This is the README file for the directory P1-handout. The directories in this file provide the start of the password cracker application. The overall directory structure is based on the idea of having a separate directory for each package and for each application, having the same name as the package or application. The general scheme for compiling the code is to run "gomake" from this directory. It will go through the different subdirectories and compile them in an order that satisfies the code dependencies. You will want to add more subdirectories and more files, and you will also want to modify the top-level makefile to compile all of your code Here are some important contents: README.txt: This document Makefile: A top-level makefile. You'll want to edit this. writeup.pdf: Assignment documentation lsp/lsp.go: The start of an LSP implementation. The current code does not compile. lsp/lsp_test.go: lsp/lsp_x_test.go Some code to test your LSP implementation. To run a test type "gomake test" from within this directory official/lsp.a A compiled version of a sample implementation of LSP. You may use this version as a comparison to your own. echoserver/echoserver.go: Go version of the LSP-based echo server. It currently compiles using the official version of LSP. You can change it to use your own version. See the comments at the top of the file echoclient/echoclient.go: Go version of the LSP-based echo client. It currently compiles using the official version of LSP. You can change it to use your own version. See the comments at the top of the file official/echoserver: official/echoclient: official/request: official/server: official/worker: Compiled versions of the LSP-based programs for the echo client & server as well as the password cracker. Run any of them with a '-h' on the command line to see all program options. official/rtest: Testing code for the request client. From within the request directory type "../official/rtest -v 1". Run with '-h' on the command line to see all program options. official/wtest: Testing code for the worker client. From within the worker directory type "../official/wtest -v 1". Run with '-h' on the command line to see all program options. official/stest: Testing code for the server. From within the server directory type "../official/stest -v 1". Run with '-h' on the command line to see all program options. The program runs through a sequence of progressively more stringent tests, starting with simple requests and ranging up to ones where some of the request and worker clients get terminated mid-stream request/ server/ worker/ These are directories for the different parts of your password cracker. So far, they only contain makefiles.