1994 Gemini Awards

Every year, the Canadian television academy awards prizes for excellence in English-language television production. Last year's major award winners were:
Documentary series:
Acts of War (CBC)
Documentary writing:
Michael Maclear, Acts of War (CBC)
Documentary picture editing:
Deborah Palloway and Mike Feheley, Acts of War (CBC)
Documentary direction:
John Zaritsky, An Appointment with Death (TVOntario)
Special event coverage:
The Canadian Open (CTV)
Lifestyle information series:
MediaTelevision (CITY-TV)
Sound/documentary program or series:
Sebastian Salm, Visions of Carmanah
Craig Oliver (CTV)
Gordon Sinclair Award for broadcast journalism:
Craig Oliver (CTV)
News photography:
Gord Danielson (CTV)
Information segment:
Robin Benger and Brian Stewart, The Somalia Affair, (CBC Prime Time News)
Local news program:
CityPulse (CITY-TV)
Picture editing/dramatic series or mini-series: Vincent (CBC)
The Boys of St. Vincent (CBC)
Sound/dramatic series or mini-series:
The Boys of St. Vincent (CBC)
Photography/dramatic series or mini-series:
The Diviners (CBC)
Costume design:
Charlotte Penner, The Diviners (CBC)
Production design:
I'll Never Get to Heaven(CBC)
1993 Juno Awards (CBC)
1993 Juno Awards (CBC)
Picture editing/comedy, variety or performing arts:
Greg White, True North Concert '93 (CBC North)
Photography/information or documentary program:
Mike Nolan, W5
