The English Dancing Master

Interpretations thus Far

A project to enter Playford in its entireity is underway. It is but in it's infancy, but here is a start. Would you like to help? send mail to

---> All In a Garden Green (Playford, ?)

line of 3 couples

1-4. F&B a D
5-8. S&T sing;e
9-16, repeat 1-8

17-18 1st M honors his partner (shakes hands, i believe the original says)
19-20 1st M honors 2nd Wo
21-22 1st M and 3rd W grasp right hands, then left hands
23-24 1st M kisses 3rd W right cheek then left cheek.
25-26 1st M turns 3rd W
27-36 1st man repeast 17-26, but in opposite direction (honor 3, 2, kiss and turn 1)

1-8 Side r, set and turn single
9-16 Side l, set and turn single

Repeat 17 - 36, only 1st Wo honors 1st, 2nd kisses third, and so forth.

1-8 arm r, set and turn single
9-16 arm l, set and turn single

Repeat 17 - 36

Note: everyone can kiss everyone else if dance repeats.  After 1st Co
have both danced the chorus, they cast to the 3rd place (during
arming).  When 2nd Co have both danced the chorus, they cast to the 3rd
place (during siding).  When 3rd Co have danced the chorus, the dance
is over.

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---> Appley House (Playford, ?) longways. 4/4 1-2 b&f D (not f&b!) 3-4 Cast and turn to place, forming a right-hand star in sets of four 5-6 Half round cw in the star; TS 7-8 C#2 cast down and retake partner's hand; C#1 follow the casters, taking hand of opposite of same sex, forming lines of four 9-10 f&b D in lines of four 11-12 C#1 crosses in front of C#2 (W on inside) and casts down to new position while C#1 switch places -dance repeats

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---> The Black Nag (Playford, 1670) for a line of three couples. 3/4 1-8 f&b D; that again 9-12 C#1 four slides up; C#2 same; C#3 same; TS 13-16 C#3 four slides back down; C#2 same; C#1 same; TS 17-24 Siding 25-28 M#1 and W#3 change places; W#1 and M#3 same; M#2 and W#2 same; TS; 29-32 Switch back in the same order; TS 33-40 Arming 41-44 Men's running hey 45-48 Women's running hey // Men TS on last measure

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---> Chestnut, or Dove's Figary -- Playford, ??? three couples in a line 1-8 F&B a double, that again 9-12 Partners fall back a step from each other, and change places 13-16 M circle three and go round, W do the same at the same time. 16-20 Partners fall back a step from each other, and change places 21-24 M circle three and go round, W do the same at the same time. 1-8 Side R, Side L 9-12 Partners fall back a step from each other, and change places 13-16 1st M cast into the 3rd place, the other M follow, 2nd to 2nd place, 3rd to 3rd place. W do the same at the same time. 16-20 Partners fall back a step from each other, and change places 21-24 3rd M cast back into the 3rd place, the other M follow, 2nd to 2nd place, 1st to 1st place. W do the same at the same time. 1-8 Arm R, Arm L 9-12 Partners fall back a step from each other, and change places 13-16 M and W do 1/2 the running hey, end with 1st in 3rd place, 3rd in 1st place, 2nd in 2nd place. 16-20 Partners fall back a step from each other, and change places 21-24 Finish the hey, ending in your original place

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---> Cuckolds All in a Row -- Playford, 1651 two couples face to face, 6/8 (note-can be danced to the tune Hearts Ease) 1-8 F&B a double, that again 5-6 turn your face from your opposite, take a step away from your opposite 7-8 turn your face toward your opposite, take a step toward your opposite 9-12 back-to-back (do-se-do) with your opposite. 13-16 repeat 5-12 with your partner 1-4 Side left with your partner 5-8 Side right with your opposite 9-10 Men change places 11-12 Women change places 13-16 All join hands and circle one time around. 17-18 W change places 19-20 M change places 21-24 All join hands and circle one time around. 1-4 Arm right with your partner 5-8 Arm left with your opposite 9 M push back your opposite, until you are in your opposite's place 10 Each pair do four slips so M is in Co Man's place. 11-12 Fall into your partner's place 13-16 M cast left, your partner follow, return to where you were at end of 11-12 17 W push back your opposite, until you are in your opposite's place 18 Each pair do four slips so W is in opposite's original place. 19-20 Fall into your original place. 21-24 M cast left, W follow, return to your original place.

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---> Dick's Maggot -- Playford? 1703 longways. 4/4 1-2 C#1 cross and cast down, C#2 leads up 3-4 C#2 casts down, C#1 leads up and TS 5-6 Women trade places, facing each other 7-8 Men trad places, facing each other 9-10 C#1 casts up, C#2 leads down and TS 11-12 back to back all, with partners 13-14 hands all: r hand to partner, left to opposite, both hands to partner 15-16 turn partner to place ( 1 or 1-1/2 turns) dance repeats

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---> The Fine Companion -- Playford, 1651 square of couples. 1-4 Forward and Back a D 5-8 Set and Turn 9-16 All that again. 1-4 M a D forward 5-8 M B a D, W a D forward 9-16 W D back, M D forward, join hands and circle to place. 17-20 W a D forward 21-24 W a D back, M a D forward 25-32 M a D back, W a D forward, join hands and circle to place. -4 Side L 5-8 Set and Turn 9-16 Side R, Set and Turn 1-4 Head Cos a D forward 5-8 Head Cos a D back, Side Cos a D forward 9-16 Side Cos a D back, Head Dos a D forward, join hands and circle to place. 17-20 Side Cos a D forward 21-24 Side Cos a D back, Head Cos a D forward. 25-32 Head Cos a D back, Side Cos a D forward, join hands and circle to place. 1-8 Arm R, set and turn 9-16 Arm L, set and turn 1-8 M go forward a double and turn to face your W. 9-16 M Join hands and circle to place 17-24 W go a D forward and turn to face your M. 25-32 W Join hands and circle to place.

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---> Gathering Peascods -- Playford, 1651 circle of couples. 4/4 1-6 8 Sl, TS, 8 Sr, TS chorus: 7-9 M form inside circle and skip left once around to place 10-12 W form inside circle and skip left once around to place 13 M D forward and clap 14 M D back, W D forward and clap 15 W D back, M D forward and clap 16 M D back 17-20 (13-16) with W first 21-26 siding l, TS, siding r, TS 27-40 (7-20) chorus, but with the parts reversed 41-46 arming r, TS, arming l, TS 47-60 (7-20) original chorus

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---> Grimstock -- Playford, 1651 line of three couples 1-16 f&b D, set and turn; all that again. 17-32 Double Hey (both sides at once, starting with Cu 1 to the inside) 1-16 side L, set and turn, side R, set and turn 17-32 Roll (double hey, but partners hold hands, outside cu forms arch) 1-16 Arm L, set and turn, arm R, set and turn 17-32 Cu 1 cross and do 1/2 a double hey, cross again and complete the hey.

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---> Heartsease -- Playford, 1651 sets of two couples, facing each other. 6/8 1-8 f&b D; that again chorus: 9-12 face partner, b&fD 13-16 turn corner by right hand (walk to corner, go completely around, return to partner) 17-20 face corner, b&fD 21-24 turn partner by left hand 25-28 side (l shoulders) with partner 29-32 side (r shoulders) with corner 33-48 repeat chorus 49-52 arm (r) with partner 53-56 arm (l) with corner 57-72 repeat chorus

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Hyde Park ---> Hyde Park -- Playford, 1651 for a square of four couples. 6/8 1-4 Head Cs f&b D; Side Cs same 5-12 Head Cs slide into the centre; Turn 90 deg. and slide out (through side Cs) with opposite; Side Cs same 13-16 Head Cs f&b D; side Cs same 17-18 Head Cs cross to sides while side Cs turn 180 deg. and form arch 19-20 Head Cs go through arch with opposite meet partner and D back to place 21-22 Side Cs cross to sides while head Cs turn 180 deg. and form arch 23-24 Side Cs go through arch with opposite, meet partner and back a D to place. 25-28 Head Cs f&b D; side Cs same 29-32 Men's hey: skip around, ccw, in front of own partner, behind next, in front of third, behind fourth, returning to place 33-36 Ladies hey: same, cwv

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---> Hole in the Wall -- Playford, 1721 longways. 6/8--slow 1-4 C#1 R, cast down and return through 2's. R. 5-8 C#2 R, cast up and return throught 1's. R. 9-10 M#1, W#2 R and trade places -- not quite touching right palms 11-12 W#1, M#2 R and trade places -- not quite touching right palms 13-14 circle four Sl, palms touching, till proper again 15-16 1's R, cast down, 2's lead up. R. dance repeats

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---> Jamaica -- Playford, 1670 longways. 4/4 1-2 C#1 clasp r hands, then clasp l hands, change places 3-4 C#1 face down to opposite (in C#2) and repeat (1-2) 5-8 C#1 eights around C#2 (W first) and continue till proper 9-10 facing down the set to the next C#2, M#1 and W#2 make a two-handed full turn 11-12 W#1 and M#2 do likewise 13 M#1 and M#2 do a two-handed half-turn while W#1 and W#2 do likewise 14 M#1 and M#2 continue and do a full two-handed turn while W do likewise 15-16 Turn partner twice dance repeats

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---> Jenny Pluck Pears -- Playford, 1651 circle of three couples. 6/8 / 3/4 1-2* f&bD 3-4 set and Ts 5-8 (1-4) repeat 9 M#1 places his lady in the center, facing him 10 M#2 the same 11 M#3 the same 12 R 13-20 M skip ccw around W 21-23 M hand out W in the same order 24 R 25-26 siding l 27-28 set and TS 29-30 siding r 31-32 set and TS 33-48 (9-24) chorus, but W hand M into center 49-50 arming r 51-52 set and TS 53-54 arming l 55-56 set and TS 57-72 (9-24) original chorus R

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---> Juice-of-the-Barley -- Playford, 1690 longways. 4/4 1-2 Back to back all 3-4 Hold partner's hands and turn once, cw 5-6 M half-eight, 1's first, and all clap 7-8 Set circles once cw 9-10 W half-eight, 1's first, and all clap 11-12 Set circles once cw dance repeats

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---> Maiden-Lane -- Playford, 1651 sets of three couples. 4/4 1-4 f&bD, that again 5-6 everyone facing men's wall, f&bD 7-8 f&bD, ending with M facing W 9-12 set and TS, that again 13-16 siding 17-18 fall back two steps and change places, passing left shoulders 19-20 (17-18) repeat 21-24 (9-12) set and TS, that again 25-28 arming 29 M#1 and W#2 change places 30 W#1 and M#2 change places while C#3 switches 31 M#1 and W#3 change places 32 W#1 and M#3 change places while C#2 switches 33-36 (9-12) set and TS, that again dance repeats twice with new couple in front

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---> Newcastle -- Playford (1651) square of four couples 2/4 1-8 All f&b a D, meeting in center 9-16 Set to your partner, pivot and set to your corner 17-32 All that again 1-4 Arm R with Partner 5-8 M fall into Left hand star in center 9-16 All circle to place 17-20 Arm L with Partner 21-24 W fall into Right hand star in center 25-32 All circle to place 1-8 Side L, R with partner 9-10 Step R 11-12 Bow to partner 13-16 Change places with partner 17-32 Repeat above with corner 1-8 Head couples F&B a D, forming an arch with partner as they come back, sides cast 9-16 Sides go though arches, meet partners and back to place. 17-32 Repeat with sides forming arch, and heads casting 1-8 Arm R with partner 9-16 Arm left with partner 1 1/2 times around 17-24 Arm R with corner 25-32 Arm L with corner 1 1/2 times around 1-8 Head couples split to form 2 lines of 4 (contra lines) with side co, b&f a 9-12 All turn single 13-16 Lines pass through to place, passing L shoulders 17-32 Repeat 1-16 with side couples splitting to form contra lines with head couples.

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---> Nonesuch -- Playford, 1651 line of four couples 2/4 1-8 Forward and Back a double 9-16 That again 17-32 Set and turn, set and turn 33-40 1s skip between 2s, turn to face them 41-48 1s push 2s back, and turn 1/2 round 49-56 1s push 2s back, and into 1st Co's old place 57-64 1s turn yr own. 1-32 1s repeat 33-64 with 3s. 33-64 1s and 3s repeat with 2s and 4s 1-32 2s repeat with 3s 33-64 1s and 3s repeat with 2s and 4s 1-32 2s repeat with 3s 33-64 1s and 3s repeat with 2s and 4s 1-32 2s repeat with 3s 33-64 3s repeat with 4s 1-16 Side R, Side L 17-32 Set and turn, set and turn 33-36 M1 steps to center, facing down the hall 37-40 Wo1 as much, facing up the hall 41-48 M2 and Wo2 as much 49-56 M3 and Wo3 as much 57-64 M4 and Wo4 as much 1-16 Arm R, Arm L 17-24 All four slips to their own L, and back. 25-32 All four slips to their own R, and back 33-34 M1 steps out improper 35-36 Wo1 steps out improper 37-42 All other couples the same 43-44 1st Co face down, all others face up, 1st Co and 2nd Co right hand pass. 45-46 1st and 3rd Co left left pass 47-48 All Cos right pass 49-64 repeat to place.

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---> Parsons-Farewell -- Playford, 1651 sets of two couples 4/4 (?) 1-8 Forward D, Dl, Back D, Dr 9-12 M nod (full body nods), W nod, all nod 3 times (to Co (M, W), Co (W,M), partner) 13-16 Full right hand turn, w/partners 17-20 W nod, M nod, all nod 3 times 21-24 Full right hand turn, w/partners 25-32 forward D, change partners, D out, turn, D f, change partners, D back 33-36 M left hand change, right-hand turn Co W 37-40 M left hand change, right-hand turn Own W 41-44 W right hand change, left-hand turn Co M 45-48 W right hand change, left-hand turn Own M 49-56 Slide in a D, change, slide out a D, slide back a D, change, walk back a D 57-58 Right hand turn partner. 59-60 M change places, passing right shoulders 61-62 M change with partner, right shoulders, then change with Co W, passing left shoulders 63-64 Two hand 1/2 turn partner 65-66 Left hand turn partner. 66-67 W change places, passing left shoulders 67-68 W change with partner, left shoulders, then change with Co M, passing right shoulders 69-70 Two hand 1/2 turn partner.

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---> Picking-Of-Sticks -- Playford, 1651 (Tune is Picking Of Sticks and Lavena) sets of three couples. 4/4 1-4 f&bD, that again 5 forward left dancer changes with middle right -- back to back, passing right shoulders 6 same dancer changes with back left 7-8 f&bD 9 forward right dancer changes with middle left 10 same dancer changes with back right 11-12 f&bD 13-20 (5-12) repeat chevrons with new C in front 21-28 (5-12) repeat chevrons with new C in front 29-32 siding 33-36 C#1 crosses and skips once around the entire set 33 C#3 slides through C#2 while C#2 steps back and moves into the old position of C#3 34 (33) with the other C sliding through 35-36 (33-34) repeat pistons 37-40 (33-36) but with C#3 going "around the world" and C#1 sliding 41-44 arming 45-56 M sheepshead hey 57-68 W sheepshead hey

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---> Rufty-Tufty -- Playford, 1651 sets of two couples. 4/4 1-4 f&b D, that again chorus: 5-8 set and TS, that again 9 half turn (towards partner) facing outward, D outward 10 half turn facing in, D inward to meet opposites 11 TS 12-14 (9-12) with opposites 15-18 siding 19-28 (5-14) chorus 29-32 arming 33-42 (5-14) chorus

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---> Sellenger's-Round -- Playford, 1670 circle of couples. 4/4 1-4 8 Sl, 8 Sr chorus: 5 holding partner's hand: rlr, lrl into circle 6 D back 7-8 facing partner: set and TS 9-12 (5-8) repeat 13-16 f&b D "shushing", that again 17-24 (5-12) chorus 24-28 siding 29-36 (5-12) chorus 37-40 arming 41-48 (5-12) chorus 49-52 8 Sl, 8 Sr 53-60 (5-12) chorus

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---> Staines-Morris -- Playford, 1651 sets of three couples. 4/4 1-4 f&bD, that again 5 W pivot half turn, M and W D (opposite directions) 6 M and W pivot and D back to partner 7-10 set and TS, that again 11 M#1 4 Sr to W#3 12 M#1 TS active couple: 13-14 half-turn touching right palms, return touching left palms 15-16 side l 17-18 half-turn holding both hands, return 19-20 lead up the set, W cast to head of her line, M cast to end of his line other couples: 19-29 Sl, Sr, three-step turn to left (M and W in opposite directions) dance repeats (twice) with new partners

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---> Upon-a-Summer's-Day (Playford 1650) Longways for six a- 1-8 F&b a D 9-16 Partners, set and turn 1-16 That again b- 1-8 M take hands, f&b and double, W do the same 9-16 M1 drop hands, M2&3 form an arch, M1 cast off, move under arch and fall in last place. W do the same. - Repeat b until all are back to place. Now do siding, set and turn, repeat b three times, arming set and turn, repeat b three times

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