: 600px

Focal length: 600px

Focal length: 600px

Focal length: 300px

Novel Viewpoint

These are the novel viewpoints obtained by looking around the reconstructed box. I ran into difficulties with the image of the Morewood lounge, since there were foreground objects (tables, chairs, couches) that were not planar and there was an opening on the left wall.