Object Oriented Software Developement

Lesson Three

Dr. James E. Tomayko

Lesson Three Objectives

At the completion of this lesson, the student shall....
  1. The student shall be able to differentiate between classes and objects.

  2. The student shall understand the reasons for having public and private parts of objects.

  3. The student shall be able to define polymorphism and understand its application.

  4. The student shall understand how inheritance from classes to objects works.

  5. The student shall understand how classes relate through "using."
Read Chapter Three, skimming the obviously "advanced" topics: class life cycle [106], inheritance and typing [117], multiple polymorphism [127], and also 138-143.
Read everything else in detail, and be prepared to discuss the following, writing down your answers to numbers 2, 3,

  1. What are the three characteristics of an object? Identify them for three everyday objects.

  2. Design a stack object. What are the operations available? What should be public and what private?

  3. What are the three possible roles of a participant in a link? Give one example of each of the three roles in action.

  4. What are the three parts of a class interface? Give an example of each in appropriate action.

  5. What are the five relationships among classes? Give examples of inheritance.

  6. What is polymorphism? Give an example.

  7. Why is the design of classes and objects frequently an iterative process?

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