Object Oriented Software Developement

Lesson Five

Dr. James E. Tomayko

Lesson Five Objectives

At the completion of this lesson, the student shall....
  1. Know and be able to define the four models of object-oriented development.
  2. Be able to make a specification for a class.
  3. Be able to create a state transition diagram.
  4. Be able to read interaction diagrams.
  5. Understand the function of a module in Booch's method.
  6. Understand the meaning of a process in Booch's method

Read Chapter 5 of Booch1994 and be prepared to discuss the following. Turn in #3. [NOTE: ANY SECTION LABELED "ADVANCED TOPICS" MAY BE SKIMMED: YOUR CALL]

  1. What are the four models of object-oriented development, define them, and explain the difference between logical and physical models?
  2. Give the specification of at least one class of objects in an automated teller machine.
  3. Make a state transition diagram of an automated teller machine.
  4. Briefly describe what is happening in figure 5-30.
  5. Make a top-level module diagram for an automated teller machine.
  6. What processes does an automated teller machine need?

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