Assignment 3 : Face Morphing

Face morphing involves taking 2 images, and 2 cooresponding sets of data points and creating a transformation from one image to another using those points. For this project, I created two sets of points that defined the features of a face for the 2 faces in the images and created a triangulation with those points. Then using those two sets, I created intermediate sets of points that were averages of the original sets weighted differently with time. The triangulation then gave me the corresponding triangles between the points so I could warp the first image toward the second one. The average face was calculated using this method, only it was the average of multiple faces instead of 2 and read in the data points.

Me morphing into another student

The average face of the class

Me morphed into the average geometry (looks like a creepy real life cartoon)

Me morphing into the head of a sculpture I made