15-451 MINI #4: due midnight Nov 2, 2004. 1. (a) What is the maximum s-t flow in the graph G below? (b) Draw the residual graph you get at the very end of running the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm on this graph. 3 6 s------->a-------->b | ^ | |3 |2 |4 | | | v 5 | 2 v c------->d-------->t Just to be clear: cap(s,a)=3; cap(a,b)=6; cap(s,c)=3; cap(d,a)=2; cap(b,t)=4; cap(c,d)=5; cap(d,t)=2. 2. One naive algorithm for solving bipartite matching is to do what's called "chronological backtracking". You look at the nodes on the left-hand-side one at a time: for each node, take the first (highest) available edge and recursively solve the rest of the problem. If the recursion returns failure, then try a different edge. If all edges fail, then return failure. Describe an n-by-n bipartite graph that has a perfect matching, but where this algorithm would take exponential time to find it.