Current Members

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Group Alumni

Joseph Bates. The wizard of Oz, Joe is the head of the Oz project and tries his best to keep the rest of this motley group in line. Joe left CMU to found Zoesis a company working to commercialize Oz Project technology.

Matt Glickman. Matt is interested in creating agents through evolutionary methods.

Mark Kantrowitz. Mark is developing a language generation system that will enable interactive characters to converse naturally and emotionally.

Bryan Loyall. Bryan is working to create believable agents. Such agents could be used as characters for interactive drama, personalities for user interfaces or anywhere where agents with personality are desired. He is currently focusing on believable agents that act and use natural language in a real-time animated, visual world. Bryan is at Zoesis.

Michael Mateas. Michael explores the use of AI as a vehicle for artistic expression. With Andrew Stern he is the creator of Facade, the first interactive drama to combine autonomous characters, drama management, and natural language processing into a completed, playable experience. Michael is an assistant professor in Literature, Communication and Culture and the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Scott Neal Reilly. Scott is working on tools that will allow artists to create emotional and social characters for interactive drama. Scott is at Zoesis.

Phoebe Sengers. Phoebe is studying the nature of agency in contemporary society and the creation of artificial agents as a cultural practice. She works on using that knowledge to build better agents. Phoebe is an assitant professor at Cornell.

Peter Weyhrauch.Peter wants to become one with the concept of interactive story. Right now he is building a system that can subtly control the flow of interactive stories to create a dramatic experience for the interactor. Peter is at Zoesis.

Dr. Sarah Sloane. Sarah is interested in the intersections of narrative theory, feminist theory, cultural theory, and building virtual worlds.

Most of the people on this list are working on Oz from the computer science department at Carnegie Mellon University. We work with others at CMU and elsewhere in CS, Drama, English, and a number of other disciplines.

There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home.

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