
Course Personnel

Person Role Office Office Hours Phone Email

Randy Bryant lecture Wean 4220 F 2-3 x8-8821 Randy.Bryant
Klaus Sutner lecture Wean 5115 M 2-3 x8-8510 sutner
Dan Pelleg TA, sec. A Wean 1307M 11-12 x8-???? dpelleg+451
Robert Punkunus TA, sec. B WeH 3130Su 6-7 x8-???? rp
Sagar Chaki TA, sec. C WeH 3707M 5-6 x8-???? chaki

Please contact one of the course staff if you need an appointment at another time.

If you have a simple, short question, it may be best to send email to your TA.

Last modified: Mon Feb 5 14:17:46 EST 2001 by sutner@cs