The ORDKEY signature

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The ORDKEY signature defines an abstract key type which, in addition to supporting equality, is also totally ordered. Any structure which ascribes to ORDKEY also implicitly ascribes to EQKEY.


type t

val equal : t * t → bool
val compare : t * t → order
val toString : t → string


type t
The abstract key type.


val equal : t * t → bool
Determine whether or not the arguments are considered equal. This operation is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
val compare : t * t → order
Return one of LESS, EQUAL, or GREATER as appropriate for the argument pair. This operation is transitive. It is also consistent: compare (x, y) = EQUAL if and only if equal (x, y), and compare (x, y) = LESS if and only if compare (y, x) = GREATER.
val toString : t → string
Return a string representation of the key.