Question 1: Multiple Choice


Did you have trouble downloading and installing the .net framework?


No, everything went fine


it was ok


I use mac or unix. So I could not install .net


I have not done this yet.


I already had .net in XP machine.


None of the above



Question 2: Multiple Choice


Did you have trouble downloading and installing Adaptive Book? Please comment.


No, everything was fine.


it was ok


I had problems getting it to work


I had so many problems, I just gave up


I did not install this yet


None of the above



There are at least 4 markups so far on Bb. How many did you download and looked at?


all 4 of them


3 of them


2 of them


1 of them


none of them




Question 4: Multiple Choice




If you had the chance to look at at least one markup, what were your experiences in using it?


It was very useful


It was somewhat useful


It was not very useful


I had no idea what the meaning of highlighted sections and annotations were



Question 5: Multiple Choice


Did you open the markup in edit mode, so you can add your own annotations?


No, I just looked at it. Did not change anything


I added my own annotations and saved a different copy of it


No I opened in view mode


None of the above



Question: Short Answer/Essay


What are your thought about the markup tools?
Annotations, Highlighting and linking tools? Do you think this is adequate list of things or you'd like to see other tools? What are they?


  1. I can't imagine what other tools would be useful in the Daptive Book. The markup tool is extremely useful when trying to ask questions about a particular topic. I also like the fact that the teacher can emphasize certain areas by using the markups, allowing us to know what are potential exam topics.
  2. I haven't used any of this yet because I have a mac.
  3. Pretty useful.
  4. I think that these tools currently provide everything I could think of that would be useful.
  5. I think what we have is useful, can't think of what else you can add.
  6. very sufficient
  7. I can't think of anything else to make it better...
  8. No Response
  9. no... i think they are missing something but i'm not sure what
  10. The highlighting and the annotations certain add an emphasis to certain areas of the material, and consequently I make sure that I understand those areas better than nonhighlighted areas. However, this can also have the double edged sword of neglect towards the other "blank" materials, and people merely making sure they know what is highlighted and annotated.
  11. Works well for the most part. still awkard at times in powerpoint but i believe that powerpoint is its most useful application.
  12. Could not open it
  13. I think it will be sometime before I really adjust to using electronic notes.
  14. I think it is quite useful. It shows me what the core of the subject is, and is quite practical in those times that I dont have much time to read stuff.
  15. The current features seem to be the most important.
  16. They were usefull. I will have to think about other tools.
  17. none
  18. I think they are working fine.
  19. it seems to have potential but i think i will take some getting use to, currently i still find taking notes on paper easier
  20. I think this is enough.
  21. I find these things to be adequate. They effectively point out important points and if I have any questions it is easy to either check my notes or email the instructor or a TA.
  22. i think it makes note taking easier and more productive in terms of time management.
  23. No Response


Question: Short Answer/Essay


Currently the markup option allows you to open, edit, view, save, send markups. Were they easy to use? Were they confusing? Please comment.


  1. The markup options were somewhat confusing to figure out at first but after ethe first time it became simple.The adapti
  2. N/A
  3. I haven't tried using them yet.
  4. The interface is fairly easy to use, once I get used to it.
  5. Somewhat easy to use.
  6. quite easy to use
  7. It was kinda confusing to open the markup but I got it working pretty quickly.
  8. No Response
  9. easy
  10. I only used the open feature - that was no problem to use. I tried for a little while tinkering with the edit markup feature, but never put it to use. Perhaps if I were extremely lost on a piece of annotated material, I would use the edit and send markup function.
  11. the saving of markups has been really helpful for me. install was a bit of a pain and trying to open it for the first time.
  12. Could not open it
  13. I haven't edited or used the markups for any particular purpose. But I will if I need to for any reason.
  14. I didnt have the chance to use all of these functionalities yet, but they looked easy. Nothing seemed confusing with it so far.
  15. No Response
  16. Yes they were easy to use
  17. none
  18. yes, they were easy to use except for the fact that on my windows machine, when i attempt to save the markup files from the internet WinZip seems to automatically associate itself with the file extension and adds .zip to teh extension. It is not a big problem since you just have to remove that additional extension to get the markup to function properly.
  19. They are really user-friendly
  20. They are very confusing. I only use open. I can't think of the reason why there has to be 'view' and 'send'. The options here should be categorized and placed in different menu.
  21. Finding the menu was very confusing because most menus are located at the top in Windows. The format was also slightly different but fairly easy to understand.
  22. they were'nt very confusing, but as with all directions, not that easy to understand the first time using them.
  23. No Response


Question: Short Answer/Essay


This initial survey is an attempt to get some feedback on AB. Our goal from a Human Computer Interaction point is to design the system so that technology is transparent from you and you will use AB like any other learning tool in academic life. Please give us your thoughts about the Adaptive Book and the general concept of creating, saving and exchanging markups. We appreciate your feedback. Thank you.


  1. The adaptive book is a good resource to have available while actually writing the labs. It allows all the relevant information (reference book, API, etc) to be in one central location and allows you to copy information and write notes making it easier to draw up an outline for the program.
  2. I like the concept, I think it's a very good idea, I just wish that it was mac compatable, although I plan to use a friends computer to access the program.
  3. Haven't spent a lot of time using it so far but it seems pretty useful
  4. I think this is a fairly good idea, although I am sure there must be many other programs out there with the same concept of sharing markups. However, since I don't fully understand this question, I cannot provide a very detailed response.
  5. I just have trouble
  6. may have something like let the students to create their own character in the book and share with other people
  7. It's a good idea that should be implemented in more classes.
  8. No Response
  9. it's kind of ok
  10. Adaptive Book is certainly something that holds a lot of potential. I do appreciate very much the ability to highlight and annotate particually important part of the material we are learning. However, outside of merely viewing what is considered "a good idea to know," I have yet to take advantage of the edit and send markup feature provided. Perhaps if it were absolutely necessary, I would send in my own markup, but at the moment...if an area is highlighted, I assume that that material will be tested. There is no reason to send in my own markup asking if the material will be on the test - it's almost a given. On the other hand, it would be a good idea to use for asking/answering questions on the material. All in all though, Adaptive Book is definately something I put to use in learning the class material. It is something that can be effectively used.
  11. See above
  12. The idea is great. I would love to see this implemented
  13. I haven't really used the Adaptive Book. I'm glad that I didn't need to buy a book for this course, although I still bought the algorithms book anyway. Nonetheless, it's hard to use the adaptive book sometimes b/c of the simple fact that some computers are not as fast and b/c it is not over the web, meaning that I need to take my laptop or sit in front of my desktop in my room to read through it. I think that's the biggest weakness with the book. Putting it on the web would make it better.
  14. I think it is a great idea. It eliminates the difficulties of interacting with a screen, instead of a paper. I would like to see it in other courses as well.
  15. The AB is much less useful to someone who does not have a laptop or tablet.
  16. I think it was a mistake to develop it in something as conscriting as a .net framework.
  17. none
  18. I like the idea of the adaptive book very much, it was useful for studying for the exam especially. It is also nice not having to buy a physical textbook especially when in my experience, text books have been of little use in programing for me.
  19. Create more shortcut keys to minimize the usage of the mouse.
  20. I really think it's going to be useful for education, but there are so many things that have to be improved for people to feel it's actually useful.
  21. I really like the concept and would continue to use it. I wish other classes I've taken made use of Adaptive Book.
  22. i think the concept is great. it makes note taking a lot more interesting than the tedious highlighting of textbooks and handouts. you could also print all of your notes when you are done.
  23. i dont have much space on my laptop to download it so i havent been able to as yet but i have seen it from a friends computer and we had trouble adding the markup to the AB..!!