15-451 Spring 2007 Schedule

"CLRS", "DPV" and "KT" columns show readings in the respective texts. Schedule still subject to change. Note quiz date change!

Date Topic CLRS    DPV KT    Due
1. 01/16 Intro & Admin. Karatsuba/Strassen.   2.1,2.5    
2. 01/18 Asymptotic analysis, solving recurrences 1-4 0, 2.1-2.2 2.1-2.2,5.2  
3. 01/23 Probabilistic analysis, Randomized Quicksort 5,7 p.29 13.3,13.12    Mini 1 due
4. 01/25 Linear-time Selection (randomized and deterministic) 9 2.3-2.4 13.5  
5. 01/30 Sorting/searching lower bounds 8.1   2.4 Hwk 1 due
6. 02/01 Tight upper/lower bounds II        
7. 02/06 Amortized Analysis 17     Mini 2 due
8. 02/08 Search trees: B-trees, treaps 12,18      
9. 02/13 Radix sort, tries 8     Hwk 2 pres
10. 02/15 Hashing: universal & perfect hashing 11 1.5 13.6  
11. 02/20 Dynamic Programming + QUIZ 15 6 6.1-6.7 Mini 3 due
12. 02/22 Graph Algorithms I 22,23 3,4.1-4.3, 5.1 3  
13. 02/27 Graph Algorithms II 21   4.4,6.8-6.10
14. 03/01 Midterm Review        
15. 03/06 MIDTERM        
16. 03/08 Graph Algorithms III 24,25 4.4-4.7 4.5-4.6 Hwk 3 due
17. 03/20 Network Flows and Matchings I 26 7.1 7
18. 03/22 Network Flows and Matchings II      
19. 03/27 Linear Programming 29 7.4, 7.6 11.6 Week of Hw 4
20. 03/29 NP-Completeness I 34 8 8.1-8.3
21. 04/03 NP-Completeness II     8.4-8.10 Mini 4
22. 04/05 Approximation Algorithms 35 9.2 11
23. 04/10 On-line algorithms        HW 5 due
24. 04/12 Number-theoretic algs I+ QUIZ 31 1.1-1.4  
25. 04/17 Number-theoretic algs II      
26. 04/24 Number-theoretic algs III (FFT) 30 2.6 5.6 Week of Hw 6
27. 04/26 Game Theory (zero-sum & general-sum games)   7.5 12.7
28. 05/01 Machine Learning Theory       Mini 5
29. 05/03 Fair division, envy-free cake-cutting