15-441: Computer Networking
CMU School of Computer Science
Fall 2004

Syllabus (pdf ) | Schedule | Lectures | Assignments | Exams
Prof. Hui Zhang, hzhang@cs.cmu.edu, WeH 7126.
Prof. David Eckhardt , David.Eckhardt@cs.cmu.edu, WeH 3503.
Shafeeq Sinnamohideen, shafeeq@andrew.cmu.edu, Hamerschlag D3 (next to D210)
Pratyusa Manadhata, pratyus@cs.cmu.edu, WeH 8101
Aditya Ganjam, aganjam@cs.cmu.edu, DH 4301C
Course assistant
Kathy McNiff, kmm@cs.cmu.edu, WeH 7112.
Larry Peterson and Bruce Davies,
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, 3rd edition, Morgan-Kaufmann, 2003.
Course newsgroups
academic.cs.15-441 and academic.cs.15-441.announce .
Be sure to subscribe and read regularly.

Course home directory
/afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15441-f04/ .
All course materials will be available in this directory subtree.