Stochastic Process 

the CDF of [(\sum_{i=1}^n x_i /n) - m]/(\sigma/\sqrt{n})  converges to a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and unity variance.

the CDF of [(\sum_{i=1}^n x_i /n) - m]/(\sigma/\sqrt{n})  converges to a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and unity variance.

1. First-order result (about mean): WLLN/SLLN

Question: Can we use the sample mean to estimate the expectation?

WLLN studies the sufficient conditions for or  (in probability). Let.  If WLLN is satisfied for every , the estimator is called a consistent estimator. .

SLLN studies the sufficient conditions for  (with probability 1).


2. Second-order result (about variance): convergence in mss and CLT

White Gaussian noise:

Given a state equation and observation equation of a system,

x_{n+1} = A* x_n + v_n

y_n = B * x_n

where A and B are invertible square matrices, and v_n are i.i.d. and independent of x_n, then the observation y_n is a Markov chain (not a general HMM).    Since y_{n+1}=B* x_{n+1} = B*A* x_n + B* v_n = B*A* B^{-1} * y_n + B* v_n, hence y_n is a Markov chain, i.e., the next state is independent of the past, given the current state.