Warp/Dissolve functions

linear: f(x) = x
atan: f(x) = .420006571*atan(5*(x - .5)) + .5
cube: f(x) = .5*(2*x - 1)^3 + .5

x = frame_number/60

15-463 Project2 Results

Face Morphing:

I did 3 morphings: one with linear warping and dissolve; one with cube function warping/arc-tan dissolve; and one with arc-tan warping/cube dissolve. Below are some sample points for all 3 morpings. The full set for each can be found in: Linear
arctan warping, cubic dissolving
cubic warping, arctan dissolving

Arctan Warp Cubic Dissolve
Cubic Warp Arctan Dissolve

Mean Face:

I only found 7 point sets for averaging.
Mean face of afarley cphatak dtinappl key_shin shihyuw sl2a weichenc