Monday Nov 1, WeH 4601, 3:00 Parameterization as Path Planning for Robot Manipulators Goang-Tay Hsu This is a talk about the preliminary attempt to make path planning for robot manipulator a more learnable problem. Traditional path planning (or trajectory generation) for robot manipulator involves dense sampling and interpolation. There is then heavy traffic between the commanding agent and the execution agents. This makes it a less viable option as means for biological motor control, especially for fast motions. Also, it is not obvious how to learn and generalize the experiences so that a similar task can be achieved with less effort and/or more precision. A parameterization-as-path-planning scheme is introduced as a solution to the above problems. The execution agents are assumed to bear plans for executing parametric functions. The commanding agent then need only to provide the parameters along with the indication of which function to use. Both redundant and non-redundant planar manipulators are investigated under this scheme for generalization.