Cherry Blossom Dessert

From: (Sharon Belville)

Date: 4 Aug 1993 17:23:40 GMT

Sift together into a bowl:
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda

Blend in 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar and 3/4 cup quick cooking (1 minute)
oatmeal.  Cut in 1/2 cup shortening until particles are size of small peas.
Press 1/2 of mixture into bottom of ungreased 9"x13" pan.  Spread with can of
cherry pie filling (I usually use 2 cans).  Cover with remaining oatmeal
mixture.  Press down gently with a spoon or your fingers. 

350F, 25-30 minutes.  Serve warm with whipped topping or ice cream.

Sharon Belville


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