[15] Connectionism and Neural Networks


   This is a restricted mailing list for discussion of technical
   issues relating to neural computation, and for dissemination of
   information directly relevant to researchers in the field. Membership
   is restricted to students and faculty who are actively involved in
   connectionist research.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
   questions, etc., should be sent to connectionists-request@cs.cmu.edu.

Neural Networks (moderated):

   Neuron-Digest is a moderated list (in digest form) dealing with all
   aspects of neural networks (and any type of network or neuromorphic
   system).  Topics include both connectionist models (artificial neural
   networks) and biological systems ("wetware"). The digest is posted to

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
   questions, etc., should be sent to neuron-request@psych.upenn.edu

   Send submissions to neuron@psych.upenn.edu.

   Neuron Digest archives are kept in the OSU Neuroprose collection
   and in psych.upenn.edu:/pub/Neuron-Digest/ []

   Back issues of Neuron Digest are now also available from an email
   archive server. Send a message with "help" in the subject line to
   archive-server@psych.upenn.edu for more information.

   Hypertext versions of the Neuron Digest are available via the URL


   Neural networks in Europe.

   To subscribe, send mail to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk with
      subscribe neuron-uk yourname
   in the message body.

Users of the Rochester Connectionist Simulator:

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
   questions, etc., should be sent to simulator-request@cs.rochester.edu.

   The simulator is available in ftp.cs.rochester.edu:/pub/packages/simulator/

Users of the Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator:

   To be added to the mailing list, send a message to
   listserv@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de with 
     subscribe snns <Your Full Name>
   in the message body.

   The simulator is available in 
   ifi.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de:/pub/SNNS/SNNSv2.1.tar.Z []


   RNA is a Neural Net list in Spanish.

   RNA es una lista dedicada a todas aquellas personas interesadas en el
   desarrollo e investigacion en el campo de las Redes de Neuronas
   Artificiales. El proposito de esta lista es intercambiar
   informacion, favorecer el encuentro de personas con intereses
   afines, promover la formacion de grupos de trabajos y servir de
   apoyo a quienes se integran al area. 

   Para subscribirse enviar una nota a LISTSERV@UTFSM.BITNET con el
   siguiente mensaje en el cuerpo de la nota:
      SUB RNA nombre apellido


   A mailing list about cellular neural networks. According to the
   list announcement, Cellular Neural Networks are continuous-time
   dynamical systems consisting of a grid of processing elements
   connected only to neighbours within a given (small) distance. They are
   silicon-efficient locally recurrent networks such as artificial retinas.

   To subscribe, send mail to Marco Balsi <mb@tce.ing.uniroma1.it>.
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