15-463 Computational Photography

Final Project: Feature Matching & Automatically Stitching 360 Panoramas

Hassan Rom                mrom at andrew.cmu.edu


The goal of our final project is to extend project 4 to automatically construct 360 panoramas from images in a directory supplied by the user. The program we have developed can be categorized into two parts. The first part of the program constructs correspondence between all pairs of input images and the second part of the program, uses the correspondence from the first part to construct a panorama.

Building the Graph

The user will provide the program the path to the directory where the images are located. For each image in the directory, the program will build a set of feature descriptors. Using these feature descriptors, the program tries to identify correspondence between all pairs of input images. The program represents image correspondence with a graph where a node in graph represents an image and an edge from node a to node b represents the correspondence from image a to image b.

The figure above is an example of a correspondence graph. It's a bit hard to see, but there are 5 groups of images. The program succeeded in identifying 2 panoramas out of 3.

Constructing the Panorama

To construct the panorama, we do a breadth first traversal of the graph starting from a node specified by the user. As we traverse the graph, we incrementally build the panorama by stitching the panorama we have so far with the image corresponding to the current node we are at.


The panorama above is constructed from the same set of pictures as in project 4. If you look closely, there are noticable seams/discontinuities between two pair of overlapping images. One possible reason why this is so is the estimated focal length is not accurate which would make it harder for us to align the two images. Another possible reason is the two images we want to stitch might have different exposure levels. Note that we purposely did not apply any feathering/blending algorithms when stitching two images so that we can easily see glitches in our program.

Another example(images taken from Richard Szeliski's Computer Vision class) which didn't work as well as the previous panorama.

The program assumes that the focal length is the same for all the images, but in some of the images below, you can see that's not the case.


It turned out the project was harder than we initially thought. There were several problems that is worth mentioning.

Firstly, it is very hard to get an accurate estimate of the focal length. An accurate estimate of the focal length is important to minimize error when estimating the rotation matrix of the Homography.

Secondly, the whole program is complex and it is clear that the program consists of several independent modules. A module that handles stitching two images is one example, and a module that generates feature descriptors is another. Each of these modules has many different implementation with its own set of pros and cons. Having a clear understanding of the problem and available solutions would definitely help in getting the correct design of the program the first time.

Lastly, we made the mistake of going straight to spherical panoramas first as opposed to cylindrical panoramas. It seems to us that cylindrical panoramas are much easier than spherical panoramas since aligning two images in the cylindrical image space is translational but in spherical image space, moving an image along the latitude would also require warping of the image.

What worked? What didn't?

For the most part, our program is able to correctly identify correspondence between images in a directory although it would be nice if we could compare our current implementation with different kinds of feature descriptors, SIFT for example. As of now, unfortunately, our program is not able to construct spherical panoramas. Also, we have yet to implement any feathering/blending algorithms when stitching the two images.

Future Work

Despite all the hardships, we liked this project. While working on this project, there were some unanswered questions that we would like to look into more. How can we use the graph representation to choose which image should be at the center of the panorama? Can the graph help us to choose an optimal path such that it would minimize the total error? Can we use the graph to construct a virtual world similar to Quicktime VR on the fly? In general, what are the useful properties of the graph?